America is under attack in a Biological-5th-generation warfare.
Covid 'vaccines' are biological weapons designed to mass-kill and mass-maim
Sup jew
Yeah, above average.
Did you swallow?
You're the daddy, I am the mommy today.
Can we agree on that?
Sup jew
when the first post is a "jewish bad-actor" then you IMMEDIATELY KNOW that the thread is a good one.
The thread is already archived, you just don't know it yet.
They want to memoryhole the vaccine/covid/pandemic.
So when is fauci getting arrested?
And while you are at it when is obama getting arrested for it?
Actors who played their part don't get arrested, they get to retire in the countryside.
Fauci is a high level jesuit, nothing will ever happen to him.
Is this news for normies? We told you all in 2019. Morons you just cant save them.
yes, vaccines actually DO cause literal turbo cancer, but here's why that might be a GOOD THING
no refunds
Can get a link OP, I don't want to call you names, I feel good today.
No clip, no link.
The thread is already archived, you just don't know it yet.
Didn't get it. Not my problem.
Covid 'vaccines' are biological weapons
Contracted by the Pentagon/DARPA to pharmaceutical companies to produce the spike glycoprotein.
daily reminder that these pharma companies and the billionaires will walk away scotch free, no government body is going to go after them. They may kill 200-1500 million people in span of 7-15 years, but nobody is going to do anything about it. To begin with, the enemy we're fighting isn't human
This time surely I will be dead in two more weeks, after four years
Autism makes telling faces apart difficult.
>Covid 'vaccines' are biological weapons
Contracted by the Pentagon/DARPA to pharmaceutical companies to produce the spike glycoprotein.
Fuck, I mean, what are the implications of a representative government trying to execute its own people en-mass using nano-technology bio-weapons and mass-media and mass-corecion?
....It means we are a victim of a ENEMIES.
go go doge team. get em!
It's already confirmed that the pharma companies we're just a facade, the "vaccine cocktail" was already made by DARPA/pentagon, the pharma companies were just a distributor.
Autism makes telling faces apart difficult.
its the same lady... Communism makes you not be able to tell the truth, jew.
The biggest enemy of the United States was always it's own people who will hang the power that be when their crimes are exposed.
It's already confirmed that the pharma companies we're just a facade, the "vaccine cocktail" was already made by DARPA/pentagon, the pharma companies were just a distributor.
The pharma companies were in collusion with the CIA and kike politicians.
scotch free
Good morning.
the "vaccine cocktail" was already made by DARPA/pentagon,
To begin with, the enemy we're fighting isn't human
I am starting to think this is the truth.
Look at the crazy nanotechnology in the vaccines. It like like alien technology.
Well duh, only retards took the shot.
I have a video I can't post due to size constraints, that shows a Russian hacking a database with all the data including realtime body state data of recipients of the Sputnik vaccine.
As you can see from this graph, 32% of all batches are saline, 64% contain the vaccine, and 4% are kill shots (actually experimental medicine).
Did you know batches are specifically assigned and recorded?
Time to remember what to do with the rats who caused this.
fucking everybody took the shot. i didnt but everyone else did. all smart people.
What if none of them were people?
64% contain the vaccine
Mrna gene therapy is not a vaccine.
So smart but so stupid. It was a sentience test.
ITT: That alot of four year old euphemism, obfuscation, conflation and doomporn
Globohomo has turned people into parasite incubators -- helminths, protozoa and fungi may be described as "self-replicating, vaguely spikey clumps of protein at micro and nano-scales" and "living language". It's infinitely easier to control neuro-disruptive, hormone-secreting bugs than humans, especially if you feed humans with hyperprocessed slop tailormade for parasites and subject them to immuno-suppressant environmental poisons and parasocisl dogma, and ultimately discredit, ban and criminalize anti-parasitic drugs.
That pic is disinfo.
The Jew put the newsanchor in the image so you think none of those characters at the events were the same actress.
Why are normalniggers 5 years late?
Meme flags make you more blind than you are dedicated.
Contracted by the Pentagon/DARPA
Gee I wonder why?
lust provoking image
opinion discarded
just get the (((brain chips))) from the (((Muskrat))) goy.
You mean Trusting People... They were not as much smart people as they were overly trusting people, in a world deceived by jews at every opportunity.
It really is the mark of the beast
all legit intellectuals, scientists etc etc
I was playing Resident Evil last night and watching a cut scene about the Umbrella Corp virus lab leak and thought to myself - wow real life is so much more lame and stupid. The virus that leaked from the Wuhan lab turned out to be a nothing burger. Then they made record profits and gave a bunch of people heart attacks and cancer with their "vaccine" and covered it up. And now life goes on as normal because the normies are too ignorant to realize what happened. All around disappointment. It really is the banality of evil.
The yellow line is still the 1/800 anon. Nothing what you say can be concluded from this chart.
You're comparing apples to oranges. While I less doubt this is possible, compared to Dutch anon's claims.
Here's one way to eliminate human rights, ta da you're not human. Link was verified but has been scrubbed.
Dutch bro said
Did you know batches are specifically assigned and recorded?
The pic I posted confirms that must be the case, it's too coincidental.
nice link faggot
Yeah, which is the A.I.antichrist system they're going to set up to govern everything, tying brainchipped goys to the zogcloud (after ww3).
Too bad all the reIigions are-kiked-anyway, so who cares.
Too bad they're also using reveIations as a script, etc.
You probably wouldn't recognize a pattern even if it repeatedly raped you in the ass. Sorry you took the vax, anon.
I was referring to the possibility of saline, I just think it's variations of the same product. After independent study on the vax, saline would have popped up no? But didn't follow the discussion all the way, just saw saline claims. I think they're all killshots, just different mechanism at works. Like allergy to LNP's such as ALC-0315 and ALC-0159. Or variations in DNA contamination. Or just differences in humans and their reactions to on or more of these mechanisms.
Go to jail? They should be burnt on stake medieval style
I didn't take it. Why does it have to saline according to you?
ok now plot this along side obesity rate
Another thing is, it could be showing us basically that the likelihood of a young healthy person takes the shot at all
Maybe in these red states, only the fattest, unhealthiest, oldest on-deaths-door faggots took the vax
It really is the banality of evil.
I understood most of your posts but what is a banality of evil? I am very much aware of dark knight plane scene memes where a CIA person asks "bane?" the masketta man. But in this context I do not understand what 'banality' means.
I want to learn more like poo. Wish there were more studies on viral vector. I hope it's not only short term things with that. Any one have info by hand on the first trials of viral vector predating covid, thought it was held in Africa.
Why don't you, you lazy fuck.
I took the vaccine and nothing strange happened.
It's called plausible deniability. People expect all the batches to be the same, so if something adverse were to happen, people will blame themself instead of the injection, because 'other people had no complaints'.
Can you answer the question about saline? There can be other explanations that are more logical than just spout SAAAALIINE I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING.
almost sure so called virus was body's reaction to electromagnetic pollution/radiation, in people who are already poisoned by nasty food consumption.
If you meant why is it saline when it still kills, although slightly? Injections are still dangerous, especially when done by non-professionals, who forget to aspirate on occasion for example.
Not really. Everyone knew, from the start, that they were an untest, "hail-mary" drug, to be used only by people with absolutely trashed immune systems. Pedophile and the rest of the dem party then weaponized it, by forcing it on as many people as they could.
Can I get a qrd? The whole vax/antivax shit never really was present here. Some people preferred to buy the certificate, some did just bare minimum-1 or 2 doses, and at the time when covid already mutated to be milder, so the actual average is like 1.5 doses and got sick 2 times with mostly 0 consequences.
What is bad about the vaccine? And why western health systems more or less collapsed, while our functioned in normal "epidemic" mode, despite being "optimised" by shrinking and underfunded
One of the batches hardly has any side-effects, what could it contain, oh great sage?
Probably radioactive sewage waste.
The Danish (and Swedish) research only looks at relatively short term effects. Nothing has been long term like the 10-15y follow up period that is needed normally. I really want it to be deadly in the long term so I would hate if it was saline. Do you understand what I am saying?
oh just the bare minimum, 1 or 2 jabs
Nigger, what?
Go die in a trench.
I knew russians are retarded, but you seem incapable even of simple speech.
We euthanized for the flu, combing morphine and dedazepam. People can also die of loneliness due to isolation rules etc.
Viruses are a product of infection, not a cause.
One of the first things you learn in the field of experimental immunology.
In essence a virus particle is a garbage bag made by white blood cells. Dead cellular material and broken proteins are packaged in the viruses, which are inert and don't interact with the body in any way other than physically moving around.
Why do they physically move around? Because your feces and your snot and your coughing and sneezing are how the body disposes of all waste, and viruses are inert waste that needs to be disposed of.
In other words, in established science, viruses do nothing, have no effect, are harmless, and can't even infect other people with anything.
Omitting central Africa, roughly 80% of the world population has been vaccinated.
Where are they hiding all the bodies?
So why do flus and colds with the same symptoms go through workplaces genius ?
There's so much evidence it was a bioweapon attack by my government, but there's also so much bullshit misinformation...
Did you know that the CEOs of Pfizer, moderna, j&j, etc did NOT get their own vaccines?
"Wouldn't want to be racist" they said, "let everyone else on earth go first".
That alone ought to be enough of a sign
Don't worry about the saline, 4% received the 'experimental' medicine. You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your belief.
To begin with, the enemy we're fighting isn't human
I am starting to think this is the truth.
this seems like very long and detailed plan.. I just hope we kinda disrupted it, even if just a bit.
Fueled by panic and fearmongering by the government. It's amazing how there will never be any accountability because everyone is evilly stupid and ignorant.
Official covid figures from 2020 indicate that covid never exceeded previous years' flu incidence rates.
There was less covid in 2020 than there was serious diagnosed flu in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and earlier.
The symptoms of covid are less severe than those of a serious case of flu.
Because the causes of those symptoms (flu and colds) are environmental, not viral of bacterial.
Think fishbowls. How do fish get sick, and how do you heal them?
Do you clean the water? Or do you inject the fish to make his insides clean?
The dirty environment's just gonna make the fish more sick.
Workplaces get dirty all the time, some more often than others.
So if an aids nigger came in your ass, it's not the HIV particles that infect you? It must be the spiritual connection then.
So for people with herpes, why does their lips all of a sudden spout bloody sores?
same food, same air, same degenerate lifestyle causes similar symptoms. Also, electromagnetic pollution!
Stop well poisoning you fucking faggot corporate paid well poisoner
here in India they sometimes say "Hare Krishna" after a child sneezes. Similar to 'bless you' in english. Point being, sneezing is really good. Sneezing is healing and obstruction removing. Sneezing while facing the sun is the real cure which they disregarded altogether when they wore those stupid masks. Society is dumb and they will face consequences.
typically fish get sick from parasites bacteria and yes even viruses. you treat fish with medications not changing the fucking water.
"Dirty environment" dirty with what ?
Do is it miasma or body humours?
And yet….
Dude, sneezing is an act of aggression. Think about it. You propel millions of virus particles at high speed, towards hopefully less resistant competitors.
It's like the flu. It actually protects the European people, by only killing their old and weak. Not so much for other races.
You think any of that will come true?
You got conned moron.
Actually spike proteins cause turbo cancer. Not being vaccinated is a death sentence. You haven't been told because we don't want you to survive.
To be the top of anything these days, all you have to do is sell out to public opinion rather than be an actual stand bearer of truth, regardless of popular sentiment. The gut Doktor is the one that can goose step the highest these days apparently.
Remember when all the vaxxies were supposed to die in September 2021? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
It like like alien technology.
Because it is. The jab is part of the hybridization program.
Let's say humans start exploring space and colonizing planets. In fact let's say we have a belief system which makes us feel it is our duty to seed life and spread through the galaxy. Now eventually we come across a planet that is kinda like earth, but a little too hot or cold, the pressure ain't quite right...and the atmosphere is made of argon and methane. But, good luck to us, the planet already contains multicellular life. Maybe even some with intelligence and technology. you really want to go through having to wage a war against these creatures? And after that have to terraform an entire fucking planet to live there? No fuck both those options. But let's say you start to slowly hybridization humanity with the whatever-creatures on planet Kekion 5....let's say you start slowly introducing your DNA into the population. Not only will you have to "adjust" your species to live on this planet anyway, but now you are replacing the native population slowly and without their even knowing it. No wars, no terraforming, no propaganda. And in a few generations, the planet is now full.of humans with whatever-creature DNA mixed in so they can live on the planet. So long as the hybrids share your belief system, who cares what their lungs are made of. This is what the ayys have been doing here
It's like how jews slowly move brown people into a place. For example Los Angeles a mere 100 years ago was white. Now it's all beaner. There was no war, there was no political event....just slowly slowly mix in beaner blood until you have the modern Californian.
You don't terraform entire planets and remove whole species to take over a place. You just add a drop of you to the locals and let it spread until everyone is part you. No muss no fuss, brand new world
Every time I read "TOP DOCTOR" and "BLOWS THE WHISTLE" in a news article I already know its shit for 40 year olds to seethe at in the breakroom.
Can one do evil without being evil? This was the puzzling question that the philosopher Hannah Arendt grappled with when she reported for The New Yorker in 1961 on the war crimes trial of Adolph Eichmann, the Nazi operative responsible for organising the transportation of millions of Jews and others to various concentration camps in support of the Nazi’s Final Solution.
Arendt found Eichmann an ordinary, rather bland, bureaucrat, who in her words, was ‘neither perverted nor sadistic’, but ‘terrifyingly normal’. He acted without any motive other than to diligently advance his career in the Nazi bureaucracy. Eichmann was not an amoral monster, she concluded in her study of the case, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963). Instead, he performed evil deeds without evil intentions, a fact connected to his ‘thoughtlessness’, a disengagement from the reality of his evil acts. Eichmann ‘never realised what he was doing’ due to an ‘inability… to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, he ‘commit[ted] crimes under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for him to know or to feel that he [was] doing wrong’.
I picked up a salty, crunchy snack the other day. I don't usually do that, but it's a holiday thing here.
Can't stop eating it. Probably has every chemical these frankenstein scientists put in our goyslop.
Throwing it out now. People don't realize that it is a scientific process that makes this shit addictive. You literally CANNOT stop eating it.
That's how they've infiltrated our bodies and minds. And culture. It's deadly and satanic.
Glad for the lesson though. I guess we have to learn for ourselves.
Only thing that will help is selfl-abnegation and no one is willing to go that route.
Remember when vaxxtards could into short-term memory? Vaxxridge Farms can't remember.
nooooooooooooooooooooo there were dead people lining the streets please believe me
the streets
no one said "the streets"
no one said exclusively "death" either
hospitals, their own beds, on the playing field, at work, driving, in the grovery store, at the injection campaign, cardio-pulmonary disorder, dementia, miscarriage, infertility, shitty memory can't remember who died already, alzheimers, parkinson
instead, "the streets" lol. kike.
From the bottom up.
Just because Trump won and is engaged in surrounding himself in a cast of anti-science sycophants, doesn’t mean the anti- vaxxers are suddenly vindicated in their beliefs that vaccines are a danger to the public at large. Vaccines have a history of success regardless of the controversy those who live in ignorance want to stir up. Mass media has allowed you to elevate the few exceptions where things went predictably wrong, while continuously downplaying the true success and significance of a vaccine program. You’ll find a host of viral conditions that are no longer a threat to the population due to a well regulated plan of vaccination. German measles, small pox, polio, rubella, and similar childhood diseases were all but non- existent until the recent rise of antivaxxer conspiracy.
That’s cool though, who doesn’t like plague and pandemic now and then.
So in this context, it is about people who do their job perfectly well, without questioning if any of it makes sense.
That's the definition of a golem or shabbos goy
“What is herd immunity” for $500, Wink.
Ding, ding, ding.
lass mich raten du idiot hast dir die experimentelle gen-terapie für die normale erkältung geholt?