so filming whores is bad because they dress like a whore, but dressing like a whore is actually a good thing?

funny considering britain is a police state with 15 cameras in every nook and cranny

UK does not have citizens, it has subjects
you can demand anything from a subject

Classic bongland

They are begging for a fourth Reich. Just keep increasing state pressure until white people finally chimp out

Bongland is daft. The police and the politicians are fascists.

information for me but not for thee
t. average psychopath

But its the guberment and thats the ultimate good.

He wasn't arrested for filming whores he was arrested for putting cameras in bathrooms and changing rooms

So what is the actual point of contention over this particular individual and his livestream? Did he say something about women being whores while streaming or something and rub some whacko politician the wrong way for them to overreact like this? Your government seems almost cartoonishly tyrannical more often than not these days, Bongs.

Does this 27 year old man from Bradford have a name?

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that changes things, I agree that you shouldn't violate anyone's privacy in a place where it's expected they have it

Then the tweet is lying. Thats not exactly filming in public.

Aussie faggot you niggers got sent to camps for going to KFC during lock down lmao

British people won't do anything. The British, in particular the English, are some of the most servile and retarded people in the world.

When JUST STOOOOOOOOOP OIL were carrying out a handful of protests blocking roads, Britons clapped like seals as the Government brought in draconian anti-protest laws. As more and more right sto dissent and rights to privacy are stripped away, retarded Britons cheer with joy because the government says they're doing it to tackle woke.

The British (again, particularly the southern English) are some of the most fucktarded and subservient people on the planet. The idea that there will ever be any kind of actual mass movement in England that radically changes its politics is a fat fucking meme. If it happens, it'll be the far-left. The rest are just sitting at home clapping at Sky News.

interesting. there was a "victim" on the news last night but i was watching with the sound off. they only showed street videos, so the implication was that the street videos were the illegality

Britain is like the Mississippi of Europe. It just exists to make the rest of us feel better about ourselves. Things may be bad but at least we're not Britain.

What a fucking shithole that country is.

A camera just flew over my cranny.

Go outside faggot you must be from London

We were bullying them. That's why they also went South lmao

is a fat fucking meme. If it happens, it'll be the far-left


At least we can chuck a proper race riot without getting cucked by the old bill m8

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The country actively getting ducked by Somalians and turning to femboys

Wookay buddy

If filming slags and bongland 10/10s is illegal, I don’t want to live.

Your scenario depends on anglos being equal to the continent and on being able to channel their rage into a continentalist ideology that would threaten the maritime world order (i.e "globohomo") and swap their country's allegiance from the city of London towards the continent.

Well, they aren't and will never be. They are consciously doing this to themselves as an abstract way of trying to rule the waves again. They are like a nigger cargoculting the plane for food, but replace the plane with the hostile anti-white ideology and the cargo with them being better than the continent. This is all that they care about. They agree with what is happening to them and the justification is that at least they're not speaking German, and that justification justifies everything that can potentially happen to them. The things that you see on Anon Babble are just performative whining, very few of them actually believe in what is written in these threads.

I don't get it. The guy just walks around at night in public with a camera just filming shit on the street right out in the open. What was he arrested for? This doesn't make sense. The whole of the UK is fucking covered with cctv cameras everyone is on film all the time.

Maybe watch the video nigger. He was selling upskirt shots and the like behind a paywall.

Photographing and filming drunk slags has become a Great British pastime, documenting their behaviour, their strange calls. People come from all over the world to have their own slagfari. Banning this will have massive implications for the tourism sector and ultimately our GDP. A terrible decision, truly

fuck him. he took it way too far. one girl said the videos made her sick

this shit is objectively making society worse, discouraging women from supporting based views since based men tend to hate them, undermining interactions between women and men which is unironically what the kikes want, and undermining the narrative that muhameds and niggers are the ones making europe unsafe to women. i hope that guy rots in prison

what about france, that's much worse

he took it too far and the intent of the videos was obvious

white people finally chimp out

whites are mentally buckbroken neutered golden retriever mind slave race. they wont do shit

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are you sure? because from what i can tell, the government + mass media establishment just needs to take this a little further

He deserves it. I wouldn't like if some cunt was filming me as I was walking down the street minding my own business. He needs to get a life.

Yes, but you don't dress like that or make a fool out of yourself in public.

france worse

Ok Pedro. Keep dreaming of your former glory. Maybe one day you can afford to travel to France. Maybe even find a job.

Brits most servile

Basically Chinamen.

nigger your whole island isa containement camp for retards and pajeets

He should've obeyed The Poll

That’s why that place sucks huge fucking ZOG cock. One of the biggest nanny states outside of Australia.

That's an ez compensation payout right there. Hope he enjoys the free money.

X is legal, however...

You're going to be hearing lots of that in the coming years.

What's the point of laws at this point? Just admit that you are going to run everything with a subjective iron fist lmao.

Shit island full of pakis goat fuckers etc

I’d just sharpie “Nigger” in huge letters all over that thing. Lmao.

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Dem youths.

its not like they were naked or something. they were dressing like normal girls partying

if they deserve to be filmed like that, then i guess they deserve to be raped too for being provocative. maybe the muhameds are right after all and they're just teaching us how to treat women properly, right?

i literally couldn't care less about the glory of what was basically an entire different people and culture since it was like 500 years ago

france is objectively very bad. check out the super massive muhamed chimpout they had last year. that doesn't happen without a serious underlying problem.

even in sweden they're infested with many more mohameds per capita than france, and they were burning qurans, and the resulting chimpouts were not even close.

in most of europe, most people are not actually, personally dealing with muslim shit in their daily lives. people exaggerate on the internet. but in france, what the internet says about europe is real.

How does disallowing acts that could make some hole make feel le bad feel help society in any way except destroying it in the long run?
Fuck, I hate cultural marxism so much.

Yet yours is the faggiest in Europe, probably in the world.

where are the upskirt shots then?

because there could unironically be some muhamed that actually doesnt know this and these signs could statistically reduce that behavior

most ethnics only behave when physically forced to, though, so i think that will be rare

this is not aimed at european people. europeans already understand the social expectations here

his mistake was being a white fella

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Judging by the responses to the story, Britains are ok with not having any semblance of rights as on as they can say they are better than everyone else.
Enjoy getting raped and murdered by muslims.
I will enjoy watching it happen.

why are anglo-saxons so zogged apart from usa?

two more weeks


It was a paki so its based that they arrested him

Lord have mercy

Where did you see that?
The police statement said it was upskirting, which could be pretty easy to do accidentally while he's recording them in public considering their skirts. And the unconsentual nudity is just the part of upskirting that makes it a crime.
I'm not trying to be a contrarian, if he was filming them in bathrooms then he should be arrested, but I just feel like if he was doing that it probably would've leaked and we'd have seen it by now.

Disgusting. Who drinks beer through a straw!!!


not even kidding

lol I watched this video just yesterday

What line?

If you've ever found yourself wondering why the uk is such an unbearable shit hole slave nation where you need a loicense to even breathe, picrel is the reason why.

filming in public is legal

but we don’t like you so it’s illegal now

Kek. It’s funny how much people stopped caring about society. I blame multiculturalism, if you reduced your nation into a simple economic zone there really isn’t going to be any pride or simple attemp to maintain the structures of civilization such as Rule of Law

It's crazy how quickly it got like that here too. I know big cities always had them but I remember talking to my bong friend about something and he said "oi bruvner cant do dat with cameras everywhere innit?" I thought it was crazy because we both lived in small towns and there were basically no cameras where I lived. 20 years later and even the small town I grew up in has a camera every 20ft. We truly live in a society

You are mutt prick that doesn't realise that 200 years later we kicked the jews out for 400 years.

You new president is just echoing your commitment to jews, you are far more goyim than we ever have been, suck it up.


Don't remind José of his gelded status, he already has to resort to loisence-posting to cope and this might just drive him over the edge.

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And it was a wonderful 200 years, until Oliver Cromwell came along and made sure that was put to an end.

You new president is just echoing your commitment to jews

Yeah, that's why I said this problem will be global soon. I'm just pointing out the true root of everyone's problems.

they tracked the guy down who was exposing the slags wearing 2 total articles of clothing?

HOLY SHIT how the FUCK do UK bros cope with living in the shittiest nation on Earth? Not only do they replace you with pajeets and african niggers but you literally can't do fucking anything as a white guy without the gestapo coming at you

how the FUCK do UK bros cope with living in the shittiest nation on Earth?

We are trying to catch up with you.

I forgot mi loicense at thu pub

We are trying to catch up with you.

Well good luck get those gun rights going then.
And free speech. Hope you do catch up to us because you're the most totalitarian joke of a fucking nation on earth. And you always have a sassy mouth. Bitches.

We just elected Trump and you still have Queer Stormer

at least she's got a pint on the go you gayboy

Clickbait articles on 4chins are facts
Real laws and the real stories and reasons for arrests are just fiction . . . I got you.

Oh look now he goes into denial.
I love how you're mouthing off to anons but not angry over this. WE are angry over it but you're not. And that's why your country is dog shit.

Unless they were jeets then he could have filmed them shitting in public easily

And they had to use a door breaker to break into his home and arrest him spectacularly as if he was some kind of terrorist? For such irrelevant issues, can't you just mail him a summon to the police station?

Sir Kier needs to ban those annoying "auditor" nonces.

We just elected Trump and you still have Queer Stormer

Starmer has only been in office for about 4 months, have you seen the protests and petitions already?

Trump isn't in office yet. You currently have a senile dipstick as President. Let that sink in.

America is in a far worst state of affairs than Britain. But none of you will admit it.

you'll get wasted real quick that way

If that's the case, the headlines should show bathroom footage, not street footage.
Meaning the article is, regardless of the truth, a propaganda piece to make people afraid of taking pictures on the streets.

America is in a far worst state of affairs than Britain

I just don't see in what what and again why aren't you ANGRY ABOUT THIS?

America is worse!

That's just cope mother fucker. And I really don't see how. Russia is threatening to attack you before they attack us.
We see horrors from the UK regularly. Half of it coming from the authorities. In the USA cops don't roam around peeking in our windows and shit. You have a very fucked up nation. Why the hell would you even live there with this kind of bullshit going on? I wouldn't. Glad I don't.


Pakistani sex pervert from Bradford arrested for stalking and harassing white girls.

That's good news, 1pbtid OP abdul!

Having grown up in Bradford it was weird how all the blacks disappeared
But having walked about the city centre the other day, suddenly there's blacks everywhere.
And these aren't the cheery semi-domesticated Jamaicans and other Carribeans I remember, these were coal black skinnies, wild and fresh off the boat.

USA cops don't roam around peeking in our windows and shit

They know you are compliant and pose no threat.

Oh so your cops peek in your windows because you're not compliant and a threat?


We got nothing on you guys. The UK is decades ahead of social and economic decline.

deliberatly film individuals

publish videos of them without their consent, violating their right to privacy and constituting harassment

retards whine about it

wait till yall find out about france's public filming laws kek, your heads would explode

The UK is decades ahead of social and economic decline.

Most of the Brit flag comments are cope and deflection. I'm tired of these snaggle toothed mush mouthed sons of bitches.
Where's their anger. Why are we angry and they're not.


This is all they do. They never complain about the bullshit going on in their nation they just deflect and cope and deny.
What the fuck.

Isn't the guy who films those some kind of chink?



Not the proudest fuck I've ever had but my pelvis still isn't fully recovered.

seething on someone else's behalf


Why are burgermutts like this?

Well someone has to be angry about it. Because you're apathetic as hell.

Why are burgermutts like this?

Yea why isn't our country that zogged? Or nearly anyone elses? I wonder why. And thanks for proving my point you people are fucking worthless.

Uk is filled with nigger s and pajeets
more and more of them are coming bcs the niggers and pajeets that are there are filming the whores and then telling other niggers and pajeets that this is waiting for them

We got nothing on you guys

I think you know this is not true.

Your muslim areas are totally fucked, they are far in advance of ours, I think you know this.

Our media is nuts, they always ever have been and provide great clickbait headlines, we don't have mussies running around with hand grenades like you do.

Ignore Americans, they are totally in denial as to the state of their country, Niggers pull whites from their cars and beat them, they set streets on fire and claim the streets are theirs.
Not to mention the gangs, that rule their neighbourhoods and white Americans just hide indoors, posting pictures of their guns.

We are in the same boat Swede anon but don't listen to Americans, they are deluded liars and full of false bravado.

Yea see this shit I'm going to call it out again.

You are worse than us

Stop fucking deflecting and look at it.
Look at your fucked up country.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
You never address the bullshit going on in the UK you just deflect and say other nations have the same issues or worse which obviously isn't true. Denial. Deflection. Cope.
It's all you faggots do and it's no wonder your nation is in it's state.

incel thread

because women are a commodity that can run around free. And if you mess up with that status quo you get penalized

We are in the same boat Swede anon

you're right about that, abdul

Police investigation into legal filming

They know their priorities.

The real reason is that he showed the world how much britain has degraded over the centuries and how degenerate the women have become. That's the real reason why he is being punished.

Really? Op's picture doesn't mention this.

You are in denial Mutt anon.
Your country is already Brazil V2. and a horrible place to live.

Forget the abdul shit.
I'm an angry white guy.

no, kikes are proud of Britains degradation.
The reason is the slags may see the videos and the reaction online and regret their behaviour and learn some self respect and cease being slags and become trad wives who have big white anglo families. And other potential slags will grow up with increased self respect after seeing how slags are ridiculed and not become slags at all.

Why aren't you furious like I am for some reason?

Why aren't you rioting and giving the government more justification to push ever more draconian laws?

Your post is the brightest object in the night sky.

Filming in public is legal

That should be the end of the story right there.

"Suspicion of harassment

What this "queer talk" translates to is: You are doing something we don't like, therefore we are going to throw you in jail. We will make an example of you to terrify others.
The governments of western countries have been hijacked by leftist terrorists.

Its legal or it isn't. You don't get to make up the law as you go aling using "queer speak" for political persecution of political opposition.

Trump wasn't kidding when he said "They are really coming for you, I'm just in the way". They are, and you can clearly see it now. Stand united with your fellow citizens and stand up to these leftist wannabee dictators now or lose everything.

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it really pains me how far the UK has fallen, my country isn't far behind but thank god I live in God's chosen land, the prairies

Trump wasn't kidding when he said "They are really coming for you, I'm just in the way". They are, and you can clearly see it now. Stand united with your fellow citizens and stand up to these leftist wannabee dictators now or lose everything.

Amen, brother! Filming British Slags in the streets in a goddamn right! It's a public street!

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that poor Italian man didn't deserve that



"Suspicion of harassment

If you are really interested I will tell you.

The police have the power to arrest you ' on Suspicion of' . . . .It used to be called 'held for questioning' they have 24 hours to arrest you on the charge after investigations.

Hope this helps.

bongland chicks are hot

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I have a wife and 4 kids. My hetero-seed is strong. You?



Any single fact to back that up?

You fucking 2 iq dipshit. Of course kikes are proud of it. What kikes dont want is you to ever notice it though. Go get a fucking updated memo from your overlord.


didnt deserve

lol they deserve everything they get