US bombers got their clocks cleaned approaching kaliningrad

"Got their clocks cleaned?" Pretty uninspired day today Pavel?

Who the fuck has even seen a mechanical clock in the first world in the last 40 years... holy shit. Third world ass metaphor. anyway carry on

Got their clocks cleaned

and when are you getting your poops scooped, pajeet?

dem yankess got dem CRTs degaussed and dere college applicants admitted on merit I can tell you

pircel, a third world country

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Is the ass going into ass?

replied to wrong fag

it's a cool old metaphor
what would you say, youngun? they got their tiks tokked? fuck outta here

never heard this phrase, must be queero army fag shit

It means punched in the face.

Thise kids should hang up their phones. Videotaping themselves, trying to hog the limelight is just pathetic and unhealthy.

You stupid, loathsome jeet. Do you imagine that ancient B-52s fly with no air cover on an actual mission? This is just a normal "oh hi" intercept, nothing to be excited about.

two b-52's with no escorts,
over countries that have no open conflicts between each other,
way the fuck away from anything resembling an active war zone,

they're not even stealth! where's the flex here?

They really got their rugs beaten
They really had their chimneys swept

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nobody here wants those guys back

Zoomie moment.

I just bought one. I'm literally cleaning it as a project right now.

Happens all the time. This isn't even news.

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based leaf. I would like to build one some day. They appeal to me on an autistic level.

Away. Blew the other guys AWAY.

This happens almost every day. There’s some dick wagging. Then they take photos together. Kinda wholesome actually.

calm down, boomer, or you'll give yourself chest pains again

poo o'clock is not a time

says the guy with the dirty clock
clean your clock
-jorban bebersam

they're not even stealth!

They are trying to decode Russian abilities.
Both sides has been doing this since the first cold war started.

we get it, youre a dedicated russian shill
now go away
thats an order

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What’s your boggle?

its fine I'm stealthed

Hoy mate do you have a loicense to fly up there

its like saying someone got punched really hard and knocked out.

so did Russia blow these bombers out of the sky or not? otherwise no clocks were ever cleaned.

if russia actually attacked US bombers over international waters they just earned their own clock cleaning.

The correct parlance would've been to say something like, 'The Ruskies had their O', or 'the US had their O handed to them lurking around Russian borders'.

T. sorry i lost in Afghanistan while my wife lost her faithfulness to nigger cock

Antique clocks are some the only things on boomerbook that isn't sold by Pardeep.

They're a dime a dozen nowadays, and most people think they have some ultra rare mahogany built clock from like 1780s or something and ask for way too much, but simple searches will give proper evaluations. The broken ones are basically given away.

That f35 looks like the fat, retarded younger brother that the f18 & 16 have to take everywhere with them.

Slide thread

We really got our pipes clean by the sandniggers in Afganistan.

plot-twist: his wife IS nigger cock and it has eaten over 9000 children


The news will run anything that whips people into a war frenzy

Not really... 20 years of keeping taliban on a leash with a few thousand troops.

what would you say, youngun? they got their tiks tokked?

Most people would have said "asses raped" because that is something people can relate to thanks to the society your generation built.

Leftoids are right, chuds really can't stop fantasizing about nigger dick. Just be the sissy you were meant to be already, fag.

And who runs Afganistan now?

The U.S. bombers did not change their pre-planned flight pattern during what was deemed a safe and professional intercept by the Russian Su-27s, the U.S. official told Reuters.

Do nothing. Declare victory. It’s the Russian way.

It is pre-Boomer

Doesn't matter. We allowed them to take over.

Holding Afghanistan was a geographic power move.

US bombers got their cocks cleaned by vatnik mouths?


3000 dead

20000 wounded

suicide at an all-time high

Taliban parades now include US helicopters

power move

$300 million ever day for 20 years

Your injury is not service related

what would you say, youngun? they got their tiks tokked?

US left with gaping clown ass as Russia hands them their O on a platter.

Yes anon, soldiers get shit end of the stick. You just figure that out?

It's more like 20 years of controlling that part of the world's opium supply and air space between Iran, Russia and China.

The news is that russia was actually able to find planes that are still fit to fly.

Wake me when they intercept an F22 or a B2. Those Russian shitheaps would be obliterated before a B52 even left the tarmac.

The question is why is burgermutt military on European territory in the first place?

moorish rape baby

Post blue eyes, Eduardo. I'll post mine.

I'm beginning to think Trump was elected because Americans can't stand the humiliation anymore. For the last 10 years, for the US military (supposedly the strongest military in the world) there has been nothing but humiliation after humiliation.

You can thank my ancestors for whatever little white blood you have flowing in your veins, indio.

Only jew rats, homosexuals, transgenders and pedophiles support Ukraine

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youre aware russia lost tens of thousands of men when they lost to afghfanistan right? please get your propaganda correct


Russia went into Afghanistan unwillingly, then pulled out ceremoniously in neat columns, admitted defeat, and even went so far as to commit seppuku

America willingly went into Afghanistan, then they got chased out in underwear by talichads, and still the Mutt isn't able to admit defeat - instead they insist on dragging down the whole world with them in their collapse

Turns out Shaniqua and Pablo don't make the best soldiers.

massive invasion is "unwilling"

doublethink doesn't work. they got slaughtered. tens of thousands dead and it led to the biggest mafia in russian history being formed which still exists to this day. please stop trying to shill for them.

tiks tokked

after ww2 many countries in europe began to work together and with north american countries (e.g., usa and canada). when communism ended, most post-warsaw pact countries wanted to prevent any future war from russia (prediction came 100% true as every non-nato country got attacked by russia). it also was incentive for some balkan countries in order to prevent turkey from invading, which is why turkey isn't invading greece

You're conveniently omitting the glowie interference in those countries that "got invaded for no reason at all".
I don't see Russia invading any of the -stans or Mongolia.


the Afghan government that asked for USSR's help stayed in power for 4 more years. Your fantasies won't become reality if you post them hard enough

i dont omit anything. this is hard reality that everyone accepts. similar reason why turkey cant invade greece.
and what happened to that "afghan government"? gone. along with the lives of tens of thousands of russians who died there. americans lost like 2,500 people in 20 years. in both cases the lessons was learned: you cant teach mountain sand niggers how to build a road.

yes yes KDR wins every time. It was dented a bit by niggers falling from the wheels of planes taking off in panic but who cares

Learn some history. Though I'm aware that asking a poolack to learn history is like asking an Indian to take a shower.
Firstly, how can an allied intervention be called an invasion? That would be like if NATO deployed troops into Ukraine, and then you call that "NATO invasion of Ukraine"
Secondly, yes, they were very unwilling. Afganistan practically begged the USSR on countless occasions to get involved, and they refused time after time.

We believe it would be a fatal mistake to commit ground troops. [...] If our troops went in, the situation in your country would not improve. On the contrary, it would get worse. Our troops would have to struggle not only with an external aggressor, but with a significant part of your own people. And the people would never forgive such things.

– Alexei Kosygin, the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, in response to Taraki's request for Soviet presence in Afghanistan

Following Kosygin's rejection, Taraki requested aid from Leonid Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Soviet head of state, who warned Taraki that full Soviet intervention "would only play into the hands of our enemies – both yours and ours". Brezhnev also advised Taraki to ease up on the drastic social reforms and to seek broader support for his regime

And so on.
Only after years of begging and after Amin started meeting with American diplomats to try and secure their support did the Soviets reluctantly get involved.

pictures dont really matter. russia lost tens of thousands of people in afghanistan and was defeated by afghanistan. you are just trying to claim that a puppet government which doesnt exist anymore is proof something. it doesn't matter. afghanistan kicked out the yankees adn the russians and there is nothing your writing can do to change that, nor can it bring back to life the tens of thousands of russians who died there.
its not intervention it was invasion. communism is a foreign ideology invented by the jew, karl marx, to spread internationalism. "intervening" to preserve communism is invasion. so they got defeated in afghanistan. and the afghan govt doesnt exist anymore it got destroyed the russians died for nothing. the ussr doesnt even exist anymore, completely gone and won't ever come back.

Like I said:

I'm aware that asking a poolack to learn history is like asking an Indian to take a shower.


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i dont really care what kind of lazy ad homs you write here. the soviet union doesnt even exist anymore, all those people died for a country that doesnt exist.

You're the one that equated the USSR with Russia in your first comment.
This is beyond goalpost shifting.

was defeated by afghanistan

blessed retard, won't read the rest of your gore fantasy, enjoy

because russia was the heart of the ussr. putin was an agent that worked for the ussr. they all died, tens of thousands dead. they lost the war and lost the union.
sorry to say but the ussr lost so bad they dont even exist anymore. you can write about how Poland makes you upset etc but im sorry to say its over

Russnigger shills are extra desperate today for some reason.
Did something happen or are you still seething about ruble?

they got their tiks tokked?



t. 5 year old retard

are you saying wing commander laquisha isn’t a skilled airforce academy graduate?