one meme destroys an entire political movement

How did they do it?

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I like the wifejak

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I only like frogs now

By buying shills to post this shit
It’s unfunny and cringe I would even say locked

I VILL not die for a reddit wojak

The kikes astroturfed this board with a reddit trannyjak. A new low for this pathetic board


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exposed Anon Babble has being predominantly homosexuals/non-White, broke spic fuetnes (revealed him to be a confirmed homosexual that gets fucked by niggers and jews), and destroyed the anti-White agenda.

coming to bed to cum in wife to save western civilization

Did you also get your white feather in the mail delivered by messenger pigeons?

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forced meme, that doesnt even work because most men nowadays are sexless or virgins.

Literally only appeals to normies

save western civilization

Define western civilization. What is "western civilization" to the average white western male?


all the faggot shills here im convinced is nicks discord. dnc lost funding so i know those idiots left.

all they had to do was ignore it and it would fade away into obscurity

So what youre saying is the wifejak will never be a woman

Get a life

My wife unironically says this when I am shit posting too long.

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I'm just not going to fight for Babylon
I'm just not going to do it hahahahah, sorry!!!!

Yes and he will never be a mother either

I have absolutely no idea why, but this image freaks me the fuck out. Something uncanny about it.


at glowies' forced meme

this is the least organic thing i've seen since the stupid food on head apu meme.

because spic flutes is gay and kisses men kek

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it's all so forced and gay
you might as well call it prison sex

looks like a normal brasilian dinner to me

you lost :)

I don't get it


Shalom, glow in the dark nigger faggot.

You newfags always claim everything is forced. And in a way they are, but never 100% by glowniggers.

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Wifejak really seems to make the groyperniggers seethe bigly, so I'm all for it

It's not really a strong meme.

I never knew how many of them were here.

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anon, what's wrong? that's your family. you love your family, don't you?

Must save white race

Can't even do the most basic criteria which is reproduction with a woman who could share the most biologically and culturally with you.

Posts cartoons of frogs shitting on women

Stay mad and salty bitch
The fact that you are salty enough to post these sorts of memes speaks volumes.

Moooooooom, I wanted a little brother. Why did you kill him?

Boy this is nazi territory. A nazi board thru and thru.

How do i redeem a white family to installation for this?

Ah the tranny obsession is showing its true face. Hating women

of course, it takes useful idiots to spread it

Yes, it is, go back to sucking off Spic Fuentes

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Yeah there's definitely an infestation
Nazis actually had families, wives, children. Groypercels have none of that lol.

The same people who were shilling for Kamala when she got Bidens money are the same people shilling for Fuentes

I have 4 kids nigger.

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Then why would you support some American grifter that says you're a fag for having kids?

So? Pepe came from that faggot Matt Furie, why does it matter where a meme comes from over what it means now?

Fuentes didn't originate the groyper thing, he coopted it for his jew handlers.

I don't understand the context. Is it making fun of modern women?

oh wow this meme really convinced me to go die in a war while women go to another country and whore around with foreigner men, thanks Anon Babble!

How did they do it?

whoever thought of this is genius honestly. the moment i first saw this meme, i immediately threw my video games and weed in the trash, hit the gym, went to my local employer and got a job and now just got home from the Army recruiter and ill be ready to hit basic in February! God is good, i will save the world and get my wifejak!

Pepe was from an innocuous mid 2000s webcomic. Wifejak is literally a tranny Redditor's self-portrait. If you can't appreciate the difference you should be hung from a lamppost

Glowniggers are comical

spam forced meme nonstop

that means it's popular

I am so fucking tired of wojak edits.

Posting it here too but the incel reaction to this meme is like seeing holy water cast upon a demon. It confirms my long held suspicion that there is a direct correlation between being evil and being ugly. God makes them ugly so we know who to avoid like an early warning system.

The browncels keep saying the meme is the government’s attempt to..draft them? Convince them to enlist? Idk I’m starting to think if it is something along those lines it’s the government allowing them to reveal themselves to be so putrid and repulsive that nobody else will have any protestations or miss them when they do get drafted.

This playbook was old before plapjak and is decrepit now
Get new material fuckin retards

u will never be white.

forcing a meme:

step one, astroturfing

step 2, legitimize it

next they will write articles "why is Anon Babble SO obsessed with this 'wifejak' meme?"

step 3, pull back

let it become part of the culture after some of the target audience adopt it

If a meme bothers you, you should probably just kill yourself.


somehow even more astroturfed than plapjak

They really improved their pipeline and timetables to pull it off that well.

Men have declared spiritual jihad on women and it shows. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.

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Hey I want the cat girl one!

un huh

Make a Reddit. Make a hash tag. Make it marketable. #JihadEnoughOfTheseBitches

Meme flag discarded

only I, the genius, can determine the difference

fuck off groyper fag

It's subtle feminism through the backdoor in the right-wing. It actually reveals who is capable to understand and who isn't.
You wifesöy faggots actually don't understand anything. This is NOT AGAINST WOMEN OR AGAINST HAVING CHILDREN YOU UTTER MORONS! You are virtue signalling like a woman about your wifey daydream.

have wife, have children!

wow, outstanding, stunning and brave!
You do not understand the actual issue.

Ben Shapiro likes this meme. Why do you support Ben Shapiro? Why do you support jews?
See, everyone can create a stupid fucking strawman non-arguments like you do. None of you understand what is even going on.

im using this, im not hermitmaxxing. im committing a spiritual jihad against women

oh, this is that lame thinktank meme the other anon was talking about yesterday.

did Hogg and co finally shit something out, or did they have to use a CP-compromised trannie to come up with it?

yeah, seems to be intent.

value of purpose being dictated by a social media construct of the western female (a fake puppeteered globalist meme cartoon).

holy shit, they must be absolutely fucked behind closed doors.