Current results for the 1st round of the presidential elections:


CĂLIN GEORGESCU (INDEPENDENT) = 2.120.401 = 22,94 %

ELENA-VALERICA LASCONI(USR) = 1.772.500 = 19,18 %

Only the first 2 candidates are qualified for the 2nd round.

Purpose of the thread: inform about the policies of the respective candidates, mainly for the presidentials. Especially since little is known about Calin Georgescu.

If you want an example, here is the Anon Babble poll take.supersurvey.com/poll5339516xB99841d6-160 ; most polacks didn't even know he existed.

Post full, unaltered clips of the candidates. Also any other kind of information. Preferably neither tiktok flashy edited clips nor plebbit gay "he's a nazi" materials.
Use catbox/litterbox for storage. Preferably litterbox; don't duplicate.

Refrain from posting garbage that will unnecessarily bump the thread. The mods won't make a sticky and we hit the bump limit pretty fast.



a faggot loving diversity eu puppet vs a gypsy christcuck cia plant

(((whoever))) wins we all lose

why is Tulsi there?
crisis actor playing a "reporter"

Thanks for the bake shill faggot.

i was unbiased in OP, faggot

Does that make you less of a faggot or a shill?

Ce risipă! Asta a creat bani în economie pentru activități neproductive.

chiar voiam sa va fac paine noua dar te-ai descurcat
observam ca rozatoarele inca dorm de dimineata


chiar te pune pe ganduri

It looks like this guy is only 5"3 in this pic

CCR (Constitutional Court of Romania) is asking for a total recounting of the votes.

i DOT redd DOT it/p27zag9hbm3e1.jpeg
So some retards are not capable of filling some form correctly, they actually took votes from CG to Orban.

Aici e regele vostru care spune ca elitele sunt pedofile si denunta Davos. Sunteti niste terminati si va invit sa imi dati limbi in varful pulii
Massmedia romaneasca a reusit sa va manipuleze cu niste clipuri de 30s scoase din context. Tot ce credeti despre Calin Georgescy credeti pentru ca asa v-a zis Recorder, Antena 3 sau nu stiu ce influencer. Nu a fost unul din voi in stare sa se uite la materialele threadului, la vorbe iesite pe gura omului, sa va faceti singuri parerea. Daca erati in stare sa va formati o parere originala nu mai veneati cu aceleasi cacaturi obosite si refutate de 100 de ori. Sunteti penibili. Va tremura chilotii pe reddit, faceti threaduri gen "Contra-argumente galin georgescu" "Imi este frica, imi vine sa plang". Sunteti niste termite.

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Ciolacu vs Georgescu in the second round incoming?

Vad ca e un hit CG printre resedentii schizoizi de pe Anon Babble.

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Preşedintele Partidului Naţional Conservator Român, Cristian Terheş, a anunţat, miercuri, că a contestat la Curtea Constituţională rezultatul alegerilor prezidenţiale şi a cerut anularea primul tur de scrutin pe motiv că reprezentanţii USR au continuat campania electorală după ce era interzis de lege şi s-au înregistrat nereguli în privinţa voturilor acordate lui Ludovic Orban, ceea ce a influenţat ordinea candidaţilor clasaţi pe locurile doi şi trei.

"Cererea pe care am făcut-o abordează mai multe aspecte care conduc la concluzia indubitabilă că pe data de 24 noiembrie 2024 primul tur al alegerilor prezidenţiale a fost fraudat, fraudă care a influenţat rezultatul respectivelor alegeri, în special în modul în care primii doi candidaţi au fost clasaţi după alegerile respective", a afirmat Terheş, într-o conferinţă de presă, menţionând că solicitarea a fost făcută la CCR în numele său, în calitate de candidat la alegerile prezidenţiale.

El a spus că a constatat că reprezentanţi ai USR, inclusiv membri din conducerea partidului, au ieşit public în multiple comunicate de presă, postări pe internet, live-uri în care au îndemnat românii din Canada, din SUA şi din alte state de pe continentul american să voteze pentru Elena Lasconi, deşi încă mai aveau loc alegeri în aceste zone.

Terheş a mai susţinut că a identificat mai multe cazuri în care în procesele verbale voturi valabil exprimate pentru Ludovic Orban au fost puse "din pix" candidatului Elena Lasconi.

"Am solicitat Curţii Constituţionale să se uite la aceste voturi care au fost date din pix de la candidatul Ludovic Orban către Elena Lasconi, pentru că diferenţa dintre cea clasată pe locul doi şi cel clasat pe locul trei este extrem de mică. Câteva voturi pot să facă diferenţa"


that's what they're trying.. they know lasconi has zero chance so they will recount it to give someone else a bigger chance to win against the based candidate that everyone wants. Fucking peak corruption if they recount it and psd wins 2nd place.

That's what i was asking myself, who has bigger chances of beating Georgescu? Lasconi or Ciolacu

cygani won

Probably Ciolacu, because PSD voters are unlikely to be persuaded to vote for Lasconi, but Lasconi voters will most assuredly vote for Ciolacu as the perceived "lesser evil".

you have to go back Taras

Kremlin Georgescu is your guy. You should be happy. Dughin said he's the best thing since slice bread, second only to Putin.

That's literally the most tame conspiracy theory that everyone agrees with. It's been the consensus on Anon Babble for years. WEF/Nato, 2030 etc.



I still think those two fags were shitposting IRL.

but Lasconi voters will most assuredly vote for Ciolacu

Why are you so sure though?

be usr

CCR recounts votes

PSD[your archenemy] wins by a thousand votes

you still vote for psd out of spite???

makes no sense.. either way psd is still fuckd
terhes is a shithead and lost all respect

They suspect that those who counted the votes redirected Viktor Orban's votes to Elena Lasconi. Given that Lasconi had a lead of only 2,700 votes, this could have had a crucial impact in pushing her into second place

Ludovic Orban* kek

NICI PRIN FRAUDA N-AU FOST IN STARE SA IL INTREACA PE GEORGESCU. Homosexualii toti pe front in ukraina dupa asta.

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oh no no no kamalasconi xisters...


That was a very fat finger.

It'll be like everyone voting for Iliescu against Vadim back in 2000.

Finally someone who has some numbers.
t and 6 are kinda together lmao.

For me its Sensual Jane

for new people to the general:
do not respond to memeflags
do not respond to animefags
do not respond to plebbitors
do not respond to "mami" fags

Beware or getting warnings for not using english. Try to respect the rules.

Show me where Lasconi said that world elites are pedophiles and denounced WEF. Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck faggots.

Proofreading is for faggots too.

Can we get a Talmud denunciation in the OP?

Gândul la lins în fund pe Georgescu de la început. Oricum nimeni numai citește gândul și a ajuns o publicație de nisa

Good morning Death to Sweden !

unde sa plec daca iese bolsevicul? voi unde mergeti

Kill all swedens

Whos the WEF candidate, thats who I would vote for.

la LIDL sa cumpar ceva de craciun

feel free do denounce it yourself
the general is made as neutral as possible in order to encourage real discourse and less shit-throwing and shill name-calling(there are other threads for that)
But yes, most christians denounce the talmud, as well as most romanians. The only one who don't are certain people with certain ancestry; It's not a big issue

In Ukraine to get my shit back from the subhuman hohols.

firul divin

threadu asta este firul divin
buna mema

pfu fimiar scarba de ei
narcisisti infecti
fiecare protesteaza pt ce vrea de acolo
as vrea sa intru cu ei pe un server de minecraft sa lansez 50 de TNT-uri in ei

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>a faggot loving diversity eu puppet vs a gypsy christcuck cia plant

who are not only neighbours in campulung city with side by side houses but also relatives - lasconis husband name is also georgescu and his relatives are the same as calins
Yep it glows allright! PSYOP

singurul motiv real sa mergi la un protest de-asta e sa futi pizde alt

Fuck the CCR, at this point they're just shitting on our democracy, if there were any counting issues those had to be reported at the time and recount triggered for the given polling station.

This goes to show the CCR judges appointed by PSD are doing PSDs bidding.

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Ciolacu are zero sanse vs georgescu pentru ca usr/pnl/geona nu o sa voteze cu el de ciuda ca au scos-o pe lasconi.
Singura explicatie e ca deep state il vrea pe Georgescu la putere.

useristii o sa voteze cu georgescu decat cu ciolacu


Ciolacu - Georgescu in al doilea tur. Noapte buna Romania!

Nu o sa voteze. Punct.

cu jumate din electoratu PSD mutat la DADDY GEORGICA.
Ati belit pula usereilor

Nota 2, marsh inapoi in banca sclavule

He's not a gypsy, but he looks like the slimiest apparatchik in existence. This faggot sends the worst paraverbal cues in existence. His vocal timbre is so doctored to fit the style of the landed gentry who larps as the man of the people from gommunist days.

Notice that in an attempt to sound grave, the way he pronounces vowels defaults to an Ă sound.

Kremlin Georgescu is your guy.

and his neighbour and zister in law Helena Lasconi Georgescu is our academiciana 2 girl.

Because he's a j*w


Ya winnin gyppos?
The the MRGA candidate win?


Deboonked. I'm not voting for Kremlin Georgescu

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There will be a recount of the votes in the first tour. Shady stuff going on imo

our CCR(think our supreme court) thinks about making a recount of the votes;


Look at the results, the difference between 2 & 3 is so small (((((they))))) probably realized she doesn't have a chance against georgescu and wants to run with the old boomer commie socialist (ciolacu) against CG.


don't care she's USB

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Vreau un argument pertinent care sa ma convinga ca CG e putinist inafara de l-a complimentat pe putin/dughin acum 10 ani si "intelepciunea ruseasca". Tot ce e necesar sa va convinga pe voi sunt 2 clipuri scoase din context si faceti spume la gura ca niste caini turbati.


Vaxenes are safe and effective!
Where ma Gheorghitza nigger colonel at?

She's from the conservative wing of USR, you sodomy-obsessed fuck

In munti, e plin de comunisti care se cred anti-comunisti ca sunt anti-liberalism

commie socialist

Way to warp the truth when Georgescu himself is a nazbol spaz, far more to the left economically than PSD.

ye ye ye sure bro
"conservative-wing" of USR that doesn't want straight-out degenerate drag queens gay shows on the streets, they just want to indoctrinate childrens in schools with (((sexual education)))
Furthermore , the conservative wing of USR is not as big as you think; The only people with 3 neurons is basically Nasui and couple of others, who don't sway much of any opinion regarding social & cultural issues, but about economics. Regardless, the president doesn't have policy-power, so nobody gives a fuck.

Jesus christ romanian elections take forever.

did i say otherwise? I didn't. No shit his platform looks commie as fuck. Guess what: it's irrelevant, he can't change economic policy. Try again

Ciolacu because a large part of the PSD voter base would vote for Georgescu otherwise, against PSD's own wishes (which is why they're not officially endorsing Lasconi before the vote this Sunday). Ciolacu would easily win 60-40, even hardcore Ciolacu haters I personally know would be willing to vote for him.

then you don't vote USR on 1st and you vote Lasconi on 8th prostu pulii mele

Terhes had Dancila as his PM nomination, why would you have any respect for him to begin with?

Se vrea Ciolacu în turul doi.

shoo away on >>/plebbit/ you fucking rat
Nobody is gonna vote for USB
People saw through her "conservative" schtick, she only wore the cross in order to attract boomers. We all know she wouldn't go in a church, less alone make a clip kissing an icon or doing anything socially conservative

Also remember to triple-vaxx your unborn-children whilst he's still in your womb


Does that excite you?


Whitest CG voter.

If for any reason CCR sticks by it and gets involved in this election, there will be protests, and no matter who ends up in the elections, I will cancel my vote, fuck every single candidate, they want us to vote until PSD wins

If you don't like the results you just start over and vote again. What's hard to understand Pablo?

What do we do with the lgbt protesters after CG wins? mass deportation or re-education camps?

All gypsies must hang.

Screensaver this, după multe iregularitati în renumărarea voturilor, o sa fie Simion vs Ciolacu.

Ciolacu is rather discredited now THOUGH!

I will cancel my vote

no you will not
you will vote CG
they cannot rig/steal in and have only 2 globohomo candidates like lasconi & ciolacu;
At least CG or simion will be in the race

Btw this is a recount not a redo

aren't you still technically counting votes over there?

also yes, apparently it was too good to be true that PSD will take the L and back down, they want us to re-count and re-vote until they win




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I'd vote Ciolacu with both hands considering most zoomers lean extreme left: either far left (DEMOS, SENS therefore Lasconi for president) or far ""right"" (actually, the old far left).

fuck GC, he's a theocratic socialist commie, no idea why all woketards and plebittors call him right wing, idiots used to western propaganda

even a recount is a straight fuck you to democracy, and could lead to a revote

One state is, even though Trump already has the electoral votes and Kamala conceded so it's a waste of time.

the fascist thing he did: he wanted to read from the bible

there's no legitimate "far-right" anything in romania buddy; stop using buzzwords that denote you're programmed

mi-e rusine ma cu tiganu asta, oricat de bazat o fi fost el in interviu ala
tot un tigan de 1,60 e, tot cu -escu la sfarsit, tot globu vede asta si se gandeste "aham, roman"

Georgescu is the only president to denounce Davos and call out the pedo elites.

WE'RE SO BACK, ȚIGAN BROS! SIMION VS CIOLACU! Fix of the century/blatul secolului is back.

SRI already analysed the risk for a major protest. Probably there's none outside the liberal students. The only people who are angry are in the comment section but they are always like that. And then there's the thing like Lasconi is placed second only by less than 3000 votes when we're talking about millions per candidate.

Does that excite you?

barbati mai haladiti si interlopi

Literally me.

You already made this post.

it's not gypsy1 vs white woman anymore, it's gypsy2 vs gypsy3

roma erection

as if anybody gives a single f#ck to dat shithole

210% more gypped

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Si ai prefera un ciumpalac ca ciolacu cu fata si gesturi de cel mai prost din curtea scolii sau o pizda nesuferita pe care nu suporta nimeni s-o auda mai mult de 2 secunde

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sa futi pizde alt

P'alea sa le futi tu!

You are a very perceptive person. However you didn't respond. Does it excite you?

I hate gypsies, I hate homos i hate christcucks i hate the eu i hate commies
fuck vooting none of these fuckers represent me and my interests

Unde plecăm frate?

There's nothing exciting about gypsies, only revolting.

sexo rau.

Fake screenshot. No such article or poll exists.

Exact, si mie

Fascists read the bible.

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N-are nicio sansa sa urce simion cu 500k-1M de voturi.

The average (((Georgescu))) voter looks like this

t. paid demoralization bot

le conservative usr wing

meanwhile Barna,Fritz si Clotilde erau in spatele ei fericiti pe la Tv


I only found that out like 1 week ago..

ciolacu e un taran needucat dar da impresia ca e diplomat, plus ca are 1,90

This is all bread and circus nothing will happen. It will be Georgescu - Lasconi and the globohomo whore will lose

si parintii care-si mutileaza copii doar le apara drepturile fundamentale, nu?
stai jos ai 3
si o pula'n cur indiferent ce vrei
a zis cineva ca iese CG din cursa?

Ciolacu vs Simion sau Ciolacu vs Georgescu, fie ce o fi, iese Ciolacu. Psyop complet. Va fi repetarea a Iliescu vs Vadim din 2000. C8ne dracu scrie scenariul asta fara pic de imaginatie? Hahahahahahaha

Ce problema ai cu pletosii ma cocalare?

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Partidu te vrea tuns roakere.

Nimic ma homosexualule; Am avut si eu plete, 52cm in vremurile bune

Am ceva cu poponarii si socialistii

Ma pis pe partid ma, vezi ca e "roackerii" sunt mereu albi fata de aia care i-o iau la muie lui Tiganescu

Homosexuali sunt aia cu glezne goale da' de ei nu va plangeti, tiganizati mai sunteti

ne meritam soarta daca acceptam sa iesim la vot ca in 2000

efectiv nu trebuie inghitita decizia CCR

im considering malta, nobody gives a fuck about your nationality over there and drinking and driving are socially acceptable

la Piata Victoriei

See? The problem is not that you have long hair. The problem is you're gay.

Eu ma pis pe el de vot

Gay ca ce? Nici macar nu votez cu Lasconi, pur si simplu ma enerveaza cat de usor vi se da grift de la orice glownigger

Top kek.
Lgbt - bolnavi psihic nu muncesc
Minoritati - tiganii fura fac specula nu muncesc
Avorturi - omoara generatia viitoare adica extinctie = faliment total, femeile afectate fizic si psihic nu muncesc nu se mai reproduc sau fac copii sunt cu probleme
Soros - imbogatit prin specula cu informatii din interior a prabusit lira si cocosat banca angliei. Sponsorizeaza teroristi care nu muncesc si ii terorizeaza pe cei care muncesc - protestele de mediu cand l au calcat p'ala pa cap cu masina ca vroia sa faca minihidrocentrala.
Enough said.

The way you talk, the way you seethe, the way you cope and the way you dilate tells me that you're a faggot.
Revise your sexual inclinations or you will be hunted down and applied a correctional rape.

why there are so many Romanians on Anon Babble? at least though speak a language i can understand english / italian (i know you know it)

Ma dar am auzit ceva ca este extrem de greu sa obții viza de muncă în malta

It's real in my head therefore I'm right

Ok nigger

break my record

138 posts by this id

Esti un erou al cauzei. Acum uleiaza-te.

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glezne goale

Singurii cu gleznele goale sunt aia de la marsurile analfabetice.
O sa continuati sa pierdeti cu retorica "muh tigani"(va stiti voi care vreti sa deviati subiectul si sa atrageti dreptaci in modu' asta). Nici macar 3% din populatie nu e interesata de subiectul tigani pentru ca e irelevant cel putin la momentul actual. Cand o sa o ducem bine poate o sa se reintre subiectul in mainstream, pana atunci ne axam pe degenerati si marionete.
Poti sa continui sa ma faci tiganizat,etc. Mi-am pus poza cu laba acum vreo 2 zile, n-ai argument.

Next time try to be more subtle.

Because of the retarded election circus that we're currently living, can't blame you though, even I'm getting tired of them

why there are so many Romanians on Anon Babble?

autist country. if we are not clinically retarded, we're autistic

Important este ce votăm Duminică, restul doar ne fură atenția spre căcaturi irelevante.

Hohol draft dodger or subhumanoid mongol larping as Norse?

il baga la puscarie? super miraculos

Enjoy this shithole becoming Tigania then

slimiest apparatchik in existence

Neigbour and relative with Lasconi Georgescu

SOS e partid de schizofrenici, POT e prea mic, glows, probabil nici n-au destui candidati.
Restu' sunt partidele care au condus 35 de ani+ USR care ti-a pus botnita pe mufa pe covid

Pana acuma nu mi-am dat seama cat de retardati sunt studentii de la facultate, si zic asta ca am terminat faculta acuma 3 ani, chit ca pe domeniu stintific nu pe ceva uman, dar totusi. N-am mai vazut tampiti atata de radicalizati ca si anul acesta. E prima oara cand vad asa ceva. Au devenit complet spalati pe creier si retardati mintali.

V-am făcut profilul fiecăruia dintre voi.

Pe baza opiniilor avute, stil de a scrie, filename-uri etc, am adunat profilurile a 23 utilizatori Anon Babble. Colectarea a început în data de 18 noiembrie.

Serviciul pentru care lucrez e irelevant.

le iubesc si leas suge de sfarcuri zilnic

it rains outside
faggots are protesting, we are COMFY

Here's your (You)

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Is there a wae in eurooppa?

becoming Tigania then

Se vede ca traiesti in ceva sat de tigani. Tiganii in bucuresti fie s-au rarit post 2014(vezi ferentari, exodul de tigani spre FR si UK) fie nu mai sunt la fel de violenti(nu e ideal dar e marginal mai bun).

Tiganii au cea mai joasa rata de natalitate din toata tara (vezi mai ales transilvania); iar moldova cea mai inalta(vezi suceava).
Dar da, devenim tiganiada. Ai grija sa nu te mai fure un puradel data viitoare.

Bag-o si pe asta la catastif

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boomer commie

Ciolacu born 1969, Georgescu born 1962, Lasconi-Georgescu 1972.
It's just the Party pissed of that Securitate pulled a fast one on them with their twin glowies psyop.

as prefera un arian de 2m cu penis mare si creier si mai mare
combinatie intre creierul lu basescu, inaltimea lu iohanis, pula lu tyrone, energia lui trump

bazat, dar nu avem ce sa facem, traim in gloata, in haznaua societatii, in cacat si suferinta

If they cancel the elections roddit troons will be in total meltdown.

existenta si job'ul tau sunt irelevante pentru specia umana

Never denied it. In fact i've said previously that it's 99% sure CG is also known and propped up by the deep state(the deep state in romania is still conservative; USR and other new factions are the pro-EU globohomo ones that try to rise up in influence).
Regardless, i fully agree. They had to bring such candidate out of the closet. The guy is not pro-russian though, he was proposed for PM like 2-3 times.

de fapt nimanui nu-i pasa ca esti roman daca n-ai fizic si minte de tigan borat. Nimeni care conteaza, ca mai exista specimene gen potaile din america, sparcaitorii de walmart care au corp de bila, care se cred ariani

Cel mai incompetent lider socialist, cea mai săracă și înapoiată versiune a socialismului cu cele mai mari orori, fenomenul Pitești și creșele distrugătoare de destine.

MRGA candidate

They are both glowies. Their houses are side by side in campulung city and lasconis husbands name is also georgescu.

experimentul pitesti a fost in anii 50 prietene

muh perception

ma pis pe tine tine si pe optica ta. L-am avut pe übermensch Johanis. Am fost mai sclavi ca niciodata

Scrii ca unul care are prieteni tigani si se crizeaza cand cineva zice ceva rau de ei. Ce procentaj non-albi crezi ca avem in Romania? Ca asa ne dam seama pe ce lume traiesti.

bye bye lasconi

Good morning saars this is your Turning Point Romania™ delegate to remind fellow European citizens that you must vote against the racist, misogynistic, bigoted Kremlin puppet. Romania is a key asset and a valuable ally to fight against tyranny and hate. Democracy will prevail! Slava Ukraini.

cea mai saraca si inapoiata versiune a socialismului ... cu Pitești

Ceaușescu este emanatul acelei perioade, venit din închisoare a făcut țara o închisoare mai mare.
Securitatea sub el a pus nenumărați oameni normali în spitale de psihiastrie cu diagnostic abuziv.

N-a fost nimic bun de la început până la final cu ei, tot ei au dat lovitora de stat și ți-au dat ție această structură politică schizofrenică.

anyway so if Lasconi is pushed out who would actually win in your opinion?

The păcănele guy.

Ciolacu i think

Sunt din Banat si nu nu am tigani in jur


Scrii ca unu care are doar tigani pe cap si crede ca ei sunt problema principala in tara asta.
Si eu am ceva cu tiganii dar nu sunt o prioritate acum.
Ca sa-ti raspund la intrebare, peste 10%. Nu sunt date conclusive dar e posibil sa avem 15% si chiar mai mult(nu as zice mai mult de 20% in niciun caz). Depinde ce intelegi prin non-albi. Incluzi indienii si non-cetatenii?

Singura tara din istoria lumii cu 0 datorii sub Ceausica

Ma pis pe el de Oltean prost care a umplut tara cu ciori si subumani care trebuiau avortate

Lasconi and USR on suicide watch
God is great!

God is a Kike

gunoaiele honosexuale baga aici in disperare, niste urlete impotente, cumva lachiosii astia cred ca daca baga spam cu "mami" conving pe cineva sa o voteze pe madam vaxxmaxx ... si patetici si fututi in cur ... o sa fie blana rau pe data de 9, sa-i vezi cum se zvarcolesc ca niste viermi

Abia astept sa vad cum o sa-si justifice USRistii votul pentru Ciolacu. CG castiga indiferent impotriva cui candideaza.

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In munti, e plin

Cognitive dissonance
Picture is black and white jence old. Was not is full.


No such thing in 1947 to 1989 Romania. Only liberals were dying in communist political prisons or digging the Black Sea Danube canal.
In the mountains there were only anticommunists and they were mostly killed. Very few escaped to the west.
Why the esau gambit liberal branded marxist vs communist? Its the same shit.

Why is everyone calling us Gypsies?

Oh I know how to fix that, let's vote for a swarthy midget

Go suck tranny cock

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maximum rizz
numa pizde in jurul lui

Sa-mi bag pula in circul asta de tara, ma mut in Serbia

Ala e un retardat de pe discord care a recunoscut ca face spam cu travestiti

gypsy dick cheese

Absoltely not

It was going to be kino anyway.
Now with CCR's ask for a recounting it has become a full shitshow

oh no no no lasconibros...
time to dilate

Alegerile noastre parca le-au intrecut pe alea Americane la retardatie deja

Gata vă dă Ciolacu la mue. Să vedeți ce omor primiți toți petukhy care ați făcut pula mare zilele astea

I wanted to.vote for the hag because (((escu))) glows, but now I'll vote for the kosher right candidate just to spite them.

If PSD rigged it for a recounting, hopefully it will rig it for Ciolacu to win as well.
Imagine being so incompetent you only do half of a rigging


Sunt legionar

Votez Kosher

Oy vey ce "bazata" e Romania, amirite?

Ce monospranceana de corcitura Turceasca are ala, sa imi bag pula in ea de tara ca sunt alb ca un Suedez in comparatie

take forever.

Gypsies trying to steal each other out. Securitate faction trying to sweep the rug from under the Party faction like they always did from the 50's onward with a bloodbath peak in 1989.

Ce respect la PSD este că este suficient de inteligent să se împrumute de la bănci și nu din obligațiuni pe piața liberă. High IQ move.

Our shithole is like a zoo

Georgica bros, I think it's over...

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Imi bag pula in Ciolacu dar macar ala nu are 160 ca (((Georgescu)))

Suge-ne si pula!

Ziggerilor mai luat un L

Au stabilit un cap de pod cu ocazia acestor alegeri pentru a livra in sfarsit propaganda pe care o vroiau dar nu puteau din cauza filtrului ultra religios.

nu-ti plac gehii si transgenderii, esti putinisit legionar care vor sa scoata tara din UE, o sa ramanem fara gibbs, etc

S-a spart filtrul si acum toti bomertarzii care consuma A3 si Digi numai asta primesc

Ce Zigger ma? Vrei sa o dau cu muh 100% Daci and Romans ca un boomer cu creier putrezit? Daca tu te uiti in jur si nu vezi nimic in neregula cu tara asta inseamna ca esti complet rupt de realitate

it's only beginning
apparently some voting sections assigned votes from Ludovic Orban to Lasconi, because he decided to step down from running, and wanted to support Lasconi

that shit is retarded, and the recount will just remove votes from Lasconi (which is a good thing)

Daca tu te uiti in jur si nu vezi nimic in neregula cu tara asta inseamna ca esti complet rupt de realitate

Imi bag pula in Ciolacu dar macar ala nu are 160 ca (((Georgescu)))

So there's something wrong with Romania and you want to vote for a PSDist who ruined the country because Georgescu is a manlet?

NED and Shartblue is not sending the best shills.

Ludovic Orban

Ce prost e alcoolicul asta. Baga-mi-as pula-n ficatul lui

calmeaza te vere ca laskewny nici nu mai intra in turu 2 AHAHAHAH total userei death



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sorry, i'm not voting for a ceausescu wannabe who believes in schizo teories

this fake and gay thread

theocratic socialist commie

Contradiction in terms.
He is lasconis relative and neighbour. Both are glowies. Party is pissed. Raised military benefits. Expect violent clashes for Christmas just like in 89.

I don't care. You're a minority that is about to go extinct because you can't reproduce.

Real talk
If Lasconi is drops to 3rd place and Ciolacu takes second, what are the chance the USR NPCs will vote for Georgescu?

Acum treci la dilatație petukh putinist. Mă bagi pe mine în dictatură, isolationism economic, brics, să vină chinezii să ne futa femeile. Marș la Moscova sau pe front în storm z units

what are you talking about

Based anon

Ma duc sa mi fac o viata, ca politica nu mi da de mancare nici de futut.
V am pupat.

Triple vaxxed presupun


Nah, se face cordon sanitar in jurul piticului vostru porno. Salvăm democrația:)

CG vrea pace

As did Codreanu. Look jow that went for him. Sima on the other hand ...

Du-te in sloboz cu cioroiul ala, nu-i mai pasa nimanui de el

About shitlibs. You are a minority that will go extinct because you can't reproduce.


stopped reading right there

Contradiction in terms.

It's not, it has blended together

Retardul ala te face "tigan" dar nu realizeaza ca mai multi tigani voteaza Georgescu decat Ciolacu

Why so angry libshit?

So I checked Terhes's documents, and the inconsistencies signaled in his screenshots show votes getting transferred from Orban to Georgescu, not to Lasconi. I guess I know why Ciolacu didn't contest the results, he would be facing off against Lasconi, not against Georgescu.

Oricum ar fi sa zis cu roboțelul ăla de 1 metru cinzeci

Orban got 20k votes LMAO only 300k votes to go LOL

Nu sunt problema principala. Ca să-ți răspund, undeva la 15-20%. Depinde ce înțelegi prin non albi, bagi și indienii și alți non cetățeni?
Oricum momentan trebuie sa ma car, revin diseară.

Țineți pâinea caldă

Cait asmr.
E o dulceata de femeie, o fantezie.

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Legionar de carton mi se pare mie sau a început să îți tremure vocea?

un ciumpalac

Da. Dar ciumpalacul ce-l privesti/ Nu e ciumpalac de rand/ E ciumpalacul Tarii Romanesti!

is she romanian or not

he really wants that Lasconussy

Fascists read The Bible.


inca va mai tine la shilling? anunta pe #general ca nu mai intra lasconi in turu 2 sa va dea si voua drumu acasa LMAOOOO

să vină chinezii să ne futa femeile

Pai ar fi cazul, ca si asa nu esti in stare sa le futi tu fiindca va futeti intre voi lmao.

stop spamming threads
literally no one cares who gets elected to your gay gypsy made up country, faggots


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Nu sunt sustinator Calin Tiganescu
Aia poate esti tu

SRI-sti si-au luat meltdown ca Boracu nu a intrat in turul 2 si acum incearca sa fure voturi. PSD trebuie sa dispara.

Georgescu - Lasconi/Georgescu

The glowie Georgescu family clan.

Din pacate, nu. E din State.
As vrea sa simpuiesc pentru niste romance, dar am alergie, ca is niste parasute fara inteligenta.
Stiti vreo romanca misto? Haideti sa facemi firul urmator cu ce simpuiti in prezent. Ca is curios.

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normal ca alien exista
sunt prosti cei care nu cred

Exact dar na' la Christcucks nu le convine



pai si ce futi? se uita italiencele la tine sau

Partidu te vrea tuns roakere.

Dac-ai stii cat de rau stateau lucrurile!
Partidul te vroia si barbierit. Ia sa fi incercat sa umbli cu perciuni pe strada sa vezi cum te legitima militia.

PSD votează Ciordacu, jumate din AUR votează PSD pe bani, jumate din PNL dă ștampila pe trandafirii pentru poziții. Restul stă acasă.

Da daddy Ciolacu cu țigănușul vostru de pământ.
Ciolacu - 1 metru 90
Kremlin scaraotchi - 1 metru 50
It”s over

Daca Lasconi e data afara de pe locul 2 asta nu inseamna ca ea e anti sistem?

This, those retards unironically want a president shorter than all of Asia's ones

ar insemna ca au fost peste 2000 greseli la numarare
nu o să facă blat asa pe față că ies proteste mari
renumararea asta e o pierdere de timp doar sa zica ccr ca si-a facut treaba


Did ciolacu endorse Lasconi?

ce bun e shlomo
mersi m-ai vindecat de antisemitism

Ah! A man of culture, I see!

most based chud in Romania

E anti-Romania cu sistem cu tot.

Deci daca esti anti sistem votezi Lasconi cu Tiganescu.

Înseamnă că singurul punct de guvernare USR e căsătoria gay.

Se uita italiencele. Fara vrajeala iti zic, ca sunt italience de vis 10/10 care vor sa ma fota ca is barbat frumos, problema e ca eu sunt barbat de relatie, caut o femeie cazuta din cosmos. Nu pot sa fiu un curvar degenerat. Imi place sa le duc flori si sa le scriu poezii, alea alea. Sunt pretenzios.

asa a facut chudmaxxing pana cand l-a depasit si pe armstrong

Considering that a recounting will happen, no, they're still competing

Yes, all big old and globohomo parties did. So everyone except aur sos and some miniscule ones nobody cares about.


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ei chiar cred ca GC vs Ciolacu castiga cioroiu barbos de la PSD


He won't win

tampiti atata de radicalizati ca si anul acesta

sunt platiti

CC-ul nu constata frauda ci Inalta Curte nu?


when? what did i miss? everyone endorsed Lasconi expect for far right parties and PSD

Paine noua!

Asta e viitorul ambasador al României în America să mor eu dacă nu

Si ce punct de guvernare are Tiganescu? O laba Ceauseasca de parca nu ne-a ajuns cat ne-a futut in cur mentalitatea asta de Comunism din ala scarbos grav de si la Rusi li se face scarba

I miss him so much

because you didn't know him

să vină chinezii să ne futa femeile

Sunt arondate pajetilor si negrilor in distopia ueMue

Va cam pierit avântul, cred ca nu a venit momentul vostru încă legionarii mei.

Si continuat sub alte forme in anii 60-80 chiar si ulterior inceput de anii 90, "tovarashe"!

he was going to if the recount didn't happen, but he probably talked with ccr before the voting was even over


de romania
Lasconi e tot Georgescu cu casa langa a lu Calin si rude in Austria.

Negi realitatea?

Servizzio Rumeno di Informazzioni

CCR cere renumararea voturilor

turul 2 o sa fie Georgescu vs Ciolacu

televiziunea, redditorii, corporatistii, studentii, toti lgbtq+ii de la proteste o sa-l sustina acum pe Ciolacu

toti spalatii pe creier care striga muie PSD o sa voteze Ciolacu din obligatie (nu e o optiune sa nu votezi)

Poate o sa fie cateva voturi redirectionate si catre Georgescu. S-a terminat pentru USR. Spuneti cu mine: "VOTEZ PSD"

Deci dacă intră Ciolacu în turul 2 va da 70 - 30 să mor eu. Bag pula croiam să votez PNL duminică dar cred ca votez PSD, aia e măcar nu intra coloana a 5 a lui putin în parlament.

se stia deja asta dar explica-le idiotilor care preferau oricum sa voteze un fesenist doar ca nu e femeie

cu 0 datorii

pe care tot el le a facut si ne a luat mancarea de la gura si caldura de la cur.

0 datorii

si morti de foame / inghetati bocna.
Dc n a dar drumul la mancare si caldura din primavara lu'89 cand a anuntat ca am platit datoria?
Raspuns - n-avea legatura cu datoria ci cu sclavia exterminarea si umilirea. El si nomenclatura mancau escalop de vitel si aveau robinete de aur.

on suicide watch

She glows in the dark for her brother in law and campulung house neighbour - calin georgescu

Și imaginează-ți ca bourasii ăștia croiau Correa de nord 2.0

Kikes are the sons of the devil. Poison ivy can only sprout from poison ivy. By their fruits ye shall know them! Blessed be Christ, God Allmighty and Glory to him!
God is Christ!

Cititi istoria in plm de idioti. Rusii ne-au omorat strămoșii si muistul asta e candidat sustinut de rusi. Nu mai aveti sange in coaie?

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something something gay sex