It's totally terrible and inorganic.
Can someone explain this new meme to me?
As long as it's not one of those forced "look its porn that's the meme" things I'm okay with it
One of those forced reddit coomer memes. Yuck
Explain the new meme.
Don't do it, it's much more fun if nobody knows why it exploded into existence about 55 hours ago with a JIDF full court press.
basically Anon Babble is mad that White people are moralizing and having fmailies, as Anon Babble is predominatnly non-White immigrants they are very upset when White people do anything for themselves.
You ever wonder if dogs have souls?
she's like Denis the Menace but for zoomers
no. glowies lack creativity. i will not force it to having meaning. i refuse to give good explanations to stupid and false things. i will not make the mistake of lending my intelligence to such a thing as to entertain fake things as being real.
the whole jak format was wore out so many years ago. just like the arms race it would seem like development fell off.. they havent come up with anything new in years.
Apparently Twitter drama that has nothing to do with Anon Babble is spilling over into Anon Babble. It's part of that gay nick feuntes arc. It's extremely annoying. It'll all blow over....eventually.
what's moana
I keep hearing about the meme, but I've barely seen the meme itself
Only people talking ABOUT the "meme", and sometimes posting examples of it only as part of a discussion about this "viral meme"
It's the weirdest fucking shit. I don't even think the idea is bad, there's literally nothing wrong with wanting a loving family, but the meme appears to not exist except as a concept
they do, some more than others, their souls are in the transition from "animal collective" to "differentiated"
I think to target demographic are spergs who cant, for some unknown reason, tell their kids to shut up and just watch.
Dont know why its about kids either, women do the same.
it's from reddit. really. i don't know why you post it.
Daughterjak will become my daughterwife
Can someone explain this new meme to me?
Go back where you came from, twitter
red hair
mildred and millicent forced memes what's going on?
About 55 hours ago, just before he who remains gave us 4 hours of his time, a suspicious move, there was a very aggressive meme attack that happened right after Anon Babble experimented with removing the 15 hour wait time for new posts. This meme bursted into existence and Jannies had to play whack a mole to destroy them all because they were obviously from outside of Anon Babble and not organic to what we're talking about, and so it was so deliciously obvious as an waist-deep Psyop attack of some sort, that everyone actually partook of Anon Babble and started turning it into its opposite, which created "Don't make me tap the sign" meme in response and changing the meme to expose what it's about.
Millicent and Mildred are some kind of glowie full court press from outside.
The wojack on the left came after, as a response. The meme is absolutely delicious. It's perfect.
If a white woman will fuck it it has a soul.
Same reason we don't live at the Zoo Sweety
It's totally terrible and inorganic
As opposed to the good and totally organic Fuentes spam.
I was there when it was happening. 9PM to 11pm pacific time. The entire catalog was nothing but this meme, for at least half an hour.
Jannies couldn't delete them as fast as they were going up. One person was nice enough to screenshot a compilation when it was happening. There were thousands of variations, I only caught a paltry dozen.
For a while, posting it would insta-404 the thread.
Making it absolute fire.
Anon Babble is dying. Delete Anon Babble unironically
Serious it's off topic threads and forced spam memes that others spam because they see people spamming it and if you ask them to stop spamming it non stop you get responses like "heh the kikes are mad at this we are on to something" or "whatabout other bad threads".
I will never understand why zoomers and Europeans see repeating the same thing over and over and over as the apex of comedy. This is what being raised on twitch chat does.
it's not a forced meme. the pushback against the meme, however, is super forced.
oh so it's another sloppy mossad job, no wonder this thread reads like it's full of GPT bots
Stop throwing the sign tapping memes in my face this is Anon Babble territory.
We have to remoralize the white patriot army so you'll fight in my war make a big family and go back to church and re-pledge your allegiance back to God, the nation that made you, and the spirit that the founding fathers brought to America when they wrecked the natives with a replacement migration.
Also moon landing is a hoax, earth is flat, space aliems are inter dimensional now, Pepe is Gay and stop spreading redpills and happenings.
Theyrr just going to start using AI and even larger bot farms to "fake" organic growth of stuff like this and more in the near future. Everything will be fake and gay!!!
oof right in a benis
I miss plapjak. Retard anons claimed it was psyop but this weird inorganic womanjak is proof of how a inorganic psyop looks like
Ive known you since my birth but I will sometimes run from you knocking shit over when you walk by me in a doorway.
Im gonna fuck an asian, not making childrens in this pozzed country
They're both awful! This is basically a repeat of when the r/Donald went down on redddit and we got a bunch of moderate right wingers flooding the site. Now we've got feminists, Christians and spic feuntes fans arguing over their stupid memes on our terrority. It's fucking Anon Babble tier drama shit.
Status report on the Millicent meme push?
It backfired. I told you this was going to happen.
Activate counter counter memetic.
Same as this one...
I've only seen people complaining about the meme, I don't think in the last few days I've seen anyone using this sincerely. Feels like this entire meme started off as people complaining about it. This whole argument for and against it seems like some AI distraction campaign.
I ignore anything that has a vagina. On a subconscious level. But even I just started noticing it. What the fuck is this?
What does a dick taste like bro
remoralize the white patriot army
What army? Many of the patriot rednecks have already been killed with fentanyl. China is doing it intentionally.
Friendly reminder.
How are you less of a faggot than OP?
If this is true, then there is only one thing for it...
Hijack the meme
Repurpose it and weaponize it for our own needs
Launch it back at them
I realized this fight isnt my fight its for extremely online faggots. Get fucked faggots. Touch grass. Im taking a shit right now then im hanging out with family today
This. It's brownoid groyper spam. If there is a glowie aspect to it, it probably came after Nick the Spic got dunked on by natsoc trad wife types.
The OG
Half of the edits I've seen of this astroturfed meme the wrong reading order (angry Wojak on the right speaks first, then the girl, then the mother, for instance).
Is this because Hebrew is read right from left?
Sloppy job, Mossad!
Still waiting on that big chungus backing down that was supposed to happen almost two years ago now.
Like a gay man
looks spot on like girl I was supposed to marry.
In a different timeline.
It has that leftist meme humor (lack of)
just to send the white man to war, one last time.
the last march of the zogbots.
don't forget to supachat your trad thot anon.
You can marry your wife and have kids, nobody opposes that. What we oppose is you telling the world online how quirky and random and funny your wife is, because that is very effeminate. You look gay when you do it. That's what a woman would do.
And then you take a look at who's spamming that "meme" (where's the funny) and is the BAP network, the (((roman statues profile pics))) and the rest of the obvious infiltrators.
Your avoiding it every chance you get because you're paid to.
I feel like this meme is a litmus test for weather you're married or not. You either get it or you don't.
You're too late it's already done.
It was first made to be a maga meme Remoralize the troops even though the Hyperinflation is still double and threatening triple digits percentage growth.
You will sit in the pod with your UBI, and you will finally be happy, a meme inverted. It's a JIDF/Mossad/Deep State meme, completely foreign to Anon Babble.
Which naturally made it fire. You will eat ze bugs, you will sit in ze pod, you will finally be happy, you will own nothing.
also he who remains joined us we have screens.
I have seen this three times in the last five minutes, at the beginning of a thread. Is it the new Sneed?
Pic related IMHO
Glowniggers are so dumb they thought they could trick us into dying for a fucking meme.
Jesus fuck
Looks like "kids are annoying" was the point of daughterjak
You're too late it's already done.
I am ashamed
I was doing some design work when this happened - making patterns for future work
This, after getting back from the dentist - they had to drill and it took half a day to come down off the meds and gas
Regardless, I my faith in Anon Babble is restored - the inorganic Mossad-slop was identified, repurposed and launched back
They have tried so hard to destroy this place - what is it like to fail this hard, for years on end?
someone should screencap his posts and QRDs into a compilation, i would do it but i am busy
he summarized the jewish plight well
Using a daughter meme to propagandize a generation of men that are pissed off that they couldn't have children seems incredibly misguided.
I'm willing to bet a faggot, a woman or a MENA nigger (or some combination) came up with this gambit.
What a fucking retard.
Almost like the meme itself is organic, and the MASSIVE CAMPAIGN AGAINST IT is inorganic.
Seriously, have you ever seen Anon Babble “seethe” so much over a meme?
It’s almost like there’s a coordinated effort to shut down natalist ideas on this site. But why would that be the case?
I mean what if they are though
Sure thing kike, whites would use the tradwife not the shaming wifejak roastie.
The loli is kind of hot.
It's just some cartoon women trooncels decided to go ballistic about. It's funny because of how much they're crying about it and trying to claim anyone with a wife is unmanly all while being 4 foot tall fags
Nick posts something purely retarded that somehow causes controversy despite him being a literal who
it causes a massive uproar because he's a glownigger/fed asset
glowniggers/feds come up with a forced meme to cause more infighting among the right
right fighting among themselves once again
This isn't even the first time this has happened before either, it's obvious to anyone except gayroypers.
The original wifejak and daughterjak milidred millicent memes where completely wholesome and re-moralizing. Anon Babble turned it into its opposite.
shut down natalist ideas
What's natalist about shaming men for not breeding when boomers fucked the economy and passed femishit laws that absolutely demonize men who wish to form families (which are younger than boomers), all the while the holes of any generation do not move a single finger to help their men, instead throwing themselves in the arms of hedonism and other races' men and belittling their race's men, to then come crying to them for a family after they're spent and their wombs are dry?
Fuck you, christcuck
It started on twitter.
Wifejaks thing is saying something kinda dumb or mildly annoying highlighting female idiosyncrasies that are endearing. Daughterjak foils this by doing the same thing to her which also becomes endearing
I think we're entering a new phase of sign-tapping here.
s-sorry for whipping you so hard goy, we're gonna make the military cool to join again by getting rid of troons (but it's still gonna be full of fags, minorities, and women, deal with it)
we'll deport some of the immigrants for you (but only the violent illegals, all the rest of the shitskins are here to stay forever :) )
you're allowed to be a little more nationalist now (but ONLY civic nationalism)
heck we're even gonna spread memes encouraging you to procreate! (but we're not gonna do jack shit to fix the broken state of modern marriage, rampant feminism, or the toxic society/culture that makes having a healthy family untenable--just shit out some kids to die in the upcoming wars or prop up the economy)
see goy? we're your friends! (actually we still hate you and want you dead lol)
why are the raiders and discord groups spamming this meme again? i'm out of the loop
exactly, wifejak and daughterjak are cute and lovable
And they used to make fun of the libs for making memes too long
glowniggers lost.
You wish someone was trying to recruit you but they are not because you are just a fat faggot
I hesitate to explain it because the ppl who dont get it must be nonwhites or fucked up incels but i guess there are might be some white orphans or something
cheap natalist psyop to encourage men to pump out new wage cattle with roasties, the line must keep going up
claim anyone with a wife is unmanly
You know is jews spamming this when their arguments against detractors are lies
you actually are bald, overweight, and your bloodline will end or be corrupted by nigger blood and your daughter will be a whore that will kill your grandchild and only let a nigger mutt survive for welfare because you live solely to prop up the jewish system
i can't wait for your eternal damnation. it's already here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our terrority
Said the new-new-new-newfag
idk it seems super organic to me. Anon Babble is trying really hard to force headcanon onto it
The eeeevil jewish cabal is using this cartoon image to try to psyop you into having a wife and kids to help combat the global fertility crisis! Stay strong! Never have sex or love anyone!
its a memetic bachlors tax, they are barking up the wrong tree
you can't solve it with propaganda
In this house we say nigger
Why do I want to penetrate both of the girls?
There is no pro-natalist psyop for White people. Every culture/religion has natalism built in or else they wouldnt exist. Jews don't want more White babies. They want more shitskin immigramts. It's called the Great Replacement. Having White children is opposing jewish power. We need more than that obviously but its a start
"memes" with sentences are a psyop
I missed the spam tsunami.
Was it so big that even the dumbest diversity hire would have known it was too obvious?
If so, the psyop must have served some other purpose.
Based noticer
Now imagine if you ignored all the doomer misinformation you’ve been peddled and don’t let yourself participate in the great replacement by being an incel.
Natalism has nothing to do with Christianity. It is literally the moral imperative of all living creatures to breed, as more people means we can solve more problems together. If rats, sheeps, and cows can all understand this, why can’t you?
they dont care about race
they want more wage slaves and whites make good wage slaves
Jews are retarded. They want whites dead but they also need white people, its why they are in constant contradiction
We need families
Sure, kill kikes and take womens right first, why should men approach rude women? Its their loss anyway.
Are they? All from Trump being elected?
Its their loss anyway.
what do they lose out on?
all we want is ice-cream and cuddly blankets and movies
I got a couch
Anon Babble suddenly loves trannies
Also I'm on mobile taking a shit can this be made more 2024 and have wifejak with a nigger child instead of a normal white child this isn't the status normal this meme isn't right
Buck Status: Broken
Nick is a faggot
No white men = no civilization
If anything they should be kissing white men asses right now, not shaming them. Just look at how fast the 4B movement ended because even women know they can't defeat THE WALL
holodaughterjak she can't count to a million yet but it is enough
Best explanation I've found so far.
i want a red haired daughterjak. give me a daughterjak right now!
the wall is a cope made up by incel males
when they "wall" they just pick one of 100 desperate incel males and marry them
its never been easier for women
Niggers are animal souls that have only just entered the human plane and still act like animals from previous lives as them. Maybe after a few billion reincarnations they'll start acting human.
thats not how memes work, we get a say in what it means
the meme is about the evils of race mixing and how JD Vance children
do not look like him
It’s just Nick and Groypers against it, because they’re literally homosexuals.
Kaguya isnt white
men and women are not the same, the wall is very very real
right infighting
Nick doesn't represent shit on the "right".
He represents only teen incel losers.
the wall is 100% a cope
the average 40yo woman gets bombarded with likes and messages, you just dont know
you failed it will mean something different by next month astroturf san
you should be thrown into a vat of acid. stop posting this garbage you zoomer gorilla nigger.
doomer misinformation
Facts are misinformation? Lol
don’t let yourself participate in the great replacement
How about holes also make the effort? Oh wait, responsabilizing holes is a no-no to christcucks/tradcucks, I forgot
why can’t you?
Do male rats, sheeps, and cows and laws that put them in jail for several years, sometimes decades, for even standing near a hole, much less trying to flirt with them or for trying to take hold of the family as a patriarch would?
Also, why can't holes understand the same thing as well? Answer, christcuck
I don't know
Lmao. The seethe this generates is incredible.
you only get used for sex
you will die alone at 65 of suicide and since you have no next of kin or family or friends you will be turned into a serial number when cops eventually find and cremate your remains
Only White men want civilization.
It's actually a curse for anyone else.
Women like submission, pain and attention, they want nothing more than a bunch of cavemen fighting for them and then fucking them while beating them.
All the brown races don't benefit from civilization either, they're happier just eating whatever they find and walking around naked which their natural environment allows.
They also want to kill.
you are female anren't you? only way to explain this denial
34 years = geriatric mother
It's a psypop to deradicalize Anon Babble users into respecting women. Provided you have lurked long enough you won't be fooled into this and will continue to hate women . They are not as bad as niggers or jews, but this doesn't mean they should be able to vote or be anymore that fuck toy maids.
Never stop not stopping hating women. Israel can fight it's own wars and the Elgin Air Force faggots can kts . There is nothing more fucked than wanting a loving "normal" relationship with a non virgin roastie. Just look at Chris chan. His smile and optimism gone. No what you want to do is commit savage act of lone wolf terrorism on ethnic minorities and try to create the conditions necessary for an American Taliban to form.
no, but do you genuinely think women care about being mothers? lol
How about holes also make the effort? Oh wait, responsabilizing holes is a no-no to christcucks/tradcucks, I forgot
thats what the meme is about, in a sense it is a political pain avoidance response
they are not truthful
Poland supports a fed meme
Why am I not surprised?
Unit 8200 (Hasbara Central) lost a lot of people since 10/7. They took a direct hit on their HQ and lost some of their best talent.That's why the quality of hasbara BS on this and other forums has been suffering. and has been so poor. This wifejack/daughterjack shit is indicative of their QA in the toilet..
AB testing.
Just keep tapping the sign.
Keith Woods is just defending his friend Elon Musk's platform. Keith is a Trump supporter which is only forgivable if you don't know the JQ or weren't politically aware during Trump's first term. Internet nationalism is zero threat to jews. Keith used to poo poo real world WN activism. He also claims wokeness is in retreat despite it being an obvious ploy by the jews who still run our country. Being racist on the internet didn't force jews into doing anything.
Trump won your gay fed spic lost. He’s afraid of old women and shit his pants running the mile. Go back to Afghanistan.
this frog gets it, civilization is male
It's never fair...
Can someone explain this new meme to me?
whatever it is, there's several layes of kikery that it's near impossible to make sense of
until we understand it, we must respond with utmost brutality and violence
wanting a family is a feminine trait
i would truly kill anyone who said this to me in person with a rock. how internet poisoned do you have to be to think like this. tweeting about shit and doing nothing else is real manly. faggots!
And White.
yes they do, did elderly care the only old women who were happy were the ones with children who they bragged about
with guys it was irrespective of their financial and family situation
thats what the meme is about
The first iteration wasn't, and it's the first iteration that is the most popular. Even in this thread, I saw only 1 or 2 images MAYBE trying to shame holes
yeah of course you did bud
Trump won
this is Anon Babble not the GOP HQ faggot kike desu
die in a war for israel or whatever your hobby is but get off this nigerian mercat taming board
Half of those are dedicated teams invested in breaking any real interaction and dialogue here, not regular users.
raid Anon Babble with concern troll spam
get called out
say glowniggers did it
Groypers are unclever faggots.
So what? Are you confused why everyone thinks a girldad joke meme fucking sucks?
You are trying too hard
its being astro turfed by the GOP/thiel/miga bots
it is the longest most annoying raid in pol history
Single mothers
Moooooooooom, I miss daddy. Why were you such a lazy self centered cunt
Cause people know about it, but no one actually uses it for anything. A few posters pushed it hard but it gained no organic traction and gained momentum.
It was a non-starter by glowies, and I have a feeling within a couple weeks it'll be gone completely
yes I did, conscientious objector in MHS for the red cross way back
Fuck off jew. White men will be remoralized when we have real world reasons to be. Not because you force fed a jew feminist meme to us for feels.
All creatures have a spirit that returns to God when it dies on earth.
trump merely winning has already sent positive reverberations around the world.
america is the center of the universe, all of you lesser states are going to follow us whether we go to mars or hell whether you like it or not.
Mooooooom, I miss daddy. Your new friend looks at me funny.
To be real, I think about having a daughter and how the fuck I am supposed to keep her safe, realize I can't, then cry because that's it. You do the best you can and just hope she's happy and having fun. Eventually she just isn't yours. She's for the world to tear apart.
Can someone post the picture of zero two blowing off wifejak's head with a gun?
yesterday I was blasting mr bond's playlist in my car when the cutest autist teen throwed herself on me
thanks demiurge but I'm still not fighting for your kike puppets, sorry
stop spamming holocaust daughter while shitting on groypers
wifejak can only have a daughter that looks like her if she doesn't race mix that is the moral of the story
0/10 no tail.
I think Trump got "the call"
"You can have all the revenge you want - we will stop going after you and we will leave your family alone - but the Shekels still flow to Pissrael"
the purpose of a thing is what it does.
Trump's cabinet - from a Pissrael point of view - is just fucking AIDS. It's awful. Really. It's clogged with zionist shitbags and kikes.
But from a revenge viewpoint? Yeah. It's kind of on point.
That old jewess Adelson gave Trump like 150 million USD. That's not nearly enough to have a billionaire jump through hoops.
So, something else is in play - they tried to kill him twice already. Probably 3 times.
trump merely winning has already sent positive reverberations around the world.
will the white share of americans increases under him?
Jewish propaganda. Beyond cringe. Having a family is nice but this "uwu my waifu is so attractive & qt xD" is estrogenic based reddit faggotry.
So you want me to feel bad for them? You want me to just wave my dick like a wand and come up with child support?
the kid asking questions about kikes is the only based part and the rest is faceberg tier garbage
It suses out the haves and have nots. You either want or have a loving white family or you sit around and cope all day. This meme exposed the antiwhite anti natalist groypers
that dawg is knottin her every night while he's shivering in the trenches
Saying No to this
Its inorganic but i kinda like it. You can put a retarded statement and its more funny because the wifejack isnt drawn ugly or exagarated (so the joke is the content not I AM SILLY)
Groypers are very low iq. Everything they try to do is easily seen through by Anon Babble. Lmao
This meme exposed inorganic, gay, women obsessed glowniggers again.
i absolutely think so.
getting the economy back on track and getting rid of DEI hiring practice bullshit (already in motion) alone is going to set us up for the sort of financial success us hwhites mistakenly think we need in order to support a big family.
French nigger molests children.
What a surprise...
That boner
Anon Babble will outlast the ukraine
see this meme, it is about how the daughter can only look like her if she doesn't race mix a mistake JD vance made so his children look nothing like her
No one likes inorganic glownigger force fed shit. We enjoy our silly memes and we won’t have whatever you think about White men projected on us.
i absolutely think so.
if it doesn't will you confess that you were a traitor and that JD Vance is even worse?
Moooooooooooom, why does my new brother look like a brown monkey
This is not a meme. Look up the definition of a meme.
As a reminder: as a general rule don't respond to memeflags. They either get paid for it and/or get off shift faster if you do.
Kek, they refuse to make whites happy
Its a shitty forced meme, something you help to force by making this thread.
maybe they're organic and we're all just a little on edge
its about race mixing and how her daughter can only look like a mini version of her because she didn't
5 eyes?
The last and most pathetic deradicalization attempt.
Thet want YOU to become a pussywhipped normalfag.
Notice how the wifejack has always a bad actitude, wants to get away with everything and all the meme tell you is that it is okey.
Notice how the daughter is used always to shame men into being more of a normalfags specially when it was posted to convince people to vote for Kamala Harris.
The people who defend the meme always use Fuentes as a boogeyman despite this board's culture being against ecelebs because they are fucking shill who have been passed an script that tells them that everyone that's against their shitty forced meme that was never popular with Anon Babble is a fan of Nick Fuentes.
Of course the fucking shills always reveal themselves defending feminism and telling us how much th y hate Anon Babble and it's userbase (you) in a matter of a few posts
First, they want to kill off Whites. Now they want us to breed and fight their fuckin' wars. Fuckin' schizo kikes can't make up their minds.
Do you recall the murderous jew boxer that was briefly pushed yesterday?
Mooooooooooooooooom, why are you showing your butt in your tinder picture
It's a forced meme
every meme was forced
from duckroll to the gay simpsons sign tap
You can notice how suddenly the jews wont spam bbc memes with the wifejak kek
I think their retarded brains finally realized they need fucking whites to survive, too bad shaming already tired and angry men wont make men go fuck the first feminist they find
Jews lost when they forgot women have a limit to have kids and made white men poor
they pushed it so hard they caused the poopoopeepee and guro antibody response against normies
it says "this is what they took from you"
No, the McDonald's thing is completely different and actually shows a loving family
who did this? who took this from me?