Repeal the Smith Mudnt Modernization Act

and all shill posts will disappear overnight
this bill is the only reason that the US Government/Military can target their own citizens with propaganda
that's why the informational environment has gone to shit especially fast since 2011

I'm not asking you to write to your congressman, although you should, I'm not asking you to do anything except to remember the name "Smith Mundt Modernization Act"
next time you see a glownigger posting about a draft? think of the smith mundt modernization act and how it could easily be repealed and many tens of thousands of glowniggers would lose their job overnight

Actually, no one disagrees with me on anything. Everyone who says they do, they're actually pretending because they're being paid by the government.

Why do so many retards think like this?

Obama was by far the worst president in the history of this country.. he did sooo much insidious shit that didnt come to fruition for years

case and point. fucking nigger.

Bump for justice
Total Glownigger Death

It wouldn’t even be that bad except for the fact that the military is a dumping ground for our weakest cry babies

did you post in the wrong thread or are you just a bot?
(probably a bot)
that made no sense

what does that have to do with the Smith Mundt Modernization Act legalizing propaganda being used domestically on our own citizens?
what is your point, dumb nigger?

tell me more about how spending 200 billion in the ukraine was actually a good thing. Fucking rope yourself

wtf why did it respond to a completely different post. sry anon not for you. fucking garbage 4chin ui

his entire presidency was an attempt to cede as much power from the people as possible and give it to intelligence agencies through legalese/loopholes
in a just world these people would be hung - maybe one day

*or a bot

You call everything you disagree with propaganda or shilling. Are you able to do the rest of the math yourself or do I need to hold your hand through that too?

It's good to remind people, and especially for the younger ones who are mostly unaware.

Bumping a based thread before memeflags Israelis slide and archive your thread

no youre a bot, that makes no sense in context.

You just can't help it can you? Then you also wonder why we all can tell you don't belong here. The thing is, we are used to you npcs, shills, bots, and glowniggers, but here, you are getting exposed to our concepts and ideas for once, and the damage is permanent.

anon I'm going to be honest, I literally don't understand what you're saying.
Please clarify your point.

Illiterate Africans who've never owned a computer hate Russians because they've met Russians and know Russians lie, cheat and steal.

I want you to imagine the moans of your wife as I finish inside her while you are stationed on the other side of the planet dying for jews

My point is that you're right about everything and always will be.

6 god

Repeal Smith Mundt Modernization Act

Stop their porn posting and porn ads

attn doge team
cut smith mudnt funding

I'm glad we could agree on something
yes, please
Elon if you're reading - please kill these glowniggers


Smith Mundt Modernization Act stop funding this heinous wickedness

Doge AI will pick it up from the comments

Smith Mundt Modernization Act

Have a bump, today OP was not a faggot.

Based. Don't forget to post some random number strings as well, that really triggers the schizos lol

Bump. Everything the government says is a lie until the repeal of Smith Mundt.

id: SEX

please hold my hand Air Force mommy

repeal the Smith Mudnt Modernization Act and all shill posts will disappear overnight this bill is the only reason that the US Government/Military can target their own citizens with propaganda

kek, you think they care about laws? you think laws apply to them and their masters?

I think they care about laws very very much
legalese is the primary weapon of the jew

Whenever you think “I can’t believe someone is THIS stupid”, it’s either a bot, a Jew, or Ukrainian/Pole.
So just ignore and move on.

Knjaz Danilo Airbase

Nigger the kike makes the law to hamstring you, not themselves and their pets. Remember the gigantic FISA 702 abuse scandal from 2014-2019? Some people call it Russiagate.

They create these laws to manufacture public consent for tyrannizing nigger cattle while they themselves skirt them.

A jew cannot achieve orgasm if the subversion isn't technically legal

They OWN the legal infrastructure, they don't prosecute themselves.

I'm sick of eglins shit and I 100% encourage you to bomb them

the infrastructure has to maintain a sense of realness
it's simulacra vs simulacrum but in this case the intended purpose of the law (to prosecute criminals) is still maintained even if the law is written by jews

Denounce the Smith Mundt Modernization Act

kek exactly

this law or the lack thereof will protect me from all of the kikes that have fully occupied government and industry that want to destroy me!!

The government has been captured. It doesn't matter what laws you have or don't have, if they want you they will target you. Belief in the law is an admission that you believe these people are negotiating or debating with you in good faith and are open to morality and persuasion. I think we are well past that when you have people like Andrew Weissman throughout the DOJ.

Show me the man, I will show you the crime.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I am grateful for the... uh... fuck.

Strakharts.jpg - 800x1067, 147.88K

happy thanksgiving sir
I'm grateful for Anon Babble and the eventual death of all glowniggers

this bill from 2011 is the only reason that the US Government/Military can target their own citizens with propaganda

before 2011 there was no propaganda

How is it even possible to be this stupid

How is it even possible to be this stupid

this is something I asked myself while reading your post

i want to play this game