Should alcohol consumption be banned/limited?

Should alcohol consumption be banned/limited?

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No, but Alcohol should have sterilizing drugs and estrogen in it.

Prohibition was a legitimate political ideology back then, as if all the world's ills just fall into alcohol, almost as bad as thinking your neighbor deserves to die screaming because he has a different idea on the consubstantiation from you

All that would do is raise the price of black market alcohol.

didn't cause problems for hundreds of years

causing problems now that society is totally emasculated

the problem isn't alcohol and you already know that.

Alcohol is almost entirely worthless. It should at least be prescription-only, but the prescriotion should be pretty easy to get. I feel like it helps with some sinus issue I'm having.


A balkaner should know how it would end.

world's most efficient antibiotic



you talk like you want to be a zoo animal, you aren't a real nazi

world's most efficient antibiotic

Lmao. What a moron.

the problem isn't alcohol

It is literally a deadly poison that's addictive and causes organ failure and cancer marketed as a fun drink to consume.

Probably yes
I get inflammation from it in my gastric system and it hurts really bad

It causes nothing but problems, but all you will see here are people defending their addictions

sounds like a perfect thing to maintain a fitness landscape in the otherwise healthy human population, we should increase consumption in order to build resistance.

literally only parasites want to ban alcohol, so that statement makes perfect sense to me.

Yeah, but people mostly die in their 50s and 60s from it, when they are no longer profitable for a society to keep around anyways.

I think the guy just wants to hate on perceived inferiors, he considers alcohol to be dopamine and DOPAMINE IS BAD. Typical skoptic mentality.

I’m sober now but I don’t care if other people drink.

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Op should be killed and women's privileges must be revoked

says something fucking stupid

gets called out

"uh, i meant it as an allegory"

Go eat some crayons, kike

parasite memeflag hates cleansing liquor


Yea I'm a socialist and nationalist, I don't value people only in terms of their productivity on the goyim tax donkey plantation.

And weed exists and mushrooms and coca and poppies. There are intoxicants in the natural world. Other animals consume intoxicants. It's just part of life and creation. For whatever reason we can make booze. And alcohol is fun to consume

It should be discouraged and self control should be promoted

Something like sober October where your encoureged to not drink. Also there should be some type of Alchol that is meant to give you a hangover from hell to help you take a break

There was a specific brand that if I drank a fifth of it would make it so I couldn’t even stand the scent of went out of production because it gave the worst hangover possible. Air hurt it was so bad and nothing else seems to give me even a slight hangover

Alcohol in XIX century old west America was like crack cocaine or fentanyl today. It was completely eroding the social fabric. The drunk father- broken home -drunk son cycle had to be forcefully broken.

Most forest dwelling animals and scavengers love decaying fruit because it gets them drunk. If you dont have any woods nearby (black), just watch the squirrels after halloween lmao

this story invented by women who wanted a larger cut of the home spending budget

lowering alcohol taxes would have also reduced violence but hey don't lower taxes

Fuck off kike boy

there should be some type of Alchol that is meant to give you a hangover from hell to help you take a break

you want to punish people who drink because the drinking is not punishment.

there should be some type of Alchol that is meant to give you a hangover from hell to help you take a break


literally a deadly poison that's addictive and causes organ failure and cancer

Plenty of things cause organ failure and cancer when taken in excess for years anon. Alcohol is no different.

In a backlash to the emerging reality of a changing American demographic, many prohibitionists subscribed to the doctrine of nativism, in which they endorsed the notion that the success of America was a result of its white Anglo-Saxon ancestry. This belief fostered distrust of immigrant communities that fostered saloons and incorporated drinking in their popular culture.[61]

drunks are honest about foreigners being shitcunts

govt: wahhh shut it down wahhh no fun allowed anymore

workers wave from the top of a tower built with confiscated barrels of alcohol to be burned during "Prohibition". 1929

what an infuriating waste. the cost of alcohol in my province is outrageous and drinking is my only hobby. seeing this and knowing shit like this happened enrages me.

Banned. Alcohol is of no benefit to the future of mankind.

Yes, my liver feels weird bros

DIY vodka:

sugar, pot and some piping, literally any yeast


wake up from drunken stupor at 4 AM

it's that easy, prohibitioncels cannot win

wasps are mofo's for this.

the Bible permits drinking of alcohol, but prohibits drunkenness. therefore public drunkenness should be a crime, though alcohol itself should remain legal. ideally your community would shame and ostracize you for excessive sin, and we'd have no need for actual enforcement by the state, but that's in an ideal world.

Hey greekanon, a discussion of the Byzantium -Roman schism is a bit heavy for my hung over head this morning. Please keep it to retarded pol-type matters.

A hangover is caused by lack of water in your system. Most people are dehydrated naturally, if you chug water on the daily, you never get hungover when you drink.
Drink water, buddehs.
T. Have no idea what a hangover feels like.

t.fat red nosed slob

I love beating the gay out of handsy drunk dregs. It's like practice for beating the wife.

Banned no.

Limited only through self regulation. Being a drunkard is a sin.

Okay, nigger. How's that black X on your hand doing? Going to the lock in later?

I have to get a prescription for toothpaste in the United States, but can readily buy vodka and start driving in the same hour

Hey greekanon, a discussion of the Byzantium -Roman schism is a bit heavy for my hung over head this morning. Please keep it to retarded pol-type matters.


has nothing to do with the east-west schism. the filioque was the major issue back then, I don't even think the terms transubstantiation and consubstantiation even existed yet. people in east and west both just believed Jesus either goes into or the bread and wine become him upon the consecration of the elements. they didn't have specific names or autistic theories on it yet.

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What kinda fucked up teeth do you have that you need prescription toothpaste?

Its impossible, its the easiest thing to make.

Sodium Flouride is a preventative, you can get it over the Counter in Canada or Mexico, but not the United States.

It's why I still have teeth.

I mean, I have all my fucking teeth and I buy dollar tree toothpaste and mouthwash, but pop off retard. Enjoy paying kikestein DDS for snake oil.


growing weed is easy, too.

It is not in the interest of the state to allow individuals to harm themselves, even if they consent to do so. All actions which harm individuals should be banned, just like a mother disallows her stupid child from jumping into a volcano. Autonomy stops where self destruction begins.

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You're a communist wage slave, you're of no benefit to the future

agreed. sugar is bad. we should ban sugar also.

How old are you? Using a abrasive toothbrush paste is essentially wearing your enamel down.

No. Fuck off.
Personal responsibility.

I want to ban things people can make at home with common household ingredients

we must enforce safety

Spoken like a woman

There was nothing to do back then when not working.

implying it doesn't already

Brewers with revenues over £50mil should be taxed x% of revenue based on societal cost, funding:

yoof clubs for kids so they don't drink bottles in parks

clean up ops in streets

cost of A&E for alcohol related incidents

rehab centres

plants for recycling of bottles/cans

policing costs


I love drinking, but it has a huge societal cost.
If the bars, booze companies and punters understand that if they act like cunts, prices get higher, it encourages responsibility.
If people are dumb cunts, then at least the rest of society doesn't pick up the bill for our actions.

Obviously, but unless you first run a decade+ long propaganda campaign that actually convinces people it's subhuman behavior to drink regularly and then allow them some degree of alcohol it will always fail

t. rarely of the rarely ever drink
Legalize meth btw.

Oh, and the reason I say 50mil+ is so that globalist jews foot the bill, not the hobbyists or based knowers who can make their own shit.

Taxes should always be equalising the little man against the globalist jew.
Taxes directed like this make jews seeeeeeeeeeethe.

Legalised meth for those with salaries over 500k/year.
Creates more social movement as 5% will likely gg their success, freeing up space for fresh talent.
Also, we should presume there's more self control at the upper ends.

We can tax the fuck out of legal, pharma grade products, too, to help get niggers off the streets.

That's why its so widespread yeah, its a little riskier to grow week, much more complicated too, it will stink up the whole building and you have to procure expensive growing equipment without being caught.

With alcohol you can just leave some fruit juice in a bottle for a couple of weeks and that's it.

28 days sober
it has made my mental issues worse and i have gained more weight
never ban alcohol

You'll go blind tho.
Gotta know when to cut.
And no, there's no real way of distinguishing Methanol from Ethanol, except one will kill you a lot faster than the other.

Why meth? Why not normal amphetamines? Is that not good enough?
Caffeine is already legal and that's basically the same thing, just weaker.

I love drinking, but it has a huge societal cost.

I'm not even sure about that.
There'd also be a social cost to banning alcohol.
People would use other things, or just go berserk or drop out.
But it may be a good idea to restrict the sale of strong alcohol somewhat, like over 15% or so.

Come on man, the costs are huge.
Think about

days wasted to hangovers

healthcare costs for long term drinkers

amount of resources wasted in bottling/canning

cost of treating accidents under the influence

cost of breathalysing cunts on the road

cost of lives lost/injuries to drink driving

cost of cleaning up after drunkards on nights out

cost of broken families due to alcohol related violence/cheating/slobbishness


It just needs costing up, then dividing per unit sold from the bigjew breweries.

I'm quite ok with seeing:

Beer cost: 12PLN

Societal cost tax: 4PLN

I'll also be ok with seeing local towns, breweries, bars, etc advertising and running schemes to get that tax down for next year (especially if it's locally based and becomes a matter of local pride).

ferment from sugar


honestly impressive, you'd have to be pretty retarded

There was nothing to do back then when not working.

Ha. As opposed to now? O yeah, porn and whatever this is. So much better

It should be banned for < 30 years olds

Lies. Eating and drinking water helps but,

I drink ~ 90 ounces of water a day. Hangover is partially dehydration, partially lack of REM sleep, and partially toxin byproducts your body is processing.

Being hydrated helps but I don’t care how much water you drink, you’re going to be hung over if you drink a bottle of whiskey.


skill issue

healthcare costs for long term drinkers

Maybe someone should address their mental issues leading to alcoholism? These mental issues would cause costs either way, as would fixing them.
Alcohol actually is "cheaper" for the system in the short term (no medical expenses), and with some luck the guy simply gets Cirrhosis and dies without ever entering a hospital?
That's cheap.
The real cost actually would be the shortened life-expectancy = paying less taxes or becoming disabled.

amount of resources wasted in bottling/canning

I am honestly not sure that is significant. At least alcohol serves a variety of purposes. What does bottle Coca Cola accomplish? May as well drink water, and that will be less harmful too.
Alcohol will always be manufactured since it is also a solvent and a fuel. Plays a big role in why it is not banned. It's actually kinda useful.

cost of drunks acting out

Sure, that definitely is a bit of a unique issue. Few drugs cause people to act so recklessly. But who pays those costs anyway?
At least nominally the offender is supposed to pay the damages, no? So it's a problem of law enforcement. Drunk driving and public drunkeness already are illegal.

Overall I think the social cost angle is overrated. Of course you want to stop people from consuming excessive quanties of alcohol, because that is really bad.
But obesity and smoking are worse since those actually are effectively pointless and needless. Alcohol is a medication of sorts, one that can easily be abused. In other words it is useful.
Being a giant lardass or smoking not so much.
So of course people should be prevented from drinking excessively, but it's no reason to ban alcohol or anything of the sorts.

Correct, that's the fusel oils.
So drink something without fusel oils, like high quality clear spirits?
Whiskey cannot be filtrated well enough, and does not distill clean enough, to be without fusel oils.

Yesterday I broke my little wooden trail made of bamboo and my Razer keyboard in a drunken rage.

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need rum for recipe

go to state alcohol store for the first time ever

huge bottle of rum is only 6 dollars

No wonder there's so many fucking alcoholics it's practically the same price as soda

Lol no. Normal human beings can control themselves and enjoy alcohol without ruining their lives. The total removal of alcohol right now would solve none of the problems in the world today. The cost of living will still be too expensive, everyone will still keep being obese, we'll all still get taxed out the ass, the order of the household will still be out of wack, the only difference is that now everyone will lose one of the few things they can actually enjoy in life.

Not speaking about banning though, just externality taxes.
Followers of hobbies should be held accountable.
It's the perfect middle ground between having all out libertarian anarchy, and inefficient useless big central government creating '''schemes''' and '''agencies'''.

Just get the numbers, bill the big companies, and let them work on reducing the numbers, as it'd be in their interests.

I also believe it should be the same for any globalist slop pumped out by big business. Fast fashion, one time use plastics, smoking, foreign media, etc, etc.

Beer is already full of estrogen


The only time I ever get a hangover is if I don't drink water when I'm getting drunk. I can drink until I can barely walk, if I just chug a bottle or two of water at some point in the night I'll be fine in the morning.

Its almost like we tried that and it was a massive failure

Gay sorts like Muslims hate alcohol because they will start bumming each other and touching kids when they are drunk. Straight people don't have that problem.

I want a helicopter mommy state looking over me for my safety

kill yourself unironically

expensive growing equipment

Nigga it's not 2004 anymore

That definitely is a factor. Even with taxes on alcohol.. it's pretty affordable.
Even the UK prices are not that bad. A full bottle of spirits will fuck up anybody pretty bad.
Now whether it costs 5€ or 20€? It's quite affordable either way, for the damage potential it has.
So it may be a good idea to raise the minimum price a little, at least.
But this may turn people towards industrial alcohol or stuff like that, just gotta get rid of the bitterant.

Nigga nano hydroxyapatite or novamin/biomin mog any concentration of sodium fluoride

AI slop

If you're that intimidated by vodka maybe homemade wine is more up your alley. You literally can't fuck it up unless you're a gross slob that manages to get outside bacteria into your wort, in which case you'll just have vinegar instead not poison.

Never forget who caused prohibition. Feminists. Feminists with their idiotic desire to ban everything fun and tell everyone how to live. Feminists have been ruining society since the 1920s.

I feel like it helps with some sinus issue I'm having.

I mean yes, I believe you. It's a disinfectant after all, and quite vaporous.
But there probably is something you can get that is more effective and with less side effects.

but whiskey into the inhalator


It should be denormalized, though not made straight illegal.

Counter intuitively, some things like marijuana should be made at least minimally available just because they are safer than alcohol and their availability has resulted in less alcohol use in Generation Zyklon.

If you beat me hard enough I'll cum on you

they touch kids without alcohol.

fossil fuel


You know that the antidote to methanol is ethanol.... right?

Engines can run on alcohol, with the right metallurgy.
As such the domestic production of alcohol should be encouraged.
In fact this independence from public services, the ability to ferment and distill your own fuel, is why prohibition was implemented.
It had nothing to do with drunken wife beating or housewives' concerns. It had everything to do with making you dependent on public services, which you fucking are.

I'm just saying that distillation isn't for amateurs. You need some significant technical understanding to render the spirit safe for consumption. Time and again there are people going blind from moonshine.
Of course it's not difficult to set up, but getting good results.. even with something like wine? It doesn't come from nowhere.
And with the wine prices? They literally distill wine into industrial alcohol to get rid of it somehow. Surprising it still costs money at all.

1.50€ per bottle

Although that stuff is not going to taste all too great.

Best to actually learn the craft and distill "pure" ethanol, that you can mix with whatever, from an economic and technical perspective.

People always use "but alcohol and cigarettes are legal!" to argue in favor of other drugs, I say we get rid of all cattle trying to poison itself in exchange for a high.

(Chewing tobacco is fine, I guess).

Rockefeller had Standard Oil and early vehicles could be run on distilled alcohol. He funded the temperance movement and the push for the Prohibition amendment to prevent farmers from brewing their own truck and tractor fuel.
As always with American 'populist' movements it was a financial scam.

Should alcohol consumption be banned/limited?

It you are paying attention, you'll notice that alcohol is often at the root cause or a factor in most crime and tragedy in this country.

Biomin F which is nano-flourohydroxyapetite is even better. You get the benefits of the bioglass and fluoride.

For me it's this lil nigga right here

No idea, Satan, but even smog is unhealthy, various chemicals in the water supply - I do not think this is talking about climate.

No. All drugs should be legal except man made like meth and fentanyl

Stop lyin ufucken kike water isnt even thr best way to hydrate

Oh you're just retarded, nevermind then.

This. They didn't care about health, they just don't want you making your own fuel at home

It's actually pretty easy to distinguish based on temperature alone. Distilling does not change the amount of methanol in the wash. It mainly leaves behind water. Drinking the equivalent in wine or beer would mean consuming way more methanol vs spirits even if you were less than diligent in early cuts.

The way I would curb alcoholism is by reintroducing psilocybin mushrooms into certain types of beer.
It is known that psilocybin mushrooms are one of the only effective treatments for alcoholism, and it's nootropic properties counter many of alcohol's harmful effects, especially on the brain.
If I could go to a bar and for 20 bucks trip out on a couple grams of shrooms and the equivalent to a couple light beers, I think I would be having a lot more fun.

It's a myth that prohibition increased crime. Prohibition drastically reduced crime.
Our country sobered up and we should do it again.

ITT, faggots who can't have fun

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Civilization literally exists because people wanted more grain to brew more beer with.
Theres a 5000 year old joke on a clay tablet and it starts with "a dog walks into a bar"

Prohibition needs to happen to social media

rome was built on wine

It drastically reduced low level crime . . .
And commensurately increased high level organized crime
So instead of Bob beating his wife it's the Gambinis shooting up the Bambinos at their wedding. Much better.

seriously based

It increase revenue of organized crime. Drunkards, stabbing each other or attacking randos, probably decreases.

Finland tried everything and it doesn't work

Yeah the wine was like 6% abv and the beer was barely 4%. No one was drinking 12% table wine and 8% double IPAs while working

alcohol is not only a factor in 'low level crime.'
It is a factor in very serious crimes like murder and rape.

Feminism has always just been a front for judaism. All of the founding feminists were jewish and we all know feminism's sole purpose is to destabilize the social fabric of any nation it's introduced in so that jewish bankers can more easily take control of the society.

That’s kind of his point. People couldn’t watch porn or tv or play video games or browse the internet or whatever else they do today. It was like get drunk or just stare at the wall. It’s not that things today are better but there are more variety of vices to pick and choose from.

A man taking Part in the Destruction of Property that was consfiscated from someone Else should be should be forced to crucify his Children Alive.

cannabis mostly illegal in the us

you can go to jail for 5g

only allowed 28g at any time in canada


boomers have wine cellars

you can shop with a cart at the liquor store

you can go to a bar and it doesn't close until 2am

No, it's completely normal. You're the one that is weird for even suggesting such a thing

I exclusively drink bourbon man, I've never had a hangover. Drink more fucking water and maybe take a fucking walk every so often, best I can offer.
I've honestly never had a hangover and I got blackout drunk on three separate occasions.

Murder and rape are low level crimes.
Larger crimes are sex trafficking, drug smuggling and racketeering.
How many upstanding youths and future doctors can Tyronious McBlicky realistically murder, versus how many thousands of people can he drug, swindle and rob? You can destroy cities with the right drugs.

The second wave of feminists were yids.

The original feminists who banned alcohol were all Protestants.

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Of course, I would love to see roasties doing something else for fun than 'going out for drinks!!'

Most people forget to hydrate.
People would get hungover after a party when they drank less than me, with the key difference being that I down a glass of water before going to bed.

And conveniently, Toyota's new ICE is multi-fuel.
While most media articles focused on the fact it can burn compressed hydrogen gas, thinking that might be useful in a hydrogen-fueled future, they completely skipped over the fact that it will burn straight ethanol.
You know what that is? Moonshine. The fuel of the 1920s.


The shitty lives of alcoholics is punishment already.

Fuck the state and any other institution that would use force to control behaviors that don't affect anyone but the individual that engages in that behavior. Being a drunkard harms only the individual. If a drunk harms another person/property, there are already plenty of laws to deal with that.

Alcohol is banned here so people make their own at home. You cannot win

Alcohol also produces 19% more energy when it combusts but is considered less efficient because they were not able to harness the energy or covert it. The data remained untouched until recently with alternative fuels.

You can make 15% wine yourself at home in just under a month, it's not hard in the slightest. The hardest part would be acquiring a large amount of pure sugar but that's exactly why mead is as notorious as it is.

if your neighbor has brown skin then they certainly do deserve to die screaming regardless of their ideas. nigger

gay meme flag kike is a gay meme flag kike

I'm like you, we just have based genetics. We'll probably experience hangovers in our 40s or something but just be happy for now that God blessed us with the ability to enjoy alcohol to our hearts' content.

You probably deal with that often over there lad

Well, until that day comes, I hope you drink well my friend.

You guys have turned into real faggots.
Everyone already knew that you retards prefer buttfucking each other rather than normal sex with a woman.
For thousands of years.
You faggots even had ten year old boy assfucking as an Olympic event.
I can laugh at people trying to wrestle a greased pig.
But you faggots went the greased up child route, and added sticking your dick in the boy as a requirement.
Pretty sure you fuckwit monkeys went wrong somewhere, and it ended p with your women being hairier and more aggressive than the men.

no but it varies from culture to culture

med countries dont have issues with alcohol because its typically something you have with your food or special social ocassions like weddings, or a single glass of wine with a night out with friends.

But you go to places like UK, USA, nord countries, then maybe it should be considered, or at least more restrictions. These cultures completely fetishize the consumption of alcohol to a ridiculous degree. Its not good for anyone.

No, we should just execute alcoholics.

adds nothing to discussion

takes something personally from an anonymous internet forum

nice going goy

Define alcoholic.
You either want everyone who takes a sip to die, or you want the kikes to be able to do that a year down the line but it also applies to the "thing bad du jour"

No wonder I have wider hips than most women.

I make my own beer and wine. Soon starting distilling. You're too late hahaha. Fuck off now.

Anyone who drinks beyond an arbitary threshold per week or month. The details can be ironed out later by lawmakers and experts on the issue.

Reminder that prohibition was the VERY first thing women voted for once they got the franchise.

Should alcohol consumption be banned/limited?

The US tried and it caused a massive explosion in organized crime.

try out alcohol

tastes and smells like ass

seemingly normal people turn into braindead animals because of it

entire families ruined and generational trauma

I don't get it? What's the appeal?
Red wine once a week is good though as it tastes delicious and is actually healthy.

Lawmakers and experts

You kike loving, nigger skinned, piece of shit. That seals the deal, I want the opposite of what you want.
I want alcohol laws removed full stop.

It's okay, anon. Lots of people didn't go out socially during high school.

Fuck your entire family, paki faggot.
Fuck your mom, fuck your dad, and fuck you with a rusty carving knife.
It's all your genetic line is good for, being a fucksleeve for faggots.

Your whole culture is built around drinking wine and fucking ten year old boys in the ass.
For thousands of years.
I don't think humans should be taking advice from you.

Yes. Everything that I don’t like should be illegal.

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A glass of red wine makes my ulcer erupt into a bloody mess.
White or less than red wine is okay in the whole 2-3 glasses a week for health thing.
It's really faggy, but pinot or chardonnay are tolerated by my gut. The red stuff is not.
I can drink hard liquor fine, in silly amounts, and suffer neither internal bleeding or hangovers.
But two glasses of red wine is enough to make me tell the doctor about the blood coming out of me. And his answer?
So I avoid it. I can drink two liters of pinot and not shit blood.
Or, I can drink a dozen beers, or half a fifth.