Snownigger moment

Muh, abrahamic religions are diabolical and degenerate, the only answer is paganism!!!

Meanwhile, the "based" and "tradpilling" norse paganism

Gumbus.mp4 - 384x684, 3.82M

I fucking hate larpers so much bros

Based and Correct sir. But What is this?

be a good boy and turn the other cheek

Watch this on jewtube

Read comments

> amerimutts crying about how it’s a satanic ritual
Why are they like this

Russian orc army makes christcucks tremble

You have very serious psychological problems.

horns are scary!

Meanwhile, the "based" and "tradpilling" norse paganism

I'd pick "halloween for christmas" over "parade of fags and dildos". So suck your rabbi's cut dick now, christgolem.

I live in Austria where this happens and I can confirm people have actual niggerbrains. Bear in mind most of those Krampus dudes are Catholics who pay at least 100-200€ in Church tax annually. NIGGERBRAINS.

They are having fun, different from christniggery where you can only feel guilt and remorse 24/7.

this is straight up cringe on god

Keeps the jews at bay

Isnt some slave morality christcuck shit

Looks fun as fuck

Only jews and their circumcised slaves see a problem with this

Having fun in costumes with your bros
pretend to be a vampire and cannibal by metaphorically consuming the flesh and blood of your jewish rabbi man-god

Christianity is far superior and far more sophisticated to this bs which by the way is a result of local christian superstition since the Krampus is simply St. Nikolaus (Catholic Saint) counterpart. St. Nikolaus being the Austrian version of Santa Claus.

The fatties look cool as fuck. Must be warm and cozy inside.

Why are they like this

Jews didn't approve of this. Mutts can't handle anything not approved by jews.

How so is it superiour? Sophisticated doesnt even mean anything here is essentially a barnum formulation

thats just a teadition to cast away bad spirits who are more prevalent during cold dark months.

It´s not norse, it´s central european aka celtic you retard
They are not LARPers this is tradition and has been for over 4 millenia

When was the last time christcucks kicked nigger ass in Europe?
I remember the Krampus video in Austria where they went nigger hunting in the night, Was kino and niggers said they were fucking terrified at how "demons" were chasing and beating them
A strong Europe/aryan race is a threat to christcucks, so it's understandable why they'd try to steer aryans away from their original roots, as you have in the last 2000 years of philosemitism
Fuck you, christcucks

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Thats just a metaphor for casting away jews, if all whites wore this shit every month kikes would be scared as fuck, so scared that their christian golems would call it le satanic and try to get it banned

That's German krampus though, not Norse

we tried to civilize them

This looks incredibly satanic, if i saw someone doing this, id assume they worship evil and satan

Christkeks really are babies

How so is it superiour

You’re trying to grind on Nietzsches’ cock without having read Nietzsche. Nietzsche didn’t say “dress up like a retard and go apeshit”. You have no idea what you’re talking about dipshit.

Translate that. 50 injured 2 days ago during one of those Krampus runs. It’s voodoo tier niggery. It’s basically BLM with masks done by whiteoids. Of course a country that lives based on such “eye for an eye type” niggery quickly descends into chaos.

Reminder that the viking utterly BTFO most major countries in europe and raped their women for a few hundred years, seethe and cope.

Are you fucking blind?
This shit is satanic

They are supposed to be creatures that take the naughty children etc.

tradition and has been for over 4 millenia

Don’t believe everything you heard at your €499 all inclusive shamanism seminar in Linz you absolute white nigger.

Where the fuck did i mention Nietzsche and I did read Nietzsche i am a psychologist? You also explained nothing except projecting shit unto me?

Are those supposed to be trolls or kikes?

need this with sound, anyone have linky?

I bought this movie on bluray a while ago. I like it. Any other Krampus-core kinos?

Yea you’re basically getting fucked by Nietzsche without even realizing it. You are that dumb. You should ask if you can appear as an attraction at your local circus “dumbest retard in Holland” and charge €1 for every person that takes a pic. That way you could survive

Krampen, Krampus is based and beats the ass of bad children.

nigger we know that they used to do that, the church used to procecute people doing it you christcuck
You are not pro austrian, you would probably workship niggers if they were all chrsitians

Christcuck can only throw ad hominems but never fists as jews replace him in his own nation.

are the human sacrifices allowed ? no
see, this is why i worship the chaos gods from 40k

What about the Celts? Why the focus on Norse?

Christianity is just wokeness they share the exact same values, imagine needing religion instead of having a personal relationship with the actual god not the jewish or pagan one

I mean, you gotta admit those costumes are pretty high quality

Looks pretty gay.

I could rape your entire family

Only a niggerbrain would even think something like that up you niggerbrain.
You’d get put down like a dog. You’d get massacred and your family be hung on trees in the town square. And the best part is, God would forgive me because Jesus died for our sins.
You should be burnt at the stake niggerbrain your “historical facts” are totally made up bs you got from a €499 all inclusive Shamanism seminar in Linz

Unironically preaching le individualism meme on Anon Babble n 2024. We really need to start gassing you spiritual jews. Fucking clognigger.

pray for them, brothers. pray that God changes their hearts.

looks pretty cool to me

I would assume it's showing evil creatures who worked with Jews to warn people of the dangers of Jews.

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I thought only protestants had tithes what the fuck are you guys doing over there.

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what is worse, a white pagan or a chrsitian nigger?

This is a repost of a reddit thread.
They constantly repost reddit threads.

Krampus is not larping like neo-norse pagans. It has been teaching little children that only the christian church can protect them from the devil.

Mudslime christcucks are inferior to every culture in the world because your Jewish imaginary man made gods are dirt compared to blood and soil . Blood and soil is the only god through which the eternal is understood ,material god to immaterial god. Anyone destroying that connection to your blood,your soil,your ancestors is taking you away from god .If you let such vile creature live among humans you betray god .Worship you blood ,your soil, your ancestors thats the only thing god himself bestowed on you . yahweh,quran,bible are all lies invented by mutts ,slaves, whores who threw away what god gave them

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thats a sin because some ancient schizo jews from the desert who hated europe said so.

Ok bro.

Christians are literally 95% of the rightwing opposed to migration, because as should be obvious to anyone who isn't retarded a nationalist movement requires people to all be on the same page and fanatical with their beliefs instead of vague "ummm I want my country.... to stay whiter I guess". Pagans don't exist offline and "rightwing atheists" are unicorns. Just accept you want to suck nigger dicks and fuck off to reddit.

The Catholic Church makes about 5-8 billion € annually in Germany and about 1 billion € annually in Austria. They’re also the largest landowners and own several of the largest newspapers in Austria. Not many people know that. It goes back to Dollfuss and Hitler making agreements with the Church on that. The official explanation is “Hitler tried to destroy the Church that way” but they happily collect the tax to this day. They must be immensely wealthy, Elon Musk is a dipshit compared to the Church.
Both horrible

Chrsitians are majority brown africans or south americans

So you refuse to answer and try to argue that a white person and a nigger can be equal depending on religion? niggerlover confirmed



Choose one arshdeep dickshit

Actually, tithing is a practice found in many Christian denominations, including Catholic and Orthodox churches. It's more common in Catholic and Orthodox churches than in Protestant churches. While some Protestants still practice tithing, many view it as a practice from the Old Testament that was fulfilled in Christ and is not a requirement for Christians today.

I'd love to be able to do so, but I'm a poor and selfish sinner.

But now it looks like a bunch of Millennials and catladies cosplaying.

noo you can't chase away the evil spirits according to your traditions, you have to dress up as spiderman in the name of the christian saints, this is the only correct way

indians eat excrement, we all know that, we also know you stink like sweat and curry, it's vomitive so go eating excrement somewhere else lokesh

Merry Christmas, cunt.

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1. we aren't norse.
2. Better our local traditions than foreign globohomo
3. Better our own pagan festivals than jew worship.
Keep praying the jews, wh*te boi.

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and here we see one of the very rare jews in austria. they're an endangered species so we must not disturb them!

perchten are here to stay, and everyone who is against them is a jew or muslims who has no place in this country in the first place

why to worship a rebel jew that died 2000 years ago. why does you participate in a religion that wants to save niggers and chinks and sandniggers and poos? why would you ever practice dei religion? why are you a slave to kikes? who cares if people dress up in consumes, are you faggot? are you going to go wash a nigger’s dirty feet later and donate money to church that lets faggots get married there? your religion is pozzed beyond belief you christcuck faggot. i can’t wait to see you get smoked in the battle for israel you pleb bitch

this is what happens when you let the demons in and give them equal rights
they'll start waddling through the streets playing their annoying music and polluting the air with their torches
we need close the portal, establish proper portal control and force satan to take them back in

nigger that's Austria
and these dudes are supposed to make kids behave for when Saint Nicholas rolls into town

You do get that this is just for show and nothing like the actual pagans used to do. The actual pagan ceremonies were far more like the Christian traditions but since this version of paganism is a reaction to modern Christianity they just fill in the gaps with satanic retardation instead.

This festival looks like fun!

its to give children PTSD so they obey, whites do this instead of beating their children

Are you fucking blind?

This shit is satanic

Nigger that tradition predates christianity like you wouldnt believe. According to the bible the world didnt even exist when germans went on the "Wilde Jagd".

Pic related but not the same.

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holy based, reminds me of mamuthones in Sardinia, not a single one of them licking the feet of niggers as christians do


We got our brain’s broke by Protestantism. You have to understand that Protestantism is to Catholicism what the Renaissance was to Medieval Gothicism, a totally popular sterilizing of shallow impressions and LARPs. Where Renaissance Italians said “Oh we’re actually Greco-Roman pagans not medieval Christians” the Protestants said “Oh we’re actually Old Testament Israeli Jews not medieval Christians” and in the end you get two sides of the same coin: a total denial of your real traditions, who you really are, and this emphasis on who you imagine the other to be, in one instance some libertine Mediterranean pagan and in the other some strict letter of the law abiding covenant keeper. Either way you end up retarded.


Most christgolem country on earth is muttmerica by the way

Awesome outfits

There is always a poogolem (notice they always ignore judaism in threads) attacking christianity here

if you didn't replace a Saint who went out of his way to bring gifts to poor kids, with an obese Coca Cola mascot, who forces parents to blow money so their misbehaving little shitstains can flex at each other in school, you would know what's going on there

Looks cool as fuck.
Their minds have been Abrahamed into shit.

they at least follow some 2000 thousands years tradition different from paganlarper sodomites who follow the tranny tradition of suicide and sodomy like shitler

everyon is a commie if support rights for workers

Stop changing VPN to evade ban favelamonkey

demons is when things uh look kinda weird or whatever

the most historical and profound theological tradition, everyone.

apezil flag

least ape-like christian, lil koko here talking as if chritosimian opinions are take seriously

Why you care marrocan sandgolem ?

Christ also commands us to be like Him, a Sheppard protecting our flock with our glock. Shoo shoo Jew jew

If your enemy kills your son, destroys your culture, and ruins your nation then you should offer them dinner and your wife right christcuck?

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You don't have a single christian church in your country, they are judeo-atheist LARPers.

Christ is king
pagan women are fat and broken

jesus is, of course, so gung ho about self-defense that he let corrupt authorities murder him before he ever raised his own hand, or allowed any of his disciples to raise their hands, in his defense.

Yes demons are real, dont forget it

who follow the tranny tradition of suicide and sodomy

Projection much, christcuck? Pic rel

wey cabron cristo el king ese

looks a hundret times more based than kneeling like a faggot in front of pedophiles or pretending that old senile retard pope who kisses nigger feet is a envoy of god

Oh nononononono...

oh no

people having fun in costumes

better run to Anon Babble tell everyone about it

Ummmmmmmm, christcuckbros, how do we respond...?

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No True Christianity™

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very rare jews in austria

nigga 2nd bezirk Wien is full of them

forget your impure traditions goyim and embrace the jewish man on a stick !

looks italian

We do that at the yearly kike burning festival here.

Kalikantzaroi! Get them before they saw the earth's core

pincha puta wey el looka italian ese cristo el king wey

Jesus told His disciples to go and gather swords. Peter is able to look off a Romans ear before Jesus stops him. You don't understand the scripture must be fulfilled with a final sacrificial lamb of perfection.

We are supposed to be like jesus

"Didn't jesus literally just come to earth so he could kill himself?"

Shut up, we're not supposed to do that, we need to defend ourselves!

Soon the rapture bro we will finally meet our jew master in the sky !!!!

The fake Jews in Israel are the pharisee from the Bible that Christ fought against. You're just going along with their narrative that the Israelis are special. It's hard to say whether it's because you're an Israeli or just one of their atheist pawns.

blaaargh muh fake jews muh real jews muh tribe of yamalech muh tribe of belzeboob muh edomites

yikes, you are brown

I guess you concede the previous reply since you changed the subject. How am I supposed to mimick being a perfect lamb of God, or why when that work has already been completed? Nonsensical gibberish.


pre christian virtue


, the christniggerfaggitkike mumbled through a mouthful of fries

What happened, monkey christcuck? Why so silent all of a sudden? Lmao

There you are again making it clear you support the Israelis. Atheist pawn or actual Israeli?

this nigger thinks anyone but his fellow christians care about some millennia-old interjudaic conflict

it's literally just not my fucking problem. Go blow each other up in the desert and leave us white people alone.

wey ese tu support israelis cuz u don't worship magic rabbi from ancient israel n sheit wey

Oy vey, calm down Rabbi!

Yes, unbelieving atheist and Jews are literally demons and lack souls, they're empty vessels.

but its 20204 and we know these snownigger barbarian things do not work. why keep doing it? its like that hakka dance those island niggers do, its cringe as fuck.

fake jews

true jews

Did you know you literally follow a narrative constructed by jews?
Well, not like you care I guess, since you kneel to a jew on a stick anyway

Again concedes the previous point

I'll take the W I guess. there's no christians fighting in the middle east, maybe a few non combatants trying not to get blown up in Gaza or Lebanon who i pray Christ shields from the judeo-atheist menace.


Reviving European Paganism which was erased by Christians is not larping. I hate communists with all my heart but one thing they have done right is banning Christianity and persecuting Christians. Fucking well deserved after what they did to Pagans.

I guess you concede the previous reply since you changed the subject.

I didn't change the subject. Your original point was that christians should engage in self-defense, which is wrong because the entire fucking purpose of the story of jesus is that he martyrs himself.
You're just doing whatever you think is right and couching it in a veneer of "I'm following in jesus' path." But you're not, because you're only taking the advice from him that you already agree with, and discarding what you don't (martyrdom)

How am I supposed to mimick being a perfect lamb of God

are you actually implying that christianity doesn't venerate human martyrs you fucking retard

Warhammer cosplay?

Judeo-atheist pawn. Ever notice you agree with the Israelis and Jews on literally everything?



my sides are collapsing
this grape picking rootless cattle is a never ending source of humor, completely hopeless

there's no christians fighting in the middle east

well, they're only "not fighting" to the extent that they usually don't put up a fight when IDF starts blowing them up and bulldozing their churches.
See, they, unlike you, actually take to heart Jesus' message of martyrdom and self-annihilation. Of course, all it gets them is death and the destruction of their legacy, but what can you do.

The Jews you claim to hate in Israel are the pharisee from the Bible that persecuted Jesus and His followers. Do you purposely conflate these Israeli pharisee with Jesus who compared them to a den of snakes, to their father the devil? All Jews in the bible just became Christians. But that's your only point huh

that pic

Always funny seeing how you people visualize Anon Babbleacks. Sorry negroid, but that is a projection of your own insecurities. And yes, you are a faggot kike

when a christosimian uses the word LARP all you have to understand is one single thing: they are pavlovianly engaging in a defense mechanism to make sure your gentile group does not put anything above jewish scriptures and myths, it doesn't matter if it's a forward futuristic look you have or a backwards neopagan one, if you do not think the old testament and its updates are the supreme source of knowledge on the divine you are a "LARPer"

When are the “right wing” christards going to argue against their brothers in christ participating in the replacement genocide of the European peoples worldwide?

It's not wrong. A shepherd protect his flock, a man's family is his flock, we protect them. There is no command otherwise in scripture. You're idiotic knowledge of the scripture that you learned from r/atheism is kind of sad.

Isn't this Krampus?

They aren't christian, they're pharisee worshippers

this is already brewing to be a catastrophic new fifth column in Europe just like spics in the USA have embraced the christoLARP to guarantee themselves the right to permanently settle there, in Europe, where even in little provincial towns like mine we are already seeing more and more third world priests, the alliance between racial foreigners and christianism will be yet another internal enemy

Literal demons with snarling faces

Why do people think this is satanic?

Ya ever do a DNA test? You might find your part evil(Jewish) if ya can't tell blatant wrong from right.

aaaaah the classic cope, No Troo Christian™, never get tired of these

I couldn't help but notice you agreeing with me that no christians are fighting, but you seem to be happy that judeo-atheists are killing christians like only an Israeli would.

None of these things any significance towards being evil, as evil is all the things which you attribute to natural phenomena and arrangment of things, due to that book.

This. Well said.

yeah kinda also called perchten

There is no command otherwise in scripture.

the bible literally tells people not to seek violent revenge and to respect all authority, even evil authority (render unto Caesar).
Your god literally incarnated as a man so that he could be killed by jews and romans. Like that was entire the reason he was sent to earth.
You can't say "We must become like unto Christ" and then pussy out on literally the central, core, defining theme that made Jesus Jesus.

posting 12 year old articles to pwn the Christians

why are pagan larpers like this?

I can't control who gets to call themselves a Christian. Perhaps they do have faith, but they're sinning by aiding the pharisee. The Jews favorite thing to do is to put on a costume of their enemy and speak on their behalf.

I'm not happy about it, but neither am I sad. They wanted to die, and they got it. It's just not my problem.

Being this low IQ

demosn are cool and they are not real in sense tehy can just hop in you and you protect yourself with cross, christians other hand are wird as fuck. they swing a cross and talk about demons like they are real, i believe there is force making people evil and that most definitely work on christians aswell.

They came to Spain multiple times and they lost.

i-i-it's 12 years o-old

holy zambo cope, as if they have not been doing this for countless years and probably this year as well, hilarous christosimian coper

When they talk about protecting the flock they are actually just talking about protecting the means by which jews control them and allow evil men to prosper off of their work. They are the sheep the kike is the shepherd.

I can't control who gets to call themselves a Christian.

but you want to decide who the Troo Christians™ are to avoid any criticism to your global south jew worship religion currently aiding the demographic genocide of Europeans

If you don't do this you must love this

Classic Jewish pilpul. Shut the fuck up kike. I can just sit back and relax watching Jews and their pet golems like you do my work justifying your extermination as always has been the case. Throughout history Jews are always their own worst enemies. Don't worry you'll be treated just like gods chosen favorite. Will give priority to the front of the lines of the ovens. I mean you will give yourself that just like the Jews wanted a star of David instead of the black triangle.

Protecting your family == revenge

Render under Caesar

Let me know when they're burning christians like in Roman lamp posts. There is nothing saying let people murder your family.

confusions about Christ's purpose

There is nothing saying I should be the perfect lamb, that work is literally already done. If I was 99% Christ like, there'd be no perfect lamb. It's difficult to understand what you're even saying from your words though, try explaining your thoughts more in big boy words.

i believe there is force making people evil and that most definitely work on christians aswell.

Well seeing as how their god is the metaphysical representation of the jewish collective consciousness then yea they literally worship a kike demon and they are possessed by the psychic will of the jewish people.

lmfao what's going on with you balotelli nigger?, did a Mexican fucked your wife or what's the deal here lmfao!

The christian minority that's not fighting wanted to die? Now you're really sounding Israeli

spaniards are not respected around here and you know it motherfucker, i bet you're one of those Mexicans that think they're europeans because "muh grandparents", eat my shit fag

99% of the amerimutt flags pushing for christianity are your own countrymen who moved a bit north, that's why; it's directed more at amerispics than mexicans per se

Dang, you're even quoting the Israeli judeo-atheists now. Do you agree with the pharisee on everything?

Japanese Christian church

Surely a Jew is in charge just like all the Catholic charities.


Imagine having one chance at life, and this is how you spend your days...Is this the power of the pagan way of life?

Surely a Jew is in charge

what's new then? Shimon Bar Yonah aka (((Peter))) was a jew too

Yeah too bad it's not a pride parade. These ancient European traditions are not inclusive enough.

we also hate pochos and mutts so keep going, however please keep in mind that all of texas and cali is to this date inhabited by Mexicans who got their border moved to the south when the yanks kikeed Mexico, i'm not saying that i agree with illegal immigration, but you keep in mind that all of south usa was taken from Mexico

Did you know most major movies about the Roman empire were made in spain?

hahahahahahha lil zambo seething here and already going full into jewish psychoanalytic mode

A Christian is someone who has faith that Jesus is the son of God, aka the Christ, and that Christ died on a cross and rose again in 3 days and ascended to heaven.

Hypothetically if someone believes that they're a Christian and be in heaven whether or not they holocausted 6 million Jews or were a grandma who lived a near perfect life

There is nothing saying I should be the perfect lamb

you started off by saying

Christ also commands us to be like Him,

and I pointed out how "being like Jesus" means martyring yourself
you can't have it both ways. It can't be 'We abide by Christ's teachings and mold ourselves in his image to become better people" and then turn around and say that no on can or should imitate Jesus' defining trait.
You either act like Jesus or you don't. No 'I'll act like Jesus sometimes!"
I'm wasting my time, though. It's clear to me that all internet christians simply substitute their judgement for their "god's," while they desperately claim this isn't the case.

This is unbelievably sickening and it's a really good thing that this fag religion is dying everywhere except nigger lands.

woah your shitposting has really driven a wedge between me and Christ. Good job, mission accomplished.

Atheists are the pets of Israelis, you grew up and soaked up all of their atheist propaganda and sinful culture on tv and internet and still seem to think you're enlightened, that you figured out there's no God by way of your supreme intellect , and it wasn't the 20 years of Israeli Hollywood brainwashing you received.

people subject to mass persecution from muzzshits and pissraelis decide to catch a bullet instead of flee to a white country

"Wtf you can't just infer from this that they wanted to die!!!"

the funny part is is that, actually, yes I can.

Nah, Christianity got lame. You aren't even doing crusades anymore, like what happened, man?

Anon, they aren't actual demons, they're guys wearing costumes.

typical christosimian projection thinking anyone is interested in stopping you from worshiping some filthy rabbi; if anything keep doing it, makes it easier to draw a target on your head

What a strange point. Show the scripture that says I should be the perfect lamb of God and be sacrificed to forgive the sins of man?




Not a single gay or trans Krampus in sight!!! Manager!!! I need to speak to your manager!!!!!

woah your shitposting has really driven a wedge between me and Christ. Good job, mission accomplished.

Nobody gives a fuck about you and your sick relationship with your kike savior. We are just here to mock you and your faggot religion.

I'm pretty sure the Romans didn't dress like orcs and go ooga booga on the street.

I'm trying to follow your logic, but I can't. It really just sounds like you were reveling in christian families dying, but maybe I misjudged you. Are you saying you don't enjoy watching Israelis butcher christian families?

clearly you and that spaghettinigger care quite a lot about random strangers on Anon Babble following Christ. So much so that you're angry and foaming at the mouth. If I become a pagan will I be as angry as you? Will my life me as empty as yours?

holy projection son

Even mommy is a pagan now.

again, you're pretending to that martyrs aren't venerated by christianity.
Obviously you can't expect to be the perfect lamb of god, nor can you expect to ever live up to Jesus' teachings. You will always fail and fall short. The point is that you try, not that you succeed. I as a pagan shouldn't have to explain to this to an alleged christian.

Too many r*editors here now, enjoy hell y'all.

Krampus is a pedo nigger

This shit looks sick as fuck.
What was your point again?

Enjoy "Heaven" which is an eternity of cleaning jewish toilets and wiping their asses.

wow lol XD gotem

the pilpul and projection keeps on going, OP, like all christosimian spammers, made the thread and is getting rightfully shitted on
maybe instead of spamming this board with your nigger pedicure obsessed cult, try some brazilian or nigerian imageboards if you want a warmer treatment

At least they don't pretend they have "nukes".

watching an italian balotelli negro seething hard against Mexico isn't that common... so the wife-fucking thing was reasonable, this said, watching dumbfuck spaniard manolos, fucking arab motherfuckers such as you seething against Mexico is way more common... but you keep throwing tomatoes you dumb subsaharan negro, it's all good

Looks kino, you could make a metal band with this aesthetic

I like to imagine Jewish heaven being exactly like it is on Earth, except everyone is exactly as frivolously litigious and pedantic as they themselves are.
An uroboros of jews jewing jews, forever

seethe more juan, hurry up and enter USA before trump takes office!

I don't know what's confusing you. You have a group of people who want to die, a fact I am inferring from their actions, as they take no preventative measures to preserve their life. It is simply a fact of life that Middle Easterners and those that profess faiths that come from there will only bring about death.
I don't LIKE that middle easterners are always killing each other and dying. I don't WANT to see people getting killed. But there's nothing I can do about it, so I simply put it out of my mind.

That looks pretty based. Why do they have those horrible metal pans tho? Wouldn’t it be better if they had proper drums?

Well if you know christians then you know they like to argue that everything which predates monotheism is actually satan brainwashing people before they had contact with god

maybe instead of spamming this board

19 posts by this ID

you REALLLLLLLLLY want me to stop being a Christian. But it's just not going to happen. Sorry Satan, but Christ is King and there's nothing you can do about it.

That’s literal Satanism, retard

This looks awesome, I want to go join them and do whatever it is they are doing

Try your local pride parade next June.

I really want some fries now but everywhere is closed bc it’s Thanksgiving. Thanks for nothing bro

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more projection

as I already said nobody wants to even remotely associate with shit colored simians of your religion, we want you to stop associating with Europeans, that's all, worship your rabbi as much as you want

Larpers are gay but this shit is fun for kids. Last Xmas I held up a giant glowing "N" in my communities local Xmas festival. Here's the pic, it were fun.

Why get mad at a real community doing real things? Unless you're Jewish and hate white children?

I'm really confused by that image, because it's true?
Yeah, if you wanted allies, you could probably find some in those communities.
What an own, bro. Owned your fucking self

Try your local pride parade next June.

She bogged up her face and is unrecognizable now. The mommy I know and love is dead, sadly

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they did all sort of fun yearly rituals, Lupercalia is the one that comes to mind and it was originally even reserved to patricians youths


How did they lose, though?

How does a parasite kill it's host? How do diseases spread?

norse paganism

This is italo-germanic alt noncery. You boob


fuck the usa mohammad, i don't support illegal immigration towards the usa, Mexico or even spain, with all of those subsaharan apes you imbecile fucks accept by the millions every year... but keep sucking jewish cock, you did suck arab dick for fucking thousand years so i'm guessing that's your natural state

Through the mind during shitty DnC anti white threads like this. Nobody here wants to talk about anything positive. Nothing their local community is doing or what their kids are doing it's all just dragging other whites into the mud just as the kikes want.

Merry Christmas guys. Happy thanks giving to the yanks and Dixie's too.

Spain was the most powerful nation when they were very christian.
They were bold and had the inquisition.

But Christians are 95% of the flat earthers also

we lost 2 world wars brudi

Christians are literally 95% of the rightwing opposed to migration

Then why do they support all of these christian/jewish organizations that import massive amounts of immigrants.
It's almost like these supposed "right wing christians" don't understand christianity and to them it's a performative larp that they utilize for the sole purpose of the religion being a community activity and they support it by default because their parents did. It's almost like these people are brainwashed morons that don't know fuck all about anything and are being led around by the nose by kikes.

they were even more christian when they got conquered by mohammadians, just as north africans did, just as levantines did, though of course you are going to say the very rural chiefdoms/semi-barbaric kingdoms of the north that resisted were the Trve Christians all along
imagine if you could for one second trust in the quality of your own gentile group instead of attributing it to how well you are herded by jewish spiritual systems, that'd be sooo weird

All abrahamic religions are jewish slavery, not my problem jvde.

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some hollywood jewish movie is filming

heres your jew approved paganism goy

"jews gonna jew, npcs gonna npc" -plato

The christ cuck and jew fear the barbarian rapist cannibal

I'm starting to like your threads less and less OP


can you some nice threads towards Christmas please ?

same way the world is currently ruled by a handful of effeminate gay urbanites, you are unable to understand basic anthropology of the last few thousand years and biopolitical power projection by the parasite class, you instinctively identify with the whole "victorious" flock of sheep because you confuse quality of individuals with the quality of mass biopolitical control systems, which prove victorious because they can herd more men but at the expense of turning those men into individually less free worker ants

by your own standards, john smith the pudgy atheist lgbtq friendly software engineer in san francisco is the greatest iteration of humankind to have ever appeared and these "men" conquered and control "christendom"

fucking based, imagine a horde of these running down niggers in africa in some kind of racio-mythological hyperconquest
where do I sign up?

You aren't even doing crusades anymore

They are though, in Asia, Africa, and Latin-America. Its easy to convert non-White subhumans because of their low IQ.

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Oh. It's 1pbtid. I'll forgive you if you come back to post OP.


Captcha picrel

The early Christians did not employ these virtues when they took over Rome
After their mutiny, when they were actually able to read the Bible they started acting like this.
Then Rome fell and Germanics appropriated Christianity to be a warrior religion.
Over time people were actually able to read the Bible again and now we're at the fall of our civilization.

This. Turning away from Christ is why Britain and the west are being inundated with foreigners.The Bible explains it.

that looks actually comfy af (as fuck)

Hecking based. If you dont like it you are abrahamic (jewish)

I reckon most of those dudes are Catholics, they are just fucking around with a traditional festival

Reminder that snow niggers lived in mud huts until the Romans and later the crusaders civilized them.

Rome lost

This is shit and not traditional in the slightest

t. colony of a country that is basically LARPing as Rome, which follows Roman derived law and a religion started in Rome and spread by Romans

Looks like a lot of weird fun.

you will never be a roman juan

Paganiggers are nothing but retards here for our amusement. It's like watching the handicapped work.


OK abbo


juanito please your "we" is a bunch of rootless shit colored third worlders whose grad priest kisses the feet of niggers, there's no sinking lower than this

Meanwhile, the "based" and "tradpilling" norse paganism

Why do Christians steal from pagan culture?

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Kek imagine being asked a question and then sperging out refusing to answer in any way shape or form. Remember to have open borders Christian it's what's (thee jews who wrote the Bible) Jesus would've wanted.

We had the best ship technology which made us able to spread our seed all over Europe.

The so called "mudhuts" were technological marvels made for people to survive the harsh Northern climate.

And I mean not traditional because they are not wearing traditional costumes, let alone traditional wooden masks. And that drum parade is cringe, they should move and scare kids. It looks like they were lost on their way to some edgy atheist satanic party.
I am old enough so I was lucky to see the real deal when I was a child.

deni of who you really are

Someone didnt read about the flood, mystery babylon, and the scattering after babylon
No anon, the Truth is that you were born a child of God and instead choose the deception of satan by willful and or pluralistic ignorance

Its really not all that hard to comprehend sin and the need for Salvation from sin via Jesus Christ
There are no other gods but Him

our seeds

A sicilian has more norman blood than you, you are descended from smelly thralls who stayed in norway.

And the bible states clearly that gifts blind the wise and to put a knife to your throat if youre a glutton given to appetite when you sit down to do business with a ruler

People cannot see when they refuse to open their eyes, come here to pol and criticise globohomo leftist traditions and subversions whilst engaging in the same hubris of a differing tone

And America

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There is a time For peace and a time for war
A time to love and a time to hate

Jesus cam in peace and love the first time in order to Redeem all of man, no respect of persons, for their sins against Him and each other, He is willing and able that none should perish but have everlasting life should they confess their sins and worship Him

His second coming at the end of the age will be of war and of hate, for His enemies get the space of an hour before theyre Annihilated by the sword of His Mouth

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of all wisdom
Isaiah 45:7
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

Checked, they are faggot furries, aren't they?

Joseph smith wqs lynched because he coopted freemasonic religion into a counterfeit christianity and then added to the Word of God which was alreqdy complete

A great falling away as it were prophesied

"Racism is a poison. It denies the right of a person to be treated as a person, to be recognized in his or her uniqueness, equality, and dignity."
Pope Francis

"In the name of God, I ask you to seek forgiveness for your people, for your communities, for your countries, for the injustices and violence that have been perpetrated against the Jewish people."
Pope John Paul II

"The Church... condemns hatred, persecutions, and all forms of antisemitism directed against the Jews at any time and by anyone."
Nostra Aetate

"Racism is a sin that divides society. It is a rejection of the call to be brothers and sisters to one another. Such sin leads to eternal consequences if not repented."
Pope Francis

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"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27

"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"
Matthew 22:37-39

"For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations."
Ephesians 2:14-16

"If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother."
John 4:20-21

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!"
Psalm 133:1

"Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

Yeah we have known northern Europeans have nigger taste in their God practices since ancient times.

If you are into 'paganism' know that Apollo or Zeus dont require you to dress in goofy monkey costumes to worship them.

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