Rapes have a higher fertility than real sex. How do rapists know that their victims are fertile? Fashion sense?

Rapes have a higher fertility than real sex. How do rapists know that their victims are fertile? Fashion sense?

victims are fertile and seek rape

Women do not have real orgasms unless they are being raped.

have 100 sexes with my girlfriend on birth control

1 random girl gets raped while off it

"wow, rapists have higher fertility?"

statistically, rape leads to pregnancy more often than by chance alone.

Wow, you’d almost think this thread was full of pajeets. You guys are talking a lot like them.

How long does it take herpes symptoms to show on the lips?

Probably pheromones or some shit. I read one time that ovulating strippers make more tips than they would otherwise. It's probably the same mechanism at work.

Rapes are done by rational, competent men with hard cocks.

Sex on average is done by lumpy fat freaks and is much ado about not much.

How big was it? Mutilated or intact? Did you swallow? What did it taste like?

Another pajeet.

rape was funny until non-whites started doing their bullshit
now nobody likes rape, especially when it's a skinny fat pajeet babbling on about hard men raping with hard cocks, fàggöt

chimpanzee teeth on that fella

It has NEVER been funny.


I'm sure you have proof of what you are saying?

clicked on this thread hoping the image would be a .gif

was not disappointed

looks like Wayne Gretzky


In a 2003 study in the journal Human Nature, researchers found that 6.4 percent of rapes in the hundreds of women they surveyed caused pregnancy

Also if somebody online is posting something and you want proof, consider this new website I heard about called google.com, they let you research ANYTHING you want.

Rapists don't stop to put on a condom moron.


They can probably smell it. Women are extremely good at smelling someone they're compatible with. Men can likely smell fertility.

this is a place for discussion not academia. feel free to dispute google's results.

Ok so you’re making it all up then? Cool to know faggot

I can smell when women are on the rag with 100% accuracy



mooooooom.jpg - 1070x1070, 88.79K

Every single man of Ukraine will die for jews

Cool art

You fuckin better

To be fair, even if you did find the statistics he is referencing, it would just be someone else making it up.
The only way this actually fucking works, is if some researcher goes and determines if females induce ovulation events(like rabbits) during rape.
Good luck getting that through.

Rapists don't stop until they come.
But during regular sex men usually stop after the woman comes.

Have you ever heard of a concept called "burden of proof"? Who am I kidding, of course you didn't, nigger faggot that you are

The best is when you can tell the person spouting off is a "Proof?" poster. They'll never know how we know.


Ah I see, you are just spewing shit out of you ass mouth.
Also, try to learn to write better because even if the study you are referring to existed (which I doubt, since you repeatedly kept failing in citing it), the way you explained it just seems to show that around 7% of rapes end in pregnancy, not that rape cause an higher incidence of pregnancy

no verification required

My take is a bit diferent. I think most women don't report rape unless they get pregnant from it

Her body, my choice

I'm sure you have proof of what you are saying?

My proof is on the astral plane bitch.
Now remember: her body, my choice

And have you considered...
That I fucked your mom...
Via rape

That’s for lazy niggers and kikes. If I read or get told something, I look into myself, I don’t rely on the person to spoon feed me, I’m not lazy. All you faggy Redditors always claiming for a source are just lazy, shitty people. If you can’t take 30 seconds to see for yourself, doesn’t matter what I say, your mind is made up. Faggot. Your skin is the same colour as shit too.

When women orgasm, the cervix spasms and basically slurps the cum out of the vagina and into the uterus.
Women cum hardest when being raped, it's only natural that that increases the chance of pregnancy. It's probably an evolutionary strategy to secure strong seed.

Muh cumdums

No one should ever wear anti-penis bags. Raw sex with any chick is better than sex with a 10/10 with a bag over your most sensitive area.
Stop the matriarchy, always refuse anti-penis bags

the leaf comes out in support of the clown that can't even make a coherent statement worthy of looking into

You're a dumb bitch.

Russia already won in jewkraine.
So technically they died for young russians to replace them

I was agreeing you dumb fat amerimutt. This whole burden of proof is just lazy nigger shit. No reason a white man wouldn’t search on his own.

I was agreeing

that's why I sided with the "aussie" and called the Italian "faggot"



burden of proof

That's a soi buzzword so they can control the debate.
They want to be judge and jury;
You try to prove to them.
So they get to say it's not good and they are default in the right.
But sois will never try to prove to you. Their only tools of proof are jew links. This is like a guy using bible quotes. It only works if you believe the bible.
I don't believe the clown cult or their Jew links
Therefore, your a soi faggot that takes jew dick in your ass

the commie rules

use their own rules against them

they don't recognize their own pattern

Hi. You must be stupid.

Well aren’t Italians faggots? But really how hard is it to look shit up yourself vs posting “source!!!” Should need to go back and stay back fudge packer.

the cervix spasms

I've bumped the cervix with my head a few times.
But the bitch got angry and said it hurt.
Still, it was fun. Like when a pinball hits the sides of the machine.
Now it would be a different story if I raped a bitch

how hard is it...

This fucking retard just googles "rape" regularly. Good job. Next time, think about what you are proposing from the perspective of someone that doesn't want to step in shit.


5 post of jew shit, your flags

You must be jewy jewington. Post your hook nose

fudge packer

Based dabbing on faggots.
Besides I already said the proof is on the astral plane.
Satan's chosen people and their golems must not have souls

Ah yes, the guy calling rape advocates retards is the jew. Naturally.


terminally British

Now, the biggest problem an Eskimo rapist has: trying to get wet leather leggings off a woman who is kicking. Did you ever try to get leather pants off of someone who doesn't want to take them off? You would lose your hard-on in the process. Up at the north pole your dick would shrivel up like a stack of dimes.

lol you are so assblasted that somebody expects you to use google. you're like a kike who wont flush his shit because it's current day of the week

Lol. Hook noses are lazy, pathetic, beta males