Brits replaced European immigrants for this
Brits replaced European immigrants for this
कम से कम हम जर्मन नहीं बोल रहे थे
Could be worse, just imagine those where germans.
London has been non british for 300 years now
why nigerians? Jeets are ex colonies but why Africans?
well how else will they fulfill their BAME quotas?
At least they aren't Polish
Easy way to get jobs since we take a lot of Nigerians in R NHS. Lot of Nigerians also come here to study since we have low standards and don't want white European students from the EU since 2016.
Fuck off, Jeet. 1 Lukasz works harder than a million of your kind.
So glad we have webm rel instead of polskie skleps and tyskie cans everywhere
hustle and bustle
The thing that gets me was that Pakis and Jeets were saying in 2016 that they wanted Brexit so they could 'hire' more of their kind and bring them over since they wouldn't have to compete with EU citizens any more.
The only borders we took control of, was to open them for SAARS.
At least Asians have bought up all the houses that Poles vacated
I remember that one its the one promise Boris kept.
Yep, and niggers thinking that we would have less immigration didn't realise because they didn't have the wherewithal to actually do any reading.
Nation of fuckwits.
When this what exactly Farage promised.
Thread made by a seething pole who has a meltdown less than ten posts in
Slavs here are basically White niggers
Replacing your neighbour with Ivan is still ethnic replacement. Poles aren't Germanic, French, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon
The poojeet flood is punishment for being bad goy
The problem was we had two streams of immigration. One we can control and the other we couldn't, now we have one the Government has full control over but refuses to fix
If a sinking ship has two leaks you can at least plug one instead of OH WELL FUCK IT JUST FILL THIS PLACE WITH WATER THEN
Again. Poles aren't Anglo-Germanics, a staggering amount of crime committed by EU residents is Poles and Albanians, these threads are like Mexicans screaming and crying to Americans that they want to stay as pseudo slave labour
And even if you pull WELL ANGLO'S AREN'T WHITE you're not even the same haplogroup as us.
German, French and Nordic immigration was minimal, It was dominantly slavs and screaming muh poos doesn't change the facts. People want less immigration and the jewish Government wants more no matter what. How come when fellow island nation Japan wants to maintain their ethnostate they're based and redpilled but when someone else tries the parasite screeches?
Stop having Americanised definitions of race. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are all different kin instead of arr rook same blanket Asian term, same with Europa
Take the hint, take the mattresses out your front garden, at least intergrade and speak the language instead of "Proud born pole, plumbs in France" and see you in twenty minutes when you make another thread defending paradise on Earth Poland but won't live there
Tldr less immigration means less immigrants. Food analogy would be I'm on a diet so less cake but that means I can have more ice cream
ESL jeetposting
Polacks and Slavs try to marry into our families lol
Indians and niggers won’t
Poles are the worst of the bunch, truly low IQ niggers, especially Bogdan who's reading this.
Thank god we're not speaking German!
but why Africans?
The migrants are part of a broader "network resilience" strategy, kind of like the global seed bank, Svalbard. It's why there are a whole bunch of different races represented. I guess between the likelihood of economic collapse, AI run amok, killer asteroids, the brink of nuclear war and ayyliums some of the elite factions think it might be a good idea not to put all our eggs in one basket, in the hope of rebuilding after a full collapse. There are other signs that hint this might be the case, like other elites building bunkers or space ships to get off the planet. Interesting that the price of storage devices, especially SSDs are now at levels below where the market could support. Almost as if they want people to back up as much shit as possible. It's the same thing with them distributing local LLMs far and wide. Bundle up all human knowledge in an easy to distribute form and scatter it to the winds. Finally we see a soft militarization of the civilian population, here is obvious but that has extended to much broader areas of society covered by X or Facebook. The push has been on to get everyone in the fighting mindset for a while with large numbers of preppers being part of that. Here is another thing, the UK government is actively pushing indigenous Brits to fuck off to somewhere else at the same time as bringing in people. Almost like there is a well organized campaign to distribute the population as fast as possible.
Not the peoples fault this happened, the governments know people want 0 immigration but the government will sacrifice every single piece freedom, safety and culture for a 0.1% rise in gdp
I support the brittish government
Pakistani, Nigerian.
Why on earth do they keep on letting Muslims in??
Why on earth do they keep on letting Muslims in??
The elites want the UK to become a Muslim country
You fought for this
Maybe they don’t though, because to my surprise I’ve just seen this:
which definitely confirms that you do NOT have many Muslims!
Sadly Denmark’s immigrants/‘refugees’ are Muslims, and we’ve been flooded by them since 1967 - the first wave was Turks and Yugoslavians, followed by Pakistani, Palestinians and the whole Middle East plus North Africa and East Africa, and ever since they’ve all been permanently on the top of our Violent Crime statistics.
we do have a fuck tonne though, go to birmingham ,go to any northern town, there are muslim enclaves in the UK, my home town had multiple bomb threats and a muslim stab 3 people in our M&S
Nigel Farage fulfilled his promise and kept out the Poles and Lithuanians that were taking British jobs. Good lad!
Polish have better places to be these days. Like staying home
Hunt the politicians and their families who are doing this
I lived in London for 2 years
I entered as a blue pilled commie and left an hard core National Socialist
I lived in London for 2 years
I entered as a blue pilled commie and left an hard core National Socialist
My bother was a commie, he drove trucks delivering food supplies for Live Aid back in the 1980s , he also did work providing help with water supplies.
He came back back from Africa and is far more right-wing than I.
Life experience teaches you many things.
Yes, that’s what I thought before seeing that picrel here - but I actually think the puzzling low number/lack of Muslims in your prisons is because the police simply don’t arrest them.
We all saw the knife and machète wielding Muslims roaming the streets of England, hunting down the Natives - but the police did not arrest them, instead they’ve arrested hundreds if not thousands of Natives and quickly charged and convicted them for just saying or writing the truth about what the Muslims do!
I believe the government, the politicians, the police and the press are all too well aware of the extreme danger the society is in - and thus react by completely unfair and unjust sacrificing their own people in the naïve hope of avoiding the inevitable catastrophe.
We all saw the knife and machète wielding Muslims roaming the streets of England
This is currently under investigation, complaints were sent to the IPCC and they are following enquiries but I agree, the initial response by the 'special constables' at the time was undefendable.
Two tier policing is being exposed.
It’s really insane and actually hurtful to witness a normal, modern population being treated that unfairly and humiliatingly - ‘Two tier policing’ is not a word/concept that is known, let alone exists in a democracy.
And watching the footage of 4-5 policemen/women helplessly floating in the middle of a sea of several thousand raving mad islamists was truly terrifying - and sadly very TELLING!
And Muslim policemen/authorities told the Muslims where to hide their machétes and huge knives: “In the mosque”!
Click to see map of White British native population percentage. You can zoom in and out.
There's some in there that are 0%. See if you can find one.
Nuh uh, this is only happening in White countries, ergo it is a targeted genocide against White people via demographic replacement.
This can only occur via technologically sophisticated transportation infrastructure combined with an entire array of deliberately undermined governments through the farcical lie that is "modern democracy".
Browns and niggers cannot run technological systems, ergo the system that enabled them to come here cannot run anymore after a critical mass of their population is reached. This means any appeal to some long-term strategy being at play here is an obvious lie that fails under scrutiny.
It's the jews and they lackeys. And people too greedy for money to remember what actually has value - your kin.
Yeah Dane anon, the Southport protests were the real catalyst for radically changing my worldview for good, I armed myself after witnessing those protests. Unfortunately my British friends do not have the same right under their Constitution.
not funny, i am literally learning German (Assimil)
Hitler was right, we should never have fought each other
Are Poles still coming in UK? Thought that's 2000s thing
‘Two tier policing’ is not a word/concept that is known, let alone exists in a democracy.
Why do think this has blown up in recent months?
The Brits are angry about this, even many lefties are going nuts about this, take for example Neil Oliver who was a lefty, he has totally done a 180, Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson even Jeremy Kyle.
It 's so obvious now it's just laughable.
More are leaving than are coming.
Albanians are flooding in though.
The less Br*tish and Fr*nch "people" I see, the happier I am. Fr*nchxit when? I don't need to see Nigel and Pierre in my country and I have no reason to be in their brownoid shitholes either.
Our boomer retirees spending their pensions in Varna help your economy.
Your gypsoids stealing Range Rovers and BMWs here doesn't help ours.
bongs lost everything because they cared about Belgium/Poland, from their Empire to be replaced by shitskins/pajeets
That goes against equality under law and the whole basis of case law.
Why should a judge care about existing cases if he wants to treat people unfairly
That's so fucking bad that island is not that large.
Indians, Nigerians, Pakistani....
Your knowledge of case law is just a joke.
A false dichotomy, much like saying the krauts have voted for their own total economic destruction, they haven't but western politicians are easy targets for chinese money, even if they don't know it (directly)
Varna is precisely the city I wish to see no foreigners in, as I live there. Fuck off, Nigel, we are full.
His behaviour is unacceptable and totally unnecessary!
Why on earth not just say it as it is, instead of being mean to the victims?? If a house was covered in petrol all over, the firemen would say to the innocent people standing near by: “Step back, and NO lighters or matchsticks here, please!” - they would NOT slap them without a word and make the police arrest and charge them, and have the courts convicting them.
we are full
of gypsies and trash, yes
At least Brits will help clean the place up