wtf is wrong with spics?
Wtf is wrong with spics?
Show your flag poo
What’s this from?
here's my face too enjoy
mongoloid garbage race that has a lot of resentment towards whites for not being actually white. They will pretend they are "bro-tier with" whites, but as you've seen with the tariffs being pushed onto Mexico they will stab you in the back and wish death upon you if we arent handing them everything they want. They're snakes. picrel: they were our bros when we were handing them Aztlan, but now that's challenged they flipped their script and want us dead
Flip me off and I will believe you
Yooong out
So many things, we have to deal with a lot but got some great things too.
i want a t-shirt with a moustached totenkopf
Fix your fucking country instead of leaving to leech off another one, José.
that some of the gayest shit ive ever seen
Short and brown
Everything is so fucked that if we tried to fix something, it will just get worst
US flag
And you've seen a lot of gay shit
Mi nombre es Juan señor
I try to be good gardener in my country, not another one.
Having a jewess as a president is clearly not the smartest move in the first place
latinx are the gayest members of the population by far, stop coping.
you still believe in voting and democracy?
No, but I believe any of you fags could easily take her down, can't you? You kidnap people every day
not in Mexico, no. You are a cartel + jew state
nice try fed, I won't do shit
please fuck my wife
exactly, and thats why you will continue to live under Jewish + cartel rule because you wont do shit
Ok Juan, keep living like a submissive cuck
Agree, but the silver lining is if things go way worse now we have her at the public front face of the country and not some proxy protojew as many other countries.
gayest members
I guess, your country really does fill you with faggot propaganda as soon as you set foot on the ground.
you are talking to a mexican flag you stupid inbred monkey looking muslim rape baby. josé is a spaniard name, also you lazy unproductive PIGS fucks are leeching a whole country through the EU stfu go eat some bull testicles faggot
and why arent children of liberal adults who are black/white falling for the same propaganda? Must trigger something in your primitive brains
kys Juan
I've always been spanish and I hate retarded sudacas like you and muslims
why arent children of liberal adults who are black/white falling for the same
Well they are, just less percentages.
But that's a good question, you got that stats extended to see how many of them are woman vs men, age, social status, by states?
The only decent Mexicans are the ones that are very clearly descendant from Spaniards
Hell on Earth III
Most of it is degen stuff about characters he created for his multiple comic series. They are okay, btw
nigger you are at least part muzzie convert have some respect
don't care really. you guys are almost double the lgbt population of whites and make up one of the gayest countries without tons of "american leftist propaganda"
Hahahha nice try mutt
And and forgot to mention, he is pretty based
failed state
The skull with the mustache
That a troon at the first panel?
Hispanic are only "bro-tier" when they are capable of reaching this goal, see how the Hispanic started throwing punches at us when now it's not viable anymore. They are the first to start stabbing you in the back when they aren't being fed their ultimate goals. They were "bros" when we were giving them Aztlan
I'm a massive chud, but...
spain flag
Calling others Juan
brazilian monkey can't into common names
What's it like to be in a dystopian society like South Korea where the woman are better than you? Have you thought of escaping to North Korea and ingratiating them with the Yakuza video games?
*Countries with low internet penetration. Ipsos considers responses to online surveys in these countries to be less representative of the overall population than in countries with broader internet access
B..but I don't care really
If you say so
**India survey was conducted in person rather than online.
thanks for that laugh
I prefer this meme with argentina Samuel l Jackson saying this
redeemer salute
timestamp or pajeet confirmed
pajeets never quit trying to pass off fake pics that don't follow rules
Chuds and latinas belong together
saar please breed our women
you are exactly like jeets. prostituting your women to a better race. say it with me "saar please breed our women"