Haha puberty blockers turn boys into women

Haha puberty blockers turn boys into women

They turn them into literal eunuchs you fucking simp feminist apologist.
It's always white people doing this. Male genitalia are considered the most dangerous and vile weapons in existence in white society. The puberty blockers are given to ensure the hapless boy will never be able to hurt women with his “rape tools”. The “trans” thing is the story white people make up for the public.
You won’t force it on us. No matter how hard you try, and no matter how loud you scream “SAVAGES!” and “Woman Oppressors!” at muslims when they refuse to castrate their sons like you do.
Your miserable fucking race will go extinct this century while we replace you. Good riddance. Your whole white knighting gynocentric culture will be remembered as the darkest time in human history.

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Why do all browns cope with their gay thoughts by sperging out against whites


End freemasonry or get fucking trooned and murdered

This post reads like something a schizophrenic would write
Trans shit is the direct result of decadence and decay of culture, it’s a fetish taken to the extreme
It’s fucking guaranteed the most trannies are black etc since shit like this usually disproportionately affects marginalized communities

Throw away all the modern white inventions and live like the brown savage you are.

His dad is ass fucking him and I bet his mom jerks him off while she fingers his ass.

I never see nigger trannies irl or on the internet. It’s always ALWAYS white males.

Virtually 100% of prepubescent boys who get transed do so by a white mother.
In white society of course a woman can do no wrong, so it is claimed the child independently wants to be castrated because government is putting something in the water and the mother is doing it to him because she was brainwashed by Jews and not because she’s a typical white female disgusted by male lust.

You know Israel is just randomly bombing you guys why arent you in full war mode?

we really needed another tranny thread

He can’t get jerked off. He doesn’t have a sexuality. He’s a eunuch. That’s what puberty blockers are. He has undeveloped baby genitals that serve no purpose, he doesn’t feel lust, get orgasms, or anything of the sort, essentially a child. This is the whole point of it, to protect women from male lust.
At that point his “bottom surgery” is just a formality.

because the internet you use is not representative of the real population?

Even if they get off the troon drugs, the penis will never grow so sex reassignment surgery or living as a man are forever off limits.

It's not just a puberty delayer, it destroys their ability to have puberty forever

she would make me cum

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It's always white people doing this

Stopped reading here. Jews are not white.

Im going to troon even harder

based same

was tempted to ask for sauce but sandnigger OP would never oblige

do we have a problem with a 40-year-old dude who always felt like a woman transitioning?

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It's always white people doing this

that flag

Shut up goatfucker

Araboids have a much longer and persistent history fo eunuchs and femboy culture than Europeans. Like 10 times longer and more deeply ingrained.

Still has an asshole. Enuchs can cum.

The kids father is Jewish. Its a sacrifice to Tanit.


He literally jerks off to them then feels guilty and comes here to virtue signal against them and blame us

It-it's your fault I'm a homo that likes troons!

like ok

They're so cute though

could thou spare sum sauce Sir?

alright class, now provide an example of reading incomprehension

I would

They definitely have them in the American south, but at the same time, it's a minority of a minority. I think OP is right about this being a plan to get rid of white people.

But I also think that it is short sited. They are wiping out white liberals. These castrated people won't reproduce. Wine aunts aren't having kids.

These people like to laugh at religious zealots, but they remind me of shakers.

I'm really looking forward to Trump settling that shit down in the middle east.

That’s the entire point. That should why white women feed it to boys.
Both the left and right wing in white society have the elimination of the evil penis and the protection of women as their top priority.
They will make laws to ban uncastrated males womens’ “safe spaces” but will never ban women from castrating boys, because that is seen as a good thing by all sections of white society.

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Anon lets think really hard, if you were a woman why would you have a penis and feel like you might be one, as opposed to just being one?

See you are just looking for an excuse to not be an ugly man. Your just a different kind of simp.

OK gay boy.
We get it!!
You're gay and was raped by a gay man!!!

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Funny thing I noticed the Jews who do this are always ashkenazi and shepardic, not the sephardic jews.

White people just watched cities burn in 2020 only to be gas lit and likely attacked bio attacked. And here's the kicker, they paid for it.

Nobody really knows what white people think en masse. I highly suspect that the war with the war in Ukraine is a Chinese plot to get the Russians and the Americans to weaken themselves so China can rise up. A lot of the politics of the left certainly ring of Chi-Coms.

And the scariest part is that our presidential elections are still close.

Nooo white people are so evil because they make trannies!

whack wahck whack ohh yeah whack whack shake that troon ass on camera for me my favorite troon porn actor ohh yeah im so close mmm

Noooo white people did this to meee!!!!

makes a thread on 4chud

brown people being angry about being gay, a saga as old as time.

In the USA male homosexuals including MTF trannies are NOT disproportionately any race and White, Black, and Asian men are slightly les likely to be trannies or gay than Hispanic men or Mixed race men. Most dykes and FTM trannies, 71% & 94%, are non Hispanic White though...

If you wouldn't fuck this you are gay

*not the Mizrahi jews

I will troon and take profit of all the gynocentrism. The best strategies involve using your competition strength against itself.

skinny legs don't even fill out the stockings


you people were the biggest eunuchs, if arabs didn't arabize you still would be biggest troons on earth.

You are not wrong pretty much 90% of the "Men" I know always differ to the Woman as just a given, these men always assume that the woman is always right and even if she isn't right she still deserves what she wants.

alright class, now provide another example of a retard doubling down

never complained about trannies. you mistook me for the image you have of the average Anon Babble anon.
you can't distinguish between reality and mental constructions. ngmi

you accused me of misinterpreting him
i reiterated my line of logic to prove i interpreted him correctly
funny that you accuse me of not having reading comprehension when you cant distinguish the first, second, and third party in a dialogue. autism, most likely, paired with the fact youre probably a nafri trying to defend your homosexuality from closer insepction. many such cases!

Because they are attracted to whites.

But, do whites like back :3?

Yeah, you're old and wrinkly

does she still have her cute cock?

So fuckng hot god damn

u are aware even most white women voted right wing?
your kind votes for this shit once they get here



Ill get a white bf just to prove you wrong

Right-wing as in “castrate all sex offenders”, “allow women to castrate their sons”, and “ban uncastrated males from women’s restrooms”.
In white society, left and right wing are two sides of the same gynocentric coin. The vast majority, if not all, right-wing judges rake the side of the woman who wants to castrate her son and forces the father to pay for the procedure.

It's always white people doing this.

It actually isn’t. They’re just the most visible for reasons you should understand.

They turn them into literal eunuch

problem? imagine bending that little slut over the couch and plowing her brains out daily until she gets too old and then toss her on the street

Liev Schreiber and his tranny son need to go back to Ukraine.


wearing star of David


right wing judges

Jewish judges

He's right, you know. Even Anon Babble has pathetic gynocentric cucks, amazing.

Appointed by Trump.

It’s the Jews!

The very Nazi Germany passed in 1933 were for the mandatory castration of all male sex offenders (emphasis on male as female offenders were made immune from even prison).

By your logic parents should microdose tren to their boys.

mandatory castration of all male sex offenders

They also banned and burned all trans shit. Sterilized all the rheinland mutts.

He has his dick still and I used to know a troon who admitted they can still jerk off and orgasm, they just don't have anything to ejaculate

Based buttfucking country.

how does one castrate a female sex offender?
and do you have a source on female sex offenders being exempt from prison in Hitler's reich? it sounds like schizo shit to me.

Only whites are troons that transition their children. The LGBT movement is a white movement.