European vs African art

European vs African art.


Learning and virtue vs muh dik

Hahahahahahaha fuckin 'muh dick' the nigger's clarion call across the historical ages, lmao.

whatever u say faggot


Brural mogging.





muh dik

Our art

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That's still objectively not equal to the European one.

anyone can sculpt and paint realistic figures (I know I can and if you can't thats a you problem), few can do interesting shapes and look beyond 'muh realism' which is actually not realistic. Cubism is more realistic than photorealism if we want to go that route.
You people cannot into art. You like to pose as good christians but back in the days christians thought deeply about representation and what it entails. You are so out of touch you're below cavemen.
Infinite regression towards amoebas because of your nazi-esque appeal to nature.
Nature is the worst thing there can be, and you people are the opposite of prometheans.
Weak, pathetic creatures, subservient to mother nature. absolute cuckolds to the rules imposed on you.
that's no wonder you love to suck on dictators cum all the time. You're submissive men looking to take it up the ass every day of your lives.

Italians aren't white, remember?

while not literal ape tier, its still quite primitive

we wuz dic

European art vs globohomo art
Is this another little dark age

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Imo Jeets shine in architecture, things like Taj Mahal, Ellora caves, that Rajput fortress or whatever that tall Temple that gets painted over in festivals is called

Med vs Nord art

yeah jeet architecture is quite stunning

Neither were made by white people, remember


Slavs at it again

I like the art without the dicks

t. spic

those people are long gone

Well Middle Easterners can be quite good at that too
Shame islam crippled their artistic ability except in calligraphy and architecture
It looks like a weird exotic gothic, I am frankly surprised they came up with it

How about this? Its Gandhara school of art so we adopted the style from Greek bros.

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few can do interesting shapes and look beyond 'muh realism' which is actually not realistic. Cubism is more realistic than photorealism if we want to go that route.

Hey Rabbi, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Both of those were made like 200 years ago max. Show me credible proof of Ancient Rome ever existing. You never tried to look. It’s all been faked as a way to increase the economy. It helps to have a backstory basically. The minds chakra energies have a focal point that is channeled using direct sunlight. Radiation poisoning through this point has caused unshakable pain and confusion. But graphs go sky high. Money is in the green. Happiness levels are in the red. They even write our language. You drones never asked why you say hi. Hi is just a sound you make to greet. Why was that chosen by the writer? When I figure that out I’ll make a post. Stay tuned. Im watching you you little fucking spic bitch. Im going to assrape you.

This is from 500 B.C. Spaniards prior to even contacting Rome.

wow ngbubu has gone mad

You can found all stolen item from you country in Britain museums
Hopefully pajeet shit on every street in London soon.


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I would argue Queirolo and Bernini surpassed you in statuary
Though no one comes close to the Greeks who made the original Laocoon and the seated boxer. Now that is perfection, not too minimalist nor too overdone

If you disagree with me, you are on the same level as him , a schizo and a retard.
I am right and you are wrong.
weak pathetic loser


Roman*. Bong art didn’t differ much from that of the Africans


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credible proof of Ancient Rome ever existin

I know you are an amerimongrel because you mistook a Renaissance statue by Michelangelo for a Roman one lol

you seem to be very very mad

Some Celtic metal art is actually quite nice, will post pics if I find them
Ofc some negro art can also be nice like the Ife heads

Michelangelo did not simply paint or sculpt realistically, that's your first mistake. There is much more going on than "realism" and if you can't see that, its probably beyond the upper limit of your IQ. And no, you cannot create work like Michelangelo did... you delusional frog.

I'm a nietzschean

We are now here

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At least post the good stuff.

been saying this for a while
history is fake
total history death

That looks like a real woman turned into stone. Really impressive.

It really looks like exotic gothic, though it also reminds me a bit of santa Maria del fiore's facade
By contrast, it's weird that painting never really took off much in india if not in the forms of religious icons or miniatures on books since the availability of materials locally would have meant great potentiality

And the Ibgo Ukwu bronzes
Benin bronzes are overrated though

I quite like michelangelo actually. I was making a point. Though its not as good as people with absolutely no knowledge of arts besides those veiled statues that look like theyve been coomed on.
I think I could make something like him I'm very gifted. But I prefer to make my own path, I seek to be an artist. An adventurer of the form.

Absolutely insane, this was probably carved from a single piece of stone too

anyone can sculpt and paint realistic figures (I know I can and if you can't thats a you problem

why doesn't he look like a Pajeet?

Though its not as good as people with absolutely no knowledge of arts besides those veiled statues that look like theyve been coomed on

make it out to be*

Weren’t celts more widespread in Ireland? I always thought the irish were considered their descendants

Literally NOBODY was talking about you, Rapejeet. Why the fuck are you even in this thread? Die.

And the Ibgo Ukwu bronzes

Agreed. Igbo-Ukwu art is lovely.

influenced by Greece most likely but great sculpture nonetheless.

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Celts used to be all over Europe all the way to modern turkey (Galatians)
They got mogged by Germanics and other fellas
Their culture only remains really in the British Isles, but isnt their origin
They come from central Europe

Putin, Trump etc. are the type of slimeball who would sell their kids to be married off to the jews so that we can all enjoy their continued presence.

Tranny art student goes nuclear because autists on Anon Babble have actuall taste

Nigger just make good art and stop praising globohomo shit.
I have seen what the tiny hats in austria accepted for entry pieces for the academy, meanwhile mustacho martyr got denied because he was an autodidact and learned painting by doing it instead of kowtowing(read:bribing) jewish art teachers that woud write "recommandations" for shekels.

Like, you dont have to be an artfag to see the bullshit that was going on, i dont have the picture of the other candidates, but it was all dumb shit that coud have literally been produced by hunter biden to launder money.

Someone please post it

tldr, youre a malding tranny without taste and i woud advise you to suck dick in the streets instead of larping as art critic

Well it did flourish in non Islamic parts of the nation like South India. But its more in abstract form. My grandmother's brother is a pretty famous classical painter by the way.

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so Italians are white?

You havent experienced the glory of humanity until you've stepped into titanic European castles and cathedrals

Actually, I'm convinced both of the "sculptures" in the op are 3d printed.

I respect the idea here. Naturalistic art, once perfected, is little different from that captured through mundane means. You've demonstrated perfect skill to create or recreate as you please, and you made the one thing proven to be easiest to make—that which already exists!

except Michelangelo's David was made by hand over 500 years ago and that indian slop was made in a mass produced bronze cast this year.

ancient egypt wasn’t middle eastern.
the middle eastern takeover of egypt is a faith recent thing.
read a history book.
egypt ever since the fall of its pharaohs has been controlled by one group or the other.

It’s meant to elevate the soul not the libido.

open thread

google european art

google african art

make this post

ancient Egypt

African art

That's Kaaper, an Egyptian scribe from the early dynastic kingdom. Not his lack of nigger features. Kaaper, like the pharaohs, was white.



kys piggy

Celts used to live in the Balkans as well and some offshoots made it into (or rather were deported to by Greeks) Anatolia, in Galatia
The Celts used to inhabit all the British isles but their languages (and partially their genetics too, but to a much lesser extent) were pushed out by Anglosaxons and remained only in Ireland, as you said and Scotland, Wales, Man island, once in Cornwall too, while on mainland Europe their languages survived only in Brittany, NW France
More Celtic art mostly from France for reference
It has something rococo-esque which I can't quite put my finger on, very unique insofar as even later art forms in the broader Niger delta did not replicate that style but were either more realistic like the Ife heads

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Obviously, the mediterraneans knew on which side the godly side was, being sandwiched in between complete monkeys and nordic gods.

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and in northern spain too.

Yeah. Yoruba artisans seemed most keenly interested in glasswork. Massive market for their beads. Not so much for metal.

Seethe more brownoid.

Does the United States even have Cathedrals/Churches this beautiful?

This is just neo-gothic and neo-romanesque. Hardly claimable as uniquely "canadian."

Humans did not build them, these are the work of alien monsters

uniquely "canadian."

Nobody said it was uniquely Canadian, but if you're trying to detract from structures being built in Canada then the Greek statue in the OP is Greek, not European, and has nothing to do with people in Germany or England or Spain.

I'm also an autodidact... Many people can draw 'realistically', its such an easy skill to train: just go outside and copy till it looks like what you're looking at.
So straightforward : boring.
I profess strength: the ability to look beyond and make art stand for itself.
Not a subservience to technicity and what pictures can make 100 times faster and better looking.
And you forgot a component of what generally makes people invested in art for their lifetime: emotion.
Hitler had no place for emotion in his paintings, (except the one with snow which is quite ok) at the same time you had Schiele and klimt running around changing history. (not a super fan of kilmt anyways)
Start caring about art. Not the social order. Be strong and make your own path

posts a White man

really makes you think

Renaissance sculpture like the david is actually quite distinct from classical greek sculpture. They're informed by similar philosophies but the david is part of an artistic tradition that includes the middle ages and the romans.

You mean Galicia/Asturias/Cantabria? The only sorta Celtic thing there afaik are their bagpipes whose name I forgot (think Hevia) but even then those are not exclusively Celtic, eg southern Italians have them too yet Celts never got there, and minus Basque all languages in Northern Spain are romance
I actually don't know much about Yoruba glasswork tbf, post it.

Cubism is more realistic than photorealism if we want to go that route.

Jewish (((modern art))) isn't realistic, french anon. You are just have been exposed to jewish "modern" "art" of people who really do no real art.

and oh yeah when you consume copium amounts of alcohol and use that - that's also not a good art

t. lived for several decades with 2 women who graduated with art degrees.

and probably have more paintings in my house than you can guess.

Classical Greek work is often highly idealized

The peak of roman work, on the other hand, is in their exceedingly fine detailed portraiture

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I'm very gifted. But I prefer to make my own path, I seek to be an artist.

Good luck anon, just FYI, males at those art degrees tend to be drunks who consume lots of alcohol (and probably drugs in this day) .
Stay away from drug abusers and alcoholics, even when they'll claim that's how you open up your creativity.
Do identify real art vs. junk art of connected people without any skills.
Wish you success.

Yoruba glasswork

I didn't download many to my collection when I searched. I prioritized copper and brass.
The beads in this woman's hair and on her clothes were the most common kind. Finding more.

"roman" "work"

People already realizing these are too computer perfect to be made with only chisels .

probably need to load these into CAD software to realize these are too perfect.

Hi. You have schizophrenia. Please seek medical help.

Is this cope?

I much prefer Hellenistic era statuary art
Complex, yet not too much, and far more realistic yet espressive

how many weird heathen images can I carve into one piece of rock while shitting

primitive and gay


You jeets are the monsters in this world.

Ty, for some reason I thought it would also include beads like the Phoenician ones which were all sorts of human and animal shaped, picrel, actually thinking of buying a couple of them from a friend who deals in such stuff

there's effort,I won't deny, but I don't like it aesthetically
idk bro just doesn't vibe with me pajeet fr fr on god

I can't account for the date of this style here, but it's cute.

unga bunga muh dik



There's your realism for you. I'll take the one on the right thank you very much.


Haha look at my cherry picked example from NORTH AFRICA which is a completely different species of human

you fucking nigger faggot

"same race"

well yeah I'm a sober person and I'm quite aware of the hacks so I wouldn't worry about that.
Problem is I'm mostly interested in cinema as an art and its quite hard to get into.
Problem with films you can't start with the finished product and then sell it, you have to lie to people who do not care about art but only stories (but they get mad when you write a scenario like a novel, which is truer to the cinematic form).

NOBODY was talking about you
Pajeets are like foids always want to be the center of attention. kys

I see merchant in the shadow

it's always greco-roman art that's posted by german barbarians to lay claim to the ancient greatness out european civilization

Looks just like a modern day boomer.
You could probably take this guy out of ancient rome, put him in a boomer's position, teach him one or two things and he would be 1:1 a boomer.

In the old testament the jews would just snip the bit of skin that extended past the head so it's actually historically accurate.

You can't rationalize artsy stuff and order it in even semiobjective scales once you go beyond realism. Give a man an arsenal of sophistries which is large enough, and he will end making a defense of Fontana over Phidias. Realism entails the most to this day because that is what man can reliably measure

It's not GrecoRoman, it's Renaissance
But yeah it's not Germanic, sad that Germanics can't post their own stuff since they are far from devoid of artistic accomplishments, they have in fact quite a lot of their own

One of my favorite neo-classical sculptors is Bertel Thorvaldsen who was danish-icelandic. He worked in Rome and I heard he wasn't allowed to sign some of his vatican commissions because he was a lutheran.

help me chad I threatened your wife and kids online but you hate them to r-right?

Damn thats some cope

fun fact about Greco-Buddhism:
many statues in central asia and east india have a vaguely greek statue-esque appearance and that is because during alexander the great's conquest of the area a lot of greek artists settled and after converting to buddhism fashioned many of the statues. buddhism being a hindu religion (buddhists will disagree but buddha himself was hindu) then back-influenced hindu statues. one could say that greek culture spread across most of asia when it comes to statue making.
and a fun speculation: buddhism because of the greeks then spread further west all the way to greece itself and because greece back then was the most populous and important nation in the world (10% of all humans on earth were greek back then) buddhism spread throughout all greek colonies. in fact there was an active buddhist community in alexandria, egypt, during jesus' time and some say that this is where jesus travelled in his missing youth years and this is why jesus' teachings have so many similarities to buddhism.

Looks the same to me. Bunch of southern niggers with no sense

ayo why did they destroy the noses tho

it's a very common defacing method. pretty much all old statues in the world have missing noses because it's only a matter of time until someone pissed off at the person depicted throws a rock at the face breaking off the nose.
whenever a nation would conquer another nation (which happened all the time) they would usually deface all the statues and murals.
that's also why a lot of hieroglyphs in egypt are defaced or painted over or obscured. it's layers upon layers of somebody's "killroy was here" graffiti.

He worked in the same time as Canova, right? Sadly he is not very well known here despite having spent so much of his life here, but then again we tend to ignore 1700 and early 1800s art relative to other periods. Anyway imo Germanics and more broadly Northern European types tend to excel at painting over statuary art overall

New baguette flavored pasta just dropped?

Where'd you get that from? Pastor Billybob's interpetation? In all the cultures that practiced it male circumcision is the same across the board. It's the female one that varies.

Iirc the depiction of the God wind Boreas even made his way to Japan, as did Heracles in the form of protector of Buddha
Is that a mustache

Faggot OP:

European vs African art

Street shitter:



Oh my God fuck OFF
WHY do you fucking brown street shitting piss drinkers have to fuck up everything simply by EXISTING?

Why is all the online hate against indians?

In part, this is why.
I so much wish for Pakistan to nuke you fucks to extinction, and then get wiped out in the counterstrike...

Lmao their faces always make me lmao. They’re thinking who the fuck let these niggers in here, lmao. We didn’t even grow cotton!

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My favourite was the viking who visited Haghia Sophia and just scribbled "Halfdan was here"

Is that a mustache

yeah, looks kind of chinese doesn't it?

You even had the AI hand and arm artifacts back then.

That’s stunning

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Dicklet jewboy seethe.

That's exactly what I was thinking

Mexicans have a similar beard and mustache to Chinese and other Asians. (Obviously)

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New baguette flavored pasta just dropped?



Insufferably arrogant?


Weaponized fart huffing and naval gazing?


Desperately in need of having his teeth kicked in?


Smell the unwashed pits and smug through the screen?


Incomprehensible argle-bargle AIDS commie gibbering?


Yeah I'd say it's fresh baked pasta... all for you.

dis y wypipo b raycis nigga

muh dik nigga


Both are jews.

Man their taste in dressing has really gone downhill


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Post your work anon

I work in stained glass.
Existing patterns and I've recently started making my own patterns.
Copper foil and lead came both, though I prefer foil. It's more difficult and fragile, but the results are more organic and the detail is finer.
I have not tried combining it with glass painting yet - hopefully, that is next.
One step at a time, anon

If they had hygiene and plumbing, I'd like them.

This isn’t even a Church, but a literal Macy’s department store in Chicago

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Kek you aren't even a real person. There is no credible proof you exist, therefor everything you say is without meaning or worse, a falsehood. You never asked

Am I real?

No, you just accept that as given without question and post here without asking why. Like a little wind-up doll that moves and takes its predetermined action until it ceases again. And that is exactly why you do not exist.



have you ever been in a museum and in the african "art" section? it's literally all just crude voodoo doll and dong shit made from clay and sticks and it's giving off the worst cannibal rapist vibes.

Pretty kino jeetbro, your architecture fucks hard. No offense intended but it makes me wonder how you guys fell so hard culturally not that I have any room to speak but wtf happened

in the 90s one would think they're gangsters, nowadays one just knows they're gay

Cholos are from the 70-90s that shit is long gone.

Pachucos dressed better. They are from 30-50s

Michael Jackson being part Mexican himself, dressed as a Pachuco for smooth criminal music video.

He got that bbc though


But Americans didn't have body or facial hair before the Spaniards came..? Were the bearded indians genocided?

Serious question, do you really think that compares to the one you replied to?

i'm a yankee living in the south, and not all of them are like this, but most! generational malnutrition and lead poisoning. southern whites should be ensalved desu, as long as you had college football on once a week they might not notice.


wtf happened

The thing is, allow me to be the Deviljeet's advocate for a sec, India was always like that, splendor and squalor living side by side, to an extreme level in both cases. The story has it, the whole reason why Buddha turned so deeply religious and spiritual is because, having lived his whole early life in maximum courtly luxury lacking nothing, he stepped in the streets and saw utmost poverty and filth and was deeply shocked
Fast forward to 2024 and India has both shitting streets & slums AND successful nuclear program & moon exploration missions.

Or perhaps modern humans have been chemically altered to be good little taxpayers and therefore have their brains stunted.. and art, competence and capabilities reflect this?


So "smooth" that they were openly mocked to their retarded spic faces and shat on in full technicolor...

art thread

no statues made by horny italians

come on guys...

Looks like Varys from GoT.

I've wanted to go to Austria for this purpose.

It seems the cultural trend of everything becoming uglier and shittier is global then

MJ was part Mexican

That explains why he liked Hitler so much
Few of them did, Moctezuma had a full beard iirc, some would have had a lighter mustache
Ofc mixing with Spaniards who are fairly hairy even by caucasoid standards increased avg pilosity by much

You ever seen Queirolo's marble net? Not particularly horny but technically superb

that bathtub drain plug and chain


Country of polar extremes driven by throughly clannish disregard for the surrounding environment. Wealth is accumulated into some families, who often use it quite spectacularly but the large chunk live in despairing poverty and filth. Reminds me how Korea and India are cut throat, but Koreans are more collective and funnel wealth into their society while Indians funnel it just into a few wealthy families. This is also why India was such a good conquest, being able effectively extract this wealth just meant having the good will of certain elites.

You aren't Michelangelo, stop parading the achievements of a single individual of a distinct time period, and societal discipline to European, there's no common national identity, in Europe or in anywhere else, only temporal instituitions which may contribute to small advancements to the characteristics of individuals employed in them, and this isn't concordant across a population.

Meds are european when it suits you

No, just showing even out shops are beautiful. This does compare tho and instead of being in a capital like Montreal, it’s in the boonies in rural Georgia

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To house the kind of envy that would ruin heritage itself is the basis of the horrors of conquest and barbarism.
Where did you inherit it?

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i've seen it

unrelated but i wonder if artwork names like the rape of proserpina will change now that words like rape are being censored on social platforms

Have you heard saying...

"history doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes"

Pic rel. Is Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl the "Warrior Priest" or the "God King". He's a young man in this.

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Very insightful my italian friend, I appreciate it. I suppose we have the same thing here in many of the cities but india seems to have taken it to such an extreme level that the amount of built up filth is incomprehensible to me. Sometimes I go on google earth and look at street views and it looks like endless filth for miles on end

kike fag flag

parrots stalin-era ideological talking points mashed into incomprehensible commie argle-bargle

HEY! You know what?
I got a list - all the fucking douchey dusty af ideological warfare memes you kike fucks thought up over the years
I know this one - let me go look...
AYY! found it! No. 3 on the list

There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another.

Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor.

And here's him as an older man.

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I don't have any envy I am simply stating the truth. Superiority needs to be maintained, there's no very large distinct advantage between the races, and none which acquired power can't cross.

The scary thing is that I can see this very same pattern emerging in certain western countries RN

It's funny because they had no blood flow to their brain. They artificially fucked with the shape of their heads out of cope

In the anglosphere they might, but why care? We don't live in the anglosphere
Cute giant axolotl

suppose we have the same thing here in many of the cities but india seems to have taken it to such an extreme level that the amount of built up filth is incomprehensible to me.

You have been at it for a few decades, they have been at it for centuries.
And the population boom was much less gradual and well managed there than in the US
To blackpill you further: Subsaharan Africa has an even bigger boom and is managed even worse, so the scenarios there will be worse than India

That's is the intention, the British Empire got a taste for that style of rule in the Raj, and I reckon the Anglo elite wish to replicate it over their own people through Indian Middle Men, whether placing them into management positions or replacing the population with Indians whom are complacent to it.

There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another

No I disagree on this one. One culture (as in traditional institution) is superior to another, as long as it has capacity to propel its people to work towards self-advancement and survival, and as a consequence to virtue and happiness. And this is probablisitc and not decisive, as both a person of a inferior culture as well as a superior, can both respectively be great and bad, as all things boils down to the individual, and we are all free to choose.

where he took a canoe and burned himself. (Or sailed away)

Why did he do that? Qrd pls

almost like indoeuros did it, fucked off to europe and left you for dead
idk if that happened. I'm just talking shit

Are you channeling Adorno?
this is about ART you commie fuck
Art celebrates beauty - it exists for it's own sake.
You AIDS commie fuckhead kikes only care about it insofar as you can exploit it to gain advantage in your pursuit of power...
Once it ceases to be useful, you abandon it
You should be given a dose of lead-icillin to the back of the head

Jewish women love cannibal rapists, cope about it schlomo.

are "roman" "art" and architecture made by chisels

or was it similar to CNC and other computer generated stuff ?

You have to decide.
People already mapped some of these tall figures on some buildings with drones and are researching in CAD software.

some of it is too perfect

some 2 sculptures match each other , nearly identical matches.

some of the so called "roman vases" have such a high precision and such a low difference from a circle (below video shows 3/1000 of an inch precision) that they are impossible to make other than on a machine

Thats North African art, this thread is talking about Sub Saharan African art.

Beauty is advantage, or the illustration of it on a canvas. Whatever you see as beauty is repulsive to me.

mainstream black american art is shit. their music is largely shit. their style is shit. Yet our media and Hollywood praises them and promotes it.

You have been at it for a few decades, they have been at it for centuries.

First of all, we had electricity LITERALLY SINCE FOREVER.
Also, you cannot get precision of 3/1000 of an inch from a perfect circle even if you have every single hand tool and try for 1000 years.
It's impossible.

They were using electrical tools / devices and machines , guaranteed.

Imagine being such a goylem you know how the dicks of antique kikes looked like.
Couldn't be me. Christians are mentally ill honestly.

This is the best Anglos were able to do before they were colonized by the based Romans. Europoors were mudhut people until Rome brought them civilization. Thank a Roman today.

anglo art.png - 1265x1084, 1.38M

How Aryan

shut the fuck up. art should be beautiful. it should show the beauty and tragedy of life. It can be thought-provoking, but it should attempt to be esthetically pleasing.

this thread is talking about Sub Saharan African art.

Really? Where do you see sub Saharan mentioned in OPs post?

Least full of shit frog

Next time I see one of you surrender monkeys IRL, I'll kneecap ya

Now come on my indian brother, you know that isn't true, you guys make horrible surveyors. The last indian our company hired couldn't close a traverse within 5 tenths lmao

It’s still about the dick. Couldn’t the Europeans afford clothing back then? Seems rather impractical during a sword fight with ninjas.

Few of them did, Moctezuma had a full beard iirc, some would have had a lighter mustache

I had no idea. I went by the historical accounts that described the locals as hairless, and their fascination with beards. I had even lamented it, that the white race managed to ruin a more human race with ape traits. I despise body hair as I despise snouts.

Anyway, Aztec and mesoamerican art resembles 2d video games. Not sure if that's intentional and 80s were inspired by them, or if it's a deeper psychological conundrum.

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He famously tried to end sacrifice.

Which would be like Michael Jackson being responsible for "opening the doors" for black people.

Both of these are good motives but....

Oh yeah, Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl is known as the last Toltec king for a reason. 947 ad

Toltec capital of tollan completely abandoned in 1122 ad

It's always a slow decline. Not an apocalypse.

You are conflating Egypt with Rome which is already retarded in its own right
Also a bunch of Russian dudes quite literally have a channel to show how one can sculpt diorite with bronze Age tools

Professional retard reporting in!

Try suicide

they used to be. northern Italians are pretty white. the southern ones have been arabfied

they used to. the modern jeet isn't making that shit

This post was 1000% typed by Jewish hands kek.

mediterranean art* since meds aren’t white right

nord art was mostly in metal and wood work. they made some awesome shit. painting wasn't their thing

the celts when from Germany down to France and across the UK. I think northern Italy too.


russian channel

Yeah, people who actually know a thing or two about science and engineering a reaaaally laugh their arses off from the crap on that channel.

Especially their FAILED 2 years (!) experiment of making at least a resemblance of a diorite vase with hand tools.

Diorite vase: 2 years of blood, sweat and hate | Experiment results

tl;dr they literally FAILED to make one and the one they were working the most broke in half

Came here to post this


I often wonder what makes people like you the way that you are. Is it a mental condition that has been worsened by lack of social interactions?

Black singers sound all the damn same to me. they over sing everything and tend to only have one style.

beholds BBC vs. micropenis

weird flex, bro.

Give it back Jamal

Obsessed about having bigger dicks when their lacking so bad in bigger brains. Why can’t niggas aspire to be yakubed? big brained nigga tricknologists n shieetttt

I admire this style of architecture. Imagine living there.

Funny thing is the European art was made hundreds of years ago while the nigger wood carving was probably made yesterday.

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No homo, but what's up with his penis? And his balls are two different sizes.

The one on the left is a terrible example of abstraction. The one on the right is a terrible example of realism. It's almost like each artist was intentionally trying to be bad at those things. I guess they both suck.

He's a grower not a shower, and one of nuts hang a little lower. He's literally me, fr

french flag

remembers niggers are half their population now

Yeah you’re a nigger invader

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.t Obese microdick kike

Modern Italians are literal mutt arab/niggers. 90% of actual roman blood lines went extinct because they allowed woke shit.

I guess the Renaissance and the statue in OP were made by Arab/nigger mutts then, and that Michelangelo, Marconi, Napoleon, Columbus, Leonardo, Fermi etc were all arabobantus. Oh well, your loss.

90% of actual roman blood lines went extinct because they allowed woke shit.

Because they used slaves as cheaper labor than the natives*.

Worship of money (=mere tokens) and sacrificing everything for them is the issue. Illusionists who can create these tokens can have a field day with such a race, and have done so.

What was the loss?

You forgot one thing. Chakra also comes from the butthole when putting explosives up in there for alittle “Umpf” btw aliens smoke meth on rolled nigger dung and that’s why they enslaved them.

Like it's always so funny when amerimongrels say U WUZ NOT ROMMUNZ as if it was a big gotcha forgetting that Italy after 1000AD produced even more stuff and personalities than Rome did, which was already a lot
The predictable amerimutt cope when faced with this reality is typically

But deez wuz northern Italians (it was mostly Central Italians) who iz germanic (we are mostly ItaloCeltic) and look Scandinavian (the avg northern phenotype is the Salvini one) and iz a minority (50% of the Italian population is from the North)

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Muttangutan said that Columbus, Napoleon, Da Vinci, Galileo, Fermi, Marconi, Aquinas, Michelangelo and every important figure from Italy post476AD were negroes LARPing as Romans. That looks like a pretty heavy blow to western civilization to me but what do I Know