Why is it that men have become ultra virgins, while women have become ultra whores? who tf are women having sex with?

Why is it that men have become ultra virgins, while women have become ultra whores? who tf are women having sex with?


White and european men can't get laid while women are going for bbc

Women fuck tall men, they don't care if they are in a harem.

Ultra virgin man meets ultra virgin woman and become one.

the top 5% of men

Idek I don't think much about sex these days. Why would I? Too many people need killed

They're fucking Chad and fucking each other. 6/10 women would rather be a voluntary member of a multi-roastie Chad harem than fuck a 6/10 man. (And really, it's not a matter of preference - 6/10 men are completely invisible to her.)

Drug dealers

6/10 men are completely invisible

No you're definitely there, and really annoying and eventually someone will get paid to shoot you in your face

Sexlessness has risen among both men and women. It’s due to testosterone levels. Sad that pol can’t even talk about issue because “all women are sluts.”

see it's much worse than most think. they're not all fucking a minority of "Chads" also saying Chad is fucking gay and ironic. They're fucking fat ugly dudes with cocaine.


That's literally always how it's been. Only the alpha gets females the others have to sneak in a crumb of pussy.

They act like gay bitches. Christianity and inceldom go hand in hand

who tf are women having sex with?

Refugees migrants etc


Top tier women fuck chads and sometimes niggers also. Mid and low tier women fuck niggers mostly and Chad once in a blue moon

Go get cocaine and go to a club and offer a hot girl some in exchange for her to suck your dick. She will do it. She'll ask for your number afterwards too.

They're fucking each other big time

Thanks for that unreadable meme

Most men on Anon Babble hate women while sub 85IQ populations are ALWAYS outside, going ouga bouga in front of women non fucking stop.
If it's saturday, they don't have hobbies, they don't have a passion, they're not making something
They wake up and go in the streets and go ouga bouga for 12 hours.
That's why we have a hard time. Almost no ouga bouga from us. We're too smart to like women.
High IQ is dysgenic.

Leave, newfag.

Mutts Law

Go back to Canada, Ranjeet

Having sex really isn't that difficult so long as you're not absolutely disgusting, a sperg and willing to approach in person.

The problem is zoomers are too chicken shit to approach in person. The idea of rejection is too much for the frail minds so they only use passive approaches. If you only do online you're judge purely on looks. Attraction irl is more than just looks. There's something about a person's cadence, they way they talk, move etc that people are attracted to.

Tl; Dr: if you act like a bitch, you'll die like a bitch.

Streamers, content creators, and ecelebs. It's really not that complicated.

Imagine thinking this site is the home of earth's high IQ individuals, LOL.

Oh well, I'm smart as fuck and this is where I roam.

it is that's the sad part really

If you read comments here vs virtually any social media you'll realize how stupid most people really are.

incel pretending not to be one

still slips in the PUA language

still ends on a note of random anger

kek. can't hide the incel. it always shows through. women must feel this as "the ick"

Actual intelligent people don't spend too much time taking in the trash thoughts of the masses and polluting their minds, they have some high IQ friends and work to do, mostly.

imagine unironically thinking it isn't.

True but again, they are absolutely getting passed around by the same set of scummy dudes

You would be shocked what women actually fuck with.

women have become ultra whores?

Always were

Name one thing I said that's wrong. Who hurt you, anon?

It's due to what happened in Japan, people became shut ins.

Looking back at my life I can't even figure out how I ended up getting married and having a kid. But then I realized, when I stopped spending all my time glued to my computer of playing video games I became more social.

I guess in relative terms, get off your fucking phone.

women must feel this as "the ick"


or 'cringe' as you understand it

I think it's amazing women will just all fuck the same ugly dudes just because they have no standards anymore.


approaching women in person is PUA

Because you listen to jews on the media.
Get your head out of the jews ass and for once have some dignity.

t. has no idea what the media is like in White countries and has no idea what the gender relationships are like in White countries

Name one thing I said that's wrong.

I didn't say you were wrong. What I said was clear and specific so feel free to read it again.

Who hurt you, anon?

Much like your PUA language this is another terminally online phrase. I don't think you even realize how much your clichés say about you.

It was intentionally cliche you retard I was pointing out how fucked you are.
Have sex

top 10% of men. its hapening more with white women than any other races of females as they are the main target.

ive given up and just become a hermit, the white race is done for desu.

The guy I know who fucks the most is a fat dude with lots of tattoos and a dark triad personality.
He tells his girlfriends that they're not allowed to talk to me because he sees me as a threat because I'm tall.
Motherfucker doesn't even realize women hate me lmao.

I can't get a trad wife like this?!?

Standards are way too high for having a loving relationship where both sides give it their all.

Men want the top 5% most high quality women and women want the same top 5% quality men.

Every 5 and below reacted to this reality with nihilism and hedonism. Men reacted by living comfy, lonely lives. Women reacted by getting as much dick and attention as humanly possible before they turn wrinkly and marry a man they don't care about.

These same guys that complain about women not wanting to lower their standards and only wanting to be with chad also won't lower theirs. But they can't even see it

who tf are women having sex with?

Rich old men
Other women