Is there a country more perpetually butthurt than Serbia?

Is there a country more perpetually butthurt than Serbia?

Yes we bombed your shithole country in the 90's. It's time to move on. Get over it.


post curry muncher hand

I am britisher saaaaaar

back to your shithole analnigger

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yes, that's easy!

Poland, Finland, all of the Baltics, Romania, Israel, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine

t. Ibrahim Ahmetović

You realise that everyone who ordered, executed and cheered for the bombing of Serbia was white right?

Nah Serbs are still more butthurt than any of those countries.

es we bombed your shithole country in the 90's. It's time to move on. Get over it.

Why did you start this stupid pointless thread?

We never bombed the shit out of Serbia, it was a NATO peacekeeping force.


yes and tonibler is a very huite name

tonibler.jpg - 1024x683, 77.77K

Circumcision scar = not white

fun fact: in Norway where circumcision is basically unwanted and the population actively avoids it, a full 80% of rape victims report a circumcised penis.


Is there a country more perpetually butthurt than Serbia?

South Korea

bombs for peace


here is enough proof you need to know they are evil
Srebenica was justified !

If the Serbs weren't bombed in 99' they'd be in NATO by now 100%

You realise that everyone who ordered, executed and cheered for the bombing of Serbia was white right?

Weird way to spell jewish.

Bro it's not since the 90s, and it's not about you. There has never been any Serbian that did not hate, with every ounce of his soul, every other kind of eastern european. It's just kinda how they roll.


shut the fuck up shitskin trash
you are not even a country

Holy shit memeflaggot, what were you raped with a wine bottle or something? A bottle of gin and an REM playlist ought to be in your budget, even for someone who may be harbouring gypsies

Nah we will not get over it. You will pay with blood

A country being butthurt is a very healthy state. Look at bongs, complacent and happy all the time, getting their kids groped and molested and fucked by Abdul. Do you think Serbs would allow that? No, they're too detached from the world to care this much about dying or being imprisoned.

Romania? They seem to be chill.

I wonder what Serbia was doing to be bombed so? The siege of Sarajevo is as fictitious as the holocaust. The genocide of the Bosnian is a Jewish invention. Serbia dindu nuffin!!!

Sorry all I hear is


Rememeber when NZ was the first country to give women rights? Then the first country to take them away again? Good times.

Trannies are not women and don't belong in female spaces, get your shit together AOKIRORO and rip up that fucking WALUIGI TIRITI

Serbs are bizarre on this board. They just seethe and rage at everything.


i myself am a hateful racist nationalistic asshole motherfucker but Serbs take the cake.

Then throw the drunk wogs outta your mothers bedroom you useless cunt, life will get a lot more peaceful real quick

Bro a man can dream

hurr durr we must protect women from the trannies they voted for

No thanks

You know WHY they allowed women to vote in New Zealand? Their prime minister literally say "I will give women the right to vote before I give those savages the right"

And they gave the savages the vote anyway!

Clearly the lesson here is that misogyny is more important than racism


NATO officials come out

Hey remember when we bombed Serbia

We did it to establish a military base lol

Practically what Serbs have repeated for the last two decades

Of course no one gives a shit, enters in one ear, leaves in the other one

Why are Serbs butthurt? You did genocide!

Serbs are butthurt because you casually bombed us on the basis of human rights (which is now moot), put UN troops there and then allowed the Albanians to kill, burn and expel Serbs under their watch.
Who the fuck wouldn't be butthurt?

50/50 desu. some are pretty normal, some are also ultra seething about russia. maybe some romanian can tell me why that is, maybe it's just the difference between urban and rural populations?
in what universe is anyone more butthurt than Poland, Ukraine and Finland? That's impossible
I'm ethnic german, but thanks?

It's a scary thought. If Serbia was NATO aligned from the get go you'd see insane shit.
If Serbs saw 9/11 happen in the US and were NATO aligned, Serbs would unironically pledge help in the War on terror and you'd see Serbs killing every muslim in the ME.
Serbs would be the most easily manipulated retards in existence and they missed out on this. We would be like Poles now if they had balls.
Legija completely unironically made a plea to the American ambassador to participate in war on terror AFTER 5th october.
Serbs are hilarious, this region is the funny zone. Nothing makes sense.


t. Albozerg Diaspora

Croatia cannot be butthurt because it won the war. Croatia is a popular destination and has become a football country. All our neighbors envy us.

Wins the war, enters the EU, ditches kuna, imports jeets, doesn't elaborate.
And while being a tourist destination is great for PR it's not great for majority of the local population.
You were in a great position after the war and you sidelined all your patriots. Like us in the past you ditched your victory.

Wrong country. Either Bosnia is Serbia or their crimes have nothing to do with us. Pick one, fuckface.

I remember serbia and montenegro. Montenegro wanted to be independent or what happened?

croatia will be better without croatians.
"dithed your victory"
what did they win? what did you win? when?

Wins the war, enters the EU, ditches kuna, imports jeets, doesn't elaborate.

Yeah HDZ does that to you, I just wish we didn't import jeets but filipinos and nepalis only, jeets are a literal bioweapon made to pollute and destroy the whole planet

turn off your vpn you smelly chetnik

its called balkan rage. they are all animals south of slovenia. slovenians are part-subhuman

Don’t they still seethe about Nazis, Austrians, Ottomans, Romans, Venetians to this day? If you couldn’t get along with at least a couple of those empires maybe the problem is you?

Yeah. The other half is mostly, gay parades, transgenders, self hatred and nigger worship. Real human beings those westoids, I tell ya.
Yeah they had a referendum vote and split. No drama.

every other kind of European

Fixed that for you. Austria-Hungary was chill and rather than accept free railroads and work like the Catholic and Muslim Croats did - they decided to shoot Austrias duke, who was a great guy, instead and plunge the continent into war. Utterly deranged.

Serbs would rather die fighting for freedom than live like wealthy slaves. Now, what does this tell you about Croats and Muslims?

This is why between Greece and Austria, there's really only one real nation.

The whole of Europe, including Serbia, has a problem with foreigners BUT Croatian kids beat up pajeets on a daily basis. In addition, one day there will be a rebellion of white people on the level of the entire EU, then this problem of ours will be solved. The EU is good for Croatia, that is beyond any doubt. Ordinary Croatians benefit from tourism because they rent expensive apartments.

Serbs would rather die fighting for freedom than live like wealthy slaves. Now, what does this tell you about Croats and Muslims?

And now we're both poor and enslaved, truly ironic,at least we can share the misery kek

You didn't do anything. Your jewish masters made the decision. Americans did majority of dirty work. You are just some random norf nolifer who is not leaving his room. In few years Britbongistan will look like Pakistan anyway so it's fine.

That they’re not batshit crazy. Freedom to do what? Not everyone is out to get you and there’s nothing wrong with hierarchial structures. Thats how civilization works.

You and Serbs in general have a wrong perception because you equate the non-existence of rights of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire with the status of Croats in the monarchy. Which slaves have statehood (domestic aristocracy leading the country, national parliament, autonomous government and own passport)? The Croatian aristocracy in the parliament elected the Habsburgs as kings of Croatia precisely to avoid the Serbian fate, to be slaves to the Turks. That was an extremely wise move, Croatia was saved.

yet it's Croats making Serbia hate threads on Anon Babble, I rarely see Serbs make Croatia hate threads

yet it's Croats making Serbia hate threads on Anon Babble

*Albanians*, not even 5 Croats post on Anon Babble

I rarely see Serbs make Croatia hate threads

literally one in the archive kek

In the Ottoman Balkans, the Jizya tax rate for non-Muslim males varied depending on social status, but generally amounted to a few coins per year, with poorer individuals paying less; however, the exact rate could fluctuate based on local conditions and the discretion of tax collectors, making it difficult to pinpoint a single standard amount.

Usually, the jizye tax was paid individually, by adult men only, children and women being exempt. The amount to be paid was about 4 grams of gold per year for low-income professions, twice that amount for middle/upper-middle class Christians.

To put this context, the profit a shop owner could get by selling 40 kilograms of soap or cheese was about 1 gram of gold. Unskilled construction workers earned around 7 grams of gold a month in the capital.

And under Catholics

A Golden Bull of King Andrew from 1222 stated that the same tax was collected since the age of King Coloman.[2] Initially, each mansio (or peasant household) was to pay 12 Freisach denars, but it was gradually raised during the 13th century before it was returned to its original rate around 1300.

Between the earlier Catholic Marturina and the Ottoman Jizya, the effective tax rate was about 4% a year for even the poorest class of workers. I’ll get depressed by this new thing I’ve learned the next time the government takes 20-30% of my paycheck and tells me we have it better.

You know nothing. In parts of Serbia that Austria-Hungary conquered from Serbia, they demanded population to convert to Catholicism (we can see now it is actually Satanism), or they can't get a job, they can't trade, they can't do anything, they can just die. These territories are today Croatia.
Gavrilo Princip, the guy who shoot the duke, was a jew. The Federal Reserve was created one year earlier, and they needed to create a war so they can give loans to both sides.

in balkans only croats are the ones who are pretending to be like westeners. they think the catholicism is their defining characteristic. the truth is,

What proof do you have for that? If a Croat opens a topic like that, from my experience it only happens when it's the anniversary of Operation Storm, otherwise not. Croatia and Croats are not butthurt with Serbia because there is literally no reason for that. We just make fun of them and that's it.

The serbs were rated by turks for hundreds of years and thankful for it.

we can see now it is actually Satanism

sorry to burst your bubble bud but both the catholic and orthodox faith are subverted

what a load of bullshit, Austrian rule was borderline colonial, not to mention all the bullshit they were doing culture wise
the group that shot the kraut was made of Croats and muslims besides Serbs, Serbs were more aligned with a different group that also operated in Serbia

Why not just convert? It’s literally the Church that Jesus himself founded. You can still keep your eggs. Francis won’t take them away.

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uses the k-word slur

Please don’t curse. This is a family friendly website.

The only fight lost by natives against the pajeets on camera comes from Croatia do that's interesting.

the whole thing about the assassination being the start of the ww1 is bullshit. we just wanted an excuse to kill as many serbs as possible. stupid english AGAIN sided with russians and americas to save the worst people on the balkans. if then they were smart and let us do what we need to do, now the balkans would be a lot better with neither serbs nor croatians nor bosnians. but they saved you and now reap what you sow

i-i-it's HDZ

w-w-we beat those gypsies


Saved you

We wrecked you despite the fact you've sent vast majority of your army to us and not to the border with Russia and later Germans sent their divisions to help you mount an actual winning attack.

I like how you never adressed my post here lol

Catholic church is infiltrated, financed and controlled by jews. Pope is approving gay marriage, trans children, trans children books, he is inviting nigger migrants in to your country.
There is no such thing in Orthodox Christianity. There are some low level popes who are corrupt, alcoholics, even faggots. But leadership is not centralized, and leadership is not Satanic. Unlike Catholicism.
I said it million times, I will say it again, Orthodox Christianity is the only Christian denomination that is not infiltrated, financed and controlled by jews. Just look at churches in America, covered with LBGTQ+ colors, with black, tranny, homosexual globohomo pastors, preaching pedophilia and homosexual butt pumping.
You will find no such thing in Orthodox Christianity.

to save the worst people on the balkans.

austrian rat once again unmasking himself . Let me guess, the turks that literally conquered vienna as we speak are based and trad , right ?

why don't you just convert to judaism, you're already circumcised, Jesus was one of them

No nation can seethe like Serbia. It's actually very entertaining to look at.

You compared 2 different eras, but it doesn't matter. Yes, under Islam there was always a lower tax, without exception, for the reason that the violent imposition of religion is forbidden in Islam. Low taxes were a tool to convert Christians into Muslims. However, in a tragicomic twist of fate - it was actually a Darwinian cleansing of bad genes because only the worst, most incompetent and the biggest cowards converted to Islam. For this reason, today Bosnian Muslims are extremely inferior in everything compared to Croats and Serbs. Bosnia has 2 Nobel laureates, both are Croats. Bosnian Croats are extremely successful in sports, Bosnia has 0 medals at the Olympic Games. There were 4-5 phenomenal rock bands in Sarajevo, all band leaders (singers and songwriters) were Croats and Serbs. In addition, there is the standard and the image. Bosnians are our Mexicans, cheap labor and people tell jokes about their stupidity. Bosnia is a 3rd world cunt and perhaps the poorest euro country. Croats and Serbs who converted to Islam signed a contract with the devil and ended up losing their souls, everything bad that is happening to them today is a consequence of that bad, treacherous decision.

I regenerated my foreskin using supplements off Amazon.

trashtalks Serbs in many posts

later says how Serbs and Croats are a result of an eugenic programme

Fucking Balkans.

Those territories were Croatia even then. Converting to Catholicism was only possible if you wanted to work in the state administration, but I don't think it was mandatory even then. But that is not important at all because 99% of Serbs were illiterate and lived on border areas in rural areas of Croatia, so converting to Catholicism was not important to them at all. If that were so, there would not have been so many Serbs in Croatia in '91.

Anon Babble 48h archive is shit, achive moe shows a dozen threads since 2014, and it also shows that Serbian flags only started mentioning Croatia when jeet question began being asked

maybe some romanian can tell me why that is

Dude,read a fucking history book.Russians plagued all of eastern europe for years,how the fuck can you even ask such a question? Every human with a bit of a brain hates Russians,they are not human and every Russian death is worthy of celebration.Even the Turks and Hungarians were better than the russians,that's how terrible the russians are.But here are a key points:

Annexation of Basarabia by Russia,1812.Russification and colonisation occurs,modern moldova is filled with Russian subhumans,one of the reasons it's such a shithole even when compared to Romania.Many other countries conquered by russia suffered a similar fate,the baltic states for example.

Treaty of Adrianople,1829

Romanian war of independence,despite being allied with Russia,after the war was over, Russia stole southern Basarabia from Romania.

WW1,Romania sent a treasure to Russia for safekeeping,after the revolution,the Russians refused to return the treasure.It's still in Russian hands.

WW2.Russia steals Basarabia and northern bucovina.Massacres occure,deportations to gulags.See Fantana alba massacre.

Russification once again,collectivisation,other typical communist shit.

Barbarossa,Romania retakes it's lost lands.But the war is lost,thousands of romanian soldiers are sent to the gulags.The soviets conquer Romania,typical russian activities such as rape,theft and murder occur.

Romania becomes communist,untold suffering occurs,collectivisation,etc.

Revolution of 1989.Romania becomes free but after the ussr breaks up,moldova,filled with russians and kept on a leash by russia,doesn't join Romania.

The rest of Basarabia and northern bucovina is kept by the ukrainians,who aren't different from Russians in any meaningful way.

Moldova is a puppet state of Russia,only recently becoming somewhat free.A vile thing the russians have done is that they managed to make many Moldovans believe that they are a separate people from Romanians.

I wholeheartedly believe the Vatican is 1 of the 10 heads of the Beast

Orthodox Christianity is the only Christian denomination that is not infiltrated, financed and controlled by jews.

Is that why it's priests have mansions, yachts and are just used by their respective governments to promote whatever agenda or plan the government is pushing(like Vučić for example)? Also is there a law in orthodox christianity that bans interracial marriages? If lets say Serbia imported black Ethiopians who are Orthodox would the Orthodox Church of Serbia ban them from marrying with Orthodox Serbs despite a difference in race? No? I'll give you that you'll find a lot of die hard orthodox priests and believers but you can find the same in many catholic countries aswell who go against the pope and vatican, (almost) all the christians sects are controlled directly or indirectly, the more centralized a religion the easier it is to subvert over a longer period of time(Vatican 2 was the culmination of the total take over), the more fragmented a religion is the easier it is to subvert and control it's fragments(but not all of them)


You're all the same brownoid vermin

All the shit russians did to this country,they also did to many other countries.The baltics,poland,finland,the caucasus,etc.All suffered because of Russians.Any sane mind hates Russians,they are an evil and disgusting species,and they need to be purged from this earth.Even if they wouldn't have done all this stuff,Russians are still no better than niggers or jews,their """culture"""",their lifestyle,their language,their behavior,everything about russians is terrible and disgusting.I wish hitler won ww2,but even if Germany lost,it makes me happy to know how many Russians died.Knowing that millions of Russians died and are now burning in hell for an eternity makes me very glad.
May all soldiers from all nations who died fighting against Russians rest in peace,they are heroes.

The yachts don't come from jews though.
Of course most priests are immoral midwits.
When I hear them speak, I feel shame and I'm not even Christian.

Serbian diaspora stronk lol
maybe you should go back?