Trumpfags really are in a brainwashed cult...

Trumpfags really are in a brainwashed cult. Trump says he solved illegal immigration with a phone call and his supporter will just believe it without question. Literally mass psychosis.

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I had a good conversation Were on the right path!

"He ackshually hasn't done anything!!"

He's not even in office yet

Lefties say they're solving problems while they're actually turning everything to shit because they have no sense of priorities and apparently that's not mass psychosis?

She agreed to stop

So which is it? He's not in office so he's lying, or Mexico agreed to somehow halt all migration immediately?

There's no point explaining the concept of negotiation to a lefty. If it's not Marxism they don't recognise it as valid.

We won't know until he takes office. Obviously she can say whatever she wants but until Trump takes office he doesn't have any power to do anything to make her AVCUALLY do someting

Literally Who Twatter Screencap Thread #922,764

Fucking kill yourself faggot.

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we need the niggers........but LEGALLY

arguing with cult members

who's the dumb one?

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who's the dumb one?

People who trust Trump. Keep up anon

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Trump niggers let me teleport you 4 years in the future:

border was not literally closed (stop all migration, no movement) once

only 800k people were deported

4 - 6 million new permanent residents (green cards)

two low level 3 letter prosecutions not in SAS that result in pensions and probation

inflation continues and stock market is at all time high because elite didn't want to lose their wealth they chose to destroy middle class instead of limiting spending and starting deflation

it will be first term all over again, take my advice, if you are stupid just take all of your liquidity and invest in a .02 SP500 index fund and protect your limited wealth while we get ass fucked some more and replaced with even higher skilled niggers compared to the farm class we've been primarily hauling in for 20 years.

doesnt he have it backwards? it sounds like trump will declare victory without doing anything at all, meaning this will be good for democrats because nothing will change

the definition of controlled opposition

it sounds like trump will declare victory without doing anything at all, meaning this will be good for democrats because nothing will change

The problem is that a sizable amount of the electorate has simply decided to believe whatever Trump says. If he says something, they believe it; no thinking or fact checking ("those are all leftist organizations"). They just believe it. So when Trump has a conversation with Sheinbaum and declares the border issue solved, there are people who will just blithely take him at his word. It's why Trump is such a cancer on American politics -- all politicians lie, but Trump is far and away the most shameless liar to ever be president. He takes an already low bar of personal integrity and just dumps it onto the floor.

Trump is an idiot, but his one single strength is in his rhetorical low cunning. He knows just how to bullshit enough people into believing (literally, in a worryingly large number of cases) that he is the second coming of Christ.

It's all incredibly dangerous.

it will be first term all over again,

Like when food and energy prices deflated even during covid, we were energy independent, and had net negative immigration?
I would bet money the mexican jew was an absolute suck and pussy on the phone and told Trump everything he wanted to hear and just like the last dude, named something like Labrador, she'll do everything he wants. During Trump's 1st, 2nd, latter half of his 3rd, and final year he oversaw 60 year level lows of illegal immigration and when George W. Bush Appointee Judge Dana M Shabraw tried to make it an issue in late 2018 Trump actually beat back the subsequent surge

The net migration numbers are skewed by covid and do not take green cards or student visas into consideration, it was still a giant nigger flood.

Of course energy and food declared during the onset of covid. It all got fucked when Trump injected 2.5 trillion dollars via CARES to the elite via a giant wealth transfer and then Biden......did it again and double fucked us and gave them another few trillion.

The inflation train is just starting unless someone does something drastic and I don't think anyone is really ready to deal with a 30% stock market they'll keep juicing it and expanding the wealth gap.

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I would bet money the mexican jew was an absolute suck and pussy on the phone and told Trump everything he wanted to hear and just like the last dude, named something like Labrador, she'll do everything he wants. During Trump's 1st, 2nd, latter half of his 3rd, and final year he oversaw 60 year level lows of illegal immigration and when George W. Bush Appointee Judge Dana M Shabraw tried to make it an issue in late 2018 Trump actually beat back the subsequent surge

What does any of this have to do with literally anything I wrote?

We are also making more oil than ever right now, I'm not sure about refining though. We need to start abandoning it anyway, nuclear is far better relative to currently available mass energy that is publicly disclosed.

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the foreign born population did not grow as a % between July 2017 and July 2019 and the foreign born population between March 2019 and March 2020 fell from 45.3 to 44.3 million. The graph you posted is readjustment of status mostly within the USA by legal permanent residents already here which is tough but like Trump did the first time we have to stop NEW ARRIVALS FIRST. This is all over you 105IQ brain so just say "yes anon you're right I am sorry for my ignorance and obfuscation" and then rope

I am breaking down and addressing all your FUD paid for by the DNC

(opposition party) fags really are in a brainwashed cult. (opposition party leader) says s/he solved (concerning issue of the moment) with a phone call and s/he supporter will just believe it without question. Literally mass psychosis.

Try harder, OP.

Here is his nominee for counter terrorism chief, gorca, saying that trump has told him that if putin doesn't agree to his terms for peace, he will give Ukraine so much aid, what we have given them so far will look like peanuts.
And the plan is to make russia give back land and to make Ukraine into what vance has called "a fortress"

kek, you actually think he's going to deport them this time don't you? remember when he cucked on DACA and didn't mass deport anyone? yet somehow he will deport millions this time? you're cucking to controlled opposition you midwit shabbot goy.

Normally, when you want to try to refute a point, it helps to read it and directly address its arguments. In a pinch, if you're feeling particularly low effort, you can pick out one or two of the points if you absolutely just can't be fucked to put in any effort at all.

When you reply with a barrage of completely irrelevant information that has nothing to do with anything that was written, you just look like an idiot.

Should be building a wall. Climate change hasn't really started cooking them yet.

It is his only job to talk. He is doing it well.

Its becoming apparent that the Left is really the insane cult. They love to think the world is going to end if they do not get their way. Their way is letting niggers and immigrants run rampant, commit crimes, and let women be disgusting whores. Its absolute insanity. And this is why they lost.

why do you think this is a false dichotomy?
no, he is not in office.
yes, he is making progress.
why are you so butthurt?

because we lost everything and all i have left is seething impotent rage and snark!

the next 4 years is going to be so fucking comfy.
can't wait for the mass deportations to begin.

So simple question, why didn't he mass deport the first term and why do you think he will do it this time?

this is why they lost.

That the Democrats "won" with Joe Biden is amazing, but they literally were hoping for a miracle when they ran Harris.

So your plan is to do Obama's "magic wand" challenge again? It didn't turn out well for you naysayers the first time, did it?

why didn't he mass deport the first term

Illegal immigration was at a net negative and since 2015 Latrinas have been below replacement rate and still arso to get results he JUST HAD TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF NEW ARRIVALS

So simple question, why didn't he mass deport the first term and why do you think he will do it this time?

he wanted to get re-elected and he wasn't sure that people would get behind it.
he literally ran on it this time and it turns out that, yeah, most people support mass deportation.
any other retarded questions that i can answer to ruin your day?

Anyone in the know knew they didn't want to win, cause of all the bullshit they've been doing to destroy the world and they plan to hand it over to the GOP to crash. We'll see if it works out that way but that's why they did it.

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he lied the first time but this time he is telling the truth because I want him to be


Trump's first term was different too and Looking at Gallup "polls" 40% wanted to "keep immigration at the same levels", 31% wanted to decrease immigration, and 29% wanted to increase immigration under Trump. Now 55% want to decrease immigration you see. SO what needed to happen was record illegal immigration in excess of what we saw in the late 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s

The only thing rough will be Tyrone's treatment of your buthole and you'll love it.

what needed to happen was record illegal immigration

kek I love this qtard nonsense

he had to do nothing the first time so that he could do it for realz this time

it's like a moovie

drust da blan

What's different this time, again?

Based pic.
Remember farmers hire foreign invaders, buy foreign equipment, get gubberment welfare called 'subsidies';
And are openly hostile to Caucasians in the city.
Great allies. Lol

Trump lowered legal immigration and was very effective at combating illegal immigration in his 1st term despite his unpopularity. Objectively fact

Do you expect him to not be stuck for years fighting for retarded policy in court this time?

Objectively fact

Ah, you're a pajeet. Now it makes sense.

it was a fucking typo because I am arguing with two retards who want to be mad
Considering the success in his first term despite the hang ups yes I don't expect him to be in court as much.

he didn't lie he fought tooth and nail and spent years in court fighting for every little piece of immigration policy because a federal judge would put out an injunction instantly.

That whole sentence was a typo? Because it sure sounds like you just stated that most of Trump's loony bin policies were fought tooth and nail in court and that most of them eventually failed. Which part was the typo, again?

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hat most of them eventually failed

this but the opposite it's why the foreign born population stagnated and declined under him BEFORE covid


thank you