damn... our response?

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So if people are justified to violently eject colonizers...

kick them out

Go on.

will the Norfs produce their own Gandhi?

... and the aboriginal people of Britain are...

It's not even true. I asked my friend who can check the property titles and the ultimate owners, and he said a certain semitic ethnicity still owns over 75% of London.

But even if the poojeet claim was true, it would never erase the fact that they're a slave species, always was and always will be. Brown, ugly, dumb, and smelly.

our response?


Moshe we're not jews

Even if jews owned 75% of London, Indians could still own more than whites. Jews aren't white.

the weird things is that STILL TO THIS DAY the UK government gives India millions of pounds each year as one of those "aid to poor developing 3rd world countries" schemes, (I know WTF, since they own London) yet here's the kicker, India has a thriving space program they dump money on and the UK has zip.

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We should come up with something smart to say back

Yeah but the we're colonizing you saar part.

I literally DREAD waking up every day in this shit country.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Learn to sail faggot


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I support this level of anti-white racism. I don't mean the ethnic cleansing part, I just mean the "stunting" and groveling on social media. Wakes up white normies and makes them more pro-white. It was precisely these kinds of blatant, widely accepted hypocrisy from shitskins that made me nazi-level racist despite being raised liberal. A certain level of anti-white posture keeps us on our toes, especially if it's nonviolent.

As for what to respond to her, she's a jeet who smells like fiery poop, no one likes them.

the kikes already handled this potential argument of yours

Indians eat cow feces because they believe that cows have 666 hindu gods located in their asshole

indians are bro tier

Bros do not eat shit

1. This is Indophobic
2. You are a paki

damn... our response?

Whoa! The first world country we migrated to is finally turning itself into the shithole we escaped from! Get owned whites!

Jeets and pakis are exactly the same goat raping shit eaters. You are a jeet. Go fuck your own grandfather.

Just wait till the bames to the UK into a copy of their honeland. Who will pay for their gibs then? We're well on our way already

pakis worship pedophilia, indians dont

Every time you try to deny it, you just worsen your reputation. You can't gaslight people on their own experiences with your cousin, Ranjeet.

that pretty much sums up the x userbase every post has street shitters spamming shit everywhere you look

Aisha was a child when Mohamed raped her. You worship a pedophile enough that you thinks its okay to die for him

how is there no community note under a totally made up stat?

be anti white country

replace white people

why would they do this

I'm not a muslim, I'm not jewish, I'm not christian or any other such religion.

Have the Norfs join the Soufs and retake it.

good one sukdeep

britniggers deserve it for not genociding all nonwhites
they were the og goycattle

so no argument?

go back to europe

Photoshopped picture, cope whitey

What argument? You build up a straw man of some muslim trying to claim all their faults on hindus when I am none of these things.
It's pathetic that you think that's even an argument.

The British never colonised India. Colonisation would mean they brought settlers from Britain and established colonies of them like they did in America for example but no Brits moved to and permanently settled in India.

you are, for a fact, a dirty muslim mudshit immigrant in Canada. Whites have higher IQ retorts to our arguments. Sega

no you dont get it when the nukes start flying if they really mean it and want to strike at the Western NWO then London gets nuked, simple as.

Meanwhile the elites with all the epic hideouts will survive like cockroaches laughing at everyone who gets caught up in the hellfire of London.

of course it isn't true. it's based on the fact that indians are more likely to own property than brits by a factor of something like 10%, but indians only make up 7.5% of london...

When denial of being a thing is treated as confirmation of being that thing, that's called a Kafka trap. You're the dumbest person in this thread.

You are bloody paki, dehumanizing India's respect for your creed, you will always beg for 1 kg atta porki muzzrat

Kek get rekt muzzrat

All shitskins and niggers have this barely contained, they don't even have to avoid talking like this at their jobs lol. All we need is freedom of speech and making topics like shitskin niggers raping and murdering white women genre and media and life spanning topics to put these niggers in their place

LMAO at that 43 IQ dung muncher shitskin trying to stop humans from redeeming it.

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Cock-starved pajeetas DESERVE unrestricted access to BWC you bloddy basterd benchods.

Show flag

Show shit-stained claw.

I mean its not true but ok.