Russians getting butchered in Syria like animals they are
Russians getting butchered in Syria like animals they are
So what's going on with Syria again? Any cliffs?
Blood is considered life essence and used to preform powerful magic.
are those hohols with yellow armbands?
Demoralization is permanent. What part of it are you not understand? DEMORALIZE = PERMANENT.
It was the western NATO trans-enabler cult government that demoralized me. Russia is the knight in shining armor offer a better lifestyle and a chance for my child to grow a scrotum with sperm inside. NATO country wants to eunich my child and make him a gay prostitute.
Turkey armed and trained rebels are approaching Allepo, Assad run away to Putin to ask for help, basically rerun from 6 years ago but now Russians are not some "cool" guys like Americans
biden pushed for an offensive by the "moderate" rebels probably to try and provoke the russians.
They held a nuclear bombing "manoeuvre" at the same time in Finland that was just waiting to go hot.
So move to Russia
Fucking kikes. I hope you dumbasses get put on a terror watch list.
That's stupid. If I live in Russia I can't subvert the west.
holy fuck. russians are so good at dying its unreal.
Russia can't catch a break
"cool" guys like Americans
Russians? Whats happening there? That uniform doesnt look russian at all? I thought thats an israeli
Looks like drones in that box. If so it was literal karma that happened. Death to all drone operators.
"cool" guys like Americans
Butthurt belters are hilarious
The Russians the Syrian people and their democratically elected president invited into the country to defended it from Mossad funded wahhabi salafist rape babies?
Those Russians?
NAFO trannies confirmed ISIS supporters
Ukraine is doing so badly the closest "good news" NAFO shills could find is in fucking Syria
Next thing you know Ukraine will make a mutual defense pact with Palau ans declare victory over Russia.
Should have not been there in the first place.
how many gay sex videos do you have saved on your computer to own the Russians?
Looks like a draw right now between Team Satan and everyone else. The Hezbollah situation is unfortunate and now Gaza will be taken over before you know it so Team Satan is making some moves
NAFO troons now side with ISIS
kek, you faggots really find the jew in every conflict and side with them
lmaoing at you for thinking Russia is a lesser evil
Now they are pro Muslim, the narrative changes.
look we managed to kill one Russian at the cost of hundreds of us
Great victory
hivkrainian pozzdogs/nafotroons/radical islamic isisoids in essence
dude, you are literally an ISIS supporter
Weren't chuds cheering for the Taliban takover recently ?
Why don't you ask a Syrian if they want Russians or ISIS in their country?
The taliban fought against ISIS, you literal terrorist shit monkey
Why censor it? Post more of this shit.
Based on some accounts, outlawing bacha bazi was one of the key factors in Mullah Omar mobilizing local movement for the Taliban.
Yes and you supported literal homosexualk pedophile rapists as usual, we know
I don't care what Zyrians want, Assad is an enemy of my country.
Nothing personnel.
Foreign invaders getting the bullet
Assad is an enemy of my country
Russians live don't matter but they do matter a bit more than muslim lives imo
the guy who is trying to keep Muslims in the middle east and out of Europe is my enemy
Are you jewish by chance?
A Syrian Lanister always pays his debts
can someone please give me a QRD without buzzwords? i know im asking for the impossible. every thread i ask i get zero replies
drone pilots are scum because they never risk their own lives, they sit in comfort away from the hell they contribute to and press buttons to erase human life, theirs is unironically the most dehumanizing part of modern warfare - it's no wonder they treat it like a game
you had doubts?
Implying you would be able to tell Talibs and ISIS apart
chud education
you just contradicted yourself retard
Implying you would be able to tell Talibs and ISIS apart
one is wearing a kippah the other is not
Russia has the biggest muslim community in Europe :3
Russia jails people for burning Gayran :3
Yea, yea, yea, they said the same shit about spears when they were new too. This shit is just cope. All sides use drones.
Low iq sarcasm
They legit risk their own lives.
So now you're antimuslim?
Make an argument tbqh
soon the AI will be drone pilot
Kek. Okay Ivpn
That is Prince!
remember ziggers, Qur'an is sacred !
Why on earth would you go to pick up a mine?
Butthurt t belters cheering on literal mudshit jihadist headchoppers
This meme needs a Czech flag
the Syrian people and their democratically elected president
go back to plebbit, kikelover
You stick out like a sore thumb
FSA just learned how to use fpv drones the ukrainian way
Give your energy to FSA and lets hope for an other big kino for Ziggers and Shits
Europe has even more mosques then Russia has
What did xer mean by this
don't they know elections without jew approved candidates are all automatically fake????
Ziggers tongue my anus
Cheering for animals which kill russians is a time-honored European tradition. We also cheered for the shark.
Anyone who questions my faggotry is a Russian with a vpn
Russian with a vpn here, vlad says you're a poof and you should kys
You aren't an election denier, are you chud?
Dickless kraut talking shit
Just because the last time you mongs started shit, the russians battered you back into the stone age
Bit oversensitive m8. Post outlet and foreskin.
Nigger you are either jewish or just a russian rape baby if your flag isn´t a proxy
You are literally just turkish russians without the military or history of either of your thwo ancestral countries
stfu about russians or muslims are you literally both
be muslim
kill the only non muslims who are vocally and militarily supporting muslim world including palestine
What exactly even makes this a russian?
zigger education
why are there so many videos like this from Russia?
Here go the trannies again complaining about ruzzia
still mad about the blitz, huh?
how's brexit working out for you?
Tell me it aint so lol
Stalin was literally your only historical achievement and everybody agrees he is RUSSIAN
..... bit gay, innit?
Because they are literally all closeted benders
No, people know he was georgian
and yet Russia is still majority white
No one claimed muslims were smart. HTS is just sunni fanatics who will kill anyone not like them given the opportunity.
Yeah it must be, it's not like Western Europe is geographically close to Africa and has been replacing its population with Africa in small countries that are barely the size of Texas for the last 50 years with all the Woke ideology that goes with it (with the added bonus of feminism, institutionalized self hatred and all the decadence). What's the weather like in Warsaw Pavel ?
You go to all the European cities, the only white people you see are a boomer oscillating between 55 and 70 years old and American tourists lol. The most given first names in hospitals are Mohamed. But yes, that must be it. Western Europe is a mass of conservative ethno states fighting against the Russian Muslim globhomo (because he has a small Chechen region on a country of 17 million kilometers lmao). You're German, you're literally invaded by Turks, so you are 100% not German to be so much in denial about ur own reality. So I repeat myself, what is the weather in Warsaw or Vilnius? Eastern Europeans, you are in a worse echo chamber than Reddit. You have become the new Jews. I don't give a shit about your little ass being hurt for historical reasons you never experienced Pavel. I don't give a shit about your little ass being hurt for historical reasons you never experienced Pavel. Your Nazi larping "NATO White race" exists only in your head. Currently it is the EU, NATO and the United States who are turning Western Europe into an African Muslim and feminist shitbag.
Are you going to do a google search and type "Russian women with African men" and post your JPG like a proud low IQ Pavel?
Walk through of slaughtered russian marines, on russian marine day. Couple of days old, but still glorious.
and yet Russia is still majority white
Only when it's covered in snow
You will be jailed for burning Bible too. But you decided to omit that. The law about offending religious feelings was issued after Pussy Riot performed shit show in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour and offended Orthodox Christians.
What's a leppo?
nothing at all.
libshits are mindbroken by Russia.
understandable, it's a strong country.
verry few do, go out of your house and ask 100 normies, you will be shocked
A plurality probably doesn´t even know who he was
Kekfuel, the level of derangement with you niggers
Russia should just go. Muslim or not. Its existence stains the Earth. I say it as a Post-Russian myself.
What guns are these mudslime holding
You will never be a Slav, how does that make you feel Abdou?
Asking the real questions
here's one of a Ukrainian drone droppig a munition on two russian homos having oral sex
I find it hilarious when they're reduced to making the argument:
w-well how many pictures can we find of your women standing beside niggers???
Like, yea, you'll find it on all sides.... but..... eventually.... if you keep your eyes open long enough... this line of reasoning has an inevitable conclusion. If you really are honest with yourself, there is no denying which side is more BLACKED
You will never be a Slav
thank god, hald of you are butthurt retards and the other half is russian
Newfags to the syrian conflict I guess
Every republican guard with a less than 3 decades old uniform is a russian soldier
Every rebel with a less than 3 decades old uniform is a turkish soldier
Etc etc
Igor ded
You're just a weak person who does what he's told. You probably took the Vax, wore the mask and stayed in doors, am I wrong?
You sound like an animal/demon yourself.
Guy went out like a Chad.
Go back to Ukraine, the front awaits you Mykola.
Al Qaeda and ISIS(this is literally who these people are, never forget that) backed by Turkey suddenly launch a massive attack on the DMZ that has been quiet since 2020 just 12 hours after a ceasefire between Hezbollah-Israel.
It's not a coincidence at all. This is all NATO backed.
Least disingenuous algerian
Best of luck ruskies. You're doing God's work when you kill the "moderate rebel" vermin that the kikes in my government, the israeli grabblers, and the turk roaches fund.
Every accusation is a confession
It's all so tiresome
Wow they look even more inbred and disgusting than nazi propoganda showed them to be
the important thing is that the faggot went out.
They appear to be Remington Nylon 66s. A devastating weapon of war not usually fielded by militaries in this era.
wow... who cares?
Can Russia even afford a Syrian front?
How do you tell whether the dead guy is Russian or Syrian? I don't see any flag patch or other identifier on him
Who's the third worldist now?
youre like a driver on the road, driving the wrong way, or on the wrong side
and other drivers are warn you, but youre too stupid to listen
your obsession with trans is no mistake
but you and your kind have chosen to instead be left behind, and suffer
its tragic really
even this post wont save you, youre permanently driving the wrong way, youre fucked, just like all your type
I second this observation, my fine friend.
As you can see by the wounds on the deceased, these weapons blow the lungs out of their enemies because they are chambered in 9mm, a caliber so fierce that it was banned by the convention of Geneve
jesus. my hero
Turks are subhuman anti white niggers
artillery operators have been doing that for centuries. but as we see in OPs video, theyre definitely at risk of dying
false. thats gaslighting. trying to convince people its permenant is an attempt to lock in the mind control and the demoralization. ANYONE can be remoralized, and moralized more than ever in their life.. its just harder for some than others, however theres an equal pay off. the further people come back from the dark the more brightly they shine. people who are remoralized have the ability to remoralize others. and you do that through faith in God, dont doubt it or you'll stay demoralized.
you can be forgiven for anything if you truly want it and are repentant and have real remorse. God and anyone in God's image will accept you. its never too late to know and accept the truth and to purify yourselves.
Putin would put you in a cage just for your post alone if you were in his country. You really wanna live in such a country?
h-haha look at this dead vatnik
don't looking maps plz
please ignore that I've been wrong on so many levels that I should basically kill myself in shame, before I die suddenly, since I've proven beyond any doubt that I'm a retarded NPC faggot who should be kept away from public discourse and influence on society in general, if not downright executed.
No, you don't understand, you see, whether or not you're a 3rd worldist has nothing to do with race. It really just depends on if you decide to align politically with the contemporary policies of counties that were nearly all white 100 years ago. It's simple really, zigger.
One side has God on their side. The other has homosexuality(satan).
America can project its force across the world enslaving you all. Russia can only dominate third world back water shit holes. So yes in scope of power Russia is the lesser evil.
But anyway free Syria and death to the American government complexes and Israel
NAFO faggots openly cheering for Isis
Never thought I'd see that day.
Yet, here we are.
yfw we will see nafo be hunted down like post ww2 nazis in our lifetimes
See that brand new equipment and gear they are using? Fresh out of the box from nato and friends. Also their officers all wearing masks so you know they are mossad.
Basically nato trying to damage russia in any way they can. Me? I woulda nuked your kike loving faggot asses already.
After years of relative calm, the jihadist rebels in Syria launched an offensive on Aleppo, making gians around the city and m5 highway. Assad apparently flew to Moscow to beg Putins assistance (again)
inb4 whats a leppo
Whats aleppo with you?
fucking temu drones in a cardboard box.
no. if you watch how gae expands by conquering and colonising new lands , while you watch and wait, like in the 90s 2000, then when your time comes, there will be no one to stand for you.
What are you appealing to ?
What Russians lack in competence they compensate ten times with malevolence and brutality.
But it's not faaaaair, we're economically superior, therefore we must let dictators have fun a little bit tooo
Kindergarten logic award
We know GAE shill. We know.
the enemy is the one who USA appoints it to be.
Lol, Russians keep dying in foreign countries, Syria, Sahara, Ukraine and Sudan, TZD worldwide baby.
i'd ask what slavs are doing in syria but honestly i don't care, only came here to tell that his catgirl picture is cute
literal fuckin soldiers of antichrist, known for cruelty and barbarism only rivaled perhaps by South American cartels managed to kill random RUAF soldier/operator/advisor
Ruzzia le so bad I will unironically make a whole thread about this and celebrate it, hopefully ragebait people as bonus to get upvoooots on reddit
I hate this current state and its nigger inhabitants such as you, a massive faggot, beyond comprehension. If dead ruzzians soooo gooood maybe you should contribute and enlist in hohol legion, put on NAFO and 1968 patch and have your faced ripped off by a drone. Maybe you will even get a medal from the president-general-kike in chief like the previous retard that received medal posthumously in March.
I promise to make an infographic mapping your pointless life and death for Anon Babble in return, as well as Kaufland 79 CZK bouquet of flowers delivered to to you mother.
Those are CIA assets
Just goes to show that both Al Quaeda and ISIS were funded and trained by CIA/Mossad/Turkey. They glow brighter than the sun.
half asian Arnold
it's another cold war type proxy war.
facts about russian military
average life span after mobilization 2 to 4 weeks.
current casualty rate is between 1500 and 2000 a day.
commanders accept bribes to stay off the front line.
commanders steal contract and mobik money forcing them to fight for free.
wounded soldiers are sent back to the front regardless of being healed or not.
conscripts generally don't fight because if they did the russian people would rebel.
russian soldiers are looting russian homes in kursk, orcs eat their own.
no discipline.
no command structure that allows for improvisation or independent decision making.
not fighting for anything they believe in, except money.
spill their guts the moment they surrender or are captured without any coercion.
corruption at every level from the lowest private all the way up to generals.
higher ups take equipment, food, and clothing, and sell it for personal gain.
leadership is fed false information to cover up failings and corruption.
the war would have been over in just a few months if not for stockpiles of soviet era junk.
treat humans like garbage and as a disposable commodity by soulless psychopath leaders.
leadership in constant fear of uprisings.
when returned to their country after being captured they are punished for not dying.
and kremlin assets on the other side. dead ones.
probably Wagner. Basically it's Russia but Putin pays Russian mercs to fight his proxy wars.
fuck off op, then kys
Probably the best post in this thread
Putin was a career communist glowie. Fuck him. And fuck the dead russian kremlin assets. They'll be chased out of there, if they're lucky.
Kek wtf
There's nothing to actually confirm it
It's republican guard most likely
I didn't said that. I told you to kill yourself, clearly, you comprehension-incapable nigger
i'd ask what slavs are doing in syria
Cockblocking pissrael.