Why do we care about Ukraine again?

Why do we care about Ukraine again?

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Putin is LITERALLY Hitler

If the jewish zelenksy and kolomoisky dont win their war then biden doesnt get paid.
10% of nothing is zero for the big guy.

We clearly don't


It's just a bunch of slavs fighting another bunch of slavs over who sucks jew dick harder

I just want Zelensky specifically to die
preferably on live TV

They're getting invaded. No country should be allowed to invade other. It's actually all pretty simple.

What if he turns his head?

I started out supporting Ukraine then I learned about Zelenski and now every day that goes by I wish for his demise.

They kill russniggers on behalf of us thank them

COVID takes over the world

on the TV, radio, Internet 24/7

cannot escape it anywhere

so "deadly" we shut the world down for 2 years

most people in public super paranoid, wearing masks, taking dodgy shots

one day, Putin invades Ukraine

news sources drop COVID, talk about Ukraine 24/7

within a few days all the masks are gone

nobody is worried about COVID any more even though nothing regarding COVID can have changed just because Russia invaded Ukraine

It's all so tiresome. I lost so much faith in people's IQ levels when I saw that happen.

I don't care who it is. Invading another country is wrong. Doesn't matter if it's NATO bombing some middle eastern shithole or Russia invading a neighbor. It's wrong.

You made a thread about it so look within yourself, is it perhaps the current thing for your political affiliation?

You will never be a jew

Your MIC needs it.

Total Hohol Death, of course.

Didn't you learn from the global war on terror, moron? America is a force of moral good in the world, democracy and liberalism is the goodest thing there is. We liberated the desert people from their evil society and they love us for it. We also defeated the evil terrorists, because we're good guys. Now the evil terrorist PUTLER is threatening democracy in Ukraine. In other words, it's kinda like another Holocaust (except 6,000,000x better obviously since it's white people dying, not us chosen).

Ukraine are the good guys like the Revengers in my Marvelous movies

Also this

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I think they also used Covid as a way of fine tuning their propaganda techniques.

russia sucks ass and we don't want them to win and spread more aids

inb4 zigger seething

This. Those Russian soldiers, who've committed tens of thousands of documented war crimes, are on Ukrainian soil illegally. Nationalists all over the world understand that borders are sacred and these trespassers have no right to invade another country, slaughter the inhabitants and try to steal their land.

$26 trillion in natural resources. People who like money care about Ukraine -- specifically, finding ways to take their stuff. The war is about a convenient way for oligarchs, Western corporations, Saudis, and everyone else to get in there and divide up everything for grabs, with the people in Ukraine having zero say over how their resources are being sold off.

Americans don't care about Ukraine specifically, but they do care about sovereignty and fairness in general. So you take our racial enemy (murderous, alcoholic, AIDS-ridden barbarians who threatened to nuke our parents or grandparents), see them invade all their little neighbors - Georgia, Transinistria, Chechnya - well, you start to think "these fucking faggots deserve to get their shit ATACM'd". Of course, faggots like you aren't American, you're some fucking Russkie communist piece of shit being forced to post this retarded garbage by Kremlin spies from some gulag in Siberia. You think you can spin it to make it about Zelensky, or this, or that, but really, Americans don't care about any of that bullshit, we just hate your kind and want you to lose your war, fuck you.

Why do we care about Ukraine again?

its not about ukraine, its about russia starting a retarded war in europe because they cant cope they lost a potato field when the USSR collapsed on its ass.
lets imagine a scenario where the west did fucking nothing to help ukraine:

hohols get steamrolled in 2 weeks

the entire population of ukraine runs away to europe

total fucking chaos on the continent

russia proud of itself is now looking to gobble up other territories they lost when the USSR collapsed

starts another invasion against country X after crying about imaginary reasons to start the invasion

America got this figured out - when they invade somebody and start a war, they do it against a country on the opposite side of the fucking planet, not their neighbour.

Because you started it, now you have to see it through.
You can't just pretend to not care once you're humiliated.

yes but enough about russia.

It's been like a Las Vegas for crooked Western politicians for 30+ years. Money laundering, shady deals, drugs and kid fucking.

Nah we'll leave it to the UK, it's their project, ultimately.

British financial families control the US, so.. good luck with that (honestly)

UK, it's their project

it is?

Datamining thread

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Moskva flagship

Oh nonononono

because what will stop russia to invade other countries? russia must bleed as much as possible.

We actually don't
We just like seeing our duly elected officials launder money

Yet the only people who care are the no borders type who favour endless refugees.
Why is that?

America got this figured out - when they invade somebody and start a war, they do it against a country on the opposite side of the fucking planet, not their neighbour.

We (generally) also try to win wars, we don't use it as a vehicle to get rid of undesirables. We have done some shitty stuff, sure, but can you imagine a Russia-like USA? Invade Mexico, lose half a million troops, lose Texas after a couple years of fighting, and then threaten to nuke everyone?

Tankies are pro russian

i dont

Cause I want this kike to lose.

Russian Boogie Man Bad!!

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Nobody does, the only """people""" who praise the Jewkraine are people paid to do so.

Why are there like 20 threads about Ukraine up? Did [side I implicitly support] just make massive gains?


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because we must protect the baltics at all costs

you dont the mic just needed a place to spend the iraq and Afghanistan budget. looks like the cia is brewing up a few new wars to take uhg place then you’ll never hear about the ukraine again.

You know why they put the kike in office there, though? Their politicians were all corrupt, been bought and paid for by the Russians. If you were on Anon Babble back when they kicked out their politicians, you'd have seen all the pictures of their mansions with golden toilets and shit. All of their politicians were like that. He was a tv comedian that played the president, and they didn't have any real politicians that weren't venal. It was a retarded but well-meaning move. It doesn't really matter if it was Zelensky or anybody else though, if they got literally anybody else who refused to play ball with Russia to shit in a golden toilet, Putin was going to invade.

You'll never be American,

They used to, lately their power as well as that of the Jews is waning. Signs are all over. Heck DEI and nepotism has made it so they can't even assassinate Presidents any more.

Soon the Ukraine project will fail, it's not even really up to anybody but Russia any more. And the fallout will probably drive the UK into a decade long depression, that and infinite poos on infinite welfare like they have now. Truly, they bet the farm on Khazaria.

I don't give a shit about ukraine, I just want for ww3 to start and possibly evolve rapidly in an all out nuclear conflict which will reset most societies (which is the exact reason most people in power will NEVER start a nuclear war, everyone wants to preserve the status quo where they are in power)

Doesn't matter if you care or not. See pic. Trump is going to do the biggest bait and switch of all time on Ukraine. Here is his counter terror chief nominee. Saying that trump will give Ukr so much aid that what they have got so far will look like peanuts

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Because kikes want to take the place back and make us fight to do it.

t. desperate Russian cope

Everybody hates you, Ivan

a paragraph explaining how Zelensky is actually Russian

Didn't read. You kikes really are mindbroken.

I dont. Never did. None of me business, m8.


I thought trump was hitler?

I thought trump was hitler?

what are you asking, faggot?
I love how all of pol is so giving Ukraine all our energy every day, cheerleading for the good guy has never felt better. Ukraine is the light in the darkness against Putin and Trump's facism, the beacon of liberal democracy. I can't wait til we finally eradicate Russia off the global stage and then we can finally have peace and open societies. If someone told me that 3 years later Ukraine, a sovereign independent state would still be holding on against the unprovoked fascist invasion by Russia I wouldn't believe them. What happened to "3 days to Kyiv" Putler, Imao!