No more useless existence. No more slaving off for Mr Shekelberg. No more roastie nagging.
Choose the way of true warrior! Join the 3rd Assault Brigade! Valhalla awaits!
seriously surrender. You're getting a lot of white people killed for a war you know you won't win.
What's in it for me?
I am dying for my country one day at a time. Tomorrow I will read a book on the beach and smoke weed.
Won't fight a war until they expel Jews first. That's our deal, glowniggers. Go tell your bosses.
Thank you for your service.
We should start killing urinian refugees
Do you wanna save the west?
Destiny is that you?
An Heroic death?
meat catchers not reaching their quota?
Start paying actually good wages and i might consider
A miscegenated society my with kikes on top
I joined the azov battallion way back in 2015 and all I got was 10k.
You don't have to deal with any of this stupid shit anymore
Kys nato pederast glownigger kike eu child fucker. Marc dutroux lookin ass faggot.
they won't listen to reason, they still think they can get back the eastern regions that were trying to break away before 2021 as if that's worth the blood and treasure (so far their blood and our treasure)
if they offered me land and slaves i'd join.
liar (or glowie)
Those wages go to other pockets.
why so mad bro?
Epic graphic design. So masculine and badass! Almost makes you forget you're signing yourself off as a human sacrifice in a banker war.
Your the toilet seat of europe where every satanigger goes to take a shit. Made up nation of pedophiles, no history besides fucking with niggers and assraping toddlers.
Honey was always better then chocolate and your failed attempts at beer are just like your failed attempts at being people
Maybe thats why Satan decided to squat there, literal shithole full of randos
ok boomer
That is literally the objective of the all jewish government in the Ukraine.
Kill yourself
A brown future for America.
Fucking kike pedo
During the first 2 months
Implying a zogbot can survive that long
who tf will go there? zero incentive, lower than a mercenary kek
peepee? poopoo? n niggerkike?
please help the military industrial complex only pays me if im useful
Why would anyone EVER do this?
I'm just uh,
I'm just not gonna
sorry(not really)
enjoy dying for globohomo...I guess...
it's just not for me...
I hope you understand.
That 18 year old meat is not taking the hook in Ukraine huh?
God bless you and thank you for your service.
7: die for kikes in a senseless war
Sorry, were not interested in your death cult, Theres no glory in being turned into sausages for supremacist jews... Life is beautiful and its no honour to die for thieves who hate you.
How white are you
Which beach? I went to NSW to surf and Blueys beach is my fav.
Locals only cunt.
Do you wanna save the west?
Man...Not really.
Nukes in Davos, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, London, and DC would be pretty kino, though. I'd 100% sign up to whoever can deliver that.
fuck off faggot, I tried to get you multiple guys who are great @ night fighting to pull AA duty in Odessa, kiev, kherson, etc instead of face prosecution for little things like DWI's, vehicular assault, manslaughter, vehicular homicide, negligent homicide, and drug charges but in every single fucking contract you cunt's sent for the Judge's and DA's to look over said the people I would be sending could be mobilized to the front at any time...You FAGGOTS specifically said if I can get AA gunners for ports and cities far away from the front then you can send the natives there to the spicier areas of operation, but when it came down to it you're all abunch of lying fucking jews...I had 51 fucking guys, all prior service, most trained on soviet heavy weapons in the sandbox and afghanistan, over a dozen of them with their own gear down to night optics that cost well over 10 grand they use for hunting hogs @ night for shits and giggles...every ukrainian man woman and child is a fucking cunt, or cunt in training that I hope gets fucked like the whores of Berlin after the reds rolled through.
14 days of training? Lmao.
quads never lie, fuck the ukraine and their lying ass president
Did you ironically or unironically mean to "an hero" just now?
I really hope OP is a actual glownigger sitting at Langley having to sit and read these posts.
lol LMAO, must be so frustrating, thinking you are all social engineers puppeteering us, yet you have zero power over anons
to them it's just another shit country to wash money in, but yea to the GS scale cunts reading this, your life is are a cog in the most repugnant of machines.
lol the navy here has 70 days for basic, and they are the fucking navy, lol...lmao even
Naah, ukraine isnt important to me russkis can have it
Sorry, I:n busy plowing your women in our brothels.
do all euros know proper usage of A and AN in regards to english sentence structure? genuinely curious
can brazilians apply? i can't wait to go get killed in eastern ukraine to fight for jewish interests, that's my dream
Why does it matter to you? We get what they are saying.
tbf to that guy, H can be a tricky case. I mean, it's a house or a hat, but it's an hour or an honor. easy to mix up I guess
Fuck yeah. Let's do it, bros. It's time to kick Russia's ass. We'll bring down these commies for good. Let's show what a real badass nazi squad can do.
Destiny's first cock is way older.
Go fight your own war. Also what's not stopping a bunch of Russian spies from joining?
I love hohol self depricating doomer humor, hope you'll make it, mykola
if I didn't have a gf, I would've joined, killing russians is based
They're running low on meat. Now they want to add us to the grinder.
Good...when your first deployment?
How many nodules?
Ad not DEI enough for my tastes
i'm curious whether they teach proper usage of an in europe proper, what the fuck does it matter to you bong? I asked in earnest, no smarmy undertones or cuntiness to my question, can't say the same bout you though ya soft cunt
Australia, our best ally, God bless you. Americans are waking up now to take the watch. We have a long day of eating and drinking ahead of us. Sleep well, mate.
2 week training
Two weeks meme gone too far
Who the fuck will go fight for some slavshit villages in middle of nowhere?
much assumptions from a fucking grammar Nazi, self important prick that you are. You are a cunt, theres nothing about you that says anything but cunt.
Shit, sorry for wasting hitler digits
bahahahahaha gotta loicense for that salt? some people genuinely want to know about how other cultures learn, speak, etc...of course that's a completely foreign concept for one from the land of the deano...i bet my master bathroom is bigger than what you call home you fucking pauper, know your place
Dude what the fuck apologize
when I'm ready to kill myself I'll probably choose a method with less paperwork desu
I bet your fucking head is toom That doesnt make you a worthwhile cunt to be around.. Bet your back aches from sucking your own dick so much.
You're the commie.
Time to get on the helicopter.
Dulce at decorum est pro patria mori
Quite a fucking mouthful coming from a people who can't even pronounce all of the syllables in "water bottle"
head is toom? the fuck kinda deanobox bongspeak is that??? speak ENGLISH
Why mass immigration, to use them at collateral in Chabad War. White Man isn't dying for NUT YAHOO.
receive good money for recruitment
officers torture you till you tell them pin codes
take all the money
throw you in no men zone
chill on spanish beaches
Many such cases.
bahahahahahahahahaha it's funny cuz it's true
Fuck you
buy an ad
Ukraine is defending European civilization. If you don't enlist you are a nigger.
Prolonging the existence of a failed state called Ukraine is not a noble cause.
Trans rights
governments in the world
vittu sinäkin lil nigga en ole isäsi :)
You'd know all about mouthfuls, Jumping in to give a reach around to your cunt pal no less.
why r u responding to yourself newfag? something about you glows...
he's just pointing out the obvious to your ignorant ass...this all started because i wanted to know whether the proper usage of A and AN is taught in germany. there was no malice in my question, no chicanery, but your spergy deno ass had to stir shit up far bongs have fallen :*(
Of course they teach it proper, it is “teaching language” after all, there are handbooks and homeworks. Do we actually learn it is another matter. I did not.
No i just dont like cunts like you, typical fucking violence enjoyer, whore of the jews and generally you are just a dumb violent and humanity hating cunt that seems to never question anything about being human and under duress.
Clicked on the wrong post, I dont care, but you'll make stock out of anything because thats the kind of cunt you are.
HAHAHAHAH you even deleted you fucking newfag...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
thanks spainanon! i was seriously curious...alot of poorer school districts in my state don't even teach that.
i read your fucking posts, you are an arsehole and a cunt combined into one giant fuck up of a human.
A seething supremacist that would enjoy the death of others because it suits your character. You are only here to fuck with others because you enjoy it, theres nothing of you and probably never has been.
violence enjoyer???????? wha???? dude I tried to get over 50 guys I represented in criminal proceedings to go fight in ukraine so they could avoid prison sentences, you're just a lost cause...
Case in point jump to conclusions more tho you assuming little bitch
You're getting a lot of white people killed for a war you know you won't win.
That’s the point goyim. Russians and Ukrainians need to die to make room for New Israel.
Hungary and Serbia are defending European civilization.
Keep going to more you type the more peole see just what a useless cunt you are who's deviod of any mind, you are a product of your bullshit and of course that was what you were taught, but you never questioned any of it because you cant.
Done with your histrionic automatonic shite,
Almost makes you forget you're signing yourself off as a human sacrifice in a banker war.
Cool it with the antisemitism anon.
fuck off snownigger, everyone knows what the fuck an hero'ing is, even newfags...i lurked from the time they tried to flim flam the zimzam to 2 years into trumps presidency b4 making a single post, can you say the same?
can't find my sign to tap. i'm sure someone else will do it for me. ANYWAYS, do you even need training just to go get your head blown off by a drone?
I tried to get over 50 guys I represented in criminal proceedings to go fight in ukraine
Of course you did! because you are a gigantic cunt .
A chance to kill HIV-infected non-Whites
lol trying to save men from nigger infested prisons to go fight in the steppes is being a cunt??? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
video games are going to get more realistic
I’m not dying for fucking Jews. You guys are fighting a war of attrition with Russia. You have a 100% chance of losing. Jewkraine is ran by Jews. No way I’m dying for it
Killing hohols? Based
i bet the retainer from just one of my manslaughter clients is 2-3x more than you make in a year, cope and seethe you poor cunt. My favorite one is a guy named will, 32 years old, family owns farms worth tens of millions, hit a car full of wetbacks in country illegally while coked up and drunk...2 died, another 1 was pregnant, her water broke on scene, life flight came, baby died in route...he single handedly saved my country $600,000 in welfare expenses with that single act...of course i try my hardest to keep such a hero out of prison
Russia is oftentimes worse than Africa with the HIV infections
I'm totally going to sign to die a gruesome death
How about you fight the people feeding those they hate into wars? Nope you'll never stand or collectivise to prove them wrong, You wont take them to court and re-assert your rights through the deceleration of Independence by dragging those who usrpt it through courts, Were not talking violence here were talking standing for peoples rights, not serving those who usurp them.. At this point your just another fucking slave, might be a rich slave for all I know but it matters not one fuck to me, You are full of shit, and any advancement of humanity is doomed because of unthinking uncaring cunts like you.
new shiny legs. :3
Point proven!
Ukrainians don't even want to fight for Ukraine, why should I?
So what? Killing hohol shitskins is based
lol fuck off retard
nigger I'm a trial attorney, wtf are you talking about??? also what point proven? I'm trying to save a hero who deleted 3 invaders from my country, his methods may have been socially unacceptable, a minor faux pas, but the proof is in the pudding, he saved more tax money for my country than you'll earn in 20 years
Maroubra? Did the bra boys rape you?
fuck me, he looks like those archaic cave men we learned about in anthropology class back in college
noway im not getting bombed in the barracks like those redditors.
You are a grandstanding prick and a whore of a man.. And here you are talking shit to people who have more decency than you could ever afford... Just fuck off cunt, you are nothing!!
How do you know they were going to be on welfare tho?
our investigator pulled their info and interviewed survivors and family members of the deceased, it's not that they were going to be on welfare, they were on welfare...the dead driver also had multiple stolen identities and EBT cards in louisiana, florida, south carolina, and pennsylvania...all others just texas
Oh and one of the survivors was collecting social security using a dead neighbors identity
holy fuck, i now want to die for the jews, thanks for opening my eyes, pigbro
it's amazing the shit you find out about people by going through their trashcan
you are nothing
kek, i'll make sure to remember that at the next Cattlemen's Ball where I'm a Cattle Baron level sponsor
So a bunch of these foreigners really are taking money from the government and not just working under the table?
just like my cawadoodie games!
don't defend your own country from our invasion, instead come die for our jewish money laundering operation
Yup it's entering the final phase of the racket
There ain't no time to train anyone
Only time to send more meat waves for big Israel
The more you write the more people detest you, everything about you is fake.
Enjoy your ball and fake glory.
yes, 100% through identity theft too...that's the main reason why you always see these fucking wetbacks that have 3-5 last names, like garcia- otino-marquez and shit
I can finally join the hallowed halls of Valhalla along with my based natsoc bros. What are you waiting for anons? Kolomoyski isn't in the game anymore but you can still join so you can save the white race
you are a veritable salt mine lol, it pleases me how assblasted you get over such trivial matters
oh, and I always do enjoy the Ball, it's one of the highlights of the autumn social season
no more slaving for Mr shekelberg
Remind me the racial profile of Zelenskyy, the VP and various officials ?
No thanks, that conflict is too jewy.
Nein nein nein nein
The ghost of the Führer has spoken against the ukikes
Start up the rotors and pack the leftist scum
Trips of satan. That's so disgusting to me because I'm a white natural born citizen who doesn't take a cent from anyone and barely keeps a stable budget. These fuckers and their enablers need to wash the earth of sin with their blood...
It's also why illegals have better cars than most citizens
You can see them when they pull up to the food banks
No more slaving off for Mr Shekelberg
literal jew is the commander-in-chief
you are not alone brother, and in this life or the next your diligence and unwavering convictions will be rewarded
that shit grinds my fucking gears soooo god damn much...i do pro bono for some of my more fucked up clients and they tell me stories about wetbacks and 3 inch clawed shenaynay's pulling up in escalades with 8 niglets in tow to the main catholic food bank in our area. it's a fucking travesty
Thanks bro.
Tell 'em, Aussie Bro
You'll be drafted goy
If some anons want a good laugh look up the highway of death then look who was blame in modern warfare for it.
It's pathetic enough to be funny.
I fucking hate jannies. This is clearly against the rules but it will go to the bump limit.
Damn, maybe I should lay off the Nazi stuff. It sounds kinda gay when you read someone else go off about it.
Go die in your own kike war, faggot.
Total politician death. Imagine going overseas to fight for a gay jew. I’m not fighting unless the Chinese are outside my house, or zogbots sending me to China are outside my house. Glowniggers tongue my anus.
trannies will dilate easier
Nice rant anon
The world needs more heroes like you