smart people will now leave usa
This is on your hands magatards
smart people will now leave usa
This is on your hands magatards
LMAO where will they go? They don't even speak Mandarin.
I make 250k per year online. I’m moving to China.
They can’t even figure out how to pay back a student loan
no link
nobody knows what MMW is
shitty meme flag
Yeah they'll all go to Europe so they can get drafted to fight in Kursk, that's the smart thing for high-IQ people.
to russia?
If they were that smart, the U.S. would not be so fucked up. Maybe we are better off without them. Education is not intelligence and neither are wisdom.
China wont tolerate your child abusing ways, I hope they jail you for being circumcised.
OH no. Who is going to try to convince us to take the COVID shots ?
left-wing intelligence class abandoning a country after a failed insurrection
It's 1848 all over again
No chance, US wages are at least 2x higher than other first-world countries
smart people arent leaving, they are just importing more 3rd worlders
Portugal and Indonesia to work remotely.
I must be dumb though because I didn't want to move.
then how did germany manage to create all the degeneracy in the world afterwards? trannies, communism, frankfurst school, faggotry, all from your country
blue is smart. blue leaves dumb trump red area.
I'm smart and I don't have citizenship in any country of the world(I don't have full citizenship at all) can you please import me?
Kek. Those were jews living in Germany. This is Anon Babble. You can't peddle lies here and not get called out
will be
The germans tried to stop it and you killed them for it. Remember that.
I hope they jail you for being circumcised.
lmao based
good dont come back
Get those American immigrants back!!!
I gained 15 new neighbors because of this shit. And I live with my parents, most of them are rich young couples. I need to avoid eye contact with them. :(
"smart people"
poor blue cities full of gov subsidy people, niggers and browns
the USA
and where to??
like honestly where would you go???
I work in a research heavy field in Germany
and literally all my coworkers, from my PhD to my last 2 employers, all have talked about leaving Germany
where to?
the US obviously
some Switzerland and VERY rarely other choices like Singapore, Japan, China (in the early 2010s, not now) or any of the Nordics + Netherlands
the USA still trumps them all
if you're educated you will have the most possibilities and the most money there
just don't be poor kek
Probably because they're highly educated and still dumb as shit. Government cuts will impact these folks the most, and no one's going to shed the slightest tear.
We don't need smart people, we need competent people
i think theyll be staying
MMW is the worst subreddit on Reddit and that’s saying a lot
No one is leaving America since they make more money here than anywhere else
Enjoy Canada.
Most stable countries have merit based migration like us. Being an American will not gain you entry; enjoy your lady boys or violent crime ridden shitholes like Panama. Reality nobody is going anywhere. Fucken OP is retarded. Shitting up the board making this place have low value lol fucken Kike.
You're not just coming to Canada bro; Trump wants our migration system. AU and Canada are hard as fuck. Unless you're a nigger or a gook.
Please tell me they're Jews.
To Ukraine they go but it's not ready yet
They're not welcome here.
What? Are you tell me you don't need a horde of rent seeking fast-talkers to inform you about the proper way to respect women and minorities in your industries for five times the rate of a common accountant? Say it ain't so! I can't believe Canada has been taken over by the CHUDs too!
please do
Smart people aren't leaving
Dumb people(browns) are given more important rolls(dei)
You're about to see a lot of malpractice court cases. Maybe even some rapes.
Unironically a good thing as the rest of the world needs educated workers. Good luck getting these soft handed leftists to actually do work. They flooded our country with poor brown people because they’re too lazy to cut their own fucking grass.
Bit Jewish shitlibcon think-tank
Game plan a scenario in which Jewmerica tries to weaken and even potentially fragment Russia
Sabotage Europe's economy
This is the most important
Get half-mast little inbred semitic stiffies over the thought of metaphorically fucking European Whites twice in a century
"Oi vey, all the smartest most useful goyim will flee Europe and come to America!"
One Eternity
Oi vey it backfired, it's annudah shoah!
Throw in inadvertedly triggering the next Great Noticing just for added kek
lmao even
smart people
Education is by definition just training and I am sick of pretending that training exclusively applies to professional skills and nothing else. Congratulations, you got indoctrinated, if you want to leave do so, but don't pretend that you're irreplaceable because of a ba with a 99% completion rate.
Germany was better off without all these "smart" people like Karl Marx.
More like blue flees to red area in massive waves like swarms of locusts.
Work remotely
I see you are living in Portugal so we will offer you our Portugal package of $45,000 a year
Yet another reminder, please don't respond to memeflag threads or if you must please use sage in the options field.
Most stable countries have merit based migration like us.
proceeds to import indians
They were already leaving california.
Doubt will happen in other places
Brain drain
All highlighted blue
Implying all the brains are costal fags, which are also blue.
all the countries you mentioned are full nor do they need heavy accent, autistic germans when there is plenty of supply from other english speaking countries like CA, UK, or AUS. Also, asian academics pretty much beat you in every measurable metric on the global job market when it comes to things like salary, age, credentials, and problem solving skills. Stay in your country and fix your problems.
this board is dogshit
Good, it means there is hope for me to get a job elsewhere or here.
merit based
mass imports indians who are literally known worldwide as cheating in every phd they have ever got and just printing out whatever certificates they want
yeah and what good has it done you? lol your indian doctors cant even take your blood properly and rape your asshole when you are under anesthesia
If they were actually smart, they would realize everything being done is actually GOOD for the economy and education. But they're kike fleshlights. Try another talking point, kike. You reveal your own inability to think for yourself.
the drafting part made me kek.
kek wishful thinking garbage r*ddit post.
this. there would be no shortage of european scientists lined up waiting to replace them but like I said, wishful r*ddit thinking
You make 250.00 a month from your grandma faggot, and couldn't leave town if you wanted to.
I would leave if I could. I still have to go into the office a few days per week.
Rootless international hyena
is this some kind of bait?
all the countries you mentioned are full
Swiss economy lives off highly qualified Germans that come there after finishing education and leave before retirement
and they make it plenty easy to emigrate there
asian academics pretty much beat you in every measurable metric on the global job market
like what metric?
salary, age, credentials, and problem solving
source... j-just trust me, o-ok
salary (adjusted for cost of living / disposable income) is only notable higher in the USA, Switzerland and a bunch city states + a handful of asian mega cities
must be why they are hired so often and why my company has an expat program EU->Asia but not the other way around
but like I said, wishful r*ddit thinking
more like Anon Babble demographics
already enough to go to Anon Babble and catch the few people actually working - no one in their right mind would leave the US if you are in the top 5-10% of earners
Stay where you are, losers. Don't disturb our dating and housing markets!
The germans tried to stop it and you killed them for it. Remember that.
the germans weren't going to get to the midwestern USA to kill all the descendents of those 1848 Germans. the rot had already had time set in.
Define smart ... ??
From the USA
Ahahahaha ahahahahahahahhaha
good day saar
Mocy of these scientists are from affirmqtiove action, in a merit based world they would never get there degrees
Those asking for links are low iq jews
then how did germany manage to create all the degeneracy in the world afterwards? trannies, communism, frankfurst school, faggotry, all from your country
You created that shit. At least trannies and faggotry.
And where the fuck would they go? There is no escape anymore.
Queer studies
Highly educated
kys, power faggot.
They can escape to the designated allowed areas.