Married fathers don't even get drafted
How is this army propaganda
How did loving your family turn into a NATO thing?
They're retarded zoomers anon. They know not what they do, just what they're told.
Married fathers don't even get drafted
I saw a hohol dude get drafted as he was pushing a stroller with his wife.
they actually don't care about the draft and would love to earn their place at the feet of some jew. they don't really care about islam that much either or else they'd be doing things differently. they'd have kids. they'd ve doing anything other than what they are currently doing
You are suggesting un-married incels get the draft, and don't frag anyone, because they have all the things to lose
Zoomers are mentally retarded but what else is new
You are suggesting un-married incels get the draft
Yes and if you weren’t wholly illiterate you’d know this has always been the case throughout history
having a family increases your bonds with this sick system they need to prop up a little longer, whites are unironically dwindling too fast and it might just crash the whole Western like system.
also they want kids to be drafted at 16 by 2030
Married fathers don't even get drafted
Why is her hand that of a male? Is she a tranny?
are they getting fragged?
*snatches your provider male*
Whoops, sorry about that little shiksa. Priorities.
except it wasn't
Married fathers don't even get drafted
I've been here 10 years
I literally don't care about this meme, that is my opinion. I don't see why it inspires such controversy.
stop noticing things
If you don't hate Ukraine you're not human.
In the U. S., a married man may be deferred from the draft if his “induction would result in extreme hardship to his wife when she alone is dependent upon him for support.
“Support may be financial assistance, personal care or companionship.
“If financial assistance is the basis of support, the registrant's contribution must be a substantial portion of the necessities of the dependent.
“Under most circumstances 40 to 50% of the cost of the necessities may be considered substantial.”
What a fucking shithole
I carry a 5 round shotgun pistol in my pocket.
In the U. S
This fucking guy, kek. He's got all the right words and the legalese prepared. Don't forget to say that out loud after they tossed your ass into a van, I'm sure they will listen
be incel
gay marry other incels
Problem, draft officer?
end your bloodline to own the Jews
Idk sounds pretty retarded to me desu
It’s written code that you’re clearly not able to comprehend.
the meme that glorifies having a wife and daughter, that accentuates the subtle beauties of family life
"it's a le white feather meme"
no youre just retarded
ugly incels are the same as feminazis, they hate beauty and think all beauty is an attack specificlaly on them
Married fathers don't get drafted
Lmao sweet child of summer
you need to learn to lurk moar
youre a dumbass nigger retard and I am not your mommy
Your draft enforcers will be ukrainian and guatemalan immigrants who can't even read english, I'm sure they have all the appreciation in the world for your code and they will live by it.
You actually believe that will stop them from dragging off when shit hits the fan
Look at this fucking retard
Nice head cannon but no. I don’t know what difficult to understand here. The married man with children and job who contributes and participates in his local community wouldn’t be drafted over the young neet incel no job no wife no kids no friends no ties or contributions to the community no prospects.
Get drafted or we'll kill your family
"This could never happen HERE" - A moron
This is true
the government cares about your family!
Couldn't catch me believing any of that shit.
We comprehend the difference between may and shall. Do you?
man if I were in that guys shoes I would not be just sitting there
why isnt he going for their legs?
why isnt he rolling away?
why isnt he biting them?
I will show you a cornered animal if you put me in that situation, I will bite your fucking dick off if you leave it at head level
if I keep repeating it, it will become true, it HAS TO
You know, I can't even blame you. Not all of us can live our lives without military grade copium.
Hey, how about you let people live their lives, and fuck up as much as they like? If you really love God as he loves you, you would.
Married fathers don't even get drafted
What about having a family not living off gibs makes you any more willing to leave them? If anything neets with nothing to live for are more likely to sell out
the push back is unreal. GAYTO has spent the last half century destroying white birth rates all over the globe, so obviously it must be GAYTO shills trying to get chuds into the idea of responsible fatherhood. Lmao
Shame men
Jews cant hide they are matriarchal cucks kek
*Taps sign*
you misunderstand the government
they dont care about you
you dying is funny to them
that should be proof enough, milfags can't meme and are incompetent as fuck. that cuntjack is missing some tail or cat ears to appeal the waifu faggots here
unmarried will never be drafted because of reasons that don't make sense
Lol k
I'm a freeman of the land, officer.
I wish they would lose already just so those people can stop getting killed they clearly don't care about the war.
look at this dork go off on parroted slop did you hear that incoherrent bullshit from some jew on twitter faggot?
newfags get mad when they're told to, simple as that
Fuck off JEW
Tradwife>>>>>>>feminist wifejak
Not what was said at all
Shut the fuck up, Gonzales. Your country is a meme
It's white feather propaganda
Stop being an incel, chud
Get married and have a daughter
Oops we instituted a draft and your number was called
Now your wife and daughter shame you into dying for zog
Glowies aren't using a son for their propaganda because it was women that gave men the white feather treatment
They know all the immigrants they imported aren't going to enlist. They need the white man to man-up. And they need more tax cattle. Isn't it a coincidence how Elon Musk has been pushing natalist propaganda and this wifejak was propagated by bots on
This is why I have a stay at home wife. I'm draft proof
Everyone gets drafted, retard. Every single male. It's an extermination project.
They don't care about their citizens but they aren't suicidal
Drafting fathers would destroy society and erode what little legitimacy the system has left
Dont forget bbc spam against white women suddenly disappeared.
Umm, sorry sweety. Your wife is a strong independent woman, mmhmm
If you actually get drafted you should kill yourself lol
I love juicy nigger cocks
Why do these people always put dancing watermarks on their videos?
Sounds like weapons grade copium but given that nothing ever happens and there’s not gonna be WWIII who am I to bring a little reality into your gay retarded draft fantasies.
would destroy society
That's the plan. You are the carbon footprint that will be removed and your neighborhoods will be turned into efficient bug hives filled with brown males who will live gladly under circumstances that you could never accept.
subjects with no guns
armed citizens
The fuck around find out gauge is gonna go off the charts
because you're not on twitter seeing all the faggots get euphoric over it in unison. we just found out we have a severe wife worshiping simp problem
nice analysis but you forgot the only thing that actually matters to the government is spending federal deficit funds on weapons from the mic
more irritating to digitally remove/obfuscate with a blur
Of course there wont be ww3 kike, since you fucked up the social contract with white men lmao
to avoid other telegram channels taking credit probably
wifejak was originally a semi-tradwife meme
the meme centered around wives saying wifely things like "....we should buy a hot tub" while the daughter interjects with stupid but cute questions
because marriage is moralizing and racinatinf and fuentes is demoralizing and deracinating. fuentes is not Christian because Christianity is marriage and fuentes claims nato isnt demoralizing and deracinating because fuentes is nato. im taking advantage of this thread to spread anti deracination propaganda
I'm irish I've been drinking since last millennium... catch up grandpa!!!
Look. Basically I'm just not gonna get dragted. I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY! It's just that Christ is all. Hahahaha.
You’re just not going to convince anyone that it’s bad or gay to love their wives and mothers of their children. It comes off as jealousy and sour grapes.
Married fathers don't even get drafted
maybe if youre black
Wifejak is a cunt that susoiciously acts like white feather
Its being pushed just when Army is suffering from lack of white soldiers
who paid you?
My ancestors are from the Isle of Man. Show some respect for your elders, sugar tits
Married fathers don't even get drafted
Lmao he thinks Shlomo will spare goyim blood when defending israel
WWIII isn’t gonna happen
Or course it won’t k-kike
? Anyways
I hope a based Anon Babbletard rapes you to death for spamming the board.
no bud, youre wrong
have less faith in other people
Married fathers are contributing meaningfully to society.
That gun only holds one bullet at a time...
don't worry anon, we've got your wife a state sponsored tyrone to keep her company
now go die with the rest of the whites
The whole war is just a cover for project zephyr isnt it?
No way jews will send every goyim to die for Israel
Lets look at another ZOG controlled country called Ukraine. The same jews who pulled off 9/11 currently want US troops to invade Iran. That may or may not lead to WW3 but it's definitely coming.
Is not bad to love your wives
Is bad to shame men and force men to love feminists
You lost, jew.
No one. Just being honest
Gimme an address, and I'll see what I can do
ps. marriage is Christianity and pastors are gay
It is the last and most pathetic deradicalization attempt.
They want YOU to become a pussywhipped normalfag.
Notice how the wifejack has always a bad actitude, wants to get away with everything and all that the meme tells you is that it is okey.
Notice how the daughter is used always to shame men into being more of a normalfags specially when it was posted to convince people to vote for Kamala Harris or volunteer in the case of an hypothetical war against Russia/China.
The people who defend the meme always use Fuentes as a boogeyman despite this board's culture being against ecelebs and that's because they are fucking shills who have been passed an script telling them that everyone who's against their shitty forced meme that was never popular with Anon Babble is a fan of Nick Fuentes.
Of course the fucking shills always reveal themselves defending feminism and telling us how much they hate Anon Babble and it's userbase (you) in a matter of a few posts.
armed citizens
Did they resist during the vietnam draft? Did they resist during ww2? Those were tough men too, not brow beaten zoomers and millenial soijaks
it's not jealosy I literally want to kill you and rape your wife because you fag up the world I unfortunately share with you. your simping has direct consequences on my life
please link a single example of wifejak being used for white feather purposes
Gets divorce raped
Child gets transed and donated to NAMBLA
You sure are, lmao
this post is the epitome of ugly men simply being angry at men who find love in this gay world
brings up his bbc fantasies unprompted
Why are groypers this way?
Nobody is doing that I don’t think
Basically all the pics you spammed mocking men, jew.
You are gonna need to improve economy first and kill jews first
alright goy time has come for you to die fighting for israel
oh you made little goyim? aw shucks i guess we just gotta let you go
Then pull it, nigga. You won't. No balls.
That makes sense. It just didn't occur to me that people would just want to take credit for footage like this and not just ensure it spreads as far and wide as possible
You will make the jew slaves, own nothing, and be happy.
I don't think this meme has anything to do with Elon tho. Has he endorsed it?
it's not jealosy I literally want to kill you and rape your wife because
Get help dude
It just didn't occur to me that people would just want to take credit for footage
you underestimate clout chasers
Jews feel confident in being able to run this empire without White people. That's what the Great Replacement is all about. They want White people to die for ZOG, which kills two birds with one stone.
The fact that you see a healthy marriage meme as a "wife worshiping simp problem" says more about you my friend.
Married father don't even get drafted
Glowniggers are horrifically incompetent at therr job
what the fuck am I, a charity for your ass? we are revolutionaries here not fucking normies retard, your fault for walking into the wrong neighborhood
posted without context
mocking men
Can you post an example?
It's not gonna work on a group that's 60 percent single. Actually, it makes us angrier as it's something we want but don't have. You've made your bed now lie in it.
Normalfags are subhuman.
Jews know they fucked up and its why they are being suddenly pro white wife (despite spamming bbc in every white woman thread for years)
are revolutionaries here not fucking normies retard
This is why it is a necessity to act on Behalf of God, and enact TKD, BEFORE Dad comes home, baka
Do you not weep for Farfur?
men don't even watch star wars, if they think they can get them into real wars I don't think it works out
instead of a rally around the flag effect a new 9/11 would look like weakness and lead to domestic turmult on the fault lines
They objectively could not do that in the US. Too much risk of getting shot.
Replies instantly turn into jealouse sour grapes
Kek, this meme has some funny power on kissless virgins.
You don't love your family if you aren't a pussywhipped doormst
Oh, hello agent. I'm glad you realize I'm right.
It's not gonna work on a group that's 60 percent single.
I don’t think you were ever the target audience
it makes us angrier as it's something we want but don't have.
That’s what jealousy is, retard. That’s what I said.
you're such a fucking idiot man. why do you go socialize on facebook? open up an instagram and worship your fat cow wife in there all day long.
fuck off outta here
Basically all the soijack versions you faggot spammed
depends on the casus belli
Nick's gay fed spammers are just being retarded and failing hard at subverting Anon Babble, they're jews.
best post ITT
fuck nafoshills
Damn you really sound like a woman
The last bit tacked on the end isn't related
I am visibly retarded!
Take me seriously!
Bless your heart
the only way to love your wife is to let her walk all over you
I'm sure they will mourn the loss of the few hundred foreigner mercenaries who will get shot throughout the process.
Checked I think that’s the most realistic answer
healthy marriage meme
That's the McDonald's meme. This is about normalizing bad actitudes from women that's why the wifejack has a resting bitch face.
That's the thing all I see are men with wives saying "wtf it's just a dumb meme" and single men screaming "glownigger, fed, psyop." No one is trying to convince them to do anything except explain why a wife meme angers them so much. You all psyoped yourself.
you're such a fucking idiot man
Nigger you’re referring to yourself as a “revolutionary” unironically lmao
The ones defending the cuntjak meme are also triggered by the sign tap meme. Really makes you think
Sorry your white feather won't work
Spam tradwife and TKD then we can talk.
Our sons do.
you faggot spammed
I didn’t spam anything I was just asking for an example of your claim that they’re “mocking men”
I want to see those recruiters punished in some medieval fashion.
because trump won and he is about business and not war
sign tappers needed kamala to win so we would all go to war
Foreign mercenaries on us soil wouldn't last a week. Every cracker, nig, beaner would pay to wait in line to kill them.
Anyone who thinks they have some exemption is a fucking retard. If they need warm bodies they aren't gonna care that you're the last man in your family or any other bs they are just gonna snatch you.
Calm the fuck down child.
I simply don’t think disenfranchised men should take the olive branch until society actually starts giving us some actual gibs first. We are at the stage where respect must be reassured before we pledge our bodies to the cause
Nobody to my knowledge has said that. Nice strawman. It’s just cartoon btw
Then the real question becomes
What would 9/11 2: Electric Boogaloo look like?
I catched them a few times talking about Russia out of blue. They really can't help themselves
this is a feminist meme not a family one
What do you think happens to them once the ceasefire gets signed
Hey retards instead of attacking wifejak as pro-army propaganda why don't you just post anti-army propaganda?
You jews are really bad at this holy shit
yep full court 5eyes glowies press. Basically a carbon copy of shitwood, uhg brat kamala threads because its the same faggo posters.
It's not "single men." It's just nickers prentending their favorite e-celeb's rationalization for his unrestrained seethe at women makes any kind of sense.
you fucking idiot, do you actually know where the fuck you are? what do you think this place is all about, at least before it got infested with bots and oblivious normies? what are you even doing here? if you just want to be salt of the earth you can do that on fucking facebook?
Globohomo is far better at ruining all it touches than we are at slandering it
Sign tapping meme
I don't give a fuck about the kikes wars and you faggots still call me a glow nigger so I really don't care what you think.
we are revolutionaries here not fucking normies retard
anon you're glowing
Don't we all?
Oh I'm sorry, I should have used the proper term it's actually "citizenship for service". My mistake.
I saw Theo Von on 9/11 so naturally 9/11 came up and he was talking about where it would happen if it happened again and his answer was idk but how funny if it was just New York a second time
he thought he would at least get the reward of not getting drafted after being a floormat for his wife and kids his whole life
If they need you they will snatch you. Simple as
You should just go beat off about your press gang fantasies happening in your own country since you don't have any recourse like we do.
Add to that their passive agressive tone and how suddenly white women are whores/blacked are nowhere to be seen. They really miscalculated everything and now they lack enough white kids to brainwash. They wont even fix the countries first yet they want men who have been abused for 30 years to suddenly have kids in this jewish clown world
They are going to need to KNEEL to white men and fix a loooot of things if they want white men to come back again and even then white men can just redpilled their kids.
And you really sound like a child. Curious.
60 percent of men under 25 are single. Those are fighting aged men they ought to be reaching to. Who's the target demographic, if not them? Are you suggesting the feds are actually competent?
can someone translate that into English please?
That would be genuinely hilarious, ngl
Maybe Trump Tower this time
I think THAT would be the funniest thing I've ever seen
Suck start a shotgun concernfag
Ok, it wont be me the one being eggless begging for white men attention
Xir, this is a traditional Tlingit underwater basket weaving forum. Go larp as a “revolutionary” on Twitter, faggot.
This. These special clauses and loopholes people think will save them. Those arent there for you. Those are there for jews. The point of this war isnt to defeat an enemy. Its to project zephyr the bad goys and usher in their jew world order that openly worships lucifer.
You're wife walks all over you
Wifejak is made by a troon kys
You are not concerned about men who are basedboy bitches?
There’s not going to be a draft or a WWIII and I hope you’re not putting your entire life on hold in anticipation of one either.
It really is telling that almost all married men start to speak and act like women. tells you who's runnin the show in most marriages
The wifejack meme is telling young men: "accept modern women for who they are (whores) and marry them anyways."
That is just a convenient cop-out, which will lead to weak men. And then you have the problem of gatekeeping these pussies to stop pretending they are based.
we had a general thread about this here during the el paso immigration standoff
my argument was that civilwar is unlikely due to inertia and riches but that one hand played
wrong can set it off
the worst leadership of all western countries currently is
the force of stabillity are on the receeding end everywhere
She really is a 0/10, furfag. Yiff in hell
the vaxx wasn't mandatory you goyim
Go draft the niggers you sold out for
I lied. I don't have Netflix. Take your shoes off
What? I’m saying the wifejak meme’s audience is probably married people or couples
They think they can just psyop people into suddenly believeing women are attainable angelic beings and so young men will gleefully run off to the far side of the world to get slaughtered, because we're all too stupid to realise that modern warfare is almost a guaranteed death. They think they can trick us to believing if we just go and fight more Jew wars, we'll get to come running back home to available and willing marriageable women.
It's just the modern version of the White Feather campaign. More Feminist bullshit to get men to die for Jews because female shabosgoyim tried to nag and shame us into going.
Ignore it.
No, laughing at the quirks all women have doesn't mean she walks all over you.
I'm not a woman dude calm down.
Also fuck kikes if they didn't exist we wouldn't be having this argument in the first place.
I would argue that your walshart plinkers which you will only ever use to shoot at white claws give you less of a recourse than my categorically anti-war government AND population.
Remember, 49% of the US voters literally voted for a pajeet female who basically promised ww3 and ran a campaign shitting on men.
True, and its interesting how Nick has positioned himself as an easy scapegoat for this Hegelian dialectic
Blacks are already gaming the system. I went to claim some of my tax money back a few years ago in person and the office was full of niggers. The government worker was explaining to the nigger in front of me: "you're not eligible for that if you're on welfare"
Even some 80IQ niggers know the ins and outs of extracting as much from the system as possible, and it will be easy for them to say they have dependents and other like fake disability to exempt them because they've already getting money for that shit.
It is the white men that have jobs that the government decides aren't important enough that are going to decide it's worth throwing you into the grinder for.
Military loves idiots like you, they want you in their ranks. Cannonfodder must be retarded and gullible.
Well jews are matriarchal cucks after all
Oh okay so you’re all making it up cool
Sounds like Patriots need to false flag their own countries in order to rid themselves of the shitskin menace
I fancy thinking that Excalibur represents men's freedom.
You can't use force to extract Excalibur from the stone. Only the right King can wield Excalibur. If you can command free men, you're tenfold as powerful, because you command their full uncontested loyalty.
Jews thought they'd be smart by breaking Excalibur out of the stone. All they wield now is a shattered sword, broken like the people that eats up their propaganda.
*wakes up in heaven*
Men are retards.
You are not concerned about men who are basedboy bitches?
Nope, you got that.
I look forward to murdering them. 40% of the people in my county carry guns. Those odds are not great for the snatchers
What life would I be putting on hold? I'm a free man unlike you I don't have a woman running my life. I bet you would have to ask permission to build a shed then jerk off in the kitchen
They can't help it. The sign tapping will co continue.
Holy kek not even pajeets are as bad as you at hiding lmao
If women and men have equal rights, then they should have equal responsibilities. Why don't women get drafted?
You know the rules
And so do I
Post em, honey lips
Some of us were here before going on the internet was normal now I am the Normie it's fascinating how far society had crumbled that I am "normal" because I have had a wife or girlfriend once and noticed the dumb shit they all do.
Loud and clear, sir. Give 'em hell!
They should! Break down gender norms! Girl boss your way through the trenches. SLAY Russians!!!! Girl power!
I’d counter you’re retarded and gullible if you think there will be a World War III or a draft
hahaha I laugh when my wife treats me like a beta boy this shows it doesnt bother me and really means I'm an alpha male
I remember someone saying the other day a large portion of muttlenial men have that "lol dude I don't care about nothing so I'm not actually a beta boy" it seems like it's true beta boy
Don't you never talk to my daughter again!
Mooooom thats a double negative!
That's a smaller population size to source soldiers from. That other 40 percent are not entirely married with kids. Zog is out of touch and retarded.
Its just another tactic. Young men can't be reached, but what did the snake do in the garden of Eden? Give a man a woman, and fool the woman, and make the woman fool the man. People who let their dick do their thinking for them will fall for this trick. Their wife is based and redpilled after all (read as cuckservative holding last year's liberal views), she wouldn't get fooled.
What life would I be putting on hold
Thats kinda sad
For fuck sake Ukrainians, just frag these snatch squads anywhere they appear. A month tops of that and no Ukrainian would have to fear being pressganged ever again. Fucking stupid hohols, you people deserve to get slaughtered in trenches. Time and time again I see these videos of you assholes just letting yourselves be taken. Stop being pussies and just kill snatchpigs.
There won't be a WW3 or draft
Why are they putting so much propaganda about recruiting white men, shitting on white men for not doing anything.
I noticed so that makes me less of a beta boy
I LITERALLY can't imagine living my life having to make sure I don't anger my master woman. Jesus christ
Well, there's going to be a draft, so you may as well get in now!
I love Israel so much, bros
Me too, Anon
Damn you drafters are really desperate kek
The teenager autists that populate this board arent going to get married, they just need to feel like they might one day. Thats something worth fighting for, right?
A modern 9/11 would probably be a nuke blowing up some unimportant city. The thing about their over-reliance on psyops is they have to keep upping the ante each time because the public quickly adapts and becomes desensitized.
Naw its def me, dudes with no relation ships who desperately want companionship but know we will never get what we deserve so we just let the world rot.
It's some retarded femjak from Reddit and Spic Fuentes and his groypers are throwing a shit fit about the jews over it for some reason.
See I think you’re reading something into nothing that’s my opinion idc
Wife says she is cold when it is hot
Haha relatable meme
You are a simp for liking that meme
Do you not see how dumb you sound?
I don't understand what you're lecturing me for. there is nothing I'm confused about. you're the one getting rustled and outraged over your incessant wife worshiping and mockery of other men for not kneeling to gynocracy just the same not being taken too well and busting all the jewish psychoanalyzing. it was your kind that radicalized me bro. I've spend the last 10 years being told by wifeguys that my grievances can be washed away by just grilling harder, and here you are doing the same yet again.
Again you can make zero decisions in your house. How does that make you feel? If you see something you want done you have to ask a woman permission first. That's not a life
80IQ niggers
fake disability to exempt them
They don't even need to. The American military considers 85 IQ to be the cutoff. A person with less than 85IQ (at least 50% of all niggers in America) will be refused enlistment even if they want to serve.
50% of black are exempt due to being literally retarded
45% claim disability, hardship, etc
5% get sucked in for diversity, get their photos taken for propaganda while the white conscripts get sent to die
It's funny how plapjack, but about normal women, made so many "white" "nationalists" shit their pants.
It would have been forgotten in less than a week if Spic Fuentranny didn't sperg out about it and white families.
God bless this place
under certain circumstances
24 posts by this ID
Fucking army recruiter bastard. You just want more white men dead for ZOG
There is a special place in hell for you
BBC spam coincidentally disappears
gets replaced by daughter jack and naggig wife jack
Fuck glowniggers, out of spite I hope China takes over this world, fuck you.
Even if they make alimony or child support illegal... ummmm... I'M STILL NOT GETTING MARRIED. I'M STILL NOT DYING FOR THE ZOG HAHAHAHAHA
Well, there's going to be a draft
This is an art revival
Lol you're the one going euromutt
There is no point. Beta male cucks are so deep in denial you will never come out of it. I guess it makes sense tho since your only option after realizing how pathetic you are is to kill yourself. I bet you change the thermostat when your master tells you too even if you're comfortable lmao
Goblin wife sexo
It really is groyper bait and when you ask why Nick isn't in jail over what he said on Jan 6th you get crickets.
Take it to X, fag
it absolutely will crash and the first thing that happens is israel getting erased from the map when whites lose power. I am not sure what the plan was, assuming there was one in the first place. I am starting to think "the jews" never wanted to replace whites, but the cheap labour was too tempting and now many whites have started to love the browns a little too much.
It's just homosexuals from Spic Fuetnes (confirmed homosexual that has sex with jewish and black men) and non-white seething niggers that come to Anon Babble to cry that dont like women that are upset Whites are having families.
People can't conceptualise wanting a wife without some marxist everything is a power struggle, I can use this to my advantage, or cuckold fetish view
What the fuck is going on?
Need a contract to love your parents?
I'll take it up your fat cow's cunt
It didnt disappear. Yesterday I alone saged like 5 of these threads. Maybe a raid
Look I don't know shit about this meme other than retards are saying it's a inorganic zog forced meme. Zog really doesn't like Russia or sand niggers rn and doesn't have enough recruits. I assumed it was a shitty recruitment thing.
Again you can make zero decisions in your house. How does that make you feel?
It makes me feel like in true jealous sour grape fashion you’re spouting seethey head cannon.
I mean, you could've always just quit your place in society and become a pariah
They didn't force you to do anything :^)
This is what THEY actually believe
black power
not like this, not like this!
People are either too redpilled or too apathy. Killing more people means killing more white bloodlines and jews are alarmed they are not on position of living without whites.
Lets say you bomb some party or zone and kill 2,000 white people
Ok? People are redpilled, people already know the govt is evil, they will just continue to survive enjoying what they can
Elites are too out of touch which is why they are panicking, even if they make Trump do le fortnite dance zoomers will just move on in one day and go back to their hobbies, since hobbies is what young people have left and no one buy the SUDDENLY GOVT WORRIES ABOUT YOU GOYIM after being blamed for fucking everything kek
The point of a relationship is to be a strong male that she wants to follow not to brow beat your wife until she hates you and leaves you.
Explain how you get a wife without signing a contract retard? Btw that contract is extremely one sided so even if you find the "perfect" whore she can ruin your life and be rewarded for it at any point in the future
Don't worry, we'll feel might as we step on your neck and kill your women, kike
Sorry jew, if you want whites to have families you are gonna need to improve white men's lives.
If you find a companion and continue your bloodline you lose. The jews are COUNTING ON us to multiply and also becoming established men with stakes in our communities, so they can use it against us. It never occurred to them that we can just become redpilled shut-ins with no legacy, and now they're freaking out! The looks on their faces once all of their precious amaleks drops dead will be priceless.
Congratulation you can read!!!
Eat a dick
you're trying to draft us "white" (hispanic) men!!
two more weeks and ww3!
stop men shaming me
Haha what a fucking meltdown.
Neither of you make decisions in your house. Any one who says they talk about it together or they are a "strong man" so they wife makes the right decisions is coping. Be honest your wife can do something without asking your permission but you can never do the same
sorry jew, Whites are getting married and having kids you can only cry while fucking niggers like your golem spic fuetnes (confirmed homosexual that gets fucked by jewish and black men)
Half my posts are just reiterating that there’s not gonna be a draft or WWIII this is lunacy fat liberal bitches have handmaids tale hysteria and brown groypers have WWIIII hysteria. None of the histrionics are based in reality.
A nuke would be a perfect opportunity for chaos and a proper revolution. Who would triumph. THAT is the question.
Muh Samson option
Do it, PUSSY
the jews RULE you as we speak, so "just grill harder" is in fact a self serving control mechanism
This isn't how they will do it, they will offer debt forgiveness to enlist or tax free or something. Trump is already trying to make the military "cool" again by kicking out the trannies I don't think it will work.
fucks like you are gonna have a baaaaaaaaaad time in the future
Work on your English, bud.
They key of the issue is that the complete name of conservatives is liberal conservatives as opposed to liberal progressists.
Think about how many conservatives really support the traditional institutions.
All what they support is liberalism at a slower pace.
Fuck off with your trannyjak, kike
Remember, TKD comes first
White kids shouldn't be used for your wars, jew Rat
If people, especially in the US, are so afraid of the draft I don't see why they just don't get a concealed carry?
Ok cool, now the cops and military are doing armed patrols after a lot of them got nigger blasted with a nigger glock. You can still take a couple of them out before you get taken out. You're a dead man anyway, at least take a few down to save others from your fate.
It's not to say that they will be recruiting 80IQ niggers, but if someone as dumb as an 80IQ nigger can figure out how to game the system to milk all the benefits that were meant to help people, you can be sure that brown people are going to figure out how to game the draft too in the same way.
Whites are more honest, doing an honest days work. That when the time comes someone is just going to do a calculation (maybe even a computer will do it, like they do with things like corporate layoffs) and unless that person is politically connected in some way, they're getting drafted.
spic fuetnes gets fucked in the ass by niggers and jews. youre an anti-White kike that is crying.
White families are beautiful and White women are loyal and perfect.
You lost
White Power Won
The male jews dont rule, their women rule them
It may be a forced meme but I still fail to see how a drawing of a wife has anything to do with military recruitment
Its a mutual agreement and both parties would be assumed not to fuck over each other for no real reason
Sorry you're from a broken home but statistically its in a child's benefit to have two parents and even better if they're the product of the two
He doesn't know
Good thing Christ is King
To the moon
What good does natalist propaganda do when women refuse to marry men?
You can talk about anything as long as you make the end decision you are the man that's all she expects.
Jew trying to fit in
Remember, whites wont fight your wars anymore
spic fuentes (confirmed homosexual that gets fucked in the ass by jews and niggers) and his followers (non-white immigrants) hate White women because White women don't touch them. They hate White families becauase they hate White people. so they want you to constantly feel alone and depressed and dont want you to have a loving family. thats the only reason they are upset by this meme
Because if it didn't then the Simpsons meme won't make sense!
Why did you forget about the chinks that fuck him in the ass? You're a groyper doing damage control
proceeds to seethe even harder
more head cannon
Jealousy is a disease, anon. Get well.
youre both horrible humans and the time of pretending otherwise is over
Goblina plapjack is just the Enlightenment, again
Nothing ever happens
Bro stop coping. They want warm bodies that have something at home effectively taken hostage. The modern gynocentric welfare state already ensures women are provided for by the government with your tax bucks, but they'll gladly take the simps who fear what the state will do to their loving wives over some pissed off angry young man with nothing to lose and a loaded weapon aimed at the back of his commanding officers.
A married man is less likely to frag his officers and then switch sides. Meanwhile the only thing keeping young single men from overthrowing society is...well, that's the question isn't it? The systempigs despite being pure evil fear that looming inevitability. Once a society is demoralized it cannot be remoralized until something drastic gives out. It can never be salvaged from within, because the very people that demoralized it are unable and unwilling to actually fix the real problems. Their existence.
It's the societal need for justice to be seen to be done. Western society needs to see the current elites executed for their crimes. There willbe no alternative. The current elite will never ever willingly put themselves in the noose, soooo...violence is guaranteed.
The elites are dead people walking, but they;re still so deluded and evil they still want their foreign Jew wars.
Ah! The classical shill narrative of "women should maintain all their legal privileges and if the use their privileges against you is your fault"
Never fails
They aren't ready yet they need to fuck it up for themselves a few times to understand, hopefully they use the knowledge floor good.
stop coping
here’s my head cannon
Again I really hope none of you are putting your lives on hold in anticipation of a WWIII & draft that never comes.
Brevity is the soul of wit, faggot. Hurry up, because nobody has time to read all that shit by (You)
Then how come you are upset at the tap sign meme that warns men about draft and tell them to take care of themselves?
Anyone who is married must be killed for being a simp. Anyone who signs a male enslavement contract belongs in the gas chambers and anyone who shares this meme should be tortured to death.
My life is worthless and I have nothing to lose because I am not a paypig to a women and have no female attention
Simps like you are the basis for all bad things, simps are the lowest creatures.
Ok dude keep over analyzing things
no one's talking to you
In any modern relationships the woman has all the power. I see plenty of men try to deny this but when you look at their relationship its ALWAYS the case. Also a marriage contract will ALWAYS favor a woman. Women should never have the power to ruin a mans life and take his children from him. Any man who takes part in relationships when the woman has all the power is an idiot
what fucking draft you gorilla gay nigger?
It's submission propaganda, married men don't rebel against the government.
You can’t really have a war in NA lol. Only the UK can really contend. And they’d need tons of boats to get here. If you’re in NA be more scared of suicide of heart attacks.
Meanwhile the only thing keeping young single men from overthrowing society is...well, that's the question isn't it?
videogames, movies and a lack of some trigger event
you have to be a doormat cuck a few times before you get good at it and learn to just take it like a good beta boy
Like pottery
we need to genocide all husbands and fathers
they make me seethe
This is just pathetic
You’re not actually this naive, right?
The one you jews are trying to do. If you really were pro white family you would admit you cant trust the jews nor the govt and that feminism and jews should be removed
Ooga booga bix nood
Your hoodoo is no match for my God
You may kill yourself now, to spare yourself from his wrath. It's okay. God loves (You)
Won't work on me. Debt free and more likely to play (Minecraft)
Then what's the goal?
Fuck Fuentes. He can suck my left nut, lol.
No one is reading your seething head cannon, faggot.
And that's why we kicked England out of the European Union...
lmao you are retarded.
I accept your concession, JEWRAT
The cake is a lie
I guess you never saw the draft stats if the Vietnam war
Idk but I doubt it’s military recruitment
Because feminists should not be allowed to live. And I never said anything about fathers, believe it or not but you can be a father without being a paypig for your wife mastress.
No one cares. Like I said I know you will never admit it because they never do but we both know a woman runs your life. Next time shes telling you what to do you think of me because I'm your God now
Because women are stupid cunts that are more likely to fall for emotional manipulation and propaganda, which can then be used to pressure men. If you're single and not married, you're not going to care what some random roastie thinks of you. But you'll definitely give it pause if that woman is your wife and you have to live with her.
If kikes do a false flag, and you're still trying to figure it out, your wife is going to be the one saying "we need to hit them back!" and you tell her you're not going to die for some kikes in a pointless war, she's going to shame you for not going along with the group and the current thing.
My ex straight up called me a coward because I didn't buy any of the kike bullshit regarding the Ukraine war. She fell for it hook line and sinker because the TV and Twitter were shitting out propaganda daily about how Russia is a bully and we need to stand up to bullies. A literal childlike understanding of the situation and constant drivel was a giant pain in the ass, which is why she became my ex.
Men die for a loving wife and his children.
Men don't die for vydia and porn.
UK/ireland is pretty powerful. They have tons of money. They’re mostly white. Thats first world, just as good as America sometimes even better. Singapore is another threat.
Blah blah bloody blah, in it
Damn nigger, that's a whole lot of words.
Too bad I'm not reading them.
Drafting fathers would destroy society and erode what little legitimacy the system has left
Your problem is thinking that Jewish parasites think the way you do. Stop that. They don't actually care. They think like vultures feasting on a lion's corpse. Even if they in any way aware of their destructive impulses, they can't stop. It's in their nature to feed until the host perishes.
Anon Babbleniggers are actually fucking nuts
I never said anything about fathers
Uhh>Anyone who is married must be killed for being a simp. Anyone who signs a male enslavement contract belongs in the gas chambers and anyone who shares this meme should be tortured to death.
Read own posts nigger jfc
REEE you're blocked
lol fag
White kids wont fight your wars anymore, JEW
No one cares.
Yeah about you that’s why you’re out here seething in essays lmao
They want you to have childrens so they slave in their corporations. Diversity fuck over their plans, Palestine college protests are an example of that.
based and true
Still having white babies, rabbi. Sorry
spain is not white though so you're safe
Classic shill: I fucking hate Anon Babble post
Called it
Read own posts nigger jfc
Do you have dyslexia? There's nothing about fathers there. Marriage is feminism times 1000 and not needed to have children and be a father, you retarded mutt spic.
Diversity fuck over their plans
Non white hands typed this post
Still hasn't posted tits
Ní bheidh tú i do bhean choíche
butthurt belt stationed glownigger
Most fathers are married you mentally retarded, browncel. Especially white ones.
Didn't called me a liar, i take your concession.
D&C X is not white post
Are you going for the complete shill bingo?
Kill. It is self defence there is no crime.
Smile to God Almighty on top of the dead bodies.
They want you to have childrens so they slave in their corporations.
yes goyim the only way to defeat the jew is to die out and have the white race sizzle to nothingness
speak english, brownie
Already thinking about the white son you want to brainwash into fighting your wars, jew?
one bullet
What is a magazine? Fucking retarded mick
Didn't called me a liar, i take your concession.
This shitskin can’t even into English. This is who is telling you to stop having white babies.
Classic Speak English when he has no arguments shill post
3 strikes. Out!
seething about white children
Kike moment
Most people are also pro women's rights, I want a peaceful world that is cleansed of all the simps.
I mean they cant help it, even normies in X visit Anon Babble and are being brutally redpilled. All their future plans are being predicted
Best just to ignore the retarded, son.
I’ll tap the sign until my fingers bleed
Stay away from white children, jew.
Maybe go back to your sandy shithole?
You’re just not going to convince anyone that it’s bad or gay to love their wives and mothers of their children. It comes off as jealousy and sour grapes.
Ah look, more tiresome ad-hominem Feminist-originated shame bullshit, just call us incels and be done with it.
Woah simping is now based because le organic meme says so! Remember to register for the draft, goy!
Ignoring real problems in our fucked up Jew'd society doesn't make them go away you disingenuous faggot.
Christianity is marriage
So I'm going to hell if I don't flip a coin to determine if my life is gonna be ruined in a divorce?
If that's Christianity, it's no wonder your churches are just brown people and old farts now.
The first thing they want is to make money, why do you think Israel doesn't take migrants? For political stability. Their colored pawns they bringed in aren't loyal, cause disorder and Israel can't defend itself.
Kike moment x2
Can’t hear you fag sorry still having white babies
Lol there’s a switch in your head that can be flipped. God draws graffiti. Did you think we had money for paint?
Christcucks literally won't do shit
Ah look, more tiresome ad-hominem Feminist-originated shame bullshit, just call us incels and be done with it.
found one honest wifejak poster
Why did you tradcuks confuse right-wing spaces with feminist forums from which you can propagate your cuckold ideology?
God is infinite, kike. Burn for a bit, and be humbled
Underwater basket weaving forum
Listen to me. Majoras mask moon is real. Theres a giant face on the moon retard, it’s not on Google either. They censor it. Your mind is probably plagued. You wont even verify if somebody carved a big face on the moon? You’re fucked. It’s just propaganda. The secret was this dimension was conquered by an evil wizard who enslaved mankind.
While (You) are probably a dysgenic freak with teef™, you are also correct. Also, if your family can't/won't fight they will be a liability should you wish to fight back. Lol
it isn't. there is no moral obligation to marry in Christianity. it is something you do because you want to. of course jewish glowniggers shilling these threads wouldn't know anything about this
They use words like that to confuse you. Just go look at some graffiti. Or watch an anime. He’s drawing them all. And he does this as a way to enslave humans more efficiently. So how it works is humans need sex and food. But, it’s expensive. Many fall into hard situations. So he uses propaganda to fuck their brains. It’s actually a type of whip. He whips us. He is a slaver god. It’s fucked up.
Working to make the world a better place is for goys
This is what they actually believe
You have been warned
I also heard Michael Jackson had sex with Donkey Jong and Aladdin during 9/11, everything is gay and gay
admit feminism and kikery need to go and women have to return to the kitchen
also denounce the talmud (you wont)
Oi vey everyone whose calling out a gay psyop are ugly stupid heads!
lol Ask us how we know you don't pass.
God is all. Responsible for both Good and Evil. Accept that and move on.
A question For the miga niggers here
Why did the jack smith stop the witch hunt once trump won?
we just won bro. time to grill and feel sleepy now
Yeah is this thing on? My first girlfriend was fat and literally she was named cow. Gods in my room right now dick. He ignores all my hard questions. 12 years celibate. I hate that fuck.
Glowniggers, the kind that are posting from US bases can't use racial slurs or admit Israel's role in 9/11. An actual pole that has been on the board long enough will know to call you a pastanigger or something like that. But tourists and glowniggers can't. You'll see them try to get around it by saying: "glowie" instead of glownigger or replace a letter in the word, but they can't just use the word.
This is cope, but insofar that it's not, it's moot. Life is imperative, all the sophistry in the world can not negate this mundane fact. To quibble about it is categorically insane. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're still wet behind your ears, not plain suicidal/evil.
Because the patriots are in control
Praise God
I never aspired to be.
Better ask them to say that the traditionla principles of Pater familias and Patria postestas that have been ruling our societies until a few decades ago must return.
They seethe about the idea as much as a jew that's told to accept Christ and repent for his death
Checked and facts.
The smart Jews have already arranged their bolt holes far away from the West. There's no turning this shit around.
Maybe you should try not being a bitch who lives behind a screen. Why should God give you anything, you lazy fuck?
its because kamala lost
Except you are you fucking retard, you just arent saying it openly
Integrate that shadow, King
This is also correct.
Because i will troon and take a man from a woman and cause an auto resistance to your eugenic program.
it’s real in my mind
Jews are incompetent and can't lead. To run a state well, you need good governance. You need to understand human psychology, resource management, allocation, complex systems like culture, pairbonding, lawmaking.
They don't understand any of this stuff. To them it's just "loot when you get the chance and move elsewhere".
Because he's a coward like all the other cunts. they fear the consequences of their actions. Trump is retarded enough to let thrm get away with it too
You just said he makes both. Damn is this guy real? You also ignored me. He’s literally in my room. Is he in yours too fag? Let me know. I have heard stories that he might speak to other people, but never met one.
it was a joke but you guys didn't get it