Blocks aid
send in bags of sand labeled as sugar
And they still act shocked when they get rounded up
Blocks aid
send in bags of sand labeled as sugar
And they still act shocked when they get rounded up
They are demonic and literally feed on negative energy
Sandniggers like sand
You really want me to believe that they went and changed out every bag of sugar with sand and resealed them?
Or maybe sandniggers don't give a shit about eachother too.
I don't care what you believe
jews have sand bags labeled sugar they throw on trucks after they stole/destroyed the actual aid
its premeditated
deport all jew to israel
Too much sugar is bad for you. Good on Israel for preventing these people getting diabetes.
sure too much is bad for you
but sugar is the best calorie for starvation
sugar would actually save lives
destroying food to kill people is the most evil thing someone can do
They are demonic vampires, but Palestinians aren't killing Jews they're just dealing with it, which is even less respectable
Just when you thought Israel could not get any more based
I'm not a liberal, nor am i a palinigger - but it stands to reason that Palestine is the only country in the world not occupied or influenced directly by jews, so they are destroying it, same with Iran.
fat causes diabetes you stupid bong
Any time a jew tries to make me feel bad about "muh holocaust" I'll remember shit like this and laugh at them.
Believe my Gazawood production
KEK, keep coping Omar from Michiganistan.
t. Muzzienigger
Got to be easier than opening up pagers.
What a load of bullshit you really want me to believe that fat that blocks your hunger is the cause for diabetes which is high blood SUGAR?
yeah sure, whatever helps you fucking sandnigger yids to sleep at night
do you even sleep or do you just close your eyes and hear a million snakes writhing around?
I can't wait for Russians to shit on your country.
Same. I simply just bring up the current genocide and I'm immediately the winner.
Amazing. You're absolutely wrong, but confident enough to call me stupid. You are Dunning Kruger personified.
lil cuck prophet crouches to pee
Are they sure it wasn't brown sugar?
Palestine is occupied by kikes, Israel was literally a refuge camp.
They even stole their only airport
Fuck off kike
Every area of MENA where there is an arab muslim outside of Hijaz is occupied by an Islamic and should be cleansed of Islamic filth.
lol rekt
The Jews did not change or steal anything.
It's standard kike business practice to sell sand, labeled as sugar, why are you kvetching , goyim?
Amalek thinks his turn won’t come.
victims of genocide propagating a genocide that's objectively worse than they genocide they went through against a people with no connection to the people who originally wanted to genocide you
Come on man, what's with poorly painted goat, just copypaste some sexy Toriel
Go have some shit to eat, pigskin
posts a meme of my 2nd greatest enemy after muslims, insane leftists who side with mudslimes
Yes, the people that support you are just as subhuman and insane as you.
Sounds like a Chinese practice, but they're not much better than jews.
Guys we found the faggot kike in Spain!
Whats wrong with this? Anybody who doesn’t deserve a slow beheading would literally eat shit before they would rape kids.
I guess thats offensive to you because you consider child rape a gift from allah.
Idf already broke cease fire yesterday. Shooting civilians as usual.
start war with a massacre that was cheered in the street
complain that you are not getting enough supplies from the people you started a war with
just die already
t. mudslime diaspoo-ra in the US seething
everyone that hates me is a kike or a jeet
You muzzies are always shocked the world hates you.
based on what?
Muzzies are both the ultimate dindu nuffins AND the ultimate pilpul-spewing subverters
no no no God is clearly on the jews side. yeah, we can all see the blessings.
we're God's chosen people, bro, please believe me, bro. everyones being antisemitic for no reasons i swear you have to believe me
that's actually pretty funny
thanks for the jolly laugh. pure poetry.
Dealing with people IRL going on about the Holocaust is a fucking chore now. Before it was just mildly annoying. The Forever Victims Story.
I mean, would be no problem for a company to run a few pallets full of sand instead of sugar at a packaging facility. Plus doing this gives the bonus of the gov being able to claim that they weren't involved and that it was a mean trick pulled by the company (who won't be fined or damaged in any significant way).
Seriously though, fucking with humanitarian aid is beyond fucked up. It's a great way to ensure that aid workers become massive targets.
ur literally a bbc lover. get cucked
i found a box of matzo ball mix on clearance for $1.99 so i bought it. i think im going to make it today to go with my thanksgiving meal. i dont know why but now and then i buy jewish things just to try it.. i haven't worked up the courage to try the gefilte fish. although i do love some latkes.
i also have some other jewish paraphernalia. i found these toys for small children that represent all the deadly plagues. the spirit of the father within me is put off by how warped it is. toys, like children, should be innocent and pure. and its just so evil to make light of or celebrate the deaths of people, even if they were your oppressors or enemies. making the death of babies into a holiday will always be wrong. anyway, id send palatinians some food if i could.. meanwhile on my christian radio station jews beg DAILY for money. they always say "good" Christians love God and his people and would give to them. so if you don't give money to jews you're a bad Christian! oh no!
i do believe in helping the needy or to contributing to the real church, covenant and body that is God's people.. however that doesn't apply to them. i cant support the antichrist.
and if they are denying others humanitarian aid, ALL aid they receive should be cut off entirely. every last shekel. give them a taste of their own medicine.. wait, no.. that would require going further and stealing what they have. just taking over Israel, their media, government, military.. you know.. everything they've done to the west and America. they can start giving money to the USA every year.
logical fallacy + no historical context mentioned. you probably have a receding chin and hairline.
changed out
Uh. Hey, retard. Did you know it's easier to fill an empty bag than a full one?
They have been giving trillions since it's inception. Is this really too hard to believe?
Israel breaks ceasefire again.
There are plenty of videos of the heebs destroying food ment for Palestinians. So I don't doubt they swapped sand for sugar.
You can hate the sand niggers all you want, but I've never seen a Palestinian buy out my government. I've never seen a Palestinian openly attack our military and try to blame it on someone else. A Palestinian never stole nuclear secrets from America, somehow avoided his life sentence and then was welcomed with open arms once he was sent back to Gaza.
Jews have been lying for their entire existence. They are a parasitic people, and God has cursed them all with horrifically large noses, fucked up teeth and bad eyesight.
It's just a prank bro!
Nigger cocks are based asf shut it
I mean if you didn't get over the past 40 years the Jews are pure evil with their we are God's chosen so you must obey us. What are the ten commandments? Who was Moses? Who cares? We're more about getting a black man into every white woman, killing your unborn babies, and making sodomy more legit than heterosexuality. Plus we are super victims falsely accused of owning every bank and media outlet to push our agenda so you must let us own every bank and media outlet to push our agenda.
the answer is jews