Crazy that you can be a hideous smelly shitjeet like Pratyuksh Bansal with a degree from the mountain university of...

Crazy that you can be a hideous smelly shitjeet like Pratyuksh Bansal with a degree from the mountain university of cow shit dehli united and still somehow get a position at a "renowned" swiss university. Really says a lot about the quality of swiss education and academia. Can't wait for an anon here to look into this shitskin's theses and get his degrees revoked for plagiarism.

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Why doesn’t he just stay in India?

Just start killing all niggers and jeets. This will force the remaining ones to go back.

Remember the old saying, don't shit where you eat

How many of you have PhDs again?
Yeah, thought so

swiss literally eat cats and dogs lol

amazing you can learn what a person eats just by cleaning their toilet.

I have a Master's in English and geography. Graduated in 2013, before AI and woke shitskin faggotry. I am orders of magnitude more educated than you or any smelly shitjeet in the history of mankind.

Oh right and from a university that is 100 years older than your shitskin niggermutt country, not from the university of southern texas united for garbage heap disposal college in bombay.

Education admission everywhere is flawed because it's based on trust between institutions, and we all know where that leads once jeets enter the picture.
Don't get me started on peer-reviewed research papers.
Jeets will destroy everything in due time.

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Don't get me started on peer-reviewed research papers.

It's enlightening to see that everybody just accepts bullshit no matter what as long as it uses enough buzzwords and jeets are pros at buzzword vomit.

The moment these fags are found to be frauds is when somebody actually tries applying what they submitted.

Yeah, too bad you didn't apply yourself and stayed in bumfuck Austria. Truth is that you chickened out from competing against the best in the world, that's why you are where you are and I am here in the USA with my degrees from Ivy League universities, running a business that hires chumps like you. Cope better, faggot.


best in the world

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Oh come on poojeet, the entire Indian existence surrounds fake degree factories. Your people are a disease.

And let me just pause for a second and elaborate. I DO have a PhD. And I’ve seen the REAL work that white men have to achieve to gain a PhD, and I’ve seen the fake fucking noise that jeets, niggers and women “work” on to slide through and get their piece of paper. That shit is a farce. I still can’t believe some of the absolute incomprehensible dissertations i read from particularly jeets and women. Please go the fuck back and die in your shithole country.

Brown excellence btw

you have to be 18 to post here kiddo

A known pajeet influencer's guide to committing scientific fraud to obtain a visa by publishing shitty papers on pay to play journals or just paying someone to write them. Straight from the poo's mouth

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He is the master of trains!
I have a PhD in pajeetology and applied gasology

sadly most normies have no idea how deceitful pajeets and paki are, they lie all the time.

What field?

He redeemed the DEI quotas

A white farmer is smarter than a phd pajeet

still somehow get a position at a "renowned" swiss university

Jeets lie and cheat, that's how. The White man never expected to deal with such dishonest strivery, so stinky jeet credentials are treated with the same level of scrutiny White person credentials are (that is, very little).

big seethe

New VPN, pratycuck?
you will NEVER be white

swiss are very racist if he got there it was because of his skill

I have something better, beehives
bet you can't make wax, soap, medicine, mead huh?
that's right I take your PhD and put it inside my smoker, before taking it back out again because I'm not smoking bees with plastic paper with ink that a filthy pajeet touched

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Haha, leck meine Eier, du Schwuchtel, wie wär's damit?

swiss are very racist if he got there it was because of his skill

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Kek bees are based.

Ok, who's gonna post her badminton jumping pics lmao
I just enjoy mentally slapping you around lil' praty, you silly girl

AAaaahahaha oh no no no no
'phd' eh? Aaaahaha oh no noooooo

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? Was, wovon redest du bitte?

the pajeets materializing as they run away

that one pajeet at 30 secs in swating

if bees are bothering you, DON'T SWAT AT THEM LOLOLOL that makes them go nuclear.
although in the video they are screwed anyways ,generally 600+ stings is in the lethal zone for most people

Yupp, saw that and immediately knew what was going on.

i have 2, both from switzerland

New Praytlore:

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name my band

Back to the Netherlands

You have clearly gone insane. I already know what your precise diet is: meat, garlic/onion, booze.

Why is this allowed?
You're singling out an innocent human being, which probably doesn't know that and never posted here
Please don't doxx people


human being

Only if you go back to india first, diarrheaslurper


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human being

lmao it’s a poo!

Ausländer raus

the jeet fears being singled out

it would be a shame if his school knew he posted on a racist nazi site

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english and geography

How utterly useless


Haha you are being really desperate here cumskin
The Swiss flag is not him, that is completely different person
You are just jealous of Indian people because they are more smarter and successful then you

if we keep it up any search of his name will return to Anon Babble

Poomenace Ramshitass

He's human
What if he never posted here and someone purposely doxxed him ?
Sto the vile hate
We re individualistic people

You are parasitic people


swiss education and academia.

the swiss are unironically just chocolate jews

Come back with chemistry or engineering

Think of the same happened to you / your friends and family
What if you were seeking a good life and hated for no reason
We all humans , limited time , love and let live

The fact that you retards continue to come here and act like faggots just makes it worse

pajeetanon, he came here to talk shit and anons found who he was.
he was retarded, fuck him

Doctors are parasite
Engineer are parasite.

stfu you babbling parasite

mfw watching praty and her fellow poopjeeterinos impode again in a scat-tacular public exhibition

Why do you consider us parasite

look at nose it´s clearly crypto

Doctors are parasite

yes, or even worse

Engineer are parasite.

only the ones who engineer for the jews

The pajeets final throw in order to parasitically insert itself outside of india is to act like a faggot, to become gay

You stole a whole continent. And you will lose it.


I'm part American so fuck you

Lol any links ?

He conveniently doesnt mention that they're all on discord

eat shit

While I dont like that Euro countries have shit gun laws and tyrannical governments, at least they have cohesive societies and have women who are in good shape ON AVERAGE.

Shit for brains shit-eating parasite with the color of shit.

Don't care

I'm a bystander in this situation so no not from me, but I've been watching that particular pajeet taunt anons for years now? idk but he's been the board's punchingjeet for a while now
I'm sure other anons have pics and links

anyways, what's up? whatcha doing today besides shit posting with us?

Because India has 1.4bn of the worst "people" on the planet.


This hate that you're harbouring in your heart, it's not healthy
It's demonic

Playing sleeping dogs
Picked it up on sale

Saar do you have a certificate from the online university of very good skills and learning saar

I'd say eat shit but we all know you love doing that. But yeah, inferior shitskinned parasites have no say so shove it.


Retarded poo nigger

get factorio, it's beyond kino and the developers hate trannies
also synthetik legions rising is also a absolute banger

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Ok bro thanks
I like non pozzed games



pooland btfo

It takes poos very long to solve the captcha. What with the 43 IQ and all.

kek. criminally underrated.

Too late poojeet. You already lost. Now spend another 20 minutes trying to solve a captcha lmao.

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Ty was threads always pop up, and yet you guys don’t do anything, just post online. Next decade you’ll be a minority and you’ll still just be posting online

indians aren't competent to be either


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