What’s your most controversial opinion?

What’s your most controversial opinion?

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women are useless out of the house


In general? The world would be an objectively better place if non-whites weren't here. But that's not a very controversial opinion on here.

that burger tastes better than her asshole, but i would still eat both

your mates should be allowed to jerk you off if you can't be fucked doing it yourself and that's not gay that's just friendship

The Jews are fundamentally good people that have been led astray by Satan

we should go back to kingdoms

the real Jews are in palestine being bombed by IDF
never forget that Israel bombed Bethlehem on Christmas morning

Leftists have some good ideas that would genuinely benefit society but are overshadowed because of all their retarded gender identity nonsense.

wanna be mates?

That Jews are right about 90-95% of humans being sheep like vessels meant to be ruled over

Fundamentally good.

Have never done a single good thing in the thousands of years of existing

Gay. That’s why we are genetically cucked to begin with. I mean, for southerners could work.

Blue pants guy has a nice ass too I guess that's it

Satan never had power


SEA women are sexy and make good wives

AoC should be 10.

it's probably not very controversial all around, you're just not allowed to say it loudly

Americans cower and retreat away when faced with an existential crisis. They'll sign tap all day and then wonder why the rest of the world is passing them by. People who do nothing will inherit nothing but crisis.

Individualism should be discouraged, and a society that focuses on wisdom is better than a society that focuses on freedom.

Jews are genestealer parasites that infect their host with their genetic code by crossbreeding and destroy it from within, the jew itself it not a real human and not capable of life without a host body
Thery are an advanced gene-based viral parasite

Nothing that hasn't been said here.

lmao sure! only if you have 4 limbs I don't want to be doing spare work just because nature forgot to give you hands or something

That's what I was thinking!

I think at least in America most normies want to believe that non-whites are a benefit to society when they 'behave'. Even hardcore conservatives think this. The truth in my opinion is that for every strength they have they have about ten weaknesses that just make their existence in this world a net negative.

speak for yourself i wanna see Lombardy a nuclear powerhouse with laser weapons

IRL? That Hitler was right about almost everything.

On this board? That not all women are evil whores (just most of them).

What’s your most controversial opinion?

Coffee is good for you

communism was the only thing that was protecting us from complete ethnic replacement and abandoning it killed our country

I decline to say.

I don't care who it offends here, but I don't think multiculturalism is compatible with freedom.

ironically the non whites are more aware of it than whites. Or whites just delude themselves to not feel bad for non whites

On this website? Trump is controlled opposition and the swathes of MIGApedes are coping while Trump doesn't deport illegals, end green cards, and drain the swamp (ACTUALLY PROSECUTE PEOPLE)

Real masculinity is building up other men around you who are willing to put in work and then all of you go out to gang gang the nearest homeless women as team building

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i think Anon Babble needs some new autobans on certain words

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I wholeheartedly support troons in women's bathrooms. Women receive the most from globohomo and progressivism while us poor white men are attacked. It is about time that women are humbled.

That's a fucking goblin!

Communism and Socialism are not the same. They are the complete opposite. Saying Communism is the same as Socialism, or that retarded story how Socialism is early stage Communism is a jewish psyop. Mutts lose their mind when they hear word Socialism. Only shows to what extent jewish brainwashing and mind control worked on mutts.

99% of what gets blamed on jews here is actually the fault of western white women, but 1488ers think they need white women to reproduce, so they make every excuse they can not to admit to this

Good morning sir

I wholeheartedly support trans

there, fixed your post, and shortened it
and the rest is just retard babble and bitterness

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1488ers think they need white women to reproduce

You need them if you want future generations to be White. Are you a Hapa supremacist?

What if it was the Jewish corruption of white women that made them like that because they targeted them nearly exclusively as their first propaganda target in their divide and conquer campaign as the most dangerous tool against the white man?

McDonalds and Burger King burgers are better when they have zero toppings or cheese except the bun. So literally just a burger in a bun.

Just because I don't feel like talking doesn't mean I'm introverted


For here? Probably that niggers aren’t all that bad as long as they’re kept under control.
For general population? The pajeet immigration flood was the last straw, I hope nukes fall and civilization collapses. Rural White chads rise up!

Every woman is a whore.

that means you're a male
I've never met a talkative man that I didn't think was an annoying faggot

eats poop

Found the streetshitter.

Women honestly don't belong in the kitchen because they are atrocious cooks. But I still appreciate the effort of those that do.

Hello saar

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Most of our problems are due to our fellow plebs. Yes Jews ultimately run the macroeconomics and geopolitics that we hate, but it is mostly upper middle class cunts and boomers why you can't afford a house. It is mostly the fault of women's arrogant egos and spoiledness why you are single. It is mostly the fault of your boss why you are poor.

The covid vaccine is more useful as a way to generate dissent and keep people engaged in a forever-debate than it is as an actual means of poisoning the general populace.
By keeping the argument alive (via booster shots and tying those into the broader anti-vax and raw milk narratives), they successfully burn the public's energy and further entrench tribal affiliations.
The term "pureblood" was coined during the pandemic to drive the chisel further in. It's likely being tracked to see if it caught on.

if women don't have their rights revoked completely in the next 20 years civilisation as we know it is completely doomed

It was...this time around. But that's the natural tendency of women at all times, in all places, with or without jews. Sharia might be going too far, but what we and places like South Korea have going on right now is fatal.

Idk. I guess I’m neutral about Trump. This makes maga seethe for some reason

I don't know but I think that our culture should be way more open about sex, but also mass produce women so they are so common and ubquitous any man could have a small harem.


We could actually do something about this in 30 years.

This simply isn't the case. White women went to college between 2014 and now and got all of the jewish professors fired because they view them as white men. This is exactly the headcanon I'm talking about. White women prop up blacks, trannies, etc... even white gay guys aren't safe. Jewish guys certainly aren't. In fact, they hate Israel because they view it as an extension of white masculinity.

Nobody even cares about covid anymore besides them not wanting shut downs ever again, even vaxxies are mad about covid and the shot. Only hardcore söy trannies unironically support vaxxing at this point and everyone from both sides hates them now.

niggers aren’t all that bad as long as they’re kept under control.

The good ones are great. The bad ones are disastrous. Too bad the ratio is 1:8.

I have no desire to create MORE white women, thank you very much. Your daughters will almost certainly be part of this problem.

How do you purse wisdom without freedom? Don’t you end up in a bug society like China?

Fascism might actually work.

He said controversial

Anon you don't understand, we need more white women, just more with less rights.

This. The golem is running amok now destroying everything.
I wonder if it is even possible to rectify this issue at this point or if our culture is doomed to collapse and rebirth. I don’t know if there will be many White people left barring full scale nuking of all major cities.

It is gay, you have your own hands and cumming from a man means you are attracted to men.

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Why does gender identity bother you? Seems like a silly thing to want to sink society over.

Eating ass>eating pussy

Monarchy is what made the human race as awesome as it is, it all went to shit the moment we started playing with (((((((((democracy)))))))))).
If democracy actually worked, it wouldnt be implemented.

Everyone but whites and japanese are at a genetic disadvantage when it comes to driving

Hitler believed in mysticism and th occult. Crystals and magic spells.

It’s due to the no man in the house rules pushed by leftists to destroy the black family unit. Blacks weren’t terrible back then, don’t get me wrong they were still a problem, but they at least behaved well enough and White men kept them in their place.
Civil rights are like feminism, it’s a golem that has gone too far thanks to kikery. Niggers were happier when they were a underclass because they knew their place, everyone in society now is miserable because there is no defined roles to fill and everything is backwards.


Women are the mediocre sex. They can be good cooks, but they can never be great cooks. (Strangely enough, they tend to make very good bakers and pastry chefs.)

Piracy is based
No I dont mean filesharing but thats also based.

Jews are the good guys

What’s your most controversial opinion?

Star Wars: Rogue One was objectively a good movie


Also another controversial opinion: Socialism and Communism were not as evil and "Jewish" as one thought. It was just the opposite.

Controversial to whom?

Extreme regulation and socialism are what made america great. 60 to 70 percent of all wealth created went to the middle class workers. We just voted for more of the same. Nothing will get better.

Because you aren't a protected class and never will be and the further you keep pushing this issue the worse the outcome will be. Trannies have the weakest souls and our the Jew's favorite puppet, for now.

Meritocracy doesn’t exist.

Then it should be created

We'd be closer to rectifying it if the Nick Fuentes/Sam Hyde crowd stopped using the majority of their manpower to side with Hamas for the sake of pwning Ben Shapiro

mmmmmm pp juice

90% of humans should be vaporized for the glory of Satan

Stop calling it a vaccine. But yeah, the pandemic/jab psyop was many things. (All good psyops kill 10 birds with one stone.) Rest assured, the jab has fucked up millions of people physically. I know formerly healthy people who are physical wrecks ever since they got jabbed.

Pedophilia should be respected as a psychologically debilitating disorder.
Patients deserve the assumption of being non-abusers
We should make life easier for them
-respecting their medical privacy,
-provide them with harm reduction like sex dolls & CGI KP
-Disability welfare payments
-Free Therapy helping them to deal with the Hell they live, and minimize their interaction with children to avoid any chance of abuse when needing interact with children such as at community & family gatherings (e.g avoiding ever being alone with a child).

t. Work in a psych ward

This. The right and left both have aspects of what's necessary to have a united and functioning civilization. You need nationalism to protect your culture and people and to stave of the forces of degeneracy and entropy. You also need some basic protections and safety nets in place to protect your people from economic (((exploitation))) and to prevent social and environmental degradation.The fake and gay culture war is pushed by the jew media so that whites never again put the pieces together like the NSDAP did so that whites never pose a political threat to them. So both the left and right are encouraged to have opposed but equally retarded and maladaptive ideas as well to keep them fighting over those things so that they're never able to unite around the good stuff.

Most of our problems are caused by overpopulation


Um, Germany were the good guys.

Children are invaluable outside of marriage and sex use, perhaps organs too if they can't be used for sex or labor. Too many resources are put into saving children instead of people who have proven themselves. Cloning or genetic engineering would eventually bypass all child laws hopefully one day by simply removing the child phase out of humanity so that chikd crimes cannot exist.

I realized years ago that we aren't voting our way out of this mess. This has been, strangely enough, a rather soothing realization. I no longer get wrapped up in the latest fake drama. I'm not ecstatic about Trump's win, I wasn't dreading Harris's possible win. It's all kayfabe, a scripted puppet show meant to distract us. Either we will rise up and kill all jews and traitors or we will die off. Those are the only two choices we have.

Christians worship a jew thus legitimizing their claim to being the earth's masters
Thus christians are the biggest traitor to the white race and the pillar supporting jewish power.

death or complete removal of the genitals is the only answer

This too. The real thing destroying this Earth isn't climate change but rather pollutants and environmental degradation. Take for example in the US, all of the fertilizer and pesticide placed on the farmlands in the Great Plains. This washes down into the Mississippi river full of this concentrated poison among other things. At the same time, we are draining our aquifers there too. Take a look at the Ganges and Indus. They are supposed to be "sacred" rivers but somehow are some of the most polluted in the world. Disgusting.

Imagine the loosh

What do you want to create? Hapa women? Look at South Korea. Look at China. Read up on 6B4T.

Human species is a mistake. It should be wiped out.

Niggers arent human, they are decents of monkeys and whites come from Adam and Eve.

Single digit IQ post from a fuckwit who doesn't understand religion, history, theology, philosophy, or even how to read a book properly

If the vax doesn't work and people who took it survive, they are going to have to all be killed.

Please notice that I said ALMOST everything.

Pirates had a rule that they could jerk each other off and give blowjobs. But buggery was off limits.

transgirls are valid if they pass. ftm are disgusting abominations and never valid

Religions are making people fight eachother for thousands of years over made up non-sense. jews,mudslims,budhists,hindu's,christians don't want to admit this, their little bubble world would crumble if they did.. oh and atheists are dumber than rocks

No conspiracies exists and the guys who claim to be in charge actually are in charge.

I love chubby tall women so much bros

The government should assign girlfriends.

Uncle Adolf was right.

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South Korea is essentially just America you know... Look at Japan.

Black women are divine.

Nobody is in charge. Humans are just guys wearing costumes. Lies and propaganda is used to produce profit. The labor is hard and produces almost nothing unless you’re skilled. Earth is indescribably poor.

Progressives and communists are correct on most issues.

People who never even considered the vaxx will reign over the depleted, genetically modified, infertile people, until all of you die out. Sorry. You didn't have to take it, but you complied; you are compliant, like a good sheep.

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Ben Shapiro should be burned at the stake. But women are getting the backlash now from those two because Fuentes is clearly a closeted homosexual and Tate is an effeminate pimp, I don’t watch any of their content obviously, but they’re clearly golems as well.

He wasn't a jew. God manifested to the worse people to help them, but they're jews so they killed their messiah. Doesn't rabbi just mean teacher? I could be a rabbi to you about nutrition.

Hamburgers are the best food ever created.

FTMs are women that unironically believed the propaganda that women have it harder than men, so they destroy their actual privilege to be part of the "privileged".

Ever see "The Village"?
There's rot in this world, Anon. It was defiled the second A&E got junky with some forbidden fruits. It ain't never gon' be nice on its own, we must make it work for those who want nice things.

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They’re genetically schizophrenic and inbred.

That’s the worms talkin, son. Lick her clit all you want but tonguing bum is degen.

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Prior to the civil rights movement in the U.S., black divorce rates and single-motherhood rates were about the same as Whites'. After the civil rights laws were passed, black rates for those things skyrocketed far beyond even White rates. So our old standards were keeping them in check and forcing them to be somewhat civilized. And they actually made a few contributions to society (mostly in the performing arts). That's all over now. Thanks, jews. Anyway, blacks need to be given their own nation where they can go their own way. They can sink or swim on their own. Personally, I think they should all join the Nation of Islam. Those guys seem fairly well put together. They don't drink or do drugs and they are very jew-aware.

She looks beautiful but white people don't wash their assholes so she will definitely smell of shit

Compared to the other sequels and spin-offs, yeah.

Christianity is a Jewish mind control device used to keep weak minded goy mentally enslaved. Jordan Maxwell was right: Jesus in the Bible is actually just the sun.

Like what


What’s your most controversial opinion?

Including your mom



Getting obsessed over skin color is stupid

Easier and cheaper to kill them.

What’s your most controversial opinion?

The Northwest Territorial Imperative is the only plan that will save the White race in North America.

The middle east and every arab over there should be nuked.

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I would nuke the entire American eastern seaboard and Lindsay Graham's house

Strangely enough, they tend to make very good bakers and pastry chefs

Perhaps women do well with things that are aesthetic and cake is about looks as much as about taste.


In regards to pol?

Liberalism is the natural evolution of Western thought. Most right wingers represent a regression of western thought where as progressivism is a pervesion.

Feminism will always come to white civilization. Our focus on individualism, paired with technology, will always mean that (specifically) white women will acheive a degree of autonomy.