
What does this map politically mean?

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it's the sabbath

What is this based on? J don't imagine Germany has a national law that outlaws supermarkets being open on Sunday.

it's because of christianity, the whole of europe used to be red, but germans swiss austrians were rich enough to afford to stay red even without ideology behind it

I think they do.
That's how it was here back in the day too, as far as I know.
Markets weren't open on holidays, sundays, etc, workers are people and should be at home.

What does this map politically mean?

It shows the amount of retards that don't plan ahead, sunday supermarkets look like a nuclear apocalypse where you have 80 year olds fighting for a loaf of bread

Russia and serbia I am very disappoint

I mean, do you really need something open on sundays?
If you need bread, buy it a day earlier, or bake yourself one.
Stock up on the shit you need before holidays, etc.

it's because of christianity,

Yes, sabbath (originally was about saturday but whatever, religion stuff), because the people needed rest from the manual labour they did through the week and it made the church more powerful.
Has it's root in ME as far as I know.

Sabbath is Saturday

as always it's up to the Poles to educate Europeans
It's about the last day of the week being free, sunday used to be the first day of the weak and saturday last, christians changed it but jews stayed with saturday, both are free of work because americans created weekends and they have large jewish population. But yeah Europe used to be christian not jewish

Sabbath is Saturday

In America, yes. In Europe the week ends on Sunday and starts on Monday.

Weeks begin on Sunday and end on the Jewish sabbath Saturday in America.

I know that Christians changed it but it's not just about people being free on the last day.
It was made for religious observance, rites and so on.
It was rest from the work but not rest in general.
And the rest day was made a law in Judaism because the work was tiring and the priestly class needed to have "control" over the people, not because of something else really.

they are lazy and get too much "work life balance" (paid sick and annual leave) which among other reasons is why their economy is collapsing. Oh, and everyone hates each other, politics, and their own culture (and embrace anglo culture instead).

you let trade on sunday out of pure greed there is nothing more to that

You always fuckup when you do what jews want.

i actually have no clue how did we get away with changing that to be honest

Obviously, I wasn't arguing against it.

Let me get this straight... you work mon-fri with only 2 days off and one of those days you can't go to the store to get vital supplies like booze and toilet paper? What kind of dumb faggot came up with that idea

then cut the crap

It shows countries under German cultural influence and propaganda. Germany started pushing it because having someone work everyday of the week is against marxism or some jewish law or whatever and they managed to convince their sphere of influence to do the same because it's civilized thing to do / scientifically proven as safe and reliable /called being. a. decent. fucking. person. or whatever

The little people deserve a day off per week.

I was providing free context.
Nigger what, the local shops are empty on sundays anyways, what is the purpose of a cashier sitting there for an entire day instead of doing anything else.
Also, why would they be open on holidays (I don't really care if it's sometimes a shorter shift)
People should be with their family.
It makes sense.

i provided all the relevant context

Another reason why the USA is superior and more advanced. We know how to rotate shifts around. People can work the same amount of time, just with different shifts, and business can stay open every day. People can still have their rest days, it just doesn't all inconveniently line up on the same exact day every week.

Why is the UK not solid blue? Supermarkets can only be open 10am to 4pm?

I'll provide 3 inches for your mom.

Interesting that we are holding up the Christian tradition of resting on Sundays higher than the actual Roman catholic mediterranean countries.
I was taught about the seven days, Jesus, Moses, Noah and so on in a lower saxony catholic elementary school.
In catholic Bavaria, store opening times are even more strictly regulated. Most of them will be closed by 8 PM on a regular day.
It's a healthy thing, it means less stress about shopping and helps preserve a natural circadian rythm in modern times.
The problem I have with modern christianity though is they are usually proponents of immigration and are way too inclusive towards immigrants.
Poors don't really need to rely on them anymore since welfare gives enough, but they are another complaisant pocket for outsiders and turdies to come in.

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3 inches

wut, self roast

You realize the people working on Sunday just get Monday off instead, right?


No, the Messiah says the Sabbath is Sunday now.

That sucks because no one else gets a monday off.
If you're working an evening shift at weekends and then get workdays off you can't hang out with someone.

Why, yes, I do shop on Sundays at 9pm and I am upset when wagies take breaks on holidays. Everything should be open 24/7.

Sure, just when all their friends and family member don't have time to meet them, as go to their jobs, schools etc. Day is a day, right?

Portugal is Eastern European, confirmed once again!

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There is an ideology behind it, it's called Ordnung.

here stores work till 15 on Sundays and till 22 on work days, it's bullshit "eurointegration" reforms

poor and proud
much love to the easterners

That’s how it works. Businesses such as markets and restaurants open on Sundays, and close on Mondays instead.

It shows the amount of retards that don't plan ahead

Yup. We do have some minor markets at train stations that are open on Sundays.

On 3-day weekends, every time, there are headlines how people stormed those stores, stood in line for hours to buy "necessary" items and even police has to come in occasionally if those few stores get too packed with people.

Of course, you can imagine where those train stations are (big city) and who the people are that have no logistics, can not think further than a day in the future. Every time the media report and shows pictures it is exactly the people you would expect to stand there...

Humanity is doomed to fail, we produced and let survive (thanks modern medicine) way too many retards. We need some natural selection back on the menu.

Nobody cares about your fake Russian mafia state.

do you really need something open on sundays?

well yes, I'm doing an honest work during the week and I want to be able to do groceries when I finally have a day off

we're a crypto NATO state, our uniforms are NATO standard, our soldiers served in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only reason we're not openly a member is because of our Serb population

LMAO I never want to hear anybody talk about how enlightened or progressive Europe is ever again. Half of you can't even get food on a Sunday.

The red means that retards are running the country. Government shouldnt decide when someone can work. The only reason they banned it (limited) here is because they are too incompetent to enforce overtime laws. It was simply the easy way out.
Btw everyone else works on sundays just not stores.

whats the problem?
its comfy

Buy bread a day earlier

Typical gypsy mentality, the next day it tastes like shit.

God I wish they still closed on Sundays.
t. worked in a supermarket pretty much every Sunday for 10 years

bro youre completely talking out of your ass
what a load of bullshit

It doesn't if it's a good bread dumbo.

the local shops are empty on sundays anyways, what is the purpose of a cashier sitting there for an entire day instead of doing anything else.

Also, why would they be open on holidays (I don't really care if it's sometimes a shorter shift)

Because some people want to sell or buy on those days and political parasites don't have any justification in prohibiting them to do so

Imagine causing millions of whites to die because of your "fight for independence" only to use it to enslave yourself through the State like the serf cattle you are

the sunday is the special no working day for me. and i love it.

I'm not a bootlicker but you are, I can sense that from a mile away, you like that shoe huh faggot.

Yeah I'm a bootlicker for wanting freedom to do what I wish, you're a proper rebel for wanting a loisence to work on sabbath

kill yourself retarded serf cattle

we didn't have sunday trading until i was in my mid 20s. if you were a skater it was kino as huge multistory car park were awesome to skate. kids today miss out

We all work a 40 hour work week more or less, the actual day and time of day aren't as important. The supermarket thing is retarded because it creates an artificial constraint. All the normies that do 9-5 mon-fri basically bump into eachother at 9pm at the supermarket, this causes unnecessary peaks and congestion on the road, at the supermarket itself, everywhere. Remove one day and you exacerbate the problem. Shelf-stocker and Kassenschlampe aren't that taxing of jobs. Nobody's highlighting the fucking emergency services and mandating them to get time off, cause they know if their arse is on fire they'll disregard the Lord's mandated shabbat.