how far back does the fight against jews go?
What did the cavemen knew?
since day 1
lmao the Picasso one has to be AI right
i just can't believe a menorah would exist in those times. they probably didn't even have candles.
so this must be some kind of joke but I don't find it that funny or insightful.
but I'll try to get past the image and say that the earliest examples I know are jews stealing the metal from coins in the Roman empire, and jews killing Jesus in the Roman empire. not sure which one was first
It do be like that tho.
you say menorah but they described it as a seven headed beast.
why did I say menorah? because of the caption at the bottom, if you look closer it's not part of the original image caption it's a Anon Babble post drawing comparison between the figure and a menorah
It's as jewish as the star of david, meaning not at all. Both of those symbols, as well as the swastika, are older in origin
Based knowers
what if the guy was just hyeeeee? and he drew some stupid picture on the wall just like they do in san francisco today.. but now, 5000 years later that guy's soul is laughing his ass off at you guys.. he might even be just as high as he was when drew the picture last
When the "parasite" takes over, the world, being a sentient entity, does a complete reset, cleasing itself of the filth.
The fight has been going for...sometime now.
Are you retarded? That says 5000BC. Even modern historians agree Sumeria was alive and kicking then with a vast trade network, nevermind the fact we have Gobekli Tepe that goes back to at least 10,000 BC. Wax is like one of the very first things humans make for light sources because its easy as fuck to render out of ash and other bio material. You imagine the wax holders ancient bull worshipers had made of stone, they probably looked pretty cool.
It reminds me of a cave structure like an ant nest.
pic rel
It's clearly a manorah, they were warning other cavemen about jews.
You have no idea
You're the retard. Literally all of humanity that was born before me were dumb idoot ass scratching cave men.
look up discussions over this book and theory
biggest counterargument is that changes in humans due to neanderthal predation would not be present in humans who remained in Africa
Interesting how "debunking" this theory requires convincing one's self that blacks are just the same as everybody else.
my hunting/fishing experts tell me it all runs on lunar cycle and its divided 4 for a 7 day week.
they also say going by strict calender that doesn't match Moon is why everyone is always fucked up.
Your Weds is actually your Sunday and vise versa.
Youre right, man just woke up with consciousness one day about 5000 years ago, did a bunch of shit no one remembers, and then just had a 100 year explosion in technology that has never been seen anywhere in history. We are so smart with our (checks notes) living in a slave system where you have to dedicate your life to some money generating bullshit career to survive or literally break the rules or leech off the system.
The menorah shape was probably influenced by the same celestial activity that influenced this painting. The shape of the figure itself underneath the “candle sticks” is squatter man. Squatter man was depicted in art all over the world. I think the theory of planets being in different orbits and visible and discs from earth is interesting. Especially Venus but also the Saturn theory. I think this art proves the night sky looked quite a bit different
It looks like someone drew it in MS paint. Did you really need to ask this?
So that means it's a real Picasso ?
I theorize that "neanderthalers" were nephilim and these specific jews are the offspring of them. Nephilim were evil as fuck and just couldnt do good, like zionists.
read Secret Book of John
gnostic spin-off of John that was more popular than the regular gospels, until church banned it
says the god of the Jews is actually an evil demiurge, with various archons under him
talks about the demiurge creating this world as a soul trap, and those who don’t know this will get recycled upon death
this exact nigga with the seven snake heads is described in John as the archon of the sun, Iao or Yao
this is a “total coincidence”, no historical connection between 5,000 year old Russian petroglyphs and 2,000 year old Gnostic texts
the book also describes the archon of Mars, called Sabaoth, as having a dragon face
read Kyle Odom manifesto
lizard entities from Mars can possess NPCs and fuck with schizos
Kyle was an atheist, didn’t know anything about esoteric Christianity and clearly couldn’t have “made it up”
Uhhhhhh bros
it's MUCH older than that
Will read it for sure. I've never looked into apocryphons because I was raised a christcuck, but now that I broke free from it I want to know what the churches are hiding from us.
Thanks for the tip.
Where do you find this kind of information? Kikes have censored all of internet now.
Im extremely interested in this kind of history.
This is bullshit. Ashkenazis are inbred Ukrainian slavs that are like 8x more prone to schizophrenia and are overwhelmingly lactose intolerant.
i am but a simple noticer
noticing is free, fren
notice, before they do
This is bullshit.
jews aren't mixed with a bunch of dregs of humanity from different points in history
come on man
Picasso looks like that lol
Picasso was never known for technical ability.
The only organisms that are winning anymore are literal parasites -- helminths, protozoa, fungi.
Imagine you were a parasite in [current year] Clownworld:
you're host is fed with hyperprocessed slop it he can't even digest
you're host is 24/7 exposed to environmental poisons
you're host is 24/7 exposed to immuno-suppressant social dogma and a predatory system of incentives; stress
you're host is most of the time immersed in fictional worlds (pop-culture or just regular propaganda)
you're host is treated with (addictive) pharma goo to mask the symptoms
They weren't cavemen in 5000 bc
Also nice kultrun and writing there, would a shame if they jewify it
The cavemen were just as able to use and understand metaphorical imagery. It's pretty obvious this seven-headed figure was a symbolic representation of something, maybe of seven different tribes in a certain region, or of seven families etc. Jews haven't been around for 5000 years, they've been around since about 1800 BCE.
Frenly reminderp thet the "all-seeing eye" refurz 2 the anus which sees all the rituals entering it.
Would I suggest they were sticking their dicks in incinerated babymeal and shoving those dicks up each other's asses? Possibly.
It's just a rogue thought though.
No more rogue than the tophet.
you seem
a Jewish tool uses the colours of Luxembourg to make a flag
it was the chicken, goy!
literally formed/invented by a kike named
luxembourg has direct access to the sea
and an historical prescence of kikes
Still don't understand how any mammal is lactose intolerant. I guess the lizard thing isn't fully off the table.
ok show proofs
I must've accidentally a truth.
Jews and Freemasons coat their circumcised cock in minced baby before buttfucking each other.
What a most ignoble vice.
Also, see a map of Jews today.
Most of them have left Amsterdam. Only some of them left for London. Most left by train.
Jews and Freemasons coat their circumcised cock in minced baby
before buttfucking each other.
your strange butthurt and non-sequitur aren't relevant
They ate shroomss and that's it.
It represents the 7 deadly sins.
The 7 deadly sins are symbolic in our world but in the aetheric world they are represented by archons and the demiurge.
The story of the hydra never mentioned it had to be quadrupedal beast.
It's some plasma physics thing you can see in the sky when the sun ejects a lot of material. There are cave drawings all over the world of this shape. Because you can see it everywhere when it happens.
It's called "squatter man", apparently.
i like your passion
remember there are always lurkers who you are getting through to
even if the kikes try and derail you
I don't know much more than this other than that it possibly ties to the 12k year sun cycle and/or magnetic pole switching.
Though it's possible the jew candle thing is derived from this phenomenon so I'm not calling bullshit on OP being directly jew related.
they probably didn't even have candles.
5000 BC
Americans really are retarded
Bit dry but most comprehensive explanation.
living in a slave system where you have to dedicate your life to some money generating bullshit career to survive or literally break the rules or leech off the system.
This is a good message. Needs refined a bit though. Keep working on it.
You ever watched this:
eye-opening stuff
the flower of life is actually DNA, you are wrong on your assumptions, schizo
Tell us more about this Wednesday eing actual Sunday.
I heard that holidays are also way off because we don't use the true calendar anymore.
Have read that Chinese calendar is more accurate
I believe it's also this. I have some good infographics somewhere but too lazy now. I mean, it explains the same drawings all over the world
I prefer the weird sky plasma interpretation
Red white and blue seem to have significant meaning in heraldry I'm guessing that's why.
My theory is that it was an astronomical event recorded by many indigenous tribes worldwide in petroglyphs , along with spirals, crosses and other stuff
Similar to the 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg, but in a much larger scale
Picrel(left side) is the very same symbol, made by some random jungle person in Brazil, it was "discovered" by my father in a "fresh" forest area where supposedly nobody has been before (he works with transmission lines, clearing the path for new lines in the middle of fucking nowhere)
here's the full album
you'll see many of the symbols match other shit found elsewhere in the world.