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You just made a thread about a ho catching feelings. Congrats you will still never be a woman.

women refuse to settle for faggots who post screencaps from reddit on Anon Babble



major ick desu

biggest orgasm

36yo whore gets pump and dumped

why this happened is a total mystery
couldnt be because shes used up, barren and good for nothing but a quick nut

I didn't see long term potential in this guy

fucks him anyway

go on one date

have sex

She's a whore and deserved it. If she was pure, she would still be a virgin. If she wasn't retarded, she would have married that guy she dated in HS or college instead of sleeping around with every Chad she could find for the past 20 years.

must have finished in her ass

Ultra based

it appears he reevaluated the long term potential
uh oh

whats the point in having sex with a woman over 30
they cant have kids, iots pointless

What form of mental illness is this?

Yeah I don't think it's a secret that with females everything is always about sex, not like most have anything else to offer anyway. But it is very childish and most of them are best avoided for sure. I think a lot of men suffer from women fatigue but suffer in silence.



obviously he's manipulating her or they're both in some way mentally ill, which is normal all things considered. realistically if the guy doesn't already have a family or is divorced, he should be at least looking for a girl who's either fresh out of college in her 20s or is already working but at around the same age. there's no future with a 30+ year old woman.

Women aren't inherently valuable

Spoken like someone who has never ejaculated into a cunt

Spoken like someone who has never ejaculated into a cunt

Neither have you if you cant answer his question.

underrated post

why is a woman "dating" at age 36?

I see your point. You are a slave to your hedonistic desires, and lack the self control to resist your useless vices.
And all for 35 year old dusty pussy... thats thirsty.

chad fucks me occasionally

doesn't want to text me all day everyday

society has failed, billions must die

Fucking emcels

cartoonish beastiality fetish


It’s a fake post. Havent you noticed the usernames yet? Party syrup. Thats drinking at a party. The numbers are a rating. It’s saying it’s not that good, but it’s alright. And this is a form of sexual gaslighting to trick you into thinking about women. This is how they do warfare these days. It’s a mind war.

Women over 30 can have kids.

I don’t even know what you faggots are arguing about, but are you really this retarded?

caring what women want

this bitch is just sad that she's being used yet again as she's always been used in the past by men

they cannot help themselves. you almost feel sorry for the poor creatures. almost

no source, argument, or context

Degenerates exists, and actually comprise the majority of men.
If a 6/10 35yo is giving you free pussy, and you don't take it, 99% of men around would call you gay.


They think "this time will be different", yet they don't show to have anything else to offer besides their pussies.
Men act accordingly, and then they make pikachu.png faces.

they can still have a geriatric pregnancy like in the bible

he hearted the message and then nothing

It sounds like he hasn’t texted her in 24 hours and she’s convinced herself this is ghosting. Pathetic, I can’t deal with these sorts of people, the constant need for social validation or they cease to exist. She’ll post an update in a day

false alarm! He was working on site (he’s a geotechnical engineer) and his phone died lol *tounge enoji* luv u fir loses

OP is a massive faggot for making me read this drivel.

So she is feeling ghosted after she caught feelings for a guy she has "great chemistry with", and she is getting on let's be honest. He stays in touch with her and nows she's complaining? Am I missing anything, also why is she even asking strangers online? She clearly needs too much attention. Fuck anybody using these apps.

I know you like to make threads OP but come on dude. A little more effort.

The real joke of this picture is that she used condoms for all those men lmfao. I e only ever used one ONCE and it was with my first GF and only to see how it felt. Horrible.

They can have kids over 30, my female relatives and such have had children up to 40 and been fine. However my mum had me at 17 and I grew to like 6'4, so really I want someone younger than me (30 now).

Women start getting a bit baby mad when they near 30, don't worry, they wont have trouble finding someone to knock them up, so start working on yourself if you want to bag a good one. If you don't care, don't. Not my problem.

I love the skitzo theory but that's how reddit generates usernames that are fresh. Mine was like Throat_chop1488 or some shit

guy said i gave him the best orgasm ever

Story's fake but actually written by a woman for once.

The real question is why do governments allow 36 year old females to go on dates and still fuck around at that age?

This has serial killer vibes

This, women tell me i give them the best orgasms ever not the other way around thats gay

Yes you are very intelligent. Nobody has hacked any algorithms.

Did she actually hang them according to size?

They can have kids over 30, my female relatives and such have had children up to 40 and been fine

No it will come out all scrambled and fucked up.

I have tried this, trust me, it is grim, and they are just as sexually abused as any other girl.

Seriously every woman has some stupid mother who's boyfriend touches her and then the girls use it as an excuse forever, its like great you were a little girl and got diddled not my fucking problem.

What do you mean? You can get married to a 36 years old and raise your fur babies together. Smash the patriarchy!

She needs to cork those sharp nipples, otherwise I might see her and be forced to rape.

We are going to tank birthrates, the will most likely try to extend lifespans and reverse aging because we are losing so many humans. We really didn't think that we were losing that many babies per year and we just hit critical.

Most people my age might have kids eventually, but maybe like 2

They can but the child is probably gonna be autistic to some degree. Case in point: (You)

He hearted my last message after saying I'd be busy for a week

I feel ghosted

I don't see what the problem is?
He's giving her space because she's spending time with family? He might even be scared to message because that might clue her family in to him which he isn't sure she wants yet.
If she's worried she can fucking call him.
Is she just trying to do typical female drama for no reason? Because I think it's that.

Shes 36 and not married, shes a cunt. Same thing happened to me, tried to tell her I was playing video games and that you can't just call me because I might be in the middle of something. Doesn't get it. Thinks I do nothing all day like her.

Most people in America won't have 2 kids. Soon your fertility rate will be around 1.5 which means 1.5 kids per woman on average.

that's a real username and you're a jeet, fuck off Randik

If he's attractive enough to get laid at 41 he's attractive enough to get a younger gf. Why would he call back a wrinkly 36 hag?

tried to tell her I was playing video games and that you can't just call me because I might be in the middle of something. Doesn't get it

LMFAO I don't imagine she did.
When I'm in a relationship I don't care if it's online and no pause if I'm gaming and she wants me for something I literally turn in my chair, stop playing, and listen to her.
I might lose 2 days of progress that was the worst time but I don't care she's more important.
It's a game dude. A game.

There's nothing special about ejaculating into a cunt. Sex is easily my biggest dissapointment ever. If you're not getting your own biological children, sex is not worth the money or even the effort.
Even my normie friends have admitted sex by itself is nothing special. They are at best attracted to the social aspects of sex, or pressured by our feminist society into chasing sex.
People have made so many jokes about sex dissapearing after marriage for a reason.

winning time with her

She holding a lottery or something?

If he's attractive enough to get laid at 41 he's attractive enough to get a younger gf.

I'm in the same boat. I get hit on by girls in their 20s and I'm 43. But I'd rather date someone in their 30s. Young girls are highly chaotic, rambunctious, fickle, not necessarily ready to settle down, they often don't seem to know what serious looks like or how to handle it.
Anyways I've been divorced and gone through it and raised my two kids alone and they're out of the house now.
So I might date again but yea I'm looking for someone in their 30s.
It's nice that women are okay with dating older men because that suits me.
But I think a girl in her 20s would make me feel like I'm raising a teenager again. I just got done with it. I'd really like an adult woman.

he wants to make plans

I'm busy

he wants again to make plans

I'm busy

This is also why she was single at 36. She wants to schedule him like he's a doctor appointment even with the 'great chemistry'.
She's an idiot.

Just imagine they write entirely fake posts trying to portray a profit oriented depiction to educate the reader in a way that’s fun, so it feels like somebody actually wrote it. This should be obvious. It SHOULD be. There are paid and unpaid writers on the forums. Working from a manual.

My gf back in the 90's told me her best friend did this. This is probably one of the least gross things women do in private.

Only morons marry a woman for purely sexual reasons. You marry a woman that will be a good wife and mother, not the one who sucks the best dick or whatever.

lol wtf.

probably found something more in its prime

Why are women allowed to just show and eat their sexy feet like this in public? We need Islam more than ever, otherwise one day I will make rape and it won't be the fault of mine.


Stopped reading there

My sister does this in a roundabout way by bringing her foot up to her mouth and chewing on the skin next to her toenails.

Looking closely those walls don't seem to have very attractive men on it.
They're all very mid looking guys.
Women can fuck chads if they're just going to be whores. I'm not sure what she's doing there.

It's even worse than that. She fucked him BECAUSE she didn't see a long term relationship.

Most women don't fuck attractive dudes. They fuck the dudes that want to fuck them when they are horny.

THEN after the little up and down right they do for almost 25 years, they fuck chad when they can snag him and try to tie him down as long as possible.

This, thats exactly right. Its insane isn't it? Bonus points if they guy they reject is "too good to be true" and the other dude is a "rapist"


Shes expired.

That pic is weird

they've been suffring too long

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