this is what I come home to. A government mandated younger girlfriend that serves all my needs and loves me unconditionally. Nothing else. I would rather rot to death than contribute to this globohomo hellscape without this wish of mine granted.
Lots of flowery words to describe a slave.
Until governments around the globe understand and comply to this very simple demand, they will gladly remain ignorant and wonder why the economy is tanking.
Yes, that's what I said. That's what women are.
Great Tits and I like her blonde hair
Kind of like my gf but the Tits are better on pic related
Only work once the government makes women property. Never compromise.
And then you expect to be ‘loved’ unconditionally. LMAO.
If you can't find a girlfriend, why can't you just BE the girlfriend? Don't tell me you've never been tempted.
Glowie well poisoning thread. We simply need to remove womens right to vote and influence elections. We already have European traditions that pair men and women together of equal status.
Nobody promised you a rose garden, or a piece of ass.
Government mandated
Loves me unconditionally
Gonna need you to pick one there, superchieftan.
Did I stutter, nigger?
You have no leverage, you can easily be replaced by some random shitskin
You keep a woman around long enough and she loves you unconditionally. In this scenario, they would never leave the house and thus have no social lives of any kind so no chance of them cheating.
No, you’re just confidently delusional. Keep dreaming because that’s the only place this is gonna happen.
no you just sound like a (brown) retard
this is for you, troon:
then die
I understand that being able to make money is no longer a thing in greece so at least you would like to get laid...
what are your education and abilities tho? how important of a worker would you be?
Is your work important enough to mandate you an attractive young GF or are we talking a cashier with a fat lazy whale GF mandated?
You think torturing someone into submission will make them love you? You’re putting a lot of faith in Stockholm Syndrome being your only hope to be loved. Do you realize how pathetic that is?
Over half of the population is female here so this system would work beautifully. Hell, top earners can even have two or three. Making pussy into rewards for being a good goy.
That is a woman's innate nature and how men and women have been operating for millenia. How about you get fucked to death?
accuse some retard of well posioning
lets disenfranchise half the population
just pipe down and let the people with a brain speak from now on. you might as well talk about bringing (((dinosaurs))) back to life.
Actually, I think it’s for you. You can go ruin your own life instead of someone elses.
shoots the messenger
Maybe you just don't deserve nice things?
You're the one defending women here. They are property and rewards in the flesh and bone. That's why they exist and that's what they are for.
If you want to live in the stone age why not move to a stone age shithole country instead of dragging the progressive world back?
progressive world
Everytime this is said, nigger cum flows out of the mouth that spews it.
No she will resent you more and more every day until she cheats, escapes or poisons you, idiot.
You have a 3rd world shitskin mentality. You should probably go there and you will be happier.
That's cool but for me there is no if, I'm just not gonna work. LOL!!!!!
yes but in the age of automatization we could probably replace a lot of workers with some kind of mindless golem.
now as we are talking about motivating people with attractive GF's instead of money I can imagine factory owners etc. would be more eager to replace employees with robots and take those dozens of GF under their roof.
Right now countries that are in debt like yours or mine (although Greece is a record holder in EU) are making policies to stop big bussineses from automation so that unskilled people could find a low wage job there.
you don't deserve to live
with all the faults Gayreece has, I thank the heavens I wasn't born into Greater Israel (the Anglosphere)
How about first world. Western world. Whatever we call it, you don’t belong in it.
I don't? Thank fuck. I'm not into kneeling for niggers.
true, EU is in europe, which is an Old World, we actually have history and tradition to hold onto.
and (((you))) don't belong in it.
your history is being raped by everyone else lol
But you’re just trying to turn humans into property. So while you may not be kneeling for them, it’s worse; you’re one of them.
How much money do you think someone would pay to see OP picking cotton till his hands are bloody, and forced to say 'niggers tongue my anus' as he bleeds to death on a cross?
Slavery has no place in the civilized world. Nice try.
you guys will be gone on behalf of israel by the end of this decade.
only recent one but yeah unfortunatelly we poles have never had good allies or neighbours... thats why we dislike everyone and have trust issues.
if you think you're free and everything is fine you're already a slave.
You think torturing someone into submission will make them love you?
The governments of the world seem to think so
Until you can grow up and learn how to handle the truth, you deserve to be dealt with as a child, and need to be protected from yourself. All you are doing is throwing a tantrum.
Anon why the fuck do you accept women are whores but that they aren't allowed to work for you?
Sure. That’s still not going to force someone to love you.
Alright but you still can’t own a human being.
Women are property with flesh and bone. That's their inherent, innate worth.
pew pew
why the fuck do you accept women are whore
Who said I accepted that?
Alright but you still can’t own a human being.
Yeah, I myself never said I would even like to, I could not take care properly of a goldfish, if I was given a slave he would probably die of overfeeding or sth in a few days.
Its the greek anon who wanted a slave
Well have fun rotting to death someone forced to be around you isn't going to love you unconditionally.
This or I don't work a second. End of. She satisfies me sexually when I demand it of her.
I thought you were defending him.
the thread.
have you cleaned your first clock yet tho?
Enjoy the draft you worthless kike
Naaah I tried to argue against it actually.
Honestly I feel like your work would not be worth mandating you a female slave even if that would be possible.
Also now you have a bog mouth about it because you are not hungry, just wait few days and you will start begging for a job.
if I am the only person she ever sees, she MUST love me
Kek, you started a sad thread and now you turned it pathetic
your war, your problem
Women are property. That's what their existence is for. How the fuck can you not see this? They exist to breed children and please their men who they pair bonded with.
Dusty whore with tattoos living in a liberal shithole? Yeah nah cunt
that's a man
oh you already know that
so you love to be a slave to random skank, going to work everyday, while she stay at home
kek the state of the average chud glorifying whores means democracy and feminism are here to stay.
Says this retarded shit
and you wonder why you can't get a woman enjoy dying alone and poor I guess
Best you will get is shaming and bills, enojoy pozzed modern world
This shit is just sad. Look at this guy, he could have been any of us. It doesn't even matter what side he was on. The only beneficiary of war is the government.
In the old old days going to war as a knight meant land and title by way of thanks. Now soldiers earn less than I do and that's saying something.
I'm shocked that anyone would fight without being a merc on 6 figures with all the best shit and their own choice of where and how to deploy.
For me to give a shit about this cancerous society, a beautiful younger femoid needs to take me in as a kept man, provide all the income, fly me out on vacations, find me a mistress I can fuck on the side (also while she watches), and also be willing to bear at least 10 children.
Didn't expect to see that in the very next thread I opened.
You will never be a real man. A man has sex with a woman and pleasures her. A man marries a wife and cares for her. A man fathers children and raises them. Leftist dad's do this every day. They have more fullfilling lives than you do. You might as well be a tranny.
I'm fat, greasy, lump of shit, with 0 talent, 0 skill and 0 value, but I want government to provide me with woman so I can lose virginity in my 32 year old age
Yeah, until she starts measuring you up with other guys and falling out of love with you because of her girlfriends' influence.
The economy is not tanking. The rich get richer every day. That is all they care about.
Wecome to welfare. Or you just burden better people than you.
Bruh that's a very obvious bottle blonde
Same. How do I achieve this?
Women are property. That's what their existence is for. How the fuck can you not see this?
Have you ever had a GF anon? Maybe try to look for one in a church or sth. so you could find a valuable one.
Yeah a lot of used roasties are worthless as a romantic partner but those are human beings, overly emotional, not very rational, laying on a ground and screeching for 1/4 of a moth... but still human beings.
also working full time for a stay at home roastie kind of seems like you would be her slave...
I need a clarification. Do you mean the foid or the zogbot is the slave?
doubt it
that can only be a NAFO trannie
Only men are capable of unconditional love. Women are not. Everything relating to women is conditioned. Their underlying base is that they have inherent value because they gatekeep sex.
woman don't gatekeep sex
this is modern state concept, since they are weaker everything they have can be taken, only in state structure can force gatekeeping
and that state wont last long
His fantasy about women’s place in society.
can you imagine wageslaving just to come home to some annoying, disgusting, used-up & tatted-up modern woman every day? what a bleak existence. the NEET pledge will ONLY be rescinded if the government rolls back feminism and liberalism as well. then i will be a good goy and enter the wage cage. until then, let the girlbosses who wanna be in the work force so badly pay my neetbux :)
make rape great again, unsarcastically
Fucking NPC demanding the government controls your whole life. Do the world a favor and an hero you commie piece of shit.
memeflag promoting degeneracy
woman don't gatekeep sex
If you're not gay and don't consider rape than yes they kind of do