Why don’t kids want kids anymore? When I was 23 I already had 3 children and a house. What’s wrong with them? Most don’t even have a jobs.
No Kids
You retards give women birth control at 16 and scream rape when they sleep with guys
No shit
I want kids, girlfriend doesnt and I dont think shed be a good mother either. I wouldnt be able to afford a child right now as it is, I can barely support myself and I have a decent job making over 3x minimum wage that just keeps me living comfortably trapped
Women aren't trustworthy enough to bear children, and the law doesn't allow men to make healthy decisions for the family.
No healthy environment to raise a child = no child. simple as.
Christisnity says women don't need shoes because they shouldn't leave the home
I dont think shed be a good mother either
trust your instincts, you should leave her and find one who will be a good mother to your children.
What are the stages of grief?(over your pension that i'm not paying lol)
anger. - you are here
bargaining. - and almost already here
if one generation lives forever then all generations after.. have no chance of survival
Why don’t kids want kids anymore?
What is the point? Kids are just burden. Kids are made because of nature hack: penis feels good in vagia, suddenly kids appear.
But when this hack doesn't work anymore against contraception there's no point.
And until conservacucks recognize this redpill birthrates would continue to go down.
Younger generations (millenials and zoomers) have been constantly blasted with contradicting messages, to a point where they´ve given up on even thinking about the topic.
"We need to bring in hordes of turd worlders who will have 6-7 children in our countries, to solve the declining population crisis."
The youth is completely demoralized and anesthetized on video games, anime and porn to have a care about joining the society.
Atleast we aren´t speaking german.
You aren't a christian, try giving me advice from your own religion ya dry dick monster.
I know youre right but I work long night shifts so meeting people is borderline impossible and I was completely alone for 5 years before the last 6 months and Im not ready to go back to that
It's too late! Once behavioral sinks set in, extinction is assured in the mammal population. It's already over, just enjoy the show.
Whites are a satanic demon race and will be gone soon. I'm glad you're all dying.
It's just all conservacucks cope.
For most individuals there is no point of having kids. "Natural" procreation is inherently mindless process. It's literally tied to mind numbling orgasm. But as soon as humanity rises above pure animalistic desires that natural way stops working.
At intelligence level Individual has no need of kids. Society does. But society continues to gaslight themselves with bluepills that is individuals want kids and think that kids would pop out naturally at some point because of that.
Its aw a load of shite, fucking houses, kids fuck aw that, more debts more people.
Imagine being this retarded. Go back.
hoeflation + 40 years of shaming white men and flooding your country with migrants to deflate wages.
the future will be infinitely more brown and awful.
Women are ungrateful whores
Medical bills are too expensive
State wants to mutilate children
State wants to put father in indentured servitude if a marriage doesn't work out
Why would anyone breed to support this system?
leave that bitch and that shit job
Having children decreases the amount of time, energy, and resources you can devote to yourself, which massively disincentivizes having them in a world where you're constantly told that your own self-actualization and economic success are the most important goals to pursue. This is why highly educated urban professionals are the least fertile - it's not even because "housing in the city is too expensive" or "they're all working 80 hour weeks" but rather because they're the group that is most conditioned and most driven to build out "successful", "fulfilled", "rich" lives, which children directly get in the way of
no it doesn’t
Kids are demanding, expensive, time consuming, suicidal, annoying little pricks.
t. father of 2 of the cunts.
I love them, but my life would be x100 easier if they didn't exist.
highest IQ memeflaggot
They aren't.
And the covvax took care of those who might have
Women don't want to have sex with me
I don't live in NYC to make good shekel. All I care now is THD.
People know the world is fucked and don’t want to bring children into this mess.
your children have a high chance of being raped or murdered by invaders the government welcomes with open arms
media keeps saying we’re all going to die from climate disaster and that we need to go to extreme lengths to stop it meanwhile major polluters like China and India continue to dump waste into rivers
government wants to bring in digital currency which will be used to monitor all spending and can be used to tax people directly from their accounts for whatever reason the government makes up
inflation continues to rise while wages stay stagnant so nobody can actually afford a home of their own
constant fearmongering of WW3 and nuclear war
What is being done to convince people to actually have children? Where’s the hope for a brighter future?
But I m right.
Look how has largest birth rates now. African countries with 60 IQ . No thinking just animalistic "see vagina stick penis into vagina" with no planning and thinking about consequences.
As soon as people elevate above that as they start thinking about kids they stop having kids.
Liberals new and accept that kids hurt women and preach that.
Conservacucks cope and try to ignore to that redpill and think somehow "natural way would carry".
So we have society that does nothing to have kids and birth rates will continue to fall.
Soceity needs to man and pull themselves to bootstraps. Start with the notion that society needs kids morst for survival and development and force child birth on on unwilling individuals like society does with taxes and conscription. But see above there is no political movement that understands that.
It's not worth it. Most jobs available for someone who is 23y old won't be able to afford even one kid. Hell, most people at 30y and a decent job won't be able to easily afford one kid.
For you to say you had 3 kids and a house at 23, you surely are a boomer.
Who said anything about sex? You can cum into a cup and be selected from a book. Like an animal.
I dont think shed be a good mother either
leave the bitch, nigger
50 here. Never married. No kids. Extremely successful in business, could have retired at age 27 if I had wanted. m8 look around you, the west is finished. It has been decided that white countries should be flooded with low IQ immigrants of a violent and tribal nature, since they will not challenge the status quo. Im just going to watch the collapse unfold over the next 10 years. There will be no revival.
You're still alone, dude.
you can move to based russia and get a trad gf and free healthcare
Show flag esl jeet.
lmfao get fucked
the boomers deserve their gibs
carn guys breed some more tax cattle
Dude you talk like a mentally ill vegan.
Have a cheeseburger, man.
Liberals new and accept that kids hurt women and preach that.
Yup liberals have no concept of motherhood, they are perverted in that sense and rejoice in slogans about clumps of cells or straight out murdering children in locked cars in the summertime.
Corporations should make people. They could easily afford it if they paid no taxes and did it in the global south.
Bullshit reproduction is literally the point of life. You can’t intelligence your way out of it.
There is always a revival, but it won't be the same. I am sure a lot of Europeans thought the same when fighting against the Ottoman Empire, but alas, Europe is still there.
sometimes I get to have a pretend connection while I share a meal or movie or sex that staves off the call of the void for a little while
People aren't having kids because it's too expensive and also women are retarded whores now
You could work 60 hours a week and she still call you lazy during your inevitable divorce
What about marriage and church?
the debt cattle refuse to breed more slaves for this hellworld
When I was 23
It was a very good year
I hate you and I hate you and I hate you and I hate you
I could go on but the answer is hate. I want to destroy this culture in anyway I can. I will decimate the human population by not using my own dick to beat them to death and beating of the beat instead.
So long, fuckos! Enjoy that great economic collapse.
And while you do so, you stopped looking for the right one. Men should be hungry. I am not saying to do it now, I know how solitude feels like, but keep that in mind. While you're keeping yourself sated, you're not hunting.
Bullshit reproduction is literally the point of life
Yeah this why natural selection produced that animalistic desires and orgasm. Obviously species without such died out.
But orgasm trick doesn't work anymore against intelligence that invented contraception.
Intelligence needs other reason to procreate but society reluctantly and lazily refuses to accept this. "Just do like its good ol times and it be fine!" Only it's not good ol times anymore.
Men can't rape women as they please now
guys, I've had a brilliant idea, lets all move to russia and bread their women
Show flag jeet.
Dude intelligence told me parents to cut my foreskin off and believe in Jesus, intelligence isn't the problem I think, maybe it's the complete lack of it.
The risks of being in a relationship now outweigh the benefits.
Look how has largest birth rates now. African countries with 60 IQ
this is entirely enabled by western countries feeding them, retard
their population exploded in the last century because of white savior complex
I just wanted to remind you that you are not intelligent
youre a dumbass
dont forget now.
Dude faith is opposite to intelligence...
Look at most religious countries...
Yeah but relative to what? Compared to most niggers this is Mozart.
Haha he really is dumb.
They still have 10 times less living strandarts then West but they mindless procreate. While Western people who love in luxury comparing to Africa don't. Because there is no point you literally hurt yourself by having kids.
Why is it a crisis? We can just import more doctors and engineers instead.
You ARE one of those 3rd worlders.
36yo guy here, I'd have children if i just found a suitable woman
High income too so I could be a single provider. Where can I find a woman who also has traditional values and is not a fucking slut? Inb4 fucking church
Men can't rape women as they please now
This is why I don't want to ever get a girlfriend (ONS don't count) or get married. The laws here are so fucking strict and even if you share a house with a girlfriend for more than 2 months you need to pay her an alimony type thing.
I see a lot of risk in having children and marrying and little to no reward in this age. My kids could turn out to be troons or fags and I'd be forced by law to let them transition, heck even pay for some of the stuff. Obviously women are just materialistic nowadays and if the hypothetical misses finds some better looking Tyrone she could just leave me and demand I pay her.
No thanks! Shit like that isn't for me, not in this legal system.
Where can I find a woman who also has traditional values and is not a fucking slut?
Most boomers and even x'ers that marry young often have a go a long to get along mentality that are perfect drones for the system. They believe most of the lies fed by the system, the media, they subconsciously strengthen their bubble of lifestyle and beliefs even though they may be wrong or out of touch. They don't want to disrupt what they have if it makes them feel good so they bullshit themselves more than a lot of people already do. With more information more quickly available and ability for more people's opinions to shape society, people don't want to be a dumbass that settles for a shit relationship and they shouldn't. What everyone needs is more fast tracked redpills and knowledge that will open their eyes just enough to get them going in the real world without being the system nor society's fool. That and guidance. Once this occurs, people will know what they want,find what they want, and do their part in society.
The funny thing is it's already too late for a lot of millennial women. Early millennials are over 40 so their wombs expired, and the late ones are mid 30s so they're near expiry. Even it society heals those women are fucked forever, I hope they serve as an example however I expect they'll blame men.
well memed
we need more working age people to carry the load of seniors
fuck 'em, they can keep the bag
not my problem
i'm not making another generation of slaves
Your genetic material isn't as special as you think it is. Reproduction to an individual is no more significant than a single molecule of water in an ocean. Why should an individual reproduce if the civilization doesn't support them for doing so?
Culling no less than 50% of the population is a good thing, problem is that non-whites still exist and they're 1 generation away from being the absolute majority everywhere. If only "elites" killed them off centuries ago instead of feeding them, but I guess they were prolifating them as they are the perfect slaves.
women are taught to whore around
men are constantly gatekept especially in white/asian families where they're told to "focus on studies" or some shit
men are discriminated against in the best colleges, the best frats, college degrees are treated as 'paper' by psycho boomers who never retire, massive debts
if you don't go to college then you can work at mcdonald's, but mcdonald's pays more than most entry level college jobs now except a handful of shrink stem positions (also gatekept by boomers) and flooded with jeets
women want to settle down in their 30s, aren't likeable at all but are just entitled, resting bitch face, thousand cock stare, single moms
No good women no pussy no money no hope
Have kids tho, my 5 pensions depend on the debt you create.
t. clueless psycho boomer
Average house costs half a million
child care costs an entire salary
cost of groceries and bills at record highs
country over run by foreigners
nationalism and national interests disregarded in favor of globalism
public education filled with globohomo far left propaganda
mixed messages in media about over population in developmental years of millenial/zoomers
vehicle and gas cost higher then ever.
two financial crisis within 12 years of each other (2008 crash and covid)
break down of social order, social contract
Why don't people want to have kids???
Found zee boomer.
these old people should have made a better future for their children. yet here we are...
This guy gets it. My wife would love to sit around and be Mrs. Trade but she like most other middle class women got sold on the idea of college and "independence" aka debt servitude to the government for your education and getting lorded over by shitty bosses instead of your husband. She took out a dickload of student loans (200k+) to become an attorney and graduated into the 2008 crisis. All her friends are in the same boat: big surprise, they fucking hate being lawyers and new York City corporate life is a toxic shithole full of jerks. Wow! Who knew? Suddenly sitting at home playing kitchen with your adoring kids seems so much nicer but it's too late because I can't support the household and pay off her astronomical 8% debt even though I'm making 400k myself. So I get to watch her dry up and commit gradual suicide in a pressure cooker office so she has the "liberty" of walking away from her tyrannical husband whenever she gets tired of me fucking 19 y/os to get my rocks off.
We forced ourselves to have a kid in our mid 30s who thankfully seems not to be an autist/downie but the shit is hard as fuck and we never even see the bastard because we're off working for literally Mr. Bergstein Esq from 8 to 6 with a 2 hour commute on either side. Living the dream! I should make a day in the life reel of me not sleeping for days and working through pneumonia just to get home and microwave chicken nuggets for my baby while chain-smoking and trying not to stick my dick in the 20 year old au pair.
but I guess they were prolifating them as they are the perfect slaves.
It's illusion.
They can't create and society would be falling appart without white man mind putting things together. Asians could hold the flag but for Western hemisphere filled with browns and Africans it would be over. We literally had clean test run in South Africa.
if only it wasn't literally the biggest blob on the map
girlfriend doesnt
explain her it's not her choice, or just leave her
Most europeans were peasants who didn't care who the lord was and the ottomans only required a tithe of one christian boy which benefited their families as many janissaries became powerful in the empire- like that Serbian Grand Vizier who controlled the empire.
In modern europe you are paradoxically ruled both by jews who hate you and mentally retarded Best Goyim (almost always boomers) who think you should just eat shit and be happy about it because Mr. Shekelberg rewarded his favorite goy with another country getaway home for his compliance.
Look at the stats on rich people saying they assumed most people earned 250k a year, or that the economy is "too good" and that's why 18yos won't join the army.
Most boomers and even x'ers that marry young often have a go a long to get along mentality that are perfect drones for the system. They believe most of the lies fed by the system, the media,
This works specifically and only because despite gen x complainers you see shit like that dude saying when he was 27 in 1993 he would work and make 30 bucks an hour overtime in IT just because he knew how email works and boomers didn't.
We forced ourselves to have a kid in our mid 30s who thankfully seems not to be an autist/downie but the shit is hard as fuck and we never even see the bastard because we're off working for literally Mr. Bergstein Esq from 8 to 6 with a 2 hour commute on either side. Living the dream! I should make a day in the life reel of me not sleeping for days and working through pneumonia just to get home and microwave chicken nuggets for my baby while chain-smoking and trying not to stick my dick in the 20 year old au pair.
Hope it gets worse for you.
Most europeans were peasants who didn't care who the lord was
Yeah, that explains why they rose up against the turks and gutted them all with their women and children. They totally didn't care...
not putting a ring on a whore, not dying in a meat grinder. ugh, sorry, i know. i’m just not gonna, is all! HAHAHAHAHA what are you gonna do? make me?
Doesn't get much worse than that. I'd gladly an hero if I had a 2 hour commute.
The sad part is that life is now calibrated to the dual income household and unless you as a man are making actual millions or you're willing to live in Kentucky and eat grass you cant really forego another stream of income. Hopefully we can build enough equity to get the fuck out of here before we actually die. To zoomers I say this: fuck the big city meme and prestige hunting. Honestly. When you make 100k you'll realize your boss makes 200 and you'll want that. When you get to 200k you'll realize that your neighbors make much more and they know it. When you get to 400k you'll learn how people can still stratify you as a middle class convert at dinner parties and you'll still feel like a piece of shit. I'm sure when I top 2mil I'll learn there's a whole other astral plane of rich niggas to contend with. If you're an overachiever you'll overachieve yourself into an early grave. Pick some form of entrepreneurship and stick with it for 20 years until other people are working for you. Live a decent quality of life outside a small-medium city where you can still go into town for Thai food or whatever but you can afford a decent house and school for your kids is not infested with gangbanging Guatemalan street kids.
Find a girl who sees through the retarded illusion of the dual income household and the freedom it supposedly provides her. By this point I think it's obvious enough that any decent girl should realize it's a huge fucking scam.
deserve their entitlements
They didn't pay for them so why would they deserve them? You can try to force the younger generations to pay but they'll just leave or lay flat. Fuck boomers.
children are expensive
Sounds made up
Je vous souhaite lá meme aussi. Amuez-vous bien avec vos negres er arabes.
My wife and I moved to an exurb with good schools for our kids. Most of our income goes to the house, and college savings.
My millennial childless niece and husband live in an older smaller house in the city with shit school districts. They have been married 5 years, both are set in their profession, but the spend all their disposable income on travel rather than upgrading to a larger house with a good school district. They value their Instagram feed over having children.
don't reproduce, goyim!
le sigh
You surely didn't read my posts...
Conservativism is ignorance...
No white ethnostate = No reproduction
It's all so obvious. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
so just let brown people take over everything?
They will die off or return back once you stop participating for their benefits
How come that didn't work with your gypsy population?
Old people deserve retirement
In the old days we used to find a cliff.
JK love you grandpa
They will starve if you let them alone.
your nigger country men will threat you 100 times worse then every "racist" white man.
porn, promiscuity and socially castrated men
I want kids, girlfriend doesnt
why are you enduring her presence? women are useless without giving you kids.
maybe that's islam
extreme feminism, degeneration of women. Thats about it. Women are becoming extremely unstable even from a young age.
Dump her now and find another. You'll regret the wasted years. Ask me how I know.
Just import the remaining africans and indians. Don't forget to feed those that remain so we can do it again later. What crisis?
at this point white sharia is the only way to get the white birthrates up again.
How do you know?
It's not about you having kids or not, they are setting the ground for more immigrants.
It's not about kids retards, look at how many people were in the 1950's everywhere. Now everything is crowded.
Nature demands that animals and creatures stop reproducing when their environment is too shitty and depressing for healthy kids. That is what is happening in these first world nation. And niggers and Indians as so retarded they ignore this natural law and spread like the cancer they are.
that's such a bullshit point of view. Women are in charge of reproduction, when they want kids there's nothing men can even do to stop that. Normally women want kids because men are stronger than them and can punch them if they step too far, but government actively prevents that so men became nothing but a shell of themselves. They are afraid of women and their accusations. Women absolutely don't want to have kids in this situation.
Why is OP always stupid?
You are completely right. I worked my ass off to earn all my education and finish grad school and I'm invisible to women my entire life. I realized I will need to settle with an ugly woman or a non-white .. and at that point why bother.
Why don’t kids want kids anymore?
The size of government is too big.
Yeah, lets hear it leaf.
This is bait.
OP is pretending to be an out of touch boomer to harvest (you)s from seething zoomers.
All replies here are cope. Women only want Chad's babies. That's why they evolved concealed ovulation to cuck the provider-mate they were forced to marry to survive.
If the guy from 50 shades of grey was 5'9" it would be considered a horror film
niggers lived in africa even before development gibs
in huts but still
feminism. same in asia as the west
they deserve their entitlements
Trying to fill the bottomless pit of boomer greed is why nobody can afford to shit out a kid
I already hated the idea of being married/having kids when I was like 8, in a way I'm lucky to have entered adulthood with such low expectations.
I left mine for that reason. I also do some introspection why she didn't want to have kids with me so that I identify what I may have contributed to her decision.
ditched the gf and get a contributing wife. I have never made more than $18/hr and I'll be retired next year at age 35.
Lifestyle, investments, and equity positions are the only things that matter. My dad pops pills in a trailer 800 miles away, my mom cleaned houses to get by and now lives in a condo I bought her. You're just not trying hard enough.
Old people are an economic burden. Covid was a trial run. We are going to do waves of planned pandemics to kill them off. It will save social security.
My then GF had an abortion a while back. She would have been an awful mother and she was a bad partner (what modern woman isn't) but I tried her to convince her not do go through with it.
I was willing to make if work whatever I needed to sacrifice.
Now I dont own this society or "country" anything, let it all burn down I don't give a shit.
It honestly messed me up badly and I still think about it most days.
low testosterone levels because of micro plastics in hygiene products lowers men sex drive significnatly. if they would put testosterone to tap water like fluoride birth rates would go up instantly
2nd reason more entertainment for free time, you can play vidya, fap to porn, watch youtube endlessly etc. 25 years ago when you came back from school or work there was nothing to do
(((experts))) finally start talking about a catastrophic issue decades after its too late to fix
Good advice, really hard to find such a girl tho
The way people have been abused growing up, it surprises me some are retarded enough to have kids and perpetuate that abuse.
vibbeo games are scientifically calibrated to tickle your reward centers, same with social media. Think about how many billions of hours went i to pointless 'achievements' all over the world instead of insemination
youre not very smart
your entire post is trash
25 years ago when you came back from school or work there was nothing to do
wut I spent all day every day playing SNES in the 90s, then Gamecube, then internet.
It's just all conservacucks cope.
For most individuals there is no point of having kids. "Natural" procreation is inherently mindless process. It's literally tied to mind numbling orgasm. But as soon as humanity rises above pure animalistic desires that natural way stops working.
"Hmm, this existence I have been brought into is pretty cool. It has all these nice things despite some downside.
For me to experience this, thousands of generations before me worked, thought and bred, enjoying their own version of existence.
I guess I will also bring new life into the world so that they too can enjoy existence as I have."
willing to live in Kentucky
yeah it suuucks here dont ever come ever
my property tax is $600/yr in northen KY. Water bill is $16, elec is $30-50. Thats it.
that was the transition mode into the vidya-new-age. before that you had only a radio you could listen at home. that's why bukowski used to tell beer is the best thing to happend to mankind because there was nothing to do at home except listen to radio, and it was so dull. withotu beer he would have suicided out of boredom he said
2nd thing is testosterone definitely. we can see this if people go on trt they fap once a week, after trt they fap 4 times day at the age of 40. eventually it leads men to approach women more, even use escort services more.
testosterone also impact female sex drive massively. and birth control pills tank womens libido
Based Ruski
I disagree. Boomers don't deserve to retire. They don't deserve their entitlements. If they had been more racial and vigilant instead of good goys, the youth would be having children of the same race.
Eugenics is all that can save humanity now.
3x minimum wage
barely support myself
Let me guess you have some gigantic car loan and 5 streaming subscriptions like every "struggling" American.
You are both degenerates. Girlfriends and boyfriends are just temporary sex partners.
Premarital cohabitation and sex is ruinous to everyone and everything. Also she has been fucked by other "boyfriends" before you.
In that case I really don't need more test.
Every single american claiming to be poor i saw has actually been living like a king and still saving some money.
low birth rates have nothing to do with money. a baby until age of 5 probably costs less than a cat.
in europe universities and kindergarten are paid by government and birth rates are lower than in usa. it's not about money.
it's mostly lowered sex drive, more enterntaiment and slightly that men have less education and less stable jobs. you have more men out of work too same reason, less testosterone and more entertainment. work sucks and playing vidya kicks ass
women are more educated now and dont want less educated men but that's only minor thing compared to the other reasons
It honestly messed me up badly and I still think about it most days.
sorry anon. Try making a grave for the baby, maybe a funeral, and kinda grieve him. Will help you with the psychological duel, and letting the suffering of the loss go.
As long as you survive the first few years of having a child(literal hell) he will become your best friend and helper you can do huge amount of things with.
More immigrants! Mooore!
I guess we'll just have to impregnate the kids ourselves
hoeflation + 40 years of shaming white men and flooding your country with migrants to deflate wages.
While inflating everything else as the monetary system "needs" growth and can not survive stagnation or a deflation (see: helicopter money). An growth based system in an limited space with limited ressources, they only thing unlimited the number of zeros they can add after an 1 ....what can go wrong with that anyway ;)
And today all the experts are so smart, they know perfectly how to not make all the mistakes all the other central banks of the last 5.000 years of humanity made, their money will never be worthless! Now buy those stocks, bonds and other papers, add some digital currency as those will be perfectly tradeable in TSHTF without computers, electricity and internet.
Cash, coins, PM, dirty virus carriers!! Way to dangerous, wanna get Covid? You can pay "wireless" now!
And here we come to women:
Just this week on Monday we had an banking problem with an bank, payments not working, accounts locked..... and the biggest headline was:
"Mother of 3 children only has one Euro to feed her kids today"
Yup, nothing in the fridge, card not working, nothing to eat on DAY ONE of a minor "banking problem"
But she has 3 kids, likely also retards like their mother. That is the future friends, I am so glad I am old and have no offspring.
life is not worth living
these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements
Day of the pillow can't come soon enough
Sterilizes you with trump injection
Kills your fetus causing miscarriage with trump injection
Destroys your livelihood with trump pandemic
Poisons all vaginas with trump injection
Hurr where's your baby goyim WE'RE SOUNDING THE ALARM LMAO
That's gonna to be a hard no from me.
Not worth this dumb bitch in office. I don't want any children to even know it's name.
I had an AWFUl childhood and would never wish that on a kid, rabbi.
Find someone else's kids to trannify or kill off in your wars to make sand niggers and Russians all do but sex, I'm not interested. I cannot be brow beaten like you think and I'm sure I'm far from alone on that one either.
Wow. My property tax in Maryland is $6,000 a year.
I would be willing to breed, just not with the sort of women our glorious western society offers.
If I were looking to spend my life in a bottomless hole of demands I'd start digging, not flirting.
The total fertility rate in the UK and Wales in 2022 was 1.57 births per woman.
The replacement fertility rate is 2.1.
What would happen if you banned abortion? If no abortion was available the fertility rate in the UK and Wales would be 2.2 births in other words around replacement rate.
The main cause of the fertility crisis in the West is abortion. But it's never mentioned in the discussion. This proves that the whole debate is not one that the government seriously wants to solve buy is merely an excuse for mass immigration to replace the European race and destroy Western nations