and it does literally nothing for them
20% of America’s GDP goes to health insurance
thanks obama
My guess is that a primarily goes to boomers and whenever Democrats try to expand healthcare Republicans are the ones trying to gut it.
This unironically
They dont expand healthcare, they expand health insurance. Healthcare is when someone treats your malady. Health insurance is when someone takes your money.
Bullshit story
i had to get an arm surgery for a torn labrum; and then 8 months later i had to do it again thanks to random infection from hardware (fingolia magna)
i paid most of the first one with insurance. the second one i was billed for; i told them all to fuck off. havent heard a peep from them in years
seriously, just dont pay hospital bills and huge expenses. if there wasnt a sticker price then they are lying
this could all get solved though by simply requiring any provider who accepts medicare to extend that rate to everyone by law regardless of insurance status. seperate but equal is not a doctrine in this country, how can a provider charge different rates for the same service?
best post; the afforadable care act had nothing to do with healthcare
Actually correct.
What’s happened is that cost tables for the most basic cookie cutter procedures for boomer illnesses have been systematized and doctors don’t have funding or training - it’s all administratively stovepiped now - to do anything other than the big dumb device/pill to the big dumb illness.
Good doctors shift to private practice pay in cash boutique service to rich boomers.
It’s horrifying actually how bad it is. It’s not a free market remotely, just a shitty designed bureaucratic nightmare that Jewish private shareholders get funded in the billions for.
Ban Insurance
"I'm rich bro, look at my bills bro, you europoor with your functioning health care, infrastructure and finanncial stability"
5$<1€ ... few get this
I’m old and when I graduated college I payed for COBRA for the plan I was on through my parents because I didn’t get a full time job for another year and, even then, had to work a certain time to be eligible for open enrollment. It was something like 300 bucks a month and it payed for almost nothing. It was just a very expensive safety net in the event of death or catastrophic injury. I’m still pissed about it because I paid put another 5 or 6 grand in medical bills just for regular appointments and referrals in that time.
Healthcare is a losing issue for conservatives.
Jewmerica is so fucked
They're literally in the use & discard phase for workforce, just like in Africa
suffer mutts
if we give even more of our money and rights to the government they'll surely start helping us
If you are not taking advantage of medicaid. you are retarded.
What percentage of Canada's GDP goes towards the suicide encouragement program that call a health care system?
What retard doesn't just get the surgery and then throw away the bill when it comes and let the hospital write it off lol
All medical practice should be banned after their holocough human extermination program.
Failing that, insurance of all types should be banned. That's why medical jews charge ridiculous prices that absolutely nobody would pay.
safety net in case of death
Yeah bro that sounds useful. $300/month well spent.
It's insane even with Medicare, can't afford to go to the doctor at all because of the copay.
I've recently taken to just not paying them the bill comes, I just ignore it
Context missing.
But democrats expanded Medicaid which Medicaid recipients don’t pay for and are the reason a lot of Americans are insured now. As much as I hate democrats they are way better on healthcare than republicans.
Want to read a real pisser: look up "coinsurance".
That meme is weak because your life can be simultaneously ruined by rich people and violent inbred shitskins killing and raping across the nation. It’s not an either or kek.
This is why I don't carry insurance. All medical for me is payment negotiations.
this actually serves better; i get better rates paying out of pocket almost every time
MRI with insurance=$900
MRI without = $520
only difference is the 900 goes to a deductible but i dont ever exceed that amount in a year regardless and if i do they will try and deny for any reason not to reimburse
I had entered remission from cancer treatment a few years earlier and, in the event of recurrence, needed some form of financial protection and that was all I found available to me.
Sounds fake. I bet give up on my well paying job because I don't wanna go into debt! might as well loose every and be a cripple! XD
I am healthy and moving to Spain where healthcare is free.
You get what you pay for but my entire medical bill has been 20 bucks a year for 10 years straight and the kikes refuse to even cover that while putting a gun to my head and billing me hundreds a month even while unemployed.
I sprained my ankle while abroad and paying for travel insurance and they are cancelling me now over getting billed for a single fucking xray.
Fuck this shithole.
I am not paying healthcare and I dont care how many people are coming down with winter vagina.
Literally not my problem.
The guy should take a trip to another country to pay for his surgery. Spain, South America, etc.
I signed up for health insurance this year so I can go to the doctor and get my blood levels tested for lead from my job, find out if I have cancer or some weird shit since I haven't been to the doctor in fifteen years, and to get a free hearing test and ear cleaning to see if that fixes my tinntius. Which is won't but I want to try. Also I have erectile dysfunction from (1) dryhumping pillows to masturbate since age 8 and cumming while limp and (2) sleeping 5 hours a night the past 5 years. I'm 30, not fat, fairly active, and still can't fuck my girlfriend without Viagra. I have a tightness in my perineum and upper ballsack. Maybe I have a hernia idk but it's fuckin embarrassing and destroying my relationship so it needs to end soon. If he can't solve my ED I'll just quit job because what's the point of buying a place to live with my gf if we can't fuck there.
But yeah fuck health insurance and fuck America.
Insurance is a scam.
No, it's all too plausible.
The fucking doctor is wondering why? Lmfao. Maybe he should stop charging his fucking patients $8 for an aspirin pill?!
Privatisation is a scam.
Thank god for Obama. My Lupus and Fibromyalgia make it impossible to even get out of bed. Without these programs I would be destitute. My genetic condition makes it impossible to lose weight, compounding all my other conditions. I guess when Trump becomes POTUS they will let me and others like me just die.
americans get the government they deserve and i viscerally enjoy watching rightoid republicans get slapped with massive life-ruining medical debt.
like dogs in barbed wire, they are.
obama made insurance mandatory not any cheaper.
You literally could have had healthinsurance before hand you lying latinx.
Look who runs the insurance companies and you'll know where the money actually goes...