The more East-Asian women your country has the more resilient it is to globohomo

the more East-Asian women your country has the more resilient it is to globohomo
so to completely kill off the evil that is globohomo rice fairies are the solution

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If foreigners are so immune to kikery let's send foreigners to israel not to my country.

Jomi, the zainichi wife

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let's send you pajeets back to india

About as stupid as me calling you a kraut.

Have you cum inside a Japanese girl's pussy? If not, lower your tone when talking to me.

Bug creatures. Flat face, no boobs, no ass, no beautiful 3d faces, no beautiful colors... Bodies as soulless in appearance as they are in their lack of soul.

can you be even more of a currycel?

I've cum in a Chinese girl. Does that count?

But wait, doesn't that also describe Indian people? For example gypsies such as yourself?

but wait why are you streetdefecating in a rice appreciation thread?

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they have the same fluffy pubes. That's good enough for me

that's not true anon. the ones born in western countries are worse than whites. The only way is to just move to non globohomo countries.

the speck is in the lower left corner

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If you ever get the chance to fuck a nip tranny, take it, trust me

If you ever get the chance to fuck a nip tranny, take it, trust me

you're the guy that wrote that schizo book and posted the link to the PDF here a few months ago, right?

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you don't know shit sar

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No, but it does sound like something I would do

a lot of the Australian guys that show up here are pretty fucked up. I wonder why that is? Them, and Canadians for some reason.

I must eat rice

East Asian women quickly become pozzed SJWs when they settle in western countries.

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Bottom 2 kinda remind me of the monster from pans labrynth? Thats the one the fat spic-kike made right

Why wouldn't I discard gross buglike midget creatures? There can be room for only one kingly divine beautiful line and it isn't east asian people.

That's why you slap them into shape or you deport their assess back. Also make sure you abort any sons; only keep girls.

what should i talk about her if this was my pov?

The Mongol mongrel speaks

If that were true, explain China, Korea, and everywhere that isn't Japan (Japan is also succumbing to Globohomo).

Also in other news, ah yes, THAT particular look. Heads up newfags, Asian girls aren't anime girls, their cuteness is superficial.Beneath that kayway exterior is the vicious soul of a honeybadger angry to be separated from it's true form.
Burn rice at your own peril.

Asians that are born and raised outside of Asia are the biggest supporters of globohomo especially the women. Probably worse than their white counterparts.

That's not true at all..
At fucking all..

Have you cum inside a Japanese girl's pussy?

Yes. Many people have...that's...anon that's why there are millions of Japanese girls to nut in right now. It's a never ending chain of people nutting in Japanese girl pussy. It's like your whore of a mother never taught you about the birds and the bees.

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Nutting in a Chinese girl is like going to a redbrick university, or having to settle for Tesco value brand over Sainsbury's Be Good To Yourself quality goods.

It's okay I guess, but you still haven't achieved greatness.

There needs to be a discussion about the fact that Nip females have giant flat moon-faces while the men have at least a partially more Caucasian look to them.

I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just saying rice-burning may in fact have a long ancient tradition that predates the current generation of spergy weebs. The Y chromosome doesn't lie.

she watches based riceman comps

waifu material

I knocked one up and she's a solid 9

What you said is still true however

Most Asian women regardless of where they are from are real real stupid

Don't fall for the racemix or feminine memes about them

Does Asian pussy smell differently?

korea being the best example?