Why do we hate China again?
Arcane LGBT censored in china
Just sucked my first cock bros. Ask me anything.
because they're pushing this gay shit in the west while censoring it at home you retard
You know you love cock deep down inside. Every straight man does.
Why do we hate China again?
I don't. I love China and wish death to the West.
because they're pushing this gay shit in the west
Really, did they make this game or a Western company?
who owns the western company?
u dont live in china
da joos
I didn't watch the show. Can anyone who did comment on the homosexuality in it, if there was any?
chinks are the kikes of the bugs
Wtf wo ai zhonguo zhenzai??
This, like tiktok.
Because China doesn't want its country infested with degeneracy?
they eat dogs and cats
We don't eat poles.
That doesn't have anything to do with the what they are doing politically though. The average chink is a souless peasant, true, but the government is based.
Parent Tencent (2011–present)
oh no no no chang
China not wanting degeneracy.
Who is going to tell him.
Despite being rivals with China I legitimately support them in the fight against amerimutt globohomo.
Lesbianism isn't even real. All the world's leading experts agree on this fact. It's just a phase, or a ploy for male attention, or maybe being super-picky. Lesbians are just women are just waiting for the right cock to dick them down.
What's it like when Jinx kisses a nigger?
Man I wish I watched the chinese version
The ending was major bullshit.
Saved by power of friendship.
Victor was made some pseudo God which he isn't according to the little lore that exists.
Yet you have actual gods and God like beings in the little lore of that shit game.
They smoked too much weed and tried to copy NGE too much.
Also obvious SJW shit, black guy gets whit androgynous girl and invents time travel.
sure it is than go live there
Pro Homo-Companies: We love LGBT+ people, be proud of who you are!
Russia, China, Africa and Middle Eastern Countries: What did you just say?
Pro Homo-Companies: N-N-Nothing good Sirs! Can we sell our stuff in your countries?
I cannot take these morons seriously anymore.
they are just adjusting the product to the audience's taste
whats wrong with the animations? looks like a videogame from the 2000s
tip:MUTTs' insecurities come entirely from their mutilated DICK, with at least 80% of MUTTs having their glans cut off by a "professional" DICK doctor at birth for a "mistake". So they hate all those who have a complete dick. What disgusting "human”Because of the lack of glans, the pregnancy rate of MUTT was low, and Femutt, because of the long-term inability to be satisfied, turned to feminism, and then the grand LGBTQ movement and feminists spread from the disgusting land of MUTTLAND to all places
Don't know.
They actually dealt with the abomination called islam extremely well.
China might get a lot wrong, but they were on point with that.
its owned by Tencent, just like plebbit
Tencent makes some decent shows.
the censored version is actually watchable
combat high heels
They look so dumb
Was she pretty
The only good thing about League of Legends anymore is ARAM.
it's full of niggers and white characters being race swapped into something else
Because they're the gayest place on earth
lol, kys