Chinese parent teaches daughter to be proud of her race and nation and never ever talk to niggers
Why aren't white parents capable of raising their kids correctly?
da joos
That's a pathetic cop-out.
Chinese parent teaches daughter to be proud of her race and nation and never ever talk to niggers
Why aren't white parents capable of raising their kids correctly?
da joos
That's a pathetic cop-out.
Oh my God chinkland so based this why me move to western nation like canada and spam about great china
I'm actually proud of China. It makes it so much hotter when you hear of interracial Chinese cause it's so rare irl
They are more based than Western countries. How many Western parents do what’s in OPs pic?
Must be why millions of hansects flood western countries to live in them, so based
They do it for quality of life. But their traditional values and honor based culture remains intact.
Post the webm, Stinkdeep.
So do niggers, Arabs and jeets, I guess they are all BASED™ too right
ahhhhh the Chinese children are mocking our superior western culture! They hate us cause they aint us!
It's linked in the OP, with sound, you dumb blind nigger.
Why aren't white parents capable of raising their kids correctly?
The jews.
They don’t have an ancient or traditional honor culture like Asians do, they’re the exact opposite.
Europeans are terminally mentally raped by universalistic anti-gentility jewish religious systems since late antiquity
lol, no
Even though that's a massive copout that suggests whites have zero agency, even in matters of heart to heart talks with their own kids. But sadly its true. Jews don't even have to give explicit orders, whites do it of their own volition just to please them.
Jews specifically removed the circumcision requirement so goys could worship their god, yet Americans cut their babies dicks anyway just to be more like the jews.
They're so trad n based n shiet cause they call niggers niggers even though that too are a type of nigger, then after ruining their habitats they now flee to the West under the guise of *insert excuse*, then morons defend them with idiotic internet posts
This kills Muttmrica for good.
lol, what chinese?
The Great Qing Empire had never claimed that they were Chinese. They were the Manchurians, the conqueror and ruled the land of Far East Asian mainland for 268 years. They colonized the land. Those they ruled were their subjects, or slaves. The so called “Chinese” (中華民族)was invented by a scholar by the name of “梁啓超” in the later part of Qing Empire. This was later adopted by then revolutionists for the sake of keeping the territory of the Empire from splitting into many parts. The so called “漢族”, “炎黃子孫”, “朝代” and “five thousand years of history” were also invented at the same time for the same reason and for the legitimacy of the newly created country called “the Republic of China” (中華民國)in 1912. In 1950 there were over 400 ethnic groups in China and later were officially accepted to be 56. Of course these were all invented or fabricated within the last 120 years.
5000 years of getting raped by every neighboring nation and passing foreign army
literally 20 times the mutts they call everyone else.
Ancestor DNA exctinct
Chinks literally destroyed hundreds of shrines and monuments in the name of communism and their culture revolves around cheating and cutting corners lmfao.
No Honor culture
Mudshits literally kill daughters who dishonor their families
No ancient culture
Jeets have been praying to the same pantheon for 3 millennia (in fact, they even gave a religious offshoot, buddhism, to chinksects)
Your chink propaganda is so ridicolous, bug
not based
t. nigger
then morons defend them with idiotic internet posts
People on this board are obsessed with all sorts of russian, jeet, tranny, glownigger spammers and see them everywhere (and sure, there are some of them), but this board is actually full of wumao and 5 cent army spammers and barely anyone calls them out
And yet they probably wouldn't dare go live in china or wherever.
I wager some of them do and are on a VPN and get paid in fried rats to do it. The hansects who moved west or their offspring though? Those are not going back to their hive on their own
Chinks literally destroyed hundreds of shrines and monuments
Fucking kek. Whites destroyed all of their temples, torched a millennia of accumulated knowledge, exterminated their own religion and culture, and sent themselves into a dark age because they fell for Jewish fairytales.
Some of them do already live there*
their culture revolves around cheating and cutting corners lmfao.
There are actually severe consequences to this.
Mudshits literally kill daughters who dishonor their families
That’s the opposite of honor, it’s literal degeneracy. Asians have self-awareness and shame.
Jeets have been praying to the same pantheon for 3 millennia (in fact, they even gave a religious offshoot, buddhism, to chinksects)
Asians honor their elders and ancestors that they tie in with Buddhism and other religions like Tao and Shintoism and it leads to a true unique sense of traditionalism not seen anywhere else in the world.
Your chink propaganda is so ridicolous, bug
I’m not a chink but I am seeing a qt from Hong Kong.
Those here don't want to go back, but they certaintly want to make it just like china. They are the shithole.
Must be why the pantheon is still standing and if I just take a stroll I can see Roman, Etrurian and Umbrian walls, temples, theatres, arches, mansions etc still preserved to this day- sometimes even integrated in the current urban landscape
Also when frenzied chinksects torched their temples and shrines and palaces on Mao's behalf, they did it to follow a doctrine elaborated by a literal kike, Marx. Turbocucked dicklet bugs lol
Chinese are all sluts. I know that because I knew a couple of them in the US. They just love latino cock.
Lol, ok so why don't you go back?
vid related so bAsEdlmao even
parent teaches
Tell me Anon Babble do you still believe what your parents taught you when you were a kid?
wholesome video of mother teaching daughter to never relax around blacks
this makes amerimutts on Anon Babble seethe
Hansect please, no one believes in fairytales of an idyllic china where an elderly sage plays a flute near a riverbank as water buffaloes stroll by and the other shit that chinkslop movies depict, the real china is a concrete insectopian bug hive with failing infrastructure, nonexistent safety standards (hence their main exports being liveleak videos of bugs squashed by industrial machinery), gratuitous cruelty towards animals for the sake of it and where cheating&cutting corners is accepted as long as you don't get caught (since chinks live by shame culture therefore cheating is not bad per se but only if it brings shame when discovered) hence the unique chinese engineering marvels like corn and foam in concrete or culinary marvels like gutter oil (granted, their traditional food, being bat stew and eggs soaked in piss, is not much better). Chinks are so filthy and scammy they make jeets look quasidecent which is an epochal feat.
They only exist because they were too formidable for chistniggers to destroy.
Your wall of text doesn’t change the fact that the Chinese are high IQ and clean. I will be marrying my 11/10 Hong Kong gf.
But it is due to Jewish brainwashing.
Your cope does not change the fact that you are a bug that fled its insectopia
This doesn’t make sense. I’m not a chink, however I do plan to move to China because it’s not pozzed.
Lol, no
Study: Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven’s non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables. So, the theory that Chinese average IQ is overinflated due to biased sampling turned out to be true.
They exist because we are not fanatical bugs that destroy everything when whipped into a frenzy by the current king insect
Yet, all the ones I know are nothing short of geniuses.
I am not a chink
Said the bug as its antennae were flailing
Insect thinks that anecdotes>data
Whelp, all the chinks I know are as retarded as you
At least there’s no pro-Nig propaganda. Yet.
In China, your life is ruined for talking badly about China. In the west, your life is ruined for talking badly about niggers.
Chinese people have higher IQ, that's why we teach our people common sense. Whites are too stupid, so they worship Africans.
I never denied it was an anecdote. But it’s an anecdote most can corroborate. And no, I’m not a chink, but I’m happy that my family will be. Chinks are better than Westerners at this point.
You're far worse. You don't even know your own history and how much of it was destroyed.
lol what's an outlier?
nation that glorifies eunuchs
Lmao nice try Zheng
chinks aren't niggers
This is just going to backfire when she gets older and defies her parents. Don't they learn from whites?
Must be why there's millions of hansects coming to live in the west rather than the other way around, then
Unlikely, I am not a chink who lives in an insectopian where every 200 or so year the new ruling dynasty erases previous history by mass burning books and executing scholars.
I watched an afterschool special with a pro racial integration message, and saw a commercial with an interracial couple
therefore I can't teach my children basic self preservation lessons
White women wont let you
Yet every explanation as to why whites can't teach their kids properly is because they're hivemind npcs that can only do what they've been programed by their jewish masters to do.
Also lol at all the niggers and nigger worshippers in this thread butthurt about this.
women wont let you
OP is a mother teaching her daughter, not a man doing it with his wifes permission.
lol, here's chink kids, now go back to the mound, termite
half the day is being force fed commie propaganda
I love China
As opposed to hansects who destroyed their traditional culture and architecture because a jew wrote a book? Lmao
ok, chang
I love China
fled to the philippines
Taiwan still even more based you know
And what do you think would happen if some vindictive leftist/jewish activist group (of which there are plenty) doxxed the people behind the billboard? They'd have their lives permanently ruined all the same, just without the jail time (and even then, the state will do its best to try and rape you all the same if they have an opportunity to). We just have tyranny of another sort.
My point still stands you retarded poo
That could have a reverse consequnce though. Especially if the parents piss her off she might do soemthing like I don't know FACIAL ABUSE because now she knows what irks her parents the most. You should be exposing them indirectly to the reality of niggers and whores not just outright saying fuck niggers. That could go two ways
Sure, chang! Keep on coping. You can see several "influencers" that say this kind of thing on social media.
Nothing happens unless you have zero agency and work for something stupid like Disney
There’s more
Its fucking pathetic. They'd be jizzing their pants if this was a white family, but because it isn't and never will be they're absolutely seething. They know the only reason whites parents don't have these talks is because they choose not to, so they glorify Jews as these all powerful beings that bend whites to their every whim.
Basically "we golem, we candu nuffin".
That's not based, i want every woman in my country to get BBC to make chud seethe endlessly about it.
kek, imagine the abominations they produce
billion chinese
picks one raised by a white father in America for his example of a degenerate slut
One of the few honest mutts itt.
0/10 no tail.
Oh ya, Taiwan so based.
lol, this has to be fake
lol, this has to be fake
You wish. Taiwan is an American lap dog and therefore full globohomo. President even meets with trannies dressed like clowns in classic humiliation ritual.
nooo don’t take away our freedoms!
you can take our lives, but you will never take our freedom!
She is indoctrinating that child with false beliefs. The state should take her off the bad mother.
Imagine thinking china is better or even close to USA standars lol thats's how brainwashed this chink is that fled to canada and won't go back
Chinese powder from dead babies found in S.Korea.
China is trash. Watch China uncensored and China insights.
Bad infrastructure.
Bad Materials.
The chinese are SWILL OIL ADDICTS.
The Chinese paint meat red to make it look fresh and not spoiled.
The chinese have a homelessness epidemic larger than you know!
CCP feeds fentanyl through Mexico to USA.
China is destroying the global environment.
Chinks still practice whaling despite outlawing it. Arrests happen only when there is enough public outrage against the CCP.
Chinese banks steal money.
She is indoctrinating that child with false beliefs
Whites raise their kids with trauma based manipulation like MKUltra test subjects. Terrorizing them with crazy made up shit about how they'll be tortured in a fiery pit for all eternity if they're bad. That's a fucked up thing to put in a kids head, and it's just a Jewish fairytale.
Why do whites do that to their kids? Because *checks watch* da jooooos make them.
Never mind the genital mutilation that's popular among American gentiles for god knows what reason, not like they have a religious covenant to uphold.
If you don't love China you're not human. Now watch all the airbase ZOGbots seethe.
Based. The only people that hate China are Jews, niggers, zogbots, and NPCs that still believe US State Dept propaganda.
Seeing China succeed makes them angrier than seeing their own country fail.
Somehow this mystery meat of humans are now the largest economy the world.
Diversity is strength
Chinese people have higher IQ, we understand the nature of negroes.
lust provoking image
opinion discarded
lol, ok chink
lol, another chink lie BIG NOSE TIME
Why won't he go back though?
largest economy the world
lol, no
kek, no
Study: Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven’s non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables. So, the theory that Chinese average IQ is overinflated due to biased sampling turned out to be true.
lol, you insects are ridiculous