Hoe math guy is a fucking Nazi

Anyone else shocked by this? This dude is actually a fucking Nazi. Like this is what Hitler wouldve said.

anti semite piece of shit

Is this nigger using ai? Or is he autistic?

Oh wow, another anti-semitic thread - real original stuff. But pol isn't a Nazi site, huh?

Yeah, I now unironically associate antisemitism with low IQ. Openly hating kikes is retarded sheep NPC behavior that for some reason all of Anon Babble thinks is le based and redpilled. How much further from the truth could that be? There once was a time when criticizing Jews actually meant something, but that movement has since been hijacked by actual retards who think they're smart yet have nothing to say other than "dajooz" or "shalom" when someone says something that doesn't fit their worldview. Pathetic.

I'm starting to root for the Jews just to piss you normies off. I'm greatly enjoying it too.

I grew up shit kicking you little Hitler wannabes one Doc to the face at a time. These manchildren would quite literally piss themselves in fear. Anyone that brings fascism, sexism, bigotry, and hatred for the fellow man is going to have their teeth forcibly ejected out of their face via fist.

I think he's a weird autistic narcissist. You can tell by the way he talks. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

I for one welcome our new overlord

That's because he is

You rape and eat babies.

or, theres the alternative idea that is far more believable.

semites are pieces of shit.

And he still can’t get laid

low IQ psy-op agent

oh wow another jew that infests this site kvetching because their spells don't work on everyone.

i think theres not enough antisemitism to be quite honest. we should have no tolerance for anyone who is antichrist.

You’re fucking terrible at this.

IMG_1714.jpg - 1196x1075, 281.28K

Is this a Mike V copy pasta?

He did a video with his current gf.
It was a bit cringe.

He's got the youtube money, and isn't a retard with money, so I don't think he has trouble keeping her or getting sex.

That's a weird halfbaked insult. Try again.

id like to break your neck

He's anti-communism, not necessarily a Nazi. But even if he is, that's based.

Are you just not psychic or what?

He has spoken out against mass immigration and white replacement so he's def redpilled

Shut up sheeny, you never beat up anyone.

The fact that such stale pasta gets so many replies is a travesty.

gay pasta

be less inbred next life mohel

Post pic of his gf


Believing in freedom of association makes you a nazi.

Don't be a retard anon.

She's the stick figure in his profile pic

Walking.gif - 680x510, 145.5K

Calling mass migration and feminism a great evil makes you pretty close to nazism actually

You can oppose mass migration and feminism without being a National Socialist. (e.g. pic related)

Hoppe.jpg - 994x1500, 86.4K

Men = niggers
Women = jews

Niggers vs jews

Wow just wow, men think they have rights, le sigh /s

I knew he was based but I didn't knew he was that based!

Well then hail hitler bitch

That's like 90% of the populace then.

My gf isn't very hot but she does have a cute face, I think she'd be fairly sexy if she lost 100lbs. She has borderline bipolar schizophrenia and some other shit. She takes lithium and duloxetine for it. I love her very much and she's never sperged out at me. She has PTSD from being raped. Borderline I know is the absolute NIGHTMARE MODE of women for relationships. But we've been together 2 years and if she hadn't told me directly, I never would have known. Sometimes I worry that I'm betabux and maybe I am but to be fair there isn't much else about me to attract a woman. I don't know what to do bros. My old oneitis is fucking another man who is even lower than me and it makes me think I could've gotten her. It makes me worry if I leave my gf I'll end up talking to her again and falling for her again somehow. My gf is so sweet and so kind and I love her, I just don't sexually desire her. My life would be a lot simpler if I was alone, I could just fucking go NEET and stop caring. But I can't leave her bros I love her. I wish she'd never told me the fucking BPD. I never would have even noticed.

Its hard to believe first world women when the claim rape. They just regret the consensutal sex they had, and are trying to give you a rationalization, because thier gulit builds up, and they want to cause some drama, even though you wouldn't even know if they don't tell you.

Real victims don't want to re-live trauma.

Tldr, shes lying, stop believing her.

she would be hot -100lbs

Same anon. It will drive u crazy if u let it. Mines also perfect for me but she just can’t accept losing weight as an option.

Oh well, we tolerate anything when we truly love people.

Then don't give her the option.
Remove all junk from the house anytime she buys it. Explain she's only allowed to eat good food. Set aside 30 min a day where you watch her do cardio on a progressive schedule.

She's just shittesting you.

Trying to lord over people doesn’t work. They have to want to.

Its not a shit test, its severe denial. I am not equipped to handle that and anyone who was, is now too woke to say it in a clinical context.

Actually freedom of association is the opposite of fascism.

kek nice pasta


kys kys kys

This is important. People who have actually been through trauma don't want to relive it, and especially don't want to tell anybody.
Every dumb white broad ever has some complaint that they were raped, when they actually just gave it up to some dude that they regret. Classic narcissistic delusion. They will also tell anybody who will listen about their fake rape.

Weak b8

oy vey

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They'll use far-right, fascist, or some other smear that means "nazi" eventually. Doesn't matter what say or believe you are.

do you have the right to exclude white supremacist?