Pro-White family posting exposed all the anti-White shills ,like Spic Fuetnes who is confirmed to get fucked by his jewish boss, Milo Yiannopolous.
How did one meme do it? All it took was a positive meme about White families? Was that the secret all along?
One innocent meme destroyed the anti-White agenda
Jews are their own nemesis, because they have no self-control when they get cocky.
a reddit cartoon is some how gonna make more white families
Maybe we should solve the drug and mental health crisis first and the families will follow
Even if society healed and woman became property again over night there's still a hug2 portion of the male population that are to far gone and damaged. I don't blame them
wholesome family memes...
Reddit trannyjak
Pro-White family posting
The thing is... I'm just not going to go along with it. I know, I know... we're all supposed to be one tribe, one family, but ugh... I'm just not going to do it. There's no tribal loyalty to me, so I'm not loyal to my tribe. Sorry bro. Good luck though.
Fuck off Christcuck
Are lesbians trannies now?
Since when was a threesome with two girls gay?
hits pipe
Milo Yiannopolous.
this is how i know you area CIA boomer shill. No one has given a flying fuck about that faggot for almost a decade now.
Get better material you jew.
well you aren't White so thats OK if you dont have kids. I encourage non-Whites to not have kids.
you're a jew
Shut up ranjeesh
they are very afraid of the power of memes
if a single meme goes viral that glorifies the white family unit it could result in literal millions of white babies being born
the power of memes is huge, they are serious weapons capable of changing the future
spic fuetnes gets fucked in the ass by him, as milo is his boss. spic also fucks niggers.
spic fuetnes cries about White women... has spic ever had a girlfriend? no? because hes a faggot that gets fucked in the ass by jews and niggers.
Whites won.
You lost.
T. Drug addicted psycho
Also I'm not a crypto jew
Fed thread.
You glowniggers are pathetic.
No one is dieing in your gay kosher war
You mean it exposes people who are only political radicals because they can't get pussy.
I'm young blue collar in a union and every "my wife rocks" dude-guy I work with has 1.7 divorces and will work until the day he drops dead because his pension has been split into 1/4, and has to pay child support to his first ex wife for his 22 year old daughter in college.
There is literally no point for good hard working men to bring more good hard working people into society. Even if they have the means.
There's no tribal loyalty to me
Is it because you larp as a kike? And kikes dont recognize you as their own still? What kind of woman would have a child with a stupid fuck like that?
Saged in your mouth check it
meme proposes the radical notion that you need a WHITE WOMAN to make more White people
spic "catboy" fuentes
muh heckin' based Elon
tranny jannies
demoralized zoomers
kek, zoom zooms are so mentally buckbroken it's unbelievable. Good luck faggots, we're all counting on you
Guys my wojak edit will change everything haha
Milo Yiannopolous.
so now we know who is behind the anti nick spam and wifejak
Jewish horror is becoming mainstream
Your lies are getting worse and worse. Time is ticking, rat.
You don't care about whites thoughever.
You're a tranny larping as a nazi.
What are you gonna do, attack people with your dilator? You will never ever do shit.
Big brain take, anon. Everyone knows the kikes are always scheming to get us to make more Whites. 110, amirite?
I'm not seeing the pro white sentiment.
Wojak is purely colorless. He's blank. He doesn't necessarily represent a white guy. Just a guy. A wojak.
holy fucking saved LMAO
Procreation is easier when women have no rights, idiot. Nick Fuentes is correct again.
wow somebody paid for this campaign
you are obviously indian and not irish
that meme is as bad as hilldawg, maga can't meme
its a paid campaign
There is literally no point for good hard working men to bring more good hard working people into society
How do you intend to fix society if no more good men are ever born? It took generations for us to get here and it'll take just as many to make things right again.
this is the meme OP talks about
One psyop pushed by the same people who made all the anti-white agenda memes
it could be a troll too who saw that such threads were getting a lot of reaction and started making those threads too and replying in those threads . Post with sage dont bump this kind of threads
But this is just my schizo theory
Men will not be interested until society legally allows them power over their own families like we used to have. That isn't the society we have right now, but that is the society we will make. That's right, in the future, the most senior men will have power over life and death of their wives, daughters, sons, and extended families. Women can call your bluff right now.
Good men have been getting crushed by an explicitly evil society for so long its not even possible to create them now. Good people arent allowed to survive. So now EVERYTHING has to die
force it harder. you have no imaginations or creative abilities because you're completely godless. seriously, the format was worn out years ago. its not even reddit tier at this point its just trash. its an insult to classic propaganda that actually had some aesthetic qualities. this is all so lazy and an insult to anyone with intelligence
Yeah, that's my point. I don't lol. The entire structure is rotten to its core, it has to come down in its entirety.
I have been solving it by nutting raw in as many waitressess and hostesses as I can
That just pure defeatist cope bub. Don't let jews fool you into culling yourself and bloodline.
We aren't getting the professors back who died homeless on the street due to forced DEI, we aren't getting doctors with morals back, no more artists, nothing to salvage. I feel for the few people trying to raise families in this environment but Anon Babble is full of scum that needs to be sterilised before they ruin someone's life
Reminder suddenly bbc spam against white women disappeared with this meme who casually appeared when they realized whites are not joining the army
All feds or federal assets
muh mental health crisis
hello officer! doing damage control early in the morning i see?
Typical Anon Babble Anon Babble conversation
manlet mexican
schizophrenic nigga
backstabbing sodomite
why didn't this plane fucking crash
I love baby hitler so much
You can’t blame the children for what the adults caused. Zoomers are buck broken because of the adults in their lives who allowed them to be bombarded by anti-white propaganda
Hi. Excuse me. What the fuck are you on about? Are you ok?
There is literally no point for good hard working men to bring more good hard working people into society. Even if they have the means
Stop worrying what other people do with their lives you moron. Just find a nice girl you like to hang out with. It's really not that hard.
That no one can disprove at all, which is hilarious. Peanut galleries will poke fun, which is another reason I'm enjoying the fortnite battle going on in your fag land, swine.
Maybe try to make countries less fucking hostiles against white men?
Deport immigrants
Remove women rights
Remove jews
Not to mention how the fuck do you expect millions to have kids all of a sudden? A lot are still too broke if not too tired. Jews failed the timing, 15 years ago when millennials were young and zooms still impressionable MAYBE they could have got their new fresh goyim for the meat grinder, but right now? Even good men decided not to bring more victims to this cursed world. Not to mention all the vaxxed women and walled women.
People chose Hell, then they will have Hell.
gay astroturf JD Vance meme spammed by peter thiel aligned indians
the left can't meme, you are the left
Primitive obvious glownigger thread got 100 replies
Delete Anon Babble let it die fast without suffering
they would've loved this meme if girl was yellow and have no eyes
jews mad
Now that Ukraine hates it, I know I am on the right side. Don't you have a kike to go die for?
loli meme
no porn
Very organic
let it die fast without suffering
As Ukraine should be.
You have dogshit reading comprehension. I'm not "worried" about what other people are doing with their lives, moron.
I look at what other people around me are going through and try to not replicate their mistakes.
There's already "porn" jew, you know that.
This is taken out of context. Nick wasn’t saying being married and having kids was gay, he was talking about feminized men. Men who are the woman in the relationship and boast about it.
Men have declared spiritual jihad on women and it shows as they are starting to feel to heat already. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.
Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.
If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
I have a very simple rule.
I only listen to "right wing" talking heads that have children the same ethnicity as them.
The only exception is if they don't show their faces.
Either be anonymous.
Or have kids.
Otherwise I'm going to assume you're a sodomite/glowie/both.
No exceptions.
Hasn't let me down yet.
The boomers and feminists are still seething their forced meme campaign failed so miserably. Now anyone that posts that shit outs themselves. Well done, kek.
Can some autist please explain why this image is all over the catalog right now? What did I miss?
t. 36 yo dad
Having a family is good and fine. Just realize that women have the power to ruin your life with one phone call, and never lose the revolutionary spirit when you have a family. Don't get fat and lazy and unwilling to sneak out at night and fiddle with electrical substations just because you have a son. Having a family should make you more reactionary and more passionate about saving your race because now you have a stake in society and someone who depends on you.
The people who have families and then sit back, "ah....I don't really want to risk it, and besides, the lady wouldn't let me" are all chumps. That behavior should never happen. Imagine giving up all your masculine vigour and brazenness once you're hitched. It's just plain ridiculous. I watch carefully for this.
They're trying to force it, and getting the opposite results.
Elon hasn't commented
Basically I'm just not going and I'm going to keep tapping the sign.
We have less niggers in our country than you do. Your meme could be any formerly white state in the USA like California. Sit the fuck down, you mixed breed mutt
probably the best meme of 2024 given its impact and reaction.
you didn't see fuentes and tate responding to plapjak.
the second you make indications towards being happy or healthy, especially in relationship, you set off the psyops that want white people isolated, frustrated, and most of all impotent.
yes go away, you don't belong here
Both of those people in that pic are troons.
what do you guys think of this question
fuckoff with your forced normie meme. its not even a good meme lol are you forgetting that most men are unmarried and single now in the dating hellscape?
Is this all you guys do? memes? you're tasked with "saving the white race" and the only thing you do is post wojaks on twitter? lmao
mental health crisis
psychology is a jewish spell you fucking kike. the reason men arent getting married is two fold, women no longer are held to any standard of chastity (they are fucking whores) kikes incentivised hiring everyone BUT white men so they are largely unemployed/underemployed thas it mane. everyone saying this stupid fucking meme is somehow tangentially related to WWIII no one is mentioning that its fucking BORING, we already had girl wojack this is just girl wojack but latina
lol same, ive had more bad interactions with other whites than any foreigner.
also white women are insufferabe
A good chunk of my race wants to put me in jail for voting for Trump and wanting a secure border and my gun rights be protected
Fuck em