You know, he's got a point
Is the destiny of men to become simps? Is it nurture or nature?
Is there a way to fix this?
You know, he's got a point
Is the destiny of men to become simps?
yes just like it's the destiny of women to be on various different mood stabilizer drugs 24/7
There is Islam
Women can be reduced to non-citizens
See Afghanistan in 2021
Huge revelation :
Buying something is not the same thing as creating something.
supply and demand bro
I demand lots of things and they're never supplied, why is that ?
You're right buying is much worse, especially something that's bad for you and can be obtained for free
It can't be 82 million. That'd be the majority of adult men in US. It's just not believable.
82 million american men?? there are 173 million males in america, thats almost half. you mean to tell me nearly 1 in 2 men pay for onlyfans? i just do not believe you at all
I think drug lords are worse than addicts. Almost everyone does. Exploiting the weak-willed does not make you the good guy.
Having been in Afghanistan, I can promise you that every man in Afghanistan with a phone is furiously masturbating to porn. All of them, including the Taliban. They're simps too.
sure, glowie, sure.
Sure thing Muhammad. Islam is a shitskin religion. Low impulse control regardless of rules is to be expected.
It's because of the joooz
But at what point do we know it's addiction instead of his nature?
there are 100 drug dealers in this place
It's not 82 million. That would be half of all men in the US including male children and infants.
It's most likely people buying several subscriptions and being counted as a different person.
Oh, quit splitting hairs
he is failing at math again
half of american men are retards
thats a stat i can believe
you can't get drugs for free in infinite quantites, retard-kun. porn is abundant beyond comprehension.
fucking VR porn exists for free online
It's Jews trying to normalise it by lying about it's popularity.
They do the exact same thing with all their degenerate websites. They try to inflate demand by given an air of normality to it
Exploiting the weak-willed does not make you the good guy.
Yet we cheer for our Politicians?
And how does that make America feel knowing they lost to Gooners?
Most men nowadays are little bitches desperate for female validation, their entire existence revolves around pussy. Look what happens the moment you're not worshipping women, the go-to insult of the simp, is always something along the lines of "i bet you can't have sex, incel". The simp projects his own insecurities in this: Men whose lives revolve around pussy have no self-esteem of their own, they only have any sense of self-worth when they're being validated by women, thus they assume all other men are the same way, and that to tell another man he doesn't/can't get laid is the ultimate insult.
To the simp, whose entire motivation for living is already consumed by his porn addiction and thirst for female validation, it's entirely inconceivable that there are men out there who live for any purpose but pussy, to even admit such a thing is possible would be a huge blow to his ego, as he'd be faced with the reality of his own pathetic subservience. A man who appears to be in control of his primal nature CANNOT be sincere and healthy, there must be something wrong with him: He must be low T, he must be misogynistic, he must be unattractive, anything but admitting that perhaps there is anything to life outside coooming.
I don't hate women, but i sure do hate simps...
being weak is his nature, the addiction comes with the access to porn and e-whores
if porn didn't exist, he would still be weak, but wouldnt waste his money on porn
regardless, being weak, I'd say something else would fuck him up instead, that is how nature deals with the weak, after all
No, it's a lie
Impossible to verify
men have their inherent genetic flaws, such as the one youre witnessing
women have various genetic flaws as well
theyre both deeply flawed brains
and the answer is obvious
I don't get the simping, why don't they just fuck a whore instead, there are plenty around. It's better than wasting it on some pictures of women,who they will never be in direct contact with.
Simps are not even the problem
Is the woman encouraging that behavior
That's what created them
Destroy the woman right to do that, and simps dissappear.
This is where I disagree.
I'd say simps are, by nature, weak men. Their nature wouldn't just change because of a lack of access to porn. Sure, they would waste money on e-thots, but they would likely get fucked by something else, that is how nature deals with the weak.
Gee, thanks for that relatively cryptic response, rareflag.
Total food-for-thought
billions of men are starved from sweet love
because women are rather fine passing themselves around the <1% chads
yes, you've guessed it, it's men's fault again
uh fellow chuddies why are foids like this?
When you realize youtube superchats are basically the same as OF but more pathetic it gets even scarier. Just think of all the wasted capital
Theres guys on youtube right now paying real money to tell some random e-celeb that a qb for whatever team stinks.
Its hard to even feel sympathy for these people. It guves you the feeling that these people.cant be helped. They are going to give their money away to someone why not figure out a way for it to go to you? I could spend their money way better
173 million males
And millions of those males aren’t adults yet. It’s just bullshit.
truly indeed
wonder if weak women does exists?
Is that a joke account?
Yes. It's Andrew Huberman if he was roastoid.