Russia is awesome. Their fast missiles knocked out the power for 1 million Ukrainians

Russia is awesome. Their fast missiles knocked out the power for 1 million Ukrainians.

they've had power for the last 3 years? this war is a sham and a scam

That's what Ukrainians get for messing around with a first world powerhouse like Russia

Waow :O

no country can has powerful missile like russia. straight to target where aimed. very fast.

fake news.
ukraine shoots everything down, and if they don't, the munitions don't do anything.

Perhaps blowing up a few refineries wasn't the smartest idea the holhols ever had

hahah weak ass ukrainian faggots can do nothing but whine
..when the power is restored

til then enjoy the silence
its a taste of the future
the future withoùt ukrayyyne

Russia is awesome. Their fast missiles knocked out the power for 1 million Ukrainians.

Europe who sending electricity to Jewkraine is gonna pay the price. Especially the Western European vassals of Greece Bulgaria and Romania.

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Ukraine is impotent

US equipment sucks

Russia promises mirror-like responses

here's why they don't care about getting over it in 3 days but 3+ years

this. the first thing US does is knock out power and water treatment. that's how you win wars. russians are fucking amateurs.

Just to put this into perspective, rusia could have done this from the beginning but they did not want to harm civillians.

Thanks to Globohomoretardobiden the gloves are off now. Winter is on the doorstep and the power is out.

Zelensky will be hunted down by its own people.

how old are you? seems like retarded child logic to think that

nato has constantly been repairing and replacing shit for them the entire time. they even have power cables running into poland and such as backup.

good. let this be a lesson to any white nazi cucks:
if you resist the new world order
you will be destroyed

Why post such lies, OP? Everybody knows that the Russian missiles are 100% intercepted, ffs

Kek, so Russia knocked out power for 1 million Russians you mean? Russia is attacking itself basically because Ukraine is just 30 years removed from being part of Russia. Funny how the CIA tricked Russia into going to war with itself and attacking and destroying it's own infastructure. Kek.

Holy mother of cope.

you should move to russia asap, scumbag

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Finland's is impressively bad. Do they just not have anything under the earth or in the mountains?

it seems like russia wants to negotiate not collapse ukraine like US does cause either they cant do it or they rather have a somewhat stable but controllable ukraine since all US invasions have failed massively at nation building after collapsing the country they are invading.

the zigger cope is just neverending

I think they buy nuclear energy from Estonia or something like that.

When did this allegedly happen?

The future is brown and communist. Get used to it!!!!!

Why would the power line terminate at the border, lol

Urine's energy infrastructure is basically divided into three isles, west central and south/southeast

And the russoids know every nook and cranny of it since they built much of it and you can't just move this shit from A to B

Of course it is. Russia plays bad cop for the global elite. Meanwhile, BlackRock and everyone else are snatching up Ukrainian resources at discount prices. Zelensky would have been dead a long time ago if this weren't all just a managed resource grab.

Reality is, because nukes, big nation states can't go to war with one another any more, so it's all about creating some scheme to take what YOU have and transfer it to people with lobbyists/ power.

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when was the last time the US won a war? a real war, the gulf war doesn't count

Now do Tel Aviv

Estonia doesn't even have nuclear power plants. We buy your excess power which I think is mostly hydro.

only 1 million piggies without electricity

It's over.

Honestly, swift harsh action and then just leaving seems like the best approach, with the threat that if you fuck around again, next time will be even worse.
Nation building is just a bullshit way to launder money.


It's the daily spot price and we have two nuclear plants offline so the price spikes all the time like that, it's not that bad in reality. Average price is 5.5 cents over the past month, during summer it was like 2 cents

So why don’t they cut off ALL power to the whole country until Ukraine surrenders? It’s obvious they have the ability. This war is so fake it’s just a planned meat grinder, they’re not playing to win.

So— Kiev in two weeks?

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just give Russia a little terrain kek

I honestly don't get it. Like f Argentina or Brazil wants to take a bite of Uruguay, what's even the point in fighting? so fucking stupid. Like are we going to get 50 trillions in debt with NATO and USA (not to mention literally die by the thousands) just so we don't end up paying taxes to some other asshole? come and take idgaf

noooOOooo but I am this flag, not the other flag

8====D stop being a faggot already

Russia bombs Ukraine

no scam calls

I've been saying this since week 1. Russia being able to bomb anywhere in Ukraine, yet hasn't thus far, just proves hot fake and gay this whole charade is. It's just "hot" enough to the point where global military industrial complexes can funnel in trillions without also flattening entire cities and scores of civilians

hehe stupid ruskies, get ATACMS'd

oh no

This is a joke right? No way someone would unironically post this glowing meme.

ukraine hits russian ammo depots

russia hits ukrainian civilian infrastructure

why is russia so sadistic? they're literally worse then israel

it's not a "a little terrain" dude. It's total demilitarization, which equals total submission. Getting cut off from the sea, which will demolish their economy for the future.

they've had power for the last 3 years?

Its been on and off.
Every time we come up with some new thing like 'cluster bombs' Russia will blow up a few power stations in Ukraine.
We dont report it because they dont want people to dwell on how bad things are for Ukraine as a result of our warmongering.

if Brazil wants to take a bite of Uruguay

lmao we want it all, your independence was a mistake

Russia decided not to massively target civilian infrastructure, killing millions in the process, like the US does in it's little "wars"

This means the war is such a scam..

Americans can't even comprehend not committing genocide in a war lol

Iraq and Afghanistan were easy wins.

muh taliban

taliban didn’t defeat us they took over when we left after occupying the country for like 20 years

The government of Iraq surrendered in 2 weeks, and Afghanistan in 48 hours. Are you retarded?

it's that they are doing it near the end of the war to force a peace treaty. instead of at the start of the war and then just slinking away, go USA

No more hohols on Anon Babble

So 24 million still has power. Big deal!
What about those who fled to your country?

Show some respect. They fight and die for your american empire.
If they were not , it would have been you sent to fight and die.

Putin is given an image of a vicious authoritarian dictator in Western propaganda but when he began his political career his public relations image was that of a moderate professional bureaucrat who worked with all sides to get things done.
Despite this being propaganda there is some truth to this especially when you look at this war and how it's been carried out.
Since 2022 there have been 15,000 civilian deaths with about 10,000 occuring in Ukraine and attributable to Russian action.
That works out at about 312 civilan deaths per month caused by Russia.
Compare the United States attack on Iraq in 2003.
The American military blasted the Iraqi infastructure to bits including water supply, electricity, and government buildings.
The result of that air campaign was that 7,429 Iraqi civilians were killed from 20th March to 30th April 2003.
So the US killed over 7 000 civilians in the Iraq war in just the first 40 days whereas Russia has taken 32 months to kill 10,000 civilians.
Compared to the US, Russia is quite restrained.
This however is par for the course for the American military.
In the three years of the Korean war the US air campaign killed 300,000 civilians directly and another 300,000 indirectly from wounds, exposure and hunger. The head of the Strategic Air Command, Curtis Le May claimed afterwards that the US airforce had killed 20% of the population of North Korea.
As strategic air campaigns go, the Russia offensive against Ukraine is comparatlively precise and restrained

Fake news! Russia ran out of missiles two years ago!

Russia needs to govern over a hostile populace after the completion of the anti jew operation. Pissing of everyone is ill advised. Clearly we've escalated.

only 1 million



If Russia hits Ukrainian ammunition depots there will be ww3 as they are all on the territory of other countries
Besides infrastructure is a valid military target, meanwhile Ukraine is hitting residential buildings

it should also be borne in mind that all the killings of civilians by the ukies army are recorded on Russia's account. In fact, this figure is much smaller

America is ran by the same kikes who intentionally drop bombs on women and children. The same kikes who laugh about the declining White population in America. Of course a jewish led military that sees it's enemies as goyim cattle has no qualms about starving civilians and destroying infrastructure. Putin has been very magnanimous which is important diplomatic and political capital.

american doesn't understand the mere concept of "rebuilding infrastructure"


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Looks like transformers and power stations successfully intercepted another Russian attack. Slava Ukraina


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shut the fuck mutt pussy shitskin

Yesterday holols launched a drone at some oil refinery in Russia. Today they are getting the tab

We’re already in WW3. Escalation is unstoppable now. Russia WILL hit the munition depots outside Ukraine and the west WILL escalate from that step.


Remember to have cold showers and say take that putin!

Most Ukrainian posters are not in Ukraine

glove status?
(finally off?)

Welcome to the globohomo hellscape that you ordered, faggots.

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it's called "vesivoima", literally water power

We own the globe leaf. Go be polite and vote in another 10 million jeets.

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facts about russian military
average life span after mobilization 2 to 4 weeks.
current casualty rate is between 1500 and 2000 a day.
commanders accept bribes to stay off the front line.
commanders steal contract and mobik money forcing them to fight for free.
wounded soldiers are sent back to the front regardless of being healed or not.
conscripts generally don't fight because if they did the russian people would rebel.
russian soldiers are looting russian homes in kursk, orcs eat their own.
no discipline.
no command structure that allows for improvisation or independent decision making.
not fighting for anything they believe in, except money.
spill their guts the moment they surrender or are captured without any coercion.
corruption at every level from the lowest private all the way up to generals.
higher ups take equipment, food, and clothing, and sell it for personal gain.
leadership is fed false information to cover up failings and corruption.
the war would have been over in just a few months if not for stockpiles of soviet era junk.
treat humans like garbage and as a disposable commodity by soulless psychopath leaders.
leadership in constant fear of uprisings.
when returned to their country after being captured they are punished for not dying.