Economic Libertarianism doesn't work

Economic Libertarianism doesn't work

avoided hyperinflation left in place by Massa/Kirchner/Fernandez (yes, a 50% m/m inflation annualized is 7000%)

lowered inflation to the lowest values since 2020 in 7 months (inflationary tax close to 0%, meaning no distortion in prices)

solved central bank internal debt (now there is no need to keep printing money to pay its own debt to private banks)

from now on, money emission is 0, meaning all government expenses are paid with the Treasury's surplus (Massa/Kirchner were printing ARS equivalent to 60 USD BILLIONS PER YEAR = 220% annual inflation to compensate a fiscal deficit of 20% of the GDP)

solved import debt (dissolved SIRAs), people can import things again.

achieved a budget surplus after 10 years (now the Treasury can pay for the huge internal debt left by Massa/Kirchner, and now deregulations and tax cuts can start to take place)

positive trade balance

energy export surplus

Central Bank reserves increased by 17b USD; Massa/Kirchner left reserves at USD 16b NEGATIVE (yes, that means they spent people's fractional deposits money)

all of this without price controls, maximum prices, minimum prices, etc.
all of this without confiscation of people's deposits (theft)

rearming "armed" forces

Armed Forces allowed to parade again

military marchs allowed again

welfare checks are now given directly from the government to those in need, "social organizations" can no longer use the poor as slaves; no more demonstrations to threaten the government to get money

police allowed to kill niggers again.

removed public funding to (((MSM))), 95% of the MSM is against him, jurnos are on the verge of going broke.

retook lands given to (((mapuches))) by massa/kirchner, now the argie flag waves again on argie soil.

concealed carry deregulation law being discussed

remade and reformed pension equation so pensioners don't lose money against inflation.

But sure libertarianism "doesn't work".

It works but not for the common folk.

Over one year in the office

Still the highest inflation in the world

Like that's not bad enough, he is crushing Argentinians with austerity

>rearming "armed" forces

>Armed Forces allowed to parade again

>military marchs allowed again

Reminder that Argentina under Classical Peronism in the 40s and 50s was ideologically closer to Mussolinist Fascism than to Marxist Socialism.
Peron would kill all of the neo-peronists

"He couldn't undo 70 years' worth of mismanagement and structural issues within his first year in office therefore he FAILED"

What a retard

is it really that easy?

- If it doesn't work, how come it's working?
- If lefty shit works so well, how come it never works?

Crushing the working class and middle class is going to save Argentina


Libertarianism doesn't work

What does?
A dozen politicians who never run a business in their lives should make economic decision for 100 million people?

His economic policy was still shit though, and the reason why your country became a dumpster fire in the first place. He should have copied Franco and liberalized the economy after the war to ensure the financial solvency of his regime

i dont even know what a montenegro is,
only thing i know is he dont even verifies what he post, venezuela has more inflation this year

A lunatic that claims how his dead dog is talking to him should made decisions instead


which one is better milei's argentina or literally who macedonia

why is a montnigger discussing argentinian politics ???show your true face exiled kuka

A lunatic that claims how his dead dog is talking to him should made decisions instead

But that's literally what not is going on retard.

Crushing the working class and middle class is going to save Argentina

He's doing exact opposite you retard

As soon as you hear

economic shock therapy

you know you're about to get jewed

Milei did claimed to talk to his dead dog. He also seems to be more attracted to dogs than to women. Homosexual and in to bestiality, a literal caricature that came to life lmao

retail sales in free fall

meat consumption lower than ever before

poverty rates at 60%

STILL 3% MONTHLY inflation

budget surplus is a lie because debt is going up

China can make the entire country go bust anytime they want

How is it even possible to fuck shit up like this in 6 months? Is this some kind of kike magic or something?

By taking away and lowering all of their benefits, welfare, pensions, public salaries etc
Do you even know what is austerity? I guess not, that's why you are shilling for him and have that AnCap flag

ofc it work what are you some kind of communist?

Is this some kind of kike magic or something?

Yes, this crypto-kike also gave all their gold away, and he is going to do sellout his country even more.

“Freedom” “Freedom” “Freedom” is the Siren’s song of the Libertarians.

The NAP and BTC do work.
Anarcho Capitalism: 1
Libertarianism: 0

the reason why your country became a dumpster fire in the first place

Peron didn't do that, people who came after him did it, especially this faggot Onganía, a retarded niggerlover, he created alot of favelas and made previously safe areas incredibly unsafe.
Also Alfonsín and his hyperinflation
And most recently, the Kirchners with their "Plan Patria Grande" which basically opened the borders to let in millions of brown immigrants making Argentina just as brown as the rest of Latin America.

During the last years of Peron's regime, Argentina looked like this

OnganĂ­a.jpg - 347x437, 79.73K

Seriously considering moving to Argentina

the main goal of libertarianism is to allow jews to take control of an economy. "regulation bad" is the biggest jewish trick in history.

If that's the case then why do companies always lobby for more regulations?

Two children of enlightenment liberalism. Capitalism, where rich jews take control over government. Other one communism,where jewish government takes over business.

Your argument is kind of retarded because the working class was already getting crushed by escape velocity inflation. The typical socialist country like the one you are talking about works because the country itself has some degree of economic stability.
It's not like the guy lied or anything. He said he wanted to fix the economy doing a bunch of anarcho-capitalist things , he got voted, and he kind of did fix it.

1 result
well done dutchie for the single relevant post in the entire fucking thread

The only thing libertarianism/liberalism/neoliberalism is good for is creating national socialists and anti semites.

This guy decreased inflation from 320% to 190% in one year

I thought this guy will be another trump, retarded and incompetent but at least for now he's working

Argentina built a system of benefits, welfare, pensions, public salaries that they were aware was unsustainable.
When the economy stopped growing and their population started aging it all fell apart.

It is a common left-wing tactic in latrin america. You inflate the budget with all kinds of gibs and let the successor deal with the unsustainability of that system. The people, retarded, will remember the good times when the commies were in power and the gibs were flowing and the bad times with the cuckservatives in power when the gibs were cut.

Lex Fridman

Who is this?

A FED and an israeli asset.