/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #16128

▶Day: 1009 — Daily battlefield assessment:isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW


Ruble is going to the moon

putin's decree to liberate Kursk by Oct 1 has failed

Putin threatens to target 'decision-making centres in Kyiv' with new Oreshnik IRBM missile

Small number of Ukrainian and russian children to families after mediation by Qatar

General Prosecutor's office of Ukraine: russian troops have executed 5 Ukrainian POWs near Novodarivka, Zaporizhzhia on 24/11

US is urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military by drafting more troops and lowering the conscription age to as young as 18, Zelenskyy is against this

Trump has picked Keith Kellogg to serve as special envoy for Ukraine and russia

Sabotage of western targets by russia may prompt Nato to consider invoking its article 5

EU proposing to sanction Chinese technology firms for supporting russia in its war on Ukraine

UK sent many Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine in secret

Gennady Anashkin is the new senior commander of russian troops fighting in Ukraine

Highest number of drones fired into Ukraine over a single night

Kaluga oil refinery droned

Spontaneous combustion of S-400 air defense system (radar and 2 launchers) in Kursk on 23/11

Debt forgiveness (up to $96k) offered to new russian recruits

Taiwan’s former president urges US to prioritise aiding Ukraine over Taiwan for now


odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG(equipment explorer)
ukr.warspotting.net(visually confirmed losses)


▶DISPOSABLE SOLDIER (diary of a RU mobik) (translation courtesy of cofi anon)
TOUR 1:files.catbox.moe/34fuhc.txt
TOUR 2:files.catbox.moe/uj2wut.txt
TOUR 3:files.catbox.moe/hmyd98.txt
TOUR 4:files.catbox.moe/cdenxe.txt

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russians be like:

pee pee poo poo

Fuck this country. There is nothing to be thankful for.

Fuck this country. There is nothing to be thankful for.

Some people say that the next president of the USA will save Russia. That seems a bit fantastical to me. Your opinions?

If only you knew how brown things really are

Uh oh you gave away the script. Your guns get broomed



uh oh, totally organic posting by two unrelated USA anons
(into the brooming chamber they go)

they do be like that

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How do Americans sleep at night?

photo of a single ruble


He won’t save Russia but he may save Ukraine demography by ending this war.

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Do you have anything older to spam?

Calm down, tranny.

O, нoвый днp-фильм. Дaй ccылкy нa фyл. Я нaдeюcь тaм ecть мoи любимыe кинoляпы.

another Russian FPV drone group was eliminated in Aleppo


Calm down, tranny.

with a big mac in there fat mouths.




TZD is truly going global.

Knowing my tax dollars gets finally turned into kino instead of rotting in a warehouse for 40 years


yeah that kid has already been drafted and killed in combat too

The absolute state of Glavset

Kellogg and Waltz are not pro-russia choices. Russia cannot be saved on the long term anyway, they burned their future in the past 3 years.

there is no room there

That's russophobic, there's always additional room there.

current ruble status?

based monke enjoyer

My office, now

central bank stopped trading it

good morning, fellow banan conossieur anon

Provided it was an actual forced drafting (which does happen). The problem is though, you guys spam so much shit, that even legitimate cases become doubtful when you start spamming them across Internet for months on end.

Or is that the intention? Firehose of lies?

The same fucking le scary headline article since september

Get a new material, jew.

Russia is beyond saving at this point. Even if russia magically conquers Kƴıv today, those sanctions aren't coming off anytime soon.

Remember good goys! Ukraine only loses about 10 men per day according to Emperor President for Life No Elections Zelensky!
Trust the Plan!

The famous "dolbilnya"?

every accusation is a projection

It's how Russia loses only 15000 people in three years, am I right? :)

fake video from 2 years ago

The state of russhit propaganda

Kek I remember LE 1ST OF NOVEMBER cope local trannies made up that had to be swiftly removed from OP as the date came

Cгoняй в Oдeccy, мaтepиaлa нa тpи фильмa нacнимaeшь

Firehose of jew serf trade, same as always in khazariya

I remember this. Faker than porn

Putin himself admitted to 20 000 casualities per month. You can only imagine the real numbers.

It's not cope though, it was trialled in three subjects of RF and postponed until January 1st. Want proof for your New Year's Surprise, pidorahska?

Stop squealing and get some new material besides kike sliding, nigger.

Kellogg and Waltz are not pro-russia choices.

Yeah saw a quote by Kellogg who seemed very pro Ukraine. And he is supposed to be the guy going there and trying to solve this on Trump's behalf.

Russia cannot be saved on the long term anyway, they burned their future in the past 3 years.

Yeah I don't see a country getting back from this in a healthy way. We are still seeing the 2008 crisis. At least some economists say. I'm too stupid for all that

Also imagine the NATO causalities too.

And a pleasant day to you too, my good sir. Every day is a good day for banan!

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It literally happened though, lmao. Now the electronic conscription system is active and people are being denied freedom for not reporting to the office. Even in Moscow.

Russia didn't lose even a single person in the war... because russians aren't people.

Whole 0 of them. Grim.

Over a million YoY increase in disability claims for draftable men since 2022 according to Rosstat itself, so I get the idea.

That's true. So Total Russian Death is a win-win for everyone.

Every day is a good day for banan!


There are Czech soldiers deployed to Ukraine that are not coming home. That's grim.


Source: I made it up after shooting up krokodil

draft age in pussia has been 18-30 for over a year now

I sleep

ukraine suggests lowering draft age to 18 3 years into fighting "2nd army of the galaxy"


I like Trump's choices other than Tyлcи so far. I still don't think Ukraine will defeat Russia militarily (for which I'm surely a glavset shill) but the Russian economy will be eternally fucked when Trump gets in and starts crashing oil prices.

NATO causalities


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Has something changed, is the ukrayine not run by the jew anymore?

Azog isis global židobandera

Are there? Or is it just 4 volunteers that figured that they will do something for their children?


Aaah, another imbecile that doesnt understand how armies work

Goddamn 4 whole Czech volunteers have died. HATO will never recover.

I wonder how Monke will get banan, now that they stopped importing fresh fruit

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ukraine suggests

Anonymous Biden administration official suggests*


Why is this lie so popular? Is it simply concernposting?

Have you taken your meds yet or have they been prescribed by a Jew too?

this is a fake pic, the real pic has banan in both hands

can it carry a small nuke into bilhorod
just asking

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that yellow ribbon is a nice touch

its real, pal

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no worries, putinga will nuke belgorod so that morale finally improves.

Jew psychologization and shilling for (meds). I will have to filter (you), to demonic for my taste dr. fraud

doesn't matter
only banan matters

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Danemami came back on /chug/?

Is it, totally real US citizen? I mean, you were talking about NATO casualities and there are currently none, so

can it carry a small nuke into bilhorod

It probably can, while being comically slow while doing so

False. An American UAV crashed into the Black Sea because a Russian jet flew close to it.


Thanks for playing. Don't forget to wash your pants, retard.

North korean troops are already fighting in Ukraine, what the french doing?

First of all


NATO casuality

Second of all, it didn't crash lmao, it was just damaged. You should go to the olympics for how much you can life that whole goalpost and move it few kilometers away, totally real US citizen

I'm going to filter you

Magic, shills filter me on their own. Please do.

Comfy Happening in Syria

You don't find the great replacement and ex- white european societies to be causalities of zog rule?

yellow armabands

The HOG is real

Firehose of lies

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yellow, green and I think I saw blue too

Ah yes, the great replacement that isn't happening in Czech Republic, but it is extremely happening in Russia? That one? Also, why is your mother a whore?

Lol, porn juden

Lol, you bet on the wrong horse and all ypu have is pathetic insults, while your mother makes money by taking various dicks of various nationalities in her.

Wishful thinking by contrarians who got buck broken by jan 6.

zigga zigger ziggest

Only such a fuck up from the US of A can save russia indeed, how probable that is a different matter altogether

Porn juden personalises the struggle session, the ukrayine must not be doing so great :(

Uuuuuhhhhhh... no ruble cope comrades? Why? It's almost as if it were a total nothingburger, curious!
Sooo, what are we discussing today? Ah, monkes and banans, I see...
Top fucking kek comrades, how can you be so guillible? Are you really such NPCs?

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It's almost as if it were a total nothingburger, curious!

they stopped forex trading marxio
and no, its not a good thing

You shouldn't use those big words around him, he won't understand them anyways.

Russia is going to lose Syria


Woah I'm sure it's going to be huge comrade, but if I were a hyhyl I'd probably worry more about

no power station

no electricity

collapsing frontlines and huge USSR gains

possible new HazelNUTS! incoming

Also where the fuck is my comrade leechbro? Don't tell me he is anything but here in the only day he had a chance to be remotely useful?

uhm actually its a good thing that foreign companies negotiating new contracts dont know the true value of the ruble

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That was just weak. Earn your money, you lazy fag.

When the Russian government paper has headlines like “Panic attack for Russia’s currency market” you know there’s a problem. Today’s Russian papers focus on the falling rouble. One paper notes that “news from the currency markets resembled reports from a war zone”

part 1

When the Russian government paper has headlines like “Panic attack for Russia’s currency market” you know there’s a problem. Today’s Russian papers focus on the falling rouble. One paper notes that “news from the currency markets resembled reports from a war zone”

part 2

fake video

Why do you think so?

Putin's puppet government in Syria now counting the hours they have left.

Putin's maniacal obsession with Ukraine is losing him an empire.

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the new pozzia


Ah, the first target had finally been reached. Buckle up now, the ride is about to begin.

Escalation! French mercenaries spotted in Kursk Oblast. We’ve done it—crossed the final red line. Armed French baguette battalions are now in the field. NATO escalation levels: unbaked.

Hon, Hon, Hon!

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Where are their insignias?

Because I am not brown. It is so obviously fake it hurts.

Let me video it oh no that totally real soldier is pushing me away but I am still filming

Can't believe money went to this shit, to actually film this shit. Even though in 2022, Russian economy wasn't fucked yet.

the last 2 things the central bank can do to save the ruble have been done (or about to).
1. stop buying foreign money
2. push the key rate to 25%.... yes 4 more points..

this still means that the ruble will still stay at about 110-1 USD. its not about fixing the issue its about just stopping or delaying the next crash.

us key rate right now is 3.4-4.7%


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Let me video it oh no that totally real soldier is pushing me away but I am still filming

Lots of such bussyfication vids. All are fake?

All are

THIS ONE IS. Any more goalpost moving?

Technically bussyficatiors are civils, as i got, though work on army.

david D.
the russians lie to their own people.. shocked, i know right??

‼ A soldier about older contract soldiers: they promise the rear, but send them to storm .

Koltsov Alexey Vyacheslavovich , born April 26, 1984, recorded an address in which he spoke about the problem of a large number of men aged 50-60 in units. Alexey reported that such men of this age are only promised service in "warm places". But, in fact, they do not end up in the positions of drivers or cooks in the rear, but participate in assaults together with other fighters.

Alexey said that there are currently no vacancies in the rear, and everyone who hopes for a quiet service ends up in assault groups. According to the man, the command does not take into account the age and physical condition of the servicemen and does not pay attention to their readiness for such conditions:
"We understand that you did not go to storm, but you will be sent there anyway. You are not ready. Neither physically nor mentally. So know that there are already enough drivers and cooks here, be ready to move forward"


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Wait are you trying to compare it to the videos of martial law arrests, where the retards posting them don't know what martial law is? That is extremely hilarious. Please keep posting. Don't forget to kiss the quaran everytime you make a post, ahmed.

yeah that must suck if you live in india, china or iran

Technically bussyficatiors are civils, as i got, though work on army.

It's the opposite actually, the are soldiers technically.

America didin't invade Ukraine, it's shelomov who has been bullying Ukraine since 2003 with Tuzla Island dispute. Pidor glowies started forming separatist parties in Ukraine back in 2005 and girking started the war in East Ukraine back in 2014 and Shelomov invaded in 2022

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stop buying foreign money

But that was their last access to money that was worth anything...


Technically, your mother is a cupid, but we're both knows that realistically she's just a cheap whore.

Muh red lines pidor cyka

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russia is going all in on a msl that they dont have in full production yet, that they cant afford, that would be a non issue on todays battlefield.

2-3 billion to build a production line that they cant man..

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Why are vatniks so obsessed with "trannies"?

Your country is a kleptocracy, ruled by a dictator who doesn't give a fuck about his people. Fix your country.

What's the real proposal about drafting 18 year old males in Ukraine?

"why" question in the context of russians

1. stop buying foreign money

2. push the key rate to 25%.... yes 4 more points..

7. Don't you know that nobody would buy old banknotes from you, and if they would they would give only half the price, only here in russia sberbank would do so and will give you the full price, so sell them now, sell them quick.
No, I'm not joking.

Wait are you trying to compare it to the videos of martial law arrests, where the retards posting them don't know what martial law is? That is extremely hilarious.

For what they are arrested, retardo? For avoinding draft. Which bussyfication is.

Why are vatniks so obsessed with "trannies"?

Because Russia is inferior to west by every metric.
Lower life expectancy than in west, lower salaries than in west, worse education than west etc

Ziggers have nothing to boast about, so they just post about how west is bad because of trannies

Who's gonna tell him?

btw puccia lost this in Crimea in the recent attack,
some funny radar, 5 million dollaroos

source GUR

...while having trannies themselves

there are currently no vacancies in the rear, and everyone who hopes for a quiet service ends up in assault groups.

That'll be corruption in action.

Everybody in the Russian military can clearly see the meat-grinder, and everybody above the grunt level is holding on to their positions for dear life so they don't get grinded themselves.
Zero doubt there's a bunch of Russians opening their assholes on the regular so they can stay truck-drivers while some old man storms the trenches.

Why are vatniks so obsessed with "trannies"?

So that we won't talk about how gay they are. Seriously.

They have pervasive gay rape throughout their military, which every Russian passes through, and the hazing culture ensures that nobody but "special cases" is gonna avoid being sodomized.

They're the gayest country on Earth besides being the pedo-capital, so they project just like fucking always...


You were under a Maltese Cross memeflag the last two threads, don't pretend you were working, bald failure.

For being pro-pidorrussian fags.

Fix your country

That's what you don't understand because of lack of understanding and exposure. They won't fix shit, because the current system is what they deeply deem normal. You look at them and see europeans, while in reality it's an asiatic despotic subhuman regime with commie, kgb and prison characteristics.

uhh guyse!! please donate for le pucian epic kurks conquest!! we need of crafting drones

Said drones:

The Spanish National Police has eliminated a criminal group that allegedly transported drugs on Ukrainian drones from Morocco to the territory of the kingdom, according to a press release from the country's law enforcement agencies.

"National police officers have eliminated a criminal organization in Algeciras (a city in southern Spain), allegedly engaged in the delivery of hashish to our country from Morocco using unmanned aerial vehicles. "The "drug lords" were produced in Ukraine, and then transported by road to the south of our country," the report says.

420 based bros

Hohols, why western barin tells unpleasant about draft prodedures?

5 million dollaroos

For a radar

bro it costs like 4 million dollars for a single patriot missile.

Link to the source?

Russian propagandists joke about nuclear weapons:

"Putin calls Trump and says, 'Donald, we've heeded your wish. We give up nuclear weapons. We've decided to give you everything we have. This is good news for you.'

Trump asks, 'What's the bad news?'

'In 10 minutes, it's all fly to you'."


What does that mean?

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barin skazal priyatnoye

KEK, never change, pidorashka.

How? By getting Russia out and Ukraine into NATO? Since the steppe apes will just attack again later if there’s nothing but treaties and agreements to stop them. We all know they can’t be trusted.

Olena Nahorna, a volunteer from the Dnipropetrovsk region, is restoring abandoned houses for Ukrainian Def. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, she has restored more than 30 houses in one of the villages.

Olena says that she will keep doing it in memory of her late husband.

"I can't join the army for health reasons. I do the best I can. I do what I can do," Olena says.

: Suspilne Dnipro


Because our media isn't state-run like in Russia.

Didn't you think it was strange how there's always at least SOMEBODY supporting your propaganda?

In countries with free speech, you can shop and find somebody saying ANYTHING you want to hear.
Only idiot Russians believe any of it tho.

You know, what is the greatest about this? You. I can literally tell you the truth and you will ignore it, because you rusniggers are bigger bugs than the chinese. Once China tries something on Taiwan, after your ultimate demise, I will have to be like "noooo don't post this, that is bad" and they will understand that it is fucking retarded. However, with you, the ultimate mouth bteathers on the planet Earth, I can literally tell you the perfect shilling strategy, yet you will ignore it, because you are too retarded to think for yourselves, ignoring your smooth brained superiors. You are simply too low IQ. I am going to miss you, once this is over. Will you at least give me a number for your mother, so that I can get a quick fuck for a few slices of bread in a year or two? Don't worry, I will pay for the STD test.

Why does that "journalist" doesn't have any articles posted?

Russians will be able to join the Taliban, if it is removed from the list of terrorist organizations, according to Russian MP Ernest Valeyev. He was part of a group of MPs that submitted a draft law to exclude organizations that have “stopped the propaganda, justification and support of terrorism” from the list.

And it's almost certain that Taliban will be acknowledged in Russia as a respectable organization.

Will they recruit people from Afghanistan to join the Russian army, as well?

syria shilling

The saddest part is you nafoid niggers couldn’t keep your hands off the pristine refuge of /sg/. I get it you have to shill here because it’s a fucking glowie cesspit. Russians and Turks were peacefully throwing shit on each other until your fucking kind began seeping in

Pretty much, yeah. Also checked.

you forget that 5 mil $ is about 12323487234287148734234 trillion rubbles

it means strict no panicking measures


t. flag

hard times in Texas, John Smith#1 and John Smith#2?

Russia will help you both, but you need to get on the plane so you can get into the Russian trench! The trenches are very trad and you will feel relief from western degeneracy very quickly.

Keep in mind that most of what Russia has is soviet made and Russia lost the technology to build it

I like that they still couldn’t get the rubble over one cent. That just indicates the thing is going to keep falling, and the harder they push the less it matters.

Ukraine is the reason Rebels took bunch of villages in syria

The eternal HOG

there are many!!

this one looks mad, kek

reminder: second part.

You are disgusting degenerates and all you do is LIE about how other people are worse when they're not.

The saddest part

China is taking advantage of Russia, bit by bit.

Moscow, weakened by sanctions, turned to Beijing for help – but this help comes with strings attached. The relationship between the two countries is a “friendship” on paper, but in reality, it is a way for China to get access to cheap raw materials, and export its surplus machinery and consumer goods back into Russia, turning a very good profit, and creating a dependence on its manufacturing capacity and economic power.

Russian oil and gas are the most obvious and common examples of this quasi-colonial relationship, but as sanctions tighten and the Kremlin’s coffers empty, China is expanding to other resources as well.

▪China has become a “hub” for Russian gold. Russia, the second largest gold producer in the world, has resorted to using its sizeable gold reserves to avoid sanctions by offering gold as barter for goods they need. China might also be refining Russian gold, to “launder” it past sanctions.

▪Exports of Russian diamonds to China via Hong Kong have increased 18x year-on-year in 2024. While partly this is done, once again, to avoid sanctions, there are signs that China might be processing and selling them back to Russia – about $12 million worth of diamonds were exported to Russia in August 2024 alone. The largest diamond transaction from China to Russia before this was only worth $200 000.

Beijing is exploiting Russia very smartly, as Moscow struggles to support its war effort.


Could you imagine such titles in western media just a year ago?

The saddest part

Cyprus has revoked the citizenship of 86 people, 77 of them Russians.

The names include Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, former top manager of Lukoil Ali Beglov, Alfa Group shareholder Alexey Kuzmichev, founder and the main shareholder of Safmar Group Mikhail Gutseriev, former mayor of Chelyabinsk and governor of the Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich, former chairman of the board of directors of Sheremetyevo Airport Alexander Ponomarenko, owner of Rusagro Vadim Moshkovich; co-owner of the Fix Price chain of discount stores Sergey Lomakin, ex-FSB investigator Sergey Kovbasyuk, as well as numerous wives of State Duma deputies, former top managers of Probusinessbank and the Life Financial Group - Alexander Zheleznyak, Yaroslav Alekseev, Alexander Lomov and co-founder of Tochka Bank Eduard Panteleev.

Source: politis.com.cy/politis-news/cyprus/867644/idoy-ta-chrysa-diavatiria-poy-anaklithikan-o-p-exasfalise-kai-dimosievei-ton-onomastiko-katalogo

Because our media isn't state-run like in Russia.

Didn't you think it was strange how there's always at least SOMEBODY supporting your propaganda?

I offer version with less mental gymnastics: (((CURRENT))) is changing, and hohols are being diched.

FSA just learned how to use fpv drones the ukrainian way
Give your energy to FSA and lets hope for an other big kino for Ziggers and Shits

Yeah, easily. Western media is a place where you can easily find absolutely any kind of bullshit, even the bullshit that exactly you would like to hear.

Donald Trump nominated Keith Kellogg as Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia.

General Kellog was a National Security Advisor during Donald Trump’s first term in office.

It is reported that he is one of the authors of the plan to stop Russia's war against Ukraine that was presented to Trump in June.

Reportedly, the plan suggested that Ukraine could receive more weapons from the US, but only if it entered into peace talks with Russia. Moscow would be warned that refusing to negotiate would lead to increased US support for Ukraine.

The plan also suggested a ceasefire based on existing contact lines. One incentive for Russia to participate in the negotiations, the authors said, was a possible US promise to postpone Ukraine's membership in NATO for a long period.

(((CURRENT))) is changing

You've been citing our media in your propaganda all along.

Your lies are pointless.
Another stain on your soul in support of the worst sinners on Earth and for zero gain.
What a fool you are. Enjoy Hell.

the Gremlin needs more poop suitcases!

some nobody said something

that should mean russia is winning

Go check twitter as well, lmao.

Congressman Michael McCaul:

"The greatest sin and weakness of the Budapest agreement, which took all the deterrence away from Ukraine to give up all their nuclear weapons, had no enforcement mechanism. Then Russia moved into the Donbas, into Crimea, with no enforcement. We betrayed Ukraine. NATO betrayed Ukraine at that moment," @RepMcCaul said.


ro it costs like 4 million dollars for a single patriot missile.

Those are 1.5 mil or less you blockhead .

gulagshills having a conversation about how western media lies.
top fucking kek


Cope harder
Total Zigger Death
Total Shiite Death

Great to be with @johnrobertsFox @GillianHTurner @AmericaNewsroom on critical issues in the war in Ukraine. When it comes to international issues to be worked and solved by President-elect Trump, this war is the wolf closest to the sled.


Naw, we’re pro Ukraine. The only debate is how we make the ziggers go back to your containment zone and leave Europe alone.

My brown friend, since even before the invasion of 2022 there were hundreds of BS articles about Ukraine in western media, almost always "written" by some russia-aligned faggots whom either lived in russia for a decade or studied there or just ate out of their hand.

Western media is mostly non political. News write the most about events and happenings like hurricanes or accidents. It's Pidor and Chink media that is political

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Putin visited Kazakhstan for the second time this year.

He was greeted with a huge Ukrainian flag on a large screen on a building. Russian media said it was a hacker attack.


So, he actually did shat himself? Is that what you saying?

MY HOLY /sg/

Dumpster general full of brownoids back in 2015 and it still is now.

Massive Russian missile attack on Ukraine. Explosions heard in several regions, including Kyiv. Power outages in several regions across the country.

: Kyiv metro. During air raid alerts it is used as shelter


Пocoльcтвo Дaнии в Укpaинe пpeдyпpeждaeт cвoих гpaждaн, чтo мecтнaя пoлиция и TЦК мoгyт пpимeнять к ним "гpyбyю cилy".

Гpaждaнин Дaнии пoкaзaл пaмяткy, выдaннyю eмy в пocoльcтвe. Шecтoй пyнкт в нeй глacит:

"B cлyчae пoпытoк зaдepжaния вac пpeдcтaвитeлями yкpaинcкoй пoлиции или вoeнкoмaтa и пpимeнeния пpoтив вac гpyбoй cилы, вы дoлжны нeмeдлeннo cвязaтьcя c пocoльcтвoм Дaнии".

Can hohols too contact Dutch embassy, if are being bussified against will? I'm just curious.

Yet another massive Russian attack on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure.

Russia used several types of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, aviation cruisse missiles, attack drones for the attack on Ukraine.

◾In Rivne region, over 280,000 people are without electricity. Water outages, as well.

◾In Mykolaiv, trams and trolleybuses are not working today. There are electricity outages.

◾In Lutsk, a part of the city is without electricity. Public transport that runs on electricity is not working today.

◾In Kharkiv, a civilian enterprise was attacked.

◾In Sumy region, infrastructure objects destroyed, a school, hospital, homes damaged.

◾In Lviv region, energy infrastructure objects were attacked.

◾In Odesa, private homes damaged.

◾In Vinnytsia, private homes and vehicles damaged. A woman injured.

Can I have the link?

hohol tries to tell about free western media

but cannot imagine honest opinions against CURRENT..

...projecting realities of his own gulag

A great response to the current “World War III” discourse in the West by @TimothyDSnyder. Link to full text below.

Ukraine’s resistance against Russia makes a third world war less likely. Blaming Ukrainians for the invasion or hindering their efforts reflects “self-destructive panic” that only brings us closer to catastrophe.

A sober analysis shows that Ukraine is keeping the world safe from three familiar WWIII scenarios:

▪Great power conflict in Europe. Ukrainians have contained the war to their own country, at staggering costs. Without ongoing support from allies, Ukraine could lose, allowing the war to spread into Europe.

▪Outbreak of conflict in the Pacific. Ukraine’s resistance deters Chinese aggression in Taiwan. A strong Western coalition supporting Ukraine signals to China that risky offensives would fail, reducing the chance of escalation in Asia.

▪Nuclear proliferation. Ukraine’s continued resistance to one of the world’s nuclear powers prevents a global rush for nuclear weapons. If Ukraine were to fall, non-nuclear countries would seek nuclear arms for self-defense, making the world far more volatile.

Hysteria and panic—manifested as “worship of the Big Strong Man” offering easy solutions—undermine these efforts.

▪Putin exploits fear of nuclear war, but his threats have been empty for years. The Russian elite keep their families in Western capitals, showing they don’t take his rhetoric seriously. Yet giving in to Putin empowers him and increases the risk of WWIII.

▪Trump does not have the power to stop Russia invading, or Ukraine resisting. He can weaken Ukraine, though, and make their defeat – and WWIII – more likely.

Ukrainian courage has made the world safer, but it is fragile. Western support is critical, and abandoning Ukraine out of fear or hysteria would risk a global war—the very outcome we all want to avoid.

Source: snyder.substack.com/p/a-third-world-war

Total Zigger Transition


Still no link? Why is that?


Putin at the CSTO summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.

He doesn't look like a confident leader, certain of himself. In fact, he looks anxious, especially his hands.


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cнятo в пoдвaлaх Mocфильмa!


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Huh, it is moving interestingly fast, however Aleppo would be a grind. Maybe and encirclement?

i hear some military nerds that this is due to many flying ziggers gone fight in Ukraine.
Well, thanks Ukraine, again

if they enter the apartment complexes in the al-assad neighborhood then it could be big

I hadn't even watched your /wm/ bullshit, eunuch. Next time try odnoclasniki or SMTN.

Пocoльcтвo Дaнии в Укpaинe пpeдyпpeждaeт cвoих гpaждaн, чтo мecтнaя пoлиция и TЦК мoгyт пpимeнять к ним "гpyбyю cилy".

> Гpaждaнин Дaнии пoкaзaл пaмяткy, выдaннyю eмy в пocoльcтвe. Шecтoй пyнкт в нeй глacит:

> "B cлyчae пoпытoк зaдepжaния вac пpeдcтaвитeлями yкpaинcкoй пoлиции или вoeнкoмaтa и пpимeнeния пpoтив вac гpyбoй cилы, вы дoлжны нeмeдлeннo cвязaтьcя c пocoльcтвoм Дaнии".

Putin continued missile and nuclear threats at the CSTO meeting in Astana:

◾Russia produces 10 times more missiles than all NATO countries put together and will increase production by a quarter.

◾New missile systems can appear in Russia as well.

◾Russian Iskander is an analog of all three modifications of the ATACMS but its range is larger.

◾Russia's hypersonic systems have no analogies in the world.

◾Russia's military are currently choosing targets to hit with Oreshnik on Ukrainian territory.

◾In the event of a massive use of the Oreshnik, the force of the strike will be comparable to a nuclear weapon.

◾Russia started serial production of Oreshnik.


Are burgers still operating on one side of the main river ?

Hold on.
They found Al Leppo?
Where was he?

How is Ukraine dying today?

I hadn't even watched your /wm/ bullshit, eunuch

t. proud echochamber dveller

Strike on power grid. Millions of hohols unpowered.


No one will return on 2ch. Go back and tell Usmanov he spent his money for nothing. No one cares about his fake and gay makaka cage.


The unexpected offensive by Syrian rebels against the forces of Assad's government, backed by Russia, has become yet another element of global pressure on Moscow.

Behind the rebels stands Turkey—a clear signal that Ankara has aligned itself against Russia in the broader global confrontation. If Putin does not stop now, the situation for Russia will only deteriorate further.

◾On November 27, Syrian rebels launched a major offensive against Assad’s forces in Aleppo province. This marks the first significant confrontation in years. The rebels captured 13 settlements, including two towns and a government military base, advancing close to the city of Aleppo itself.

◾The offensive threatens Aleppo’s capture, which would weaken Russia’s position in Syria while strengthening Turkey, a supporter of the rebels.


◾On November 24, Putin and Erdoğan held a phone conversation. Officially, the discussion centered on "enhancing trade cooperation." In reality, Putin likely appealed to Erdoğan to influence the Syrian opposition's plans to attack Aleppo. The response is evident.

‼The Aleppo offensive should be analyzed within the broader context of pressure on Russia:

U.S. authorization of strikes deep into Russian territory using American weapons.

Increased sanctions on the Russian economy, resulting in a collapse of the ruble against the euro and the dollar.

part 1

Strike on power grid. Millions of hohols unpowered.

Not to worry, hohols have power back ups all over the country.

has russia ever had power?

No fucking way dude.

The unexpected offensive by Syrian rebels against the forces of Assad's government

It is highly likely that these are not the last "surprises" Moscow will face as it is systematically pressured into negotiations. In response, Putin and his circle are escalating nuclear threats.

Conclusions and possible developments:

1. The Syrian opposition’s offensive, which Putin failed to prevent, demonstrates Russia's inability to address problems across all theaters of military and hybrid confrontation with the West.

2. Erdoğan’s stance (ignoring Putin's appeals) signals Turkey’s alignment with nations pressuring Moscow to end the war.

3. Russia’s military vulnerability is underscored by Ukraine’s advances in the Kursk region and U.S.-supplied weapon strikes, which have become a significant problem for the Russian army.

4. The ruble’s instability reflects Russia’s economic fragility.

5. The world is actively preparing for negotiations, aiming to force Putin into talks. At the same time, he is approaching them from a steadily weakening position.

6. Putin’s sole remaining argument is the threat of nuclear strikes, now ramped up to a new level. Yet, global sensitivity to these threats has diminished.

7. Asymmetric "blows" against Russia are likely to continue. The Kremlin cannot predict where the next strike will occur or how effective it will be.

8. The West (and others) are now employing Russia’s own tactics of carefully crossing "red lines." Strikes against the ruble and the offensive on Aleppo weaken Russia without providing justification for nuclear retaliation.

9. These "small cuts" are not the peak of pressure. Trump, who seems poised to make "an offer that cannot be refused," has yet to enter the game.

10. Putin will face a choice: a bad peace or a war "to the last Russian"—not just in Ukraine, but also in Syria, the Caucasus, Africa, and new, as-yet-unforeseen fronts, including the economic battlefield.

part 2

when you kill off your Slavic population and replace them with niggers and pajeets you win

Why is /uhg/ aka Anon Babble like this?

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Ukraine can’t even take a bunch of villages in kurks kek. It’s about /sg/ mostly

Ukraine can’t even take a bunch of villages in kurks kek

neither can russia

To the last shit!
Total Shiite Death!

imagine saying this after 1000th day of active war actions

Pidorusskyi eunuch, where is your kuiev in 3 days? Nice 110 srubles for a dollar, faggot!


Almost 1 million Ukrainians left without electricity after this morning’s attack on energy infrastructure by Russia

▪In Lviv region, 515 000 households do not have electricity, emergency schedules are in place.

▪Another 250 000 users across 681 communities in Rivne region are experiencing blackouts as well. Some places also do not have water due to the attack. Emergency maintenance is in process to restore access.

▪Several targets were hit in Volyn region. Electricity cut off from 215 000 users, electrified public transportation is partially stopped. Schools are in distance learning mode.

▪Similar situation in Mykolaiv and Ivano-Frankivsk. Educational institutions are closed, trolleybuses and trams are on limited schedules, due to hits on critical infrastructure.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

He's gonna nooooooooooooooooook

Anon you can’t leave your country neither can you do shit actually, as LE ZIGGUR has foretold way way back. Go ask ziggers why sirsky puts AA in the residential districts and suburbs lol (you’ll get fucking jailed in MUH FREE TOTALLY NOT PUTIN-LIKE UKRAYNE baka)

Russia threatens Japan with nukes in response to increased military cooperation with the United States.

The United States is drawing up a joint military plan with Japan to deploy High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and other weapons to Japan’s Nansei islands, according to a report by Kyodo News. The plan is expected to be completed by December.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow's reaction to the possible deployment of US medium-range missiles in Japan is reflected in the updated doctrine on nuclear deterrence.

"Russia has repeatedly warned Tokyo that the appearance of US medium-range missiles in Japan Russia will regard as a real threat to its security and take the necessary adequate steps to strengthen its defense capabilities. Tokyo can get a clear idea of what plan these actions will be about by familiarizing itself with the updated provisions of the fundamentals of Russian policy in the field of nuclear deterrence," Zakharova said.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov emphasized that in response to the deployment of short- and medium-range missiles by the United States, Russia will consider deploying similar missiles in Asia.

"We have sent a clear signal to the United States and its satellites that Russia will respond decisively and symmetrically to the deployment of land-based missiles in different parts of the world. The West should not have any doubts about Russia's potential," Zakharova added.

Source: english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/11/981708e1601f-us-to-deploy-missile-units-to-japan-islands-in-taiwan-contingency.html

lol imagine being a russian

FSA just learned how to use fpv drones the ukrainian way
Give your energy to FSA and lets hope for an other big kino for Ziggers and Shits

Cannot imagine, I am not ruzzian. Also so called ruzzians do not even exist.

i.. uh.. don’t like your le source!!

I don’t even care about the body of the argument you’re just a lying nigger lol. U the karelian Karen?

I… have some neat developments for you anon

youve decided to transition, congrats remember to dilate or the hole closes

unfortunately their finance ministry reports that they still have liquid assets of $30 bln in yuan and $20 bln in gold to dump on the problem for now

please take /wm/ seriously

None of you, /wm/ fags, will ever be a real woman.
Which one of them is you are, BTW?

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US ordered Ukraine to lower conscription age to 18 years old.

So now Zelesky will be sending 18 years old hohols to die in the war that Ukraine started back in 2014.

Blyat, commie shitskins and pisrael niggers behind memeflags, find the fresh material.

the war that Ukraine started

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Fuck Putin
Fuck Eurasianism

Russki Mir bros... not like this... we were supposed to be a global superpower...

So now Zelesky will be sending 18 years old

Fuck off faggot

In response to a WSJ article, one of Zelensky's advisors Dmytro Lytvyn said it doesn't make sense to push for lowering Ukraine's mobilization age when previously promised equipment is delayed. 27-11-2024


All according to plan! No panic!

The fall of the ruble is very good, it will help Russian economy, Russian officials say in unison.

"The ruble is the strongest currency in the world. If it has fallen, it's temporary." – Russian MP Leonid Slutsky.

The weakening of the ruble will have a positive effect on exports, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Anton Alikhanov said.

video 1
video 2

All according to plan! No panic!

The fall of the ruble is very good, it will help Russian economy, Russian officials say in unison.

"The ruble is the strongest currency in the world. If it has fallen, it's temporary." – Russian MP Leonid Slutsky.

The weakening of the ruble will have a positive effect on exports, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Anton Alikhanov said.

video 1

All according to plan! No panic!

The fall of the ruble is very good, it will help Russian economy, Russian officials say in unison.

"The ruble is the strongest currency in the world. If it has fallen, it's temporary." – Russian MP Leonid Slutsky.

The weakening of the ruble will have a positive effect on exports, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Anton Alikhanov said.

video 2

Ukrainian Defense Intelligence destroyed a Russian 48Ya6-K1 Podlet radar complex in occupied Crimea.

It was used by Russians to detect air targets at low and extremely low altitudes in a complex jamming environment. "Podlet" provides target designations for the S-300 and S-400 air defense systems.

Its cost is about $5 million.


Ukraine can’t even take a bunch of villages in kurks kek.

Is this a bait or am I just too smart for this shit?

a fucking webm link is now /wm/ related

I don’t care about sosachers either anyway. Are you the karelian Karen

Ukraine isn’t Russia yet so monke can’t help directly. It’s all in a day’s work

My nigga is tweaking hard what they hook this nigga up with , gotta get me some o that good shit nigga .

Post recent kurks gains

inb4 it’s all a Tenet reference


Are all Russians small?

Go ask ziggers why sirsky puts AA in the residential districts and suburbs lol

It is almost as if Russian missiles and bombs are so inaccurate they have to just shoot in a general direction and pray and they always hit residential districts and suburbs. I mean for fucks sake they claim they hit the Dnipro plant with their ICBM and they missed the whole fucking area and blew up some houses where civilians live. You simply fucking suck. Which is also why you are getting fucked, but I am not expecting you to admit that.

a fucking webm link is now /wm/ related


Castrate, STFU already.

Why don't you ask Monke why Towns and cites in Russia aren't powered or People have No heating

yet so monke can’t help directly.

While the Kremlin regime bombs Ukraine's energy infrastructure, Russia's own infrastructure shuts down without any bombings. Several districts in the city of Berdsk, located in the Novosibirsk, without heating 28-11-2024

Post any gains, you two more weeks nigger. You are on track to get at least Donbass in April of 2032. Do you think the economy will survive that long?

Kek that’s blackspeak for you ladies and gents

So what whiteboy you finna get some ?

shit's crazy yo

Look up “recent Russian gains” on google, shouldn’t be too hard. It’s not like the ukraine is drafting 18 yos because the life’s good you lying nigger hypocrite
That’s a fucking PIECE OF MEDIA you chucklefuck. My interest lies in whole other field nonetheless: are you from Karelia?

That is a really nice AK. I guess they are giving all the good shit to the people deployed in Syria. They need to ship it to Ukraine instead so we can get our hands on it through the inevitable juicy export market that will emerge after this war is over. I can't wait bros.

So I want to spit in a zigger's face, how can I make this happen?

they missed the whole fucking area and blew up some houses where civilians live

Explains why SBU had to prohibit any spread of info related to damage dealt

you can’t leave your country

I literally can, I choose not to leave because I won't leave my friends, colleagues and relatives here.

bix nood mufugga

Enlist to AFU probs? Shouldn’t be too hard

iBake one

Russia has always drafted 18 year olds, and recently increased the upper limit. Ukranian's lives matter (unlike Russian's) so needing to do what Russia does (with worthless Russian lives) is of course, quite sad.

ziggers killed off all their young and now have to send the old to the slaughter


FUCKED Up the bake but get in here

If it's a bad sign Ukraine needs 18 year olds, it's a much worse sign Russia already drafted all of theirs and is now onto tricking Indians, using Norks, kongo monkies, maybe soon Taliban, etc, etc.