I'm leaving Anon Babble

I've wasted too many years here. Had some good laughs, learned some interesting stuff but ultimately it was a waste of time. It's like my life was paused from year 18 to 25. I spent my entire days and nights shitposting, looking for attention, cheap dopamine, anything to make up for my utter lack of real-life relationships.
But now the time has come. It is time for me to leave this place and do something with my life. It will be hard, but it must be done. What point is there in living life, what point is there in youth, if all I have to show for it is a few successful threads and a 25gb homework folder? Surely my life is worth more than that.

Thus, however it may pain me, I must bid you farewell, my friends. I hope you all achieve your dreams and get to live satisfying lives. Goodbye.

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See ya tomorrow.

Shalom.. see you in Temple Jacob. you will be missed here.

You'll come back, happened to me.

I've lived the normie life and it didn't give me that life satisfaction I was expecting. I was just slightly more happy than usual.

I'd wish you well and good luck but we both know you'll be back.

if you were serious about this you would have added Anon Babble to firewall rules or blocked the site entirely years ago
you are just larping and seeking attention and approval, again
it's easly to say that vidya/Anon Babble/anime/biology/chin/height ruined your life, you have have only yourself to blame for this

youre picking the worst possible time to ditch Anon Babble

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never return, this place must be destroyed

see you tomorrow

rareflag knows something


Because his nation is filled with chocolate people


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You the same Bhutan faggot from a few years ago?

ID: D7t6G2cw


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25gb homework folder

What the fuck you were a NEET for 7 years and you only gathered 25GB ?

Hello Georgois, you must rim him as punishment. Just like greek tradition

the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, see you tomorrow, or see when you when the next happening happens, you're not going to stop seeking dopamine. all you've done is shit up the catalogue with your gay attention-seeking thread. kys

No need to be harsh, Jimmy.


as if this site changes dopamine levels or has any effect on it at all
if this site increased dopamine

if this site increased dopamine

we would use it to treat parkinson's patients lel

People who make thread announcing they are leaving Anon Babble don't actually leave Anon Babble. They are just attention whores, probably homosexuals or women. People who actually leave Anon Babble don't make thread about it, don't say anything, they just stop coming here. This is a nice blog but jannie do your job.

You’ll be reborn tomorrow as a “just sucked my first cock” spammer

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I found my wife and started a family and moved a huge distance among other things in the 15 years I've used Anon Babble.

Welcome to the N.H.K.!

Reminder that Satou was 22 in this series, so he was young and had therefore plenty time to get his life in order.

this is just a couple months ago and likely bullshit
can someone show me a legit study that measures intrabrain dopamine levels when awake and on a computer?
i'll wait
i'm really getting sick of hearing this fucking very obvious lie to anyone with any type of real education


Lot of anons have spent so many hours here, getting their clocks cleaned. But now you can take a well earned break.

>the state of the field of neuroscience

over ~130 fucking papers over two decades
the guy was fucking running the National Institute for Aging Neuroscience division
deciding fucking funding for the whole fucking country

still waiting for the fucking long list of fucking papers THAT SHOULD EXIST that show me that dopamine is elevated while i am clicking on a link
or getting (YOU)s
saw a lot of mice torture experiments
holy fuck who started that fucking lie?
and fuck your fuck slide thread, too, OP

here... your dopamine

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see you at the same time, next time

Nice diary desu
See you tomorrow

I started my redpill procces when i was 28 or 27, it was in 2008 when a economical crysis started in spain.
My redpilling proccess was tough i did some giga crazy stuff and almost end up in jail...
Why i told you this, because if in my more matured age redpilling was tough i cannot imagine what could it be for an stupid teenager...
Only Jesus saves the rest takes full damage nigger.
Take that note not as an advice, but a solid statement.

Good luck anon.

Come here to gleam the diamonds in the rough. Don't spend hours upon hours here because a lot of posts here are pretenders; bots and shills.

Just leave and only come back for specific habbedings or when you need anons input for the answer to some specific topic.

that was a disappointment
you make light of the fact that people so foolishly believe a blatant lie that they are measuring dopamine in RT in the brain

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Isnt it only eleveated when you think there will be a reward later on

Nothing happens by accident

my fucking point is no one knows that but everyone keeps saying it as though it is NOT ONLY something that has ever been measured, but they also act like it occurs all the time in labs

See you tomorrow.

also happy thanksgiving Anon Babble

Tell us how your break from Anon Babble was Tomorrow Morning Champ
