
Why do people choose to live there?

It's just endless beige colored desert I much prefer forest regions with four distinct seasons.

Because they want the nearest gay club to be over 200 miles away, you wouldn't understand it.

Nah, I am from there and it's just as gay as California the state is pretty pozzed

Isn't there a forest region in the northern part of the state?

There are forests in Arizona.
Have you never been outside of a city or something?

Probably same as those who have to move to Florida. They can't tolerate colder weather. Why tf you'd want to be steaming hot all the time is beyond me.

australia is a lot bigger than arizona but everything here looks like desert scrub no matter where you are

Maybe it's a decent place and not gentrified to fuck. Also you sound gay.

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That's a weird shill. Show flag.


Yeah crappy sparsely populated forests nothing like New England

I much prefer forest regions

Forest regioner reporting in. My city is located inside a National Forest and it rains 24/7, right now it's wet heavy snow.

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It apparently has the greatest swimming pool culture in the world. More swimming pools in general but also more elaborate and the most elaborate.

endless desert

Why do people post ignorant retarded shit on the internet ?

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There’s more first in Arizona than there is in Maine

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Yeah that looks like endless desert to me smart one

Maine is a smaller state dumbass, Arizona doesn't win by percentage at all.

May as well be one of those idiots that don't understand per capita. As if the forests in Arizona even compare either. Most of you don't live in tne green part you live in Pheonix STFU. Retard take

Stay out we are full

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Yeah so the 90% that isn't the Coconino National Forest

There is more forest in total area than there is in Maine

Nobody wants you here stay in California or Wisconsin or Massachusetts or whatever nobody asked you to come here

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omg I can’t comprehend different climactic zones within an a 90 minute drive! I need to live in Connecticut

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Maine has like 90% forest coverage

Arizona has like not even a quarter

Completely different sized states retard comparison.

Desert forest climate is shit whites are meant for New England climate

Nah im from AZ born and raised I've never liked it I moved far north where it's better

Post the Arizona forest that compares to this

how would you feel if you didn’t eat breakfast ?

Go away

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Inferior forest

You don't live in this part you live in the part where it is beige. You probably been to this part very few times in your life like most people in Pheonix. Moot point

why do people live there

Didn’t it used to be dirt cheap?

but I did eat breakfast

I didn’t like living in the desert and never tried to live anywhere else or go anywhere else

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sparsely populated forests


If it takes you less than 90 minutes to drive out of a forest, it is not a very large forest

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It used to be a more affordable, less congested version of California. Now, it's filled with Californians and faggots everywhere. The summers went from hot but liveable, to hell on earth and prices are rising everywhere so fuck off outta here.

oh my god I need to be in a CITY IN MY FOREST

If you can’t appreciate the desert, the scrub, the first, the grasslands fine just fucking go away. Too many of you fags here

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the summers are hotter now cause climate change

Get out fatty

Most people I knew in AZ didn't like AZ, to my knowledge most native Arizonans don't like it much either. Sounds like you've got very fragile pride in your shithole state

Never said anything about a city

It's not an endless desert, it has a thin strip of trees, also grass!


Its not endless desert it has a thin strip of trees!

Basically what they are trying to argue

going online to argue about a state you don’t even live in


thin strip

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Maine is like 90% forest coverage

Most of Arizona is desert and it is desert even in the forested areas. This is a weird hill to die on Anon considering this is about which type of climate I personally prefer which is what got your panties in a bunch to begin with.

Arizona is not a temperate forest climate it is a hot arid desert climate or do I have to spell it out for you, you mouth breathing retard?


Shut up, bitch

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there is more forest in Arizona than in Maine

Maine is mostly forest

Yes? You fucking retard Arizona is a huge state

They went on forever and they, when I, we lived in Arizona
And the skies always had little fluffy clouds
And they moved down, they were long and clear
And there were lots of stars at night
And when it would rain it would all turn, it, they were beautiful
The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact
The sunsets were purple and red and yellow and on fire
And the clouds would catch the colors everywhere
That's neat, cause I used to look at them all the time when I was little
You don't see that

Then fucking leave fagot

no there isn't you dumbshit. clearly you haven't been to maine. flagstaff is not even close.

It's just another florida - a hot place for boomers to retire.

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I know a lot of people who have moved there because California is so cucked. They are all "conservative" (but in different ways). One has a (legal) machine gun, one wanted to get their kids away from homo grooming CA teachers, two others got tired of the fucking business regulations. A few retired boomers, who can live anywhere they want, and decided they hate faggots and niggers (but not beaners). A few LDS (Mormon) families that can't afford a large family (or ANY family) on a one income household in CA.
The business owners are the ones I notice the most. For every one I know, I've HEARD about 10 others who have left. Californian is actively hostile (and rapaciously taxatious) against people who create jobs.

Yeah pretty much

How does one get invited to a Howard Buffet uda hunting party? Asking for a friend.

Desert dwellers are non White and can't grasp the beauty of a lush, tree covered mountain.

I've lived in Arizona for 30 years. I hate it here. Everything's is fucking brown. The buildings are brown. The landscape is brown. The people are brown. I'm hoping to sell my house and take myself, my white wife, and our two white boys and get the fuck out of Mini Mexico. I'm thinking South Dakota. I'm getting really fucking sick of this place.

i like my forests densely populated


haters gonna hate
