Dear Maga
Won't raising corporate taxes come out of the CEO's bonus?
tariffs are taxes on traitors
what the fuck happened to these faggots? So slightly raising the prices is bad now..?
Leftists when you suggest making and growing things for the domestic market
Good thing I don't buy avocados
'cado mentioned
I love how the Left, the party of always raising taxes universally in every situation, the party of maxxed out government spending, the party who intimately understands how taxes influence incentives, suddenly realizes that taxes exist.
I thought the avocados came from California, or was that just bullshit too about why we need to keep illegals?
I’ll try to look past the faggots who are in love with avocados for a moment. You don’t place protectionist tariffs on goods you don’t produce yourself. Ecuador is really bad doing that. They have a ridiculously high tariff on imported electronics. But you do place protectionist tariffs on things you either do produce or should produce yourself.
I really hate the taste of avocado.
Avocado for $4
You clearly live in the wrong area
Prices increase by 25%
And inflation gets reduced to practically nothing, and my taxes go down enough to increase my disposable income by more than 25%
all fields
imagine your wages increase 10%, your rent drops by 10%, but an avocado costs an extra dollar
feel silly NOW???
it usually costs $4
lefists are so fucking fake. This bitch has never bought an avocado. They're like $1.50.
I would just not buy the avocado then.
I don't buy avocados
Avocados destroy the environment in third world shithole countries. Therefore I must buy them no matter the price.
what is the point of this post?
i don't care that prices are going up
i care that woke shit is dying
also, lulz.
know your fucking audience, damn.
So did ending slavery. Which the Democrats were against as well.
Dear libtard
Imagine you go to a sex store to buy ky to have you anal sex with your aidetic tranny boyfriend, ky usually cost $10.
Because of democrats taxes on sexual products, the store has to pay the government a fee, so now the ky costs $15.
The store will pass that extra cost onto you, so you end up paying more.
Taxes make things you buy more expensive.
Now here's the difference: when democrats shove taxes upon business the money end up going straight to the government and they use that money to fund governamental actions. Which means: overpriced construction sites, a lot of money in aids and stimulus paychecks to people who will live off their lives with your money.
When the government decides to put tariffs on countries what they are doing is stimulating the people to spend their money on national products which creates national wealth, the government wins, the business win and in consequence since the influx of money that once was going out of the country are now stayin' in the economy grows and life gets better in general cause the government and the people are now making more money and spending less.
Imagine you did that but I got to keep most of the 32% of my income that gets taxed away before I even start paying sales taxes and other government fees and also my country as a whole was more secure and prices were more stable
This is like when they use Christianity to try manipulating conservatives into doing their bidding.
this won’t work on me, but if I use it on you, maybe you’ll do what I want
Evidence suggests that raising corporate taxes doesn’t really result in increased revenue for the government as corporations just reinvest that money internally to avoid paying the increased tax rate
stop eating that s o y s h i t, capish
Like, stop eating avocados. If you want avocados so cheap that they practically give them away for free, go live there.
it's funny watching them die on the hill of free trade of all things, a very neocon and libertarian policy. reminds me of how the labor lefties and commies totally ditched being hardliners against illegal immigration because of the heckin wholesome beanerinos. bernie used to be pretty strong against illegals but those days are long gone. if obama had implemented tariffs they would be gasping to defend their merit
twitterfag literally who proving leftards do not understand how tariffs work
The market is correcting itself. Should stores try to push this stupidity, no one will shop there and will turn to more local sources. You really didn't think this through...
If they're reinvesting internally that means more jobs, better wages, better service.
The left got so assmad that they shifted to the right HARD by accident. MAGA GOP, not so sure yet.
The increase in prices isn’t going to the worker, it’s being taken by the company to make up for the loss in profit due to tariffs making goods more expensive
You can grow them domestically but they’ll be more expensive
Sucks to suck. Looks like they're going to have less customers unless they fix that.
And inflation gets reduced to practically nothing
Grow that shit here then, retard
If you have enough money you can buy full mature and producing avocado trees for 300 dollars each.
So? Initially things will be more expensive due to current economic conditions imposed by your paymasters. But since supply and demand dictate the economic life cycle, fluctuations will stabilize and prices will then reflect that stabilization.
It wouldnt
Here you go anon
Dumb Turk Rednecks do not eat avocados. Their welfare cheese will still be free.
Fix what? How can the company fix government established tariffs?
No, that means more R&D, more automation, less jobs
How will they stabilize? The cost of domestic production will always be higher because the American work force will always cost more to employ
buying avacados
It would. Paying someone minimum wage in the U.S. to pick avocados costs way more than the Pennie’s they pay them in Mexico
I don't buy, nor do I eat, avacados. chrckmate! op is a faggot
They also suggest you just tax store more, and somehow they will not pass that a long to the customer.
Theatre for the retarded masses.
Y'all just guzzle butter flavored syrup. eatin healthy is for them DARN libruhls!
One avocado costs 4$ in the US?
Muh avocado hipsters are most insufferable faggots in existence. They are even worst than Lithuanians.
$4 for a fucking avocado!!!!! Does this bitch live in Hollywood? Saudi Arabia? How rich is she that she can say "yeah $4 for an avocado, that's normal"
Flawless comment
avacado costs 2 cents to grow and ship and put in a store
charge 4 bucks because that’s what people are willing to pay
Yeah…I’m gonna not be worrying about tariffs
Wages are less than shipping
Citation needed.
implying I buy Avocados when I don't have the physique of a cancer patient
I hope OP's entire family is raped and cannibalised
They're not human so they don't get human rights
Oh yeah, and who will grow them?
White males for $7.25/h?
Labor doesn't account for the majority of a farmers overhead, nigger.
The whole point of tarrifs is to increase domestic production as well as use them as leverage during negotiating. So instead of buying avocados from Mexico or wherever, we'll be buying them from California at a discounted price. Tarrifs will also increase jobs in America since demand for USA goods will obviously go up. It's so simple, yet retards refuse to understand.
You're wasting your breath on these mongs.
Anything is free as long as you steal it and don't get caught
I don’t eat avocados or guacamole… Adios pendejo
California produces the majority of avocados in the United States, followed by Florida and Hawaii. In 2023, California produced 88% of the country's avocados, Florida produced 12%, and Hawaii produced less than 1%.
The United States imports avocados to meet year-round demand, as domestic production varies by season and weather conditions. In 2020/21, the United States imported a record high of 2.675 billion pounds of avocados. Mexico is the leading global producer of avocados and the United States is the main destination for Mexico's avocado exports.
Three places in the US already produces avocados, they probably have competitive prices compared to imported ones, here's what will happen: national avocados gets cheaper cause they are tariff free, the national avocados produces gets more money cause now they sell more than before due to it's price being cheaper, with more money coming in they can reinvest and diminish the local need for imported avocados, this creates more jobs for americans, more money for the country and if things goes well they can even become exporters instead of importers which would also helps to grow the economy.
I would suggest actually reading up on that then, because it's clear you haven't. If demand is low for an item and supply is high, prices will go lower in order to sell them. The inflation itself is artificial and being imposed on Americans as a means of trying to force support for the ones imposing it. Fact is, the tariffs will never impact actual sales price should certain companies actually want to stay in business long-term. The threat of cost being passed onto the consumer is more fear-mongering, and always has been. Doing some actual research on this subject would actually do you a lot of good.
Do not give in to their threats.
avacado costs 2 cents to grow and ship and put in a store
why are boomers so delusional?
Biden administration fucked us
Dear faggot,
You said this same shit in 2016 and the sky did not fall then either.
What did happen is countries that were tariffed devalued their currency to offset the cost of something they cannot live without, which is access to the US market.
Infact this policy was so successful that Americans enjoyed the greatest increase in real wages for an entire generation and a biological weapon was deployed. Also some nigger got ran wild on.
Tariffs make all the right people mad.
Avocados are fucking disgusting and I'm tired of pretending that they aren't
national avocados gets cheaper cause they are tariff free, the national avocados produces gets more money cause now they sell more than before due to it's price being cheaper, with more money coming in they can reinvest and diminish the local need for imported avocados, this creates more jobs for americans, more money for the country and if things goes well they can even become exporters instead of importers which would also helps to grow the economy
Funny as this never happen in Brazil with absurd 50% tariffs in literally everything.
I've got two trees myself, and it's great. They're the big football sized ones
”Moreover, those who pick and pack avocados face numerous hardships, including difficult working conditions, insufficient pay, lack of health care or benefits, and long hours. Avocado packinghouse workers in Uruapan, Michoacán, for instance, reportedly work 12-hour days for US$130 a week.”
Hawaii, Florida, and California are the only states where avocados are grown in the U.S., the lowest minimum wage of the 3 being 12 dollars an hour.
OMG Noooo can I take back my vote?
Go complain to your psychiatrist, pussy
Do you have a real source and not an activist rag?
The issue with avocados is that the trees take like 5 years to start giving them and 10 years for maximum output, so you have to cope for that long before local production is enough.
I ignore how water needy they are though, that can be an issue too.
Sure just write to your local Democrat representative and request an election postmortem waiver don't forget to check the option for "bitchmade"
I don't care, tariff EVERYTHING and abolish the FED, IRS and income tax. Quit being a slave to kike bankers and their schemes. Besides, MAGA doesn't eat fagocados - you're mistaking us for !Jeb!
It doesn’t matter, increasing any type of overhead is going to result in increased prices. We’re not only talking about the farmers either. There are multiple areas of processing that these imported foods go through before entering the U.S. (packaging, etc) that will result in prices being driven up
Tariffs are only bad when Americans do it. Its apparently good when Brazil, China, and Europe does it to us.
Shut up kike
How many calories would be in a football sized avocado
Do you have a source for this claim?
Comparing the USA to Brazil is such an tremendous absurd that I refuse to elaborate.
They are great, see avocados in specific grows better in subtropical climates which means all these states here Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Oklahoma could possibly bear and increase the national production of it, the numbers indicate that avocados is a 18 billion dollars industry which means there's a lot of profit to be made there.
to buy an avocado
how fucking drunk am I?
But I didn't go to the store and buy an avocado
This is all the MAGA types need.
The inflation itself is artificial and being imposed on Americans as a means of trying to force support for the ones imposing it.
Fact is, the tariffs will never impact actual sales price should certain companies actually want to stay in business long-term. The threat of cost being passed onto the consumer is more fear-mongering, and always has been.
It isn’t. Companies like Black and Decker and Walmart have already stated they plan to raise prices if tariffs go through
You’ve failed to explain literally anything in your claim
The problem is $4 avocados to begin with.
if I ate all that, would I die?
90% of avocados in the U.S. are imported from Mexico
Who is going to pick them? Redneck are too lazy and just want welfare and opioids.
inflation is artificial and being imposed as a means of…
This is just malarkey. The ONLY thing that causes inflation is the government creating money.
I give a squirrel an aavocado. I'll just feed them peanuts.
Lmao what? What world do these tards live in?
My local sweet potatoes are very cheap. I don’t see why Americans can’t grow avocados as well.
I really don’t understand your argument here.
idk but we usually eat them as a group among friends or family
the numbers indicate that avocados is a 18 billion dollars industry which means there's a lot of profit to be made there.
I would love to see that money stay here and not get sent overseas or blown on unnecessary fuel consumption. It's also less resource intensive than growing almonds in the middle of the fucking desert
What’s wrong with that source? If the information is incorrect the onus is on you to provide a counter source.
If tariffs didn't work the propaganda wouldn't be necessary
It would be extremely painful
C'mon you know that is not true, most rural areas, especially those distant from the border, are full of hardworking people who are proud to be hardworking people.
It’s a political activist source, so the likelihood of the information being correct is very small.
Can you please provide a real source that isn’t politically aligned?
The onus is actually on you to provide a legitimate source for your claims ITT.
why does a retarded German care. avocados are like a dollar in America. cuz they're like 2 dollars in this shithole. who fucking cares if avocado prices go up maybe he decides to not charge tariffs on items they can't produce in America or maybe the avocado price goes up but almost everything else goes down.
why do retard brains have no ability to think things through "omg tariffs bad everything more expensive! can't be done so you must outsource all your jobs and bring in temporary foreign workers". stop being a fucking idiot
Yes. I would love $7.25/h. I currently make less than that.