How do you even clean a place like this?
With mah butt lol
Very carefully
fallout 5 graphics looking lit
This problem is caused by authorities who clean, I call it the Fairies.
When I allow something to get very dirty, "fairies" come and clean it. I never acknowledge the real cleaner, I always blame the fairies. I have never had to clean anything in my life and I am almost 40 because so many people have this OCD disease where they can't fucking help themselves but dig into my shit and make it shine.
I don't appreciate them at all. I think they are retarded. When everyone who bothers me dies I'll finally be able to fill me house entirely with poo and then (AND ONLY THEN) will I grow a desire to clean it. While the fairies clean my house I have 0 desire to do any work at all, I feel like a stranger in my own home, and I detest that feeling.
A house is supposed to be lived in, not as a display.
So my guess is whoever lives in that house had a busybody family who never ever let them take personal responsibility, so when they finally got old enough to clean they let the home get dirty because dirty feels 10000x better than shitty fucking fairies invading my space.
As an older guy with not much else to do, If that house was right next to me, I'd have a lot of fun cleaning it up and fixing the shit up, even if the end result was a tiny nice looking cabin/yard.
at least it's not misery, us...
you're one of the fairies. your job is to make everyone's shit look just like yours. you are the problem.
that house would not end up looking like mine tho
Would you invade a house to clean it?
remove negroids
disconnect utilities and demo
"clean" is a subjective opinion, if you break into MY home I will throw boiling water on you, I don't care if you don't like the couch on my roof or my leaking sprinkler.
Homes get like this due to the person who owns them always being tampered with by damn "fairies" who can't help themselves. I hate fairies so fucking much.
With fire.
no because the owner would shoot you. otherwise you'd be there all day throwing out his heirlooms and calling them trash. fuck your kind of person.
Remove a few dams, and Mississippi cleans itself on the regular.
Wildfires. Happy Thanksgiving guys.
do you often implicate your own creative imaginative daydreams into your real life?
Nietzsche praised those who destroy the old and sagging remnants of the past to clear space to build a future, that's all I'm saying
Bulldoze everything (including niggers)
"OMG like how do you even CLEAN something like this?"
I hate useless people
Useful answer.
He does. I haven't seen him for awhile. He us the autistic retarded that poisoned his parents for folding his socks under his bed and then lying to him about it or something
Thought this is ukraine for a moment lol
If a house is "right next to you" that doesn't give you any fucking right to touch it! read your own posts you absurdist cunt.
tfw I'll never be a rural southern poor chad living in a shack and having no interests other than hunting, bass fishing, debating which rifle platform is the best ak or ar online, and voting Trump
Why even live
Do you really need to be told how to pick shit up and throw it away?
checks flag
LOL, nevermind
You have never done anything in your life, did you?
You forgot about losing cheating on your sister with your cousin.
Should end in "have you" not in "did you"
hurr incest joke durr
imports 100k more inbred muslims into the inner city
Why so salty little brown subhuman?
I even gave you a pass considering favela monkeys believe one man's trash is another man's fucking roof.
You're not giving anything here so far.
looking for a hand out
Last (You) from me
Last me from you, shitposter.
Looks fine to me
Pile up the trash and burn it. Easy.
Each democrat that is murdered is one less pedophile.
How do you even spell a place like this?
Build new after.
300kt airburst
Looks rustic and cozy. I'll take it.